Nutrition for Vegetarians (BOOK)
NUTRITION FOR VEGETARIANS By Dr Agatha Thrash (MD) and Dr Calvin Thrash (MD) Uchee Pines
Slawomir Gromadzki is the author of numerous health-related articles, experienced health promoter and lecturer, certified herbalist and health consultant. His academic achievements include Master’s Degree in Public Health (University of Liverpool) and Bachelor’s degree in Health Promotion. He also gained his health knowledge and experience in American health retreats and especially during two decades of managing health shops and serving customers in Poland and England. Currently he works as a nutritionist and new product development coordinator for one of the leading UK manufacturers of nutritional supplements and herbal remedies. Every day he has been using his extensive knowledge and experience to show others the best way of protecting, improving and regaining their health and wellbeing through healthy lifestyle, natural remedies, and nutritional supplements.
NUTRITION FOR VEGETARIANS By Dr Agatha Thrash (MD) and Dr Calvin Thrash (MD) Uchee Pines
Written by: DeWitt S. Williams . Intermittent fasting has been the topic of many recent books and has been studied in animals and in humans. Basically, intermittent fasting is a broad term that focuses on when a person eats not the number of calories or types of food. It always includes a period of voluntary […]
Rooibos Tea and Health: A Systematic Review of the Evidence from the Last Two Decades: “Rooibos tea, also known as Red Bush, is derived from the South African Cape fynbos plant, Aspalathus linearis, and is caffeine-free and abundant in polyphenols. Evidence related to the health aspects of drinking Rooibos tea is advancing but does not […]
Practising the listed below principles, combined with natural remedies and supplements, will help you recover from health problems, eliminate pain and inflammation, and improve immunity, detoxification, energy, mood, memory, digestion, hormonal balance, metabolism, and health of every organ. It will also protect you against the incoming pandemic which according to WHO will be deadlier than […]
SOURCE > There are four forms of vitamin B12 you can take. Which one is the best for you?
HEALTH BENEFITS OF ARTICHOKE Written by Slawomir Gromadzki WHAT IS ARTICHOKE? Globe Artichoke (Cynara scolymus) is a nutritious and popular, especially in France, vegetable, known to be an excellent source of antioxidants and benefiting especially liver, cardiovascular, stomach and gut health, digestion, blood pressure, and possibly blood sugar levels. The edible part (the artichoke’s heart) […]
Postbiotics are byproducts of natural probiotic (good) bacteria fermentation. Postbiotics help growth and survival of good bacteria in the gut, help reduce inflammation, mimic effects of probiotics, kill pathogens, regulate hormone and insulin levels, and boost immunity. They are regarded as a good addition to probiotic supplements.
Does vitamin C survive boiling? Yes, it mostly does survive heating. It seems that at 70°C vitamin C is denatured so it should be preserved (heated) below 70°C to reduce the heat damage to a minimum. I like especially the black current jam and buy it sweetened with sorbitol (erythritol or xylitol are good […]
Updated by Katherine Pardo BSc (Hons), Dip ION on 13th January 2021 (source >) Due to the “overwhelming” data surrounding the importance of vitamin D status in the risk for the development and progression of COVID-19, increasing pressure is mounting from doctors and health researchers for governments and health policy makers to recommend vitamin D […]
Nut & Date Raw Bars Homemade Equal amounts of nuts and pitted dates (200-500g raw cashew nuts, peanuts, almonds or other nuts) and a similar amount of soft stoned Medjool dates).
