Written by Slawomir (“Swavak”) Gromadzki, MPH
One in three (aged 15-45) women develop Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) due to different factors leading to deficiency of Lactobacillus type of probiotic bacteria in vagina.
The main cause of BV is lack of lactic acid beneficial bacteria (especially Acidophillus strains) in vagina caused by following factors:
Frequently irrigating (douching) vagina, cleaning vagina with unnatural antibacterial soaps, use laundry detergents with perfumes, dyes and irritating chemicals, using unnatural antibacterial bath liquids, hormonal imbalance, antibiotics, poor diet, stress, alcohol, etc.
Unlike the rest of the body (except stomach), healthy vaginal pH is acidic (pH 3.5–4). A lack of probiotics in vagina (especially lactobacillus strains) increases pH to over 4.5 making it too alkaline and leading to bacterial vaginosis.
Lactobacillus is the predominant genus in a healthy vagina. It maintains proper acidity and prevents BV fending off pathogenic bacteria.
Vaginal discharge, itching, pain when urinating, uterine infections, etc.
However, since symptoms are often mild most women do not know they have BV.
Untreated can lead to premature birth and birth defects and increase susceptibility to sexually transmitted diseases.
It is, therefore, very important to prevent and treat BV by increasing Lactobacillus species in vagina and implementing listed below principles
– Take a good quality probiotic supplement internally and externally (intravaginally). It should contain mostly Lactobacillus strains, including especially L. rhamnosus, L. acidophilus, L. reuteri, L. gasseri, L. paracasei as research gave evidence each one of them play important role in maintaining vaginal health. All listed above strains are found, for instance, in both FemProbio and UltraProbio (HealthAid) and have proved to be very beneficial in preventing and treating bacterial vaginosis and vaginal yeast infections.
It has been scientifically proved that orally taken probiotics somehow find their way to vagina and cures vaginosis: “Probiotics have been documented to be beneficial in curing BV as well as reducing its recurrence and have been administered both orally and vaginally.” [>]
We don’t have problems with understanding the fact that when we ingest probiotics they end up in our colon to improve its health and function, but, how on earth taken orally friendly bacteria are able to get into vagina? Well, here is the answer: “Probiotics consumed orally ascend to the vaginal tract after they are excreted from the rectum.” It simply means that when you are in the toilet those clever probiotics somehow sneak from the anus into the vagina to take care of it in a similar way as they benefit colon. Have you ever been tempted to think that it must a huge mistake that vagina is so close to anus? Well, now we know it is not a mistake, it was designed like to make the journey of good probiotics to vagina a mission possible. By the way, the closeness of these two body parts allows also newborn babies to get some probiotics. So, please don’t wash your anus with strong antibacterial soaps. Use only natural soaps such as pure Castile.
Internally take one capsule daily (in mild cases or to prevent BV) or one capsule two times a day in more severe cases of BV.
Although, these probiotics are designed for internal use you will significantly increase the effectiveness taking them also externally (intravaginally): Open one capsule, mix with some clean warm water and carefully apply into vagina using vaginal applicator, or soak a cotton pad and apply into vagina with fingers. Cover vagina with a natural pad before bed and leave over night. You can repeat this procedure for about 5-6 nights and once a week later on until recovery.
Sacardi (containing Saccharomyces boulardii) or FemProbio by HealthAid or other Probiotic formulas – twice daily, thirty minutes after meals. It supplies friendly bacteria, which fight candida and prevent its overgrowth. I have recommended not only internal but also external use of probiotics for women with vaginal infections (bacterial vaginosis, vaginal candidiasis, etc.) which is perfectly safe and definitely more effective than only internal use. Capsule content can be mixed with small amount of warm water and applied before bed every day for at least one week or longer. Before using probiotics I would first apply into vagina certain safe antibacterial and antifungal natural remedies such as propolis, Pau d’Arco, golden seal, etc. for few nights and after that I would start inserting probiotics every day for about 2-4 weeks. Friendly bacteria will multiply and cling to the vaginal walls thus depriving pathogenic bacteria and yeasts of the ability to reside there. Internally I would suggest to use Femprobio and externally Femprobio in case of bacterial vaginosis or Femprobio together with Sacardi in case of thrush caused by Canida overgrowth. Avoiding sugar, white flour products and other refined foods will help too. Dr. Bronner’s Pure-Castile Liquid Soap instead of regular soaps as they tend to kill also good bacteria residing in vagina. By the way, in a similar way Coliprobio Ultraprobio or Dailyprobio can be used externally (with enema) for colitis and other colon problems for faster results.
– Don’t irrigate (douche) vagina as it significantly increases risk of vaginal infections by reducing number of beneficial lactic acid bacteria that protect vaginal walls and fend off pathogenic bacteria and yeasts (>).
– A bath with some organic apple cider vinegar (with mother) helps treat bacterial vaginosis by increasing vaginal acidity and causing pathogenic bacteria to die. Add 2 cups of organic apple cider vinegar into a warm bathwater and stay in it for about 30 minutes. Repeat this procedure every day until you notice improvements.
– Many experts recommend giving irritated genital areas and vagina some rest by avoiding using soaps and irrigations for several days, cleaning vagina with only warm water.
– Use soaps with only natural ingredients and avoid using harsh soaps & products near vagina and anus.
– Don’t wash vagina more than once daily as it is naturally able to take care of its own internal hygiene.
– Wash the outside of the vagina (vulva) only once daily with natural unscented glycerine or Castile soap.
– Use only natural cotton unscented tampons or pads free from antibacterial chemicals or perfumes, changing them often enough (at least three times daily every six to eight hours).
– Avoid using any sprays, perfumed products, lubricants near and especially inside vagina.
– Use only mild laundry detergents.
– Boost immune system by taking good probiotics, vitamin D3, magnesium, zinc, selenium, vitamin B12, alpha lipoic acid, black seed oil, propolis, avoiding cheese, milk, dairy, foods with sugar, refined and processed foods, managing stress, avoiding pessimism, consuming more raw vegetable salads, getting enough exercise and sleep, etc.
Listed below articles include all best natural immune system boosting antibacterial and antifungal remedies.
– Implement principles from HEALTH RECOVERY PLAN >
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