There is a constantly growing amount of research which suggests that a lack of vitamin D greatly contributes to the weakness of the immune system and its inability to overcome viral infections including Covid-19. – For instance, according to the new medical research by I. Pugach and S. Pugach, there is a “Strong Correlation Between […]
Because there is a lot of confusion concerning this subject and even many practitioners still recommend taking probiotics on an empty stomach, let’s try to find out what is the best time of the day to ingest them. Since we know that the more acidic the stomach is the more harmful it can be for […]
PHASE 1 Phase 1 of the liver detox is activated by various external toxins (heavy metals, alcohol, caffeine, dioxin, drugs, pesticides, etc.). Phase 1 is the first line of defence against toxins and it uses various enzymes that protect cells from damage by converting toxins into smaller and less harmful substances destined for further detox and by […]
For such a little gland, the prostate seems to cause a lot of concern. Health problems associated with prostate, including especially enlarged prostate, prostate cancer, and prostatitis, are extremely common. Many men from the age of 30 and over can develop prostate problems involving inflammation, urinary problems, erectile dysfunction, and pain. It is therefore very […]
There are foods, herbs, nutritional supplements, and healthy lifestyle factors that can help destroy or weaken coronavirus. In addition, they will stimulate the immune system to be much more effective in killing these pathogens. TAKE THE FOLLOWING: – Cold-pressed organic Black Seed Oil (Nigella Sativa): 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day with meals. Studies demonstrated […]
In one of his videos > Dr. Greger compares diets and lifestyles of the long-lived Okinawans and vegan and vegetarian members of the Seventh Day Adventist Church living in California: “The one population that lives even longer than the Okinawa Japanese don’t just eat a 98% meat-free diet, they eat 100% meat-free. The Adventist strict vegetarians […]
METHODS THAT MAY HELP INDUCE MENSTRUATION – Fresh pineapple or supplements with bromelain every day. – High doses of vitamin C (1000-3000mg per day). – Chamomile, parsley, rosemary, sage, lemon balm, or oregano teas. – Fresh pomegranate, 100% pomegranate juice, raw celery, papaya, ground fenugreek (1 teaspoon with raw honey), and chicory are regarded as […]
Admiring God’s creation, King David wrote: “I will give thanks to you because I have been so amazingly and miraculously made. Your works are miraculous, and my soul is fully aware of this.” But, imagine how much more excited and overwhelmed with admiration about God’s creation David would had been if he had access to […]
Obesity, diabetes, depression, heart disease and irritable bowel syndrome are but a handful of conditions that may be helped by rebalancing your gut flora. Over 30 different beneficial pharmacological actions of probiotics have been identified and hundreds of studies have demonstrated that probiotics can be helpful for over 170 ailments! Symptoms indicating you’re lacking healthy […]
A fasting diet has the ability to regenerate the pancreas and may reverse damaged pancreatic beta cells in type 1 diabetes, researchers have found! A US study, published in scientific journal Cell, tested a modified type of Fasting-Mimicking Diet (FMD) on both mice and human cells. It showed that the diet could regenerate pancreatic beta […]
Written by Vesna Manasieva, BSc Alternative Medicine; MSc Pharmacology While it’s possible to get all of the vitamins and minerals from a carefully selected food and a nutrient-rich diet, research shows that many women still experience at least one type of nutrient deficiency, if not more. There are 13 vitamins important for women’s health—including Vitamin […]
Written by Vesna Manasieva, BSc Alternative Medicine; MSc Pharmacology The thyroid gland and hormones The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped two-inch long, brownish red, highly vascular gland found inside the neck, under the larynx or voice box. It has two lobes located on each side of the windpipe that are both connected by a tissue […]
The glycemic index (GI) is a value assigned to foods based on how slowly or how quickly those foods cause increase in blood glucose (sugar) levels. – Low: 55 or less – Moderate: 56–69 – High: 70 +
Book Excerpt: Wheat Belly By William Davis, MD Documented peculiar effects of wheat on humans include appetite stimulation, exposure to brain-active exorphins (the counterpart of internally derived endorphins), exaggerated blood sugar surges that trigger cycles of satiety alternating with heightened appetite, the process of glycation that underlies disease and aging, inflammatory and pH effects that […]
By Hyla Cass, MD (SOURCE >) “For every dollar we spend on prescription drugs, we spend a dollar to fix a complication. Understanding how nutritional supplements affect these drugs could make them safer and more effective.” — Mehmet Oz, M.D., Professor of Surgery at Columbia University and author of bestsellers YOU: The Owner’s Manual and […]
by Dr. Jockers Approximately 90% of the world’s population struggle from vitamin D deficiency today. This health concern is a global epidemic. In fact, a leading authority on vitamin D research, Dr. Michael Holick predicts that vitamin D deficiency is the most common medical problem worldwide. (5)
Table of Contents Preface: GcMAF and Nagalase: two amazing proteins. Introduction: Routine Nagalase testing finds cancer early and GcMAF cures it Chapter 1: A Cure for Metastatic Cancer? Chapter 2: Professor Yamamoto and Real Science Chapter 3: Your Incredible Immune Army Chapter 4: The War on Cancer Inside Us
What is Nagalase? Nagalase is a protein made by all cancer cells and viruses (HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, influenza, herpes, Epstein-Barr virus, and others). Its formal, official chemical name is alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase, but this is such a tongue-twisting mouthful of a moniker that we usually just call it “Nagalase.” (Sometimes, when I want to impress […]
Written by Vesna Manasieva, BSc Alternative Medicine; MSc Pharmacology
Try to google the word “chocolate” and soon you will get impression that the whole world is currently going bananas over the amazing health benefits of this delicious weakness. One author apparently deceived by pseudo-scientific studies on cocoa (chocolate’s key ingredient) wrote that, “After water, cocoa is the single healthiest substance you can put in […]
Raw grated potato poultice is an excellent remedy for various skin problems including abscesses (boils), skin ulcers, leg ulcers, back pain, etc. Applying a raw potatoes poultice directly to the affected area reduces inflammation and draws out pus and toxins that cause or contribute to the infection. Warming the poultice (without cooking the potatoes) with […]
Black Salve is also known as cansema, black ointment, black drawing salve, cansema salve, black salve for boils, bloodroot paste, cansema ointment, bloodroot salve. The best way you can get Black Salve is to buy the ingredients and make it yourself.
Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) has been used for centuries. The NCI researched the herb and found four anti-tumor compounds in it. Red clover has been cultivated since ancient times, primarily to provide a favorite grazing food for animals. But, like many other herbs, red clover was also a valued medicine. Although it has been used […]
INTRODUCTION Practising all listed below principles has helped many people all over the world to regain proper body weight, recover from diabetes, coronary heart disease, chronic fatigue, hypertension, arthritis, IBS, cancer, fibroids, depression, PMS, various skin diseases, ADHD, bulging disc, menopause symptoms, and numerous other less common health problems. In addition, it significantly increases the […]
THE MOST COMMON EYE PROBLEMS The following are the most common eye conditions: Dry eyes. This problem occurs when eyes are unable to produce enough tears (complex mixture of water, mucus, and fatty oils). Possible causes may include dehydration, central heating, caffeine, excessive sugar in the blood, hormonal imbalance during menopause, some medications, and especially […]
Top 23 Scientific Health Benefits of Astragalus
PREVALENCE OF TYPE 2 DIABETES Type 2 diabetes is a very common condition especially in developed countries such as Great Britain. It has been estimated that every third adult in the UK has pre-diabetes and half of the people with type 2 diabetes are not aware they have it.
We all deal with stress every day, and we know how much better off we would be — both physically and mentally — if we could only get it under control. There is no doubt chronic emotional stress impacts our body and health in a similar way as a bad diet or lack of exercise. […]
WHAT IS MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE AND HOW IT IS MADE According to Wikipedia, “Magnesium chloride is the name for the chemical compound with the formula MgCl2 and its various hydrates MgCl2(H2O)x. These salts are typical ionic halides, being highly soluble in water. The hydrated magnesium chloride can be extracted from brine or sea water. In North […]
Interactions between individual vitamins, minerals & trace elements can have a significant effect on their absorption and bioavailability and in some cases they may lead to dangerous deficiencies and health problems. For instance, regular intake of supplemental vitamin D will gradually lead to magnesium deficiency with its consequences that initially manifest themselves in the form […]
The difference between absolutes and essential oils is the method of obtaining the oil. ADVANTAGES OF ABSOLUTE OILS Absolutes are obtained through solvent extraction. A solvent can be a chemical or alcohol. In solvent extraction, a solvent is combined with plant material. The solvent attracts the oil from the plant material, and the solvent and […]
DO ALL WOMEN EXPERIENCE MENOPAUSAL SYMPTOMS AND SHOULD THESE SYMPTOMS BE REGARDED AS NORMAL? A woman’s life can be greatly influenced by the fluctuations of two hormones, progesterone and estrogen. When these hormones are in balance life seems to be wonderful, but as soon as they are out of balance problems follow. Fortunately, not all […]
Woman, 52, given just six weeks to live claims she has ‘cured’ her terminal cancer with cannabis oil – and baffled doctors have labelled her ‘Wonder Woman’
WHAT CAUSES HAY FEVER AND ARE THERE ANY LIFESTYLE FACTORS THAT CAN CONTRIBUTE TO IT? In people who do not suffer from hay fever, when a pollen enters their bodies their immune system recognises that there is no reason to start immune reaction because pollen is not a pathogen and can’t cause any major problem […]
Chronic state of low mood is a very common problem today and it is usually associated especially with depression and anxiety. Today, poor emotional health is one of the main causes of disability not only in developed parts of the world but also in medium and even in low income countries. The World Health Organization […]
By Barbara O’Neill Breast is best – God designed the woman’s anatomy with special apparatus for the function of nourishing her baby. Situated in the perfect area so she can hold and snuggle her little one whilst he is feeding, and a mother’s breasts contain the perfect amount of nutrition for every stage of baby’s […]
“I’m experiencing perimenopause. Your video has given me a thousand times more information than the several wasted doctor appointments. Its been 3 months now on the cream. Its truly LIFE CHANGING! I’ve been sharing it with all my friends!!” J Medrano . Balancing Your Hormones – Barbara O’Neill (VIDEO) . MUST READ: – Free, […]
Barbara O’Neill, qualified Naturopath and Nutritionist, Misty Mountain Health Retreat 12 Questions for Naturopath and Nutritionist Barbara O’Neill
Boric acid and Borax are used by many people internally for medical purposes, especially to treat Arthritis >, as both Boric acid and Borax are the cheapest and best sources of Boron >. Boron is believed to be often the best natural remedy for those who suffer from arthritis. Read more about it here > […]
BITTER TRUTH ABOUT REFINED SUGAR According to the scientific data sugar indirectly contributes to 35 million deaths each year worldwide. Sugar weakens our immune and nervous system, contributes to cancer, deprives our organism of many vitamins and minerals, causes fatigue, hypoglycaemia, tooth decay, contributes to depression and many other health-related problems.
Without any doubt fatigue is today the most common complaint. The main symptom of chronic fatigue is a constant feeling of tiredness or exhaustion.
Neem has a proven ability to prevent pregnancy. It has also been shown to work well both before and after sex. Chemical spermicides contain an active ingredient called nonoxynol-9, which can cause unwanted side effects including genital burning and dryness or rectal and vaginal irritation. Fortunately, Neem oil has been proven to be an excellent […]
Do you feel cold all the time – even though others say its worm? If you do, there are many possible factors that can lead to feelings of continual coldness.
Although NHS suggests that adults and children over the age of one should have a ridiculously tiny dose of only 10mcg (400IU) of vitamin D every day, experts and research repeatedly confirm much higher daily doses are needed to prevent various health problems, and it looks like often mega-doses are required to reverse problems associated […]
A new research at the University of Southern Denmark has discovered that some of the most commonly prescribed drugs for hypertension (high blood pressure) increase the risk of skin cancer seven times, especially in patients who have been taking the drugs for a long time. All those drugs contain a dangerous chemical called hydrochlorothiazide, which […]
Practicing all listed below principles has helped many people all over the world to recover from all kinds of health problems including cancer, heart disease, chronic fatigue, poor concentration and memory, diabetes, obesity and overweight, depression, anxiety, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, erectile dysfunction, PMS, chronic bronchitis and sinusitis, stomach ulcers and gastro-intestinal problems, ulcerative colitis, chronic […]
By Walter Last (source >) You may not be able to imagine that borax, this humble insecticide and laundry detergent, has the potential of single-handedly bringing down our entire economic system. But you do not need to worry, the danger has been recognised and the necessary steps are already being taken to defuse the situation. […]
Raw home-made sauerkraut was analysed in the lab and it was found that in just a cup of it there were literally about ten trillion probiotic bacteria! That means a half cup of home fermented raw sauerkraut contains more probiotics than a whole bottle of the best and very expensive probiotic supplement!
Unfortunately, the prevalence of obesity and overweight continues to increase nowadays at an alarming rate. Conventional therapies based on prescription medications or weight-loss surgeries (bariatric surgeries) are limited by low effectiveness and unpleasant and sometimes even very dangerous side effects. In addition, they can’t guarantee the obese patients that they will reduce their body weight […]
Are you suffering from low energy and fatigue? Are you no longer motivated to hit the gym? Do you complain about low mood, recurrent infections, sleep problems, poor concentration & memory? Well, if you do experience some of these symptoms it is possible they are the result of Vitamin B12 deficiency. While there can be […]
If you live in UK, and even more if you notice some of the listed below symptoms, the chances that you are deficient in Iodine are very high as most people living here do not do not ingest sufficient amounts of this vital mineral with food due to the soil depletion and other factors. If […]
Everybody today wants to have a strong immune system to prevent disease, tough bones and teeth to avoid fractures and dental problems, or healthy nervous system to ensure good memory, focus and emotional well-being. This goal, however, can’t be achieved without normal blood levels of Vitamin D.
Do you complain about hair loss, low mood, white spots on fingernails, dry skin, changes in appetite, salty or sweet foods cravings, low stamina, fertility & prostate problems, lack of sex drive, recurrent infections, weight gain or loss, tiredness, sleep problems, hormonal imbalance, poor concentration & memory, and allergies?
You can take a painkiller if you experience stomach cramps, but wouldn’t it be nice if you could manage your PMS symptoms in a more natural and free from side effects way? Below you will find explanation how to accomplish this goal.
Meat products contain much more fat and calories than the unrefined plant-based foods thus contributing to obesity by causing leptin resistance. Meat, like fish or dairy, also contain no dietary fiber. And fiber, which is found only in unrefined plant foods, plays very important role in fighting obesity because it absorbs water increasing the volume […]
Oxalic acid and oxalates are abundantly present in many plants, most notably rhubarb and sorrel. The root and leaves of rhubarb contain dangerously high concentrations of oxalic acid. Other foods that contain significant concentrations of oxalic acid include – in decreasing order – buckwheat, star fruit, parsley, poppy seed, rhubarb stalks, amaranth, spinach, chard, beets, […]
First of all, if you intend to control your appetite in a safe way, do not use harmful appetite suppressing pills such as Proactol, Chitosan, Reductil, Meridia, Phentermine, Xenical, Alli, and other medications as they can be very unhealthy and even dangerous. Those anorectic drugs usually suppress hunger by reducing secretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine […]
Written by Slawomir (“Swavak”) Gromadzki, MPH Avoid any breakfast-cereal as almost all of them are high in refined sugar and other unhealthy ingredients. It is always much better solution to eat only one type of cooked in a slow cooker unrefined grain such as millet, quinoa, oats, barley flakes, brown rice, or other types of […]
After reviewing almost 30 different studies and investigating the relationship between fat intake and overweight, scientists found out that in countries where milk and dairy products consumption is higher also the prevalence of obesity goes up. But I encourage you to avoid milk and dairy products not only because they contribute to obesity and overweight […]
Beetroot (Beta Vulgaris) is a root vegetable that is nutritionally dense in natural iron which helps reduce tiredness and fatigue. Folate (naturally occurring folic acid) in beetroot contributes to normal blood formation and healthy function of the immune system. It also contains magnesium, potassium, vitamins A, B6, C, complex carbohydrates, protein, antioxidants and soluble fibre.
Attempting to find the best solution to the very common today nutritional deficiencies we frequently meet individuals who maintain that we don’t need vitamins, minerals or antioxidants in the form of supplements because we can get them from food we consume every day. The problem, however, is that due to the various reports pointing to […]
Although scientific studies repeatedly proved simethicone is less effective than placebo the website promoting products containing simeticone claims they are “Britain’s number 1 infant colic remedy” and that it is supposed to be “clinically proven to significantly reduce the frequency and severity of crying attacks associated with colic.”
According the the shocking results of a study in which old rats were given Alpha Lipoic Acid and Acethyl L-carnitine the two antioxidants were so effective that they made the old rats younger!
Written by Slawomir (“Swavak”) Gromadzki, MPH The microbiota is truly a fascinating feature of the human body including also infants and children. It influences their immune system, digestion and absorption. There are also some very complex interactions between nutrition, digestion and our microbiota that will influence the brain development, the immune system, and optimal growth […]
Minister of Health Jeremy Hunt MP fosters corruption Jeremy Hunt has allowed the Department of Health to be hijacked by the big pharmaceutical companies. They are a trillion pound industry, and usually make expensive drugs that kill, or are ineffective. They get Hunt’s departments to deny people inexpensive treatments that work, and kill 200,000 British […]
By Dr Agatha Thrash Very few things are sacrosanct in this day, and cheese must now be classed among those things that have lost their halo. Cheese has been used for at least 4,000 years, and has been widely acclaimed as a healthful food. Some have claimed unusual hardiness and advanced old age for cheese […]
Woman died from blood clot after taking contraceptive pill! > Fallan Kurek, 21, died in hospital being found collapsed at her home. Miss Kurek, who doctors said had suffered a pulmonary embolism, is reported to have been taking the pill for just 25 days to regulate her periods…
“I use music in the operating room to help create a healing environment for patients and staff. There is a reason that certain heart rates are healthy and certain beats of music heal and relax us.” Bernie Siegel By Dr. Neil Nedley Few people understand music’s powerful frontal lobe influence. All music enters the brain […]
To detoxify your body use as many of the following as possible for better results:
Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) is one of the most powerful antioxidants and an excellent remedy to prevent and treat fatigue, cancer, skin damage, CVDs, dementia, skin cancer, and other health problems.
In order to lose weight many women successfully use the following mixture recommended by Dr. Oz’s. It consists of a mixture one cup of fresh or a 100% grapefruit juice and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Stir the ingredients and drink before every meal (2 or not more than 3 times a day) and […]
By Tina, June 30, 2015 “I have endometriosis, pernicious anaemia, D deficiency, hypothyroidism, and had adenomyosis before hysterectomy when I was 29. I am now 46. Several years ago, I went to my doctor with extreme fatigue, aches and pains all over, and pins and needles in my hands and feet. My eyesight got drastically […]
You are probably acquainted with a popular saying according to which, “fat doesn’t make you fat but sugar makes you fat.” Well, the truth is both fat and sugar can make us fat but it depends on the type of sugar and fat we choose. Eating sugar in the form of complex carbohydrates and consuming […]
Obviously in any cloudy country, such as England, almost every person is deficient in vitamin D. But the situation is not much better also in hot and sunny regions since people living there do not expose their bodies to the sun on a regular basis. In India, for instance, 80% of people are deficient in […]
Caffeine is so dangerous that it should be regulated like alcohol and cigarettes, warns leading expert
By Tom Venuto “Microwave ovens will kill you!” Or so they say… If you’ve ever surfed the internet for information on health and nutrition, there’s little doubt you’ve come across scare stories about microwave ovens. Online natural health “experts” claim that microwaves will “zap” your food, deplete it of important nutrients and alter its molecular […]
According to the Centers for Disease Control, the average pool user contributes at least 0.14 grams of faecal matter to pool water. The problem is created especially those who avoid showering their bottoms with soap before entering the water. Majority of those who use swimming pools pee in the water. Nearly 100 % of competitive […]
1. Peace lilies ranked highest at cleansing nearly all chemicals floating around in today’s home air. These were the most effective plants at removing benzene, formaldehyde, xylene, toluene and trichloroethylene from the atmosphere. Peace lilies are common in both homes and offices and perform well even in low-light conditions. They can be located several feet […]
SOURCE > A very persistent stand of comfrey at our camp got me wondering about what it is good for, and why it is now regulated in various countries, including Canada, Australia, Germany, Japan, and the US. Can a plant with comforting folk names such as Knitbone, Woundwort, Healherb, and All Heal, really be all […]
Posted on August 17, 2012 My name’s Dave, it’s not my real name, I’m a 39 year old married family man with an 8 year old boy and twin girls. I was diagnosed with bowel cancer in August 2008, with a tumour the size of an apple. During 2008 and November 2009 I took many […]
Inability or unwillingness to forgive is classified in medical books as a real health condition or disease. Dr. Steven Standiford, chief of surgery at the Cancer Treatment Centers of America, claims that untreated emotional wounds and unforgivingness is one of the true hidden causes of many serious health problems including cancer or numerous autoimmune diseases.
As adenosine is created in the brain, it binds to adenosine receptors. This binding causes drowsiness by slowing down nerve cell activity. In the brain, this also causes blood vessels to dilate to let more oxygen into that organ during sleep. To a nerve cell, caffeine looks like adenosine: Caffeine binds to the adenosine receptor. […]
Cancer recovery story by James Woolsey (posted on 3/9/2014): “When living in Oregon we took a cancer patient into our house. Her abdomen was swollen as if with a basketball; the allopathic MDs had given up after all their burn and poison methods had failed; they sent her home to die, and the Hospice people […]
5 Reasons to STOP eating eggs TODAY (VIDEO)
Cancer The Forbidden Cures!
Cannabis – the best cure for cancer Difference between Cannabis, Hemp and Marijuana Is smoking Cannabis beneficial or harmful? READ: Cannabis – the best cure for cancer >
Burzynski, the Movie is an internationally award-winning documentary originally released in 2010 (with an Extended Edition released in 2011) that tells the true story of a medical doctor and Ph.D biochemist named Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski who won the largest, and possibly the most convoluted and intriguing legal battle against the Food & Drug Administration in […]
Turmeric (Curcuma longa) has been used for thousands of years as a popular spice and natural healing herb in India and throughout Asia. In fact, it is believed that the high intake of Turmeric could be one of the reasons why many elderly citizens of India have been reported to be able to maintain healthy […]
Must Watch! Hidden Camera Inside Fluoride Facility
“I have been drinking a half gallon of distilled water per day for 7 plus yrs. Before that my knees were so arthritic, I had to wear braces, when I played tournament softball. I had an MRI on both knees, and was told by the sports doctor, he would scrape both meniscus for $7000.00. Instead […]
Dr. Ben Johnson: “Mammograms cause breast cancer. Period. Women should not be getting routine mammograms. That’s crystal clear, published in the peer review literature. And yet today, if a woman went to her gynaecologist or family doc, she would have this shoved down her throat, extreme coercion to go get this mammogram that is causing breast cancer. […]
Like teflon ceramic pots and frying pans are also non-stick, non-scratch and easy to clean. But, unlike teflon the ceramic cookware do not produce any toxic chemicals when heated. The non-stick teflon coating commonly used on pans and pots, starts generating at least 15 different toxic chemicals as soon as the temperature gets too […]
For a very long time we have been brainwashed with untrue ideas that it is impossible to recover from Alzheimer’s disease. But today we know that our body has amazing ability to regenerate itself and there is enough scientific evidence to prove that it is possible to recover from Alzheimer’s disease, which currently is the […]
Doctors treating Aukland farmer Alan Smith had decided it was time to turn his life support machine off, until a timely intervention by his family and Vitamin C, saved his life.
In the Bible Krill is described by the Creator himself as an unclean food (Leviticus 11:9) as clean (allowed for human consumption) marine creatures are required to have fins and scales) >. The following article seems to give another scientific evidence the Biblical warning is right: “KRILL OIL, AND WHY AVOID IT” by Dr. Lawrence […]
Mercury: The Hidden Trigger to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s That 75% of People Carry >
KEY CAUSES The key cause of chronic upper respiratory diseases such as bronchitis or sinusitis is weakness of the immune system caused by: Consumption of milk and all dairy products, refined sugar and foods containing sugar, use of antibiotics, insufficient number of good probiotic bacteria in the colon, smoking, stress, also lack of vitamin D […]
In this VIDEO, Dr Michael Greger, of nutrition discusses whether or not we should only organic fruits and vegetables. What about the cancer risk connected to pesticides? What about the dangers of eating conventionally grown fruits and vegetables? We hear all the time about the dangers of pesticides, so what should we do? Keep […]
Laughter increases the feel-good hormones – endorphins which strengthen our immune system and are regarded as powerful pain-killers. It gives similar benefits as aerobic exercise and is like internal fast walking. The excitement we feel when we laugh is a great way to cope with the effects of stress. And it is good to know […]
Andropause is described as the common effect of mid-life hormonal imbalance associated with lower testosterone levels. Besides affecting your sex drive, testosterone (male sex hormone) also helps maintain bone density, muscle mass, red blood cells, libido, and a general sense of well-being. Men start losing sex hormones such as testosterone, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), androstenedione, or dehydroepiandrosterone […]
Super foods contain the highest concentration of nutrients, chlorophyll, phytochemicals, and solar energy in the most easily digestible form available.
“The fertility of a generation of men is being put at risk because a hormone found in the Pill is getting into drinking water, scientists fear. Pollution due to the estradiol, a powerful form of oestrogen, is causing up to half the male fish in our lowland rivers to change sex, research shows. Experts believe […]
Although overweight and obesity is much more common problem today I often meat people who ask how to gain weight as their body weight is below normal. POSSIBLE CAUSES OF UNDERWEIGHT
According to numerous reliable and based on scientific research sources the conventional medical care (including side effects of harmful medications and millions of unnecessary surgeries) is currently the number one cause of death in America and possibly many other developed countries! Here is the proof: According to the National Vital Statistics Reports (January 11, 2012, […]
Cow’s milk and all the products of which milk is one of the ingredients may contain numerous dangerous factors such as cancer cells, bacteria, leukaemia virus, prions (the same which cause mad cow disease), cholesterol, triglycerides, antibiotics, dioxins, and many other risk factors.
Leptin is another precious hormone which is secreted by fat cells and regarded as the most powerful among hormones capable of controlling our appetite. Apart from that, it improves metabolism and increases the amount of fat released from fat tissue.
Serotonin is a hormone found in the intestines and the central nervous system. It is a very important neurotransmitter which controls numerous functions in our organism including appetite, metabolism, emotions, mood, memory, sleep, or sexual desires. It was estimated that between 60 to even 80 percent of people living in America (and other developed countries), […]
Coconut oil is regarded as the highest source of medium chain fatty acids, or triglycerides (MCT’s) which impart a number of health benefits.
Homeopathy is often regarded as the safe way to cure obesity and other health problems without pain. In fact, it offers almost 200 different remedies and treatments for several aspects of obesity. The choice of remedy depends upon the complete case history of the patient.
It was very intriguing to me when about twenty years ago I found the information according to which famous scientist and double Noble Prize winner – Linus Pauling (who lived over 90 years: 1901-1994) had a daily custom of drinking about 12,000mg (12gr) of vitamin C in the form of Ascorbic Acid dissolved in orange […]
Wash a whole lemon and put in the freezer till frozen then get a grater and shred the whole unpeeled lemon. Sprinkle over any food (cereals, vegan ice cream, desserts, etc.). It is very healthy and will greatly improve the taste of those foods and sometimes will create a new unexpected and unique taste.
Written by Slawomir (“Swavak”) Gromadzki, MPH You are supposed to drink 2 to 3 litres of water a day or 3 times a day 2 or 3 glasses of water about 30 to 60 minutes before each meal or about 2 hours after. During hot days you need even more. The amount also depend on […]
The mass media all-over the world being excited by some studies (sponsored by egg and dairy industry) have been encouraging people to consume eggs and dairy products without fear of developing high cholesterol levels and experiencing heart attack or stroke. So, let us try to find out whether they are right.
IS SOYA BAD FOR YOU? Written by Slawomir (“Swavak”) Gromadzki, MPH POSSIBLE HEALTH BENEFITS OF CONSUMING SOYA PRODUCTS Soy became very popular all over the world after it was discovered that people living in Okinawa, Japan — regarded as one of the healthiest on earth — consumed a lot of soya foods.
I was given this recipe from my Polish colleague who spent some time in Siberia. She said that it is a very effective remedy against insomnia and other sleeping problems.