Written by Slawomir (“Swavak”) Gromadzki, MPH
Common cold is a very common problem indeed. In 2016, there were over twenty million users of cold and flu remedies in the UK.
Common cold is a viral infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract affecting throat, nose, and sinuses.
Over 200 viral strains are involved in the cause of the common cold; the rhinoviruses are the most common.
Sore throat, runny nose, cough, headache.
Poor hygiene, winter, and especially weak immunity caused by deficiency of vit. D, C, zinc, antioxidants, refined diet high in sugar and white flour products, cheese, pizza, stimulants, lack of sleep, psychological stress, sedentary lifestyle, hypoxia (lack of oxygen in the body).
Cold and flu are caused by different viral strains. People with influenza often show similar symptoms but usually more severe. People with colds are more likely to have a runny or stuffy nose and usually do not have fever. Flu is usually much more serious than a cold.
There is no vaccine against cold. Vaccination has proved very difficult as there are too many strains of viruses involved and they also mutate rapidly.
Antibiotics should not be used for cold and flu as they are not effective against viral infections.
I myself used to suffer from frequent colds, chronic bronchitis and sinusitis for many years and regularly prescribed antibiotics only made it worse. Finally, when I improved my diet and lifestyle, stopped consuming dairy, meat and foods with refined sugar and started taking good nutritional supplements I completely recovered and never had this problem for about 25 years!
Even if a virus enters the body it was demonstrated that a strong immune system can easily handle the invasion. Therefore, the key cause of diseases triggered by viral infections is weakness of the immune system caused by the following possible factors:
– Regular use of illegal drugs and stimulants, diet high in refined sugar, cheese, pizza, milk and all dairy products, use of antibiotics and meds, insufficient number of good probiotic bacteria in the colon, alcohol, smoking, chronic stress, lack of vitamin D (sun), and nutritional deficiencies caused by refined unhealthy diet (especially zinc, magnesium and B12 deficiency).
– Vitamin D3 deficiency. There is a growing amount of research which suggests that a lack of vitamin D could be an important factor greatly contributing to weakness of the immune system and its inability to overcome viral infections. Almost every person in England is deficient in vitamin D which is very important also for human nervous and immune system. Read more about vitamin D >
– Magnesium, Zinc and Selenium deficiency.
– Toxins: Mercury (from dental fillings, tap water, fish, flu shots, etc.) lead, fluoride, and other toxins.
– Stress, anxiety and depression. A number of published papers have shown that stress and negative emotions contribute to inflammations, weakness of the immune system and autoimmune diseases.
– Consumption of trans fats, margarine and bad oils (high in pro-inflammatory omega 6) and deficiency of omega 3 healthy fats high in foods such as Flax seed, Chia seed, etc..
– Bad lifestyle, unhealthy diet high in sugar, processed refined foods, nutritional deficiencies, artificial sweeteners, lack of exercise, stimulants, drugs, medication.
– Overconsumption of meat and dairy (especially heated) products.
– Gluten and heated animal protein (found especially in dairy).
– The most important aspect of successful treatment is lifestyle and diet according to the recommendations listed in the HEALTH RECOVERY PLAN > Please study it carefully and do your best to use the remedies and implement all the principles. If you manage to do it you will recover from this problem.
– Sinus rinse (Nasal rinse). Irrigating the nose with saline solution (salt water) may help soothe sinusitis and inflammation. First make a Saline Solution: Mix 1/5 teaspoon of sea salt or other salts in a 1/4 glass of boiled warm, distilled water and add a 1/5 teaspoon of baking soda. Bend over a sink and sniff a bit of solution into one nostril at a time, allowing it to drain back out through the nose or mouth; do this twice a day.
The risks and benefits of neti pot nasal irrigation VIDEO >
– Steam your sinuses. Breathing steam refreshes and soothes irritated sinuses, and it helps rid the nasal passages of bacteria and mucus. Boil one litre of water with herbs (chamomile, sage, calendula, minth, etc.). Lean carefully over the bowl or pot, and drape a towel over your head. Breathe gently for 10 minutes or longer two times a day. When you’re finished breathing steam, use the water for a hot compress on your sinuses: Saturate a washcloth in hot water, and hold the cloth on your sinuses (to the sides of your nose).
– Hot and cold alternative showers 2 x a day. See HYDROTHERAPY > Every day in the morning and evening you must take alternative hot and cold showers as it is one of the best ways to boost your immunity and weaken any virus. In addition it will improve circulation, elimination of toxins and will stimulate the nervous system. Start with hot shower, and after about 5 minutes when your body is warm enough take a short (3 min) cold shower slowly reducing the temperature. Then alternate the flow of water from hot to cold, back and forth 5-7 times in a row. Before using this treatment consult your physician first if you have any chronic health conditions especially if they are associated with heart. Find out more about HYDROTHERAPY >
– One of the most powerful remedies against upper respiratory diseases is Hot Foot Bath. Before bed keep your feet in hot water plus very cold compress on forehead and neck and a lot of water to drink as you should sweat a lot. VIDEO >
– Golden seal tincture: 3 x 1 teaspoon between meals with water.
– Propolis >. Due to its proven anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial properties Propolis can help prevent and shorten the duration of common respiratory diseases such as flu or cold. In one study a regular daily doses of propolis were given to a group of school children during the cold season. As a result the children treated with propolis had significantly fewer colds with acute or chronic symptoms. According to the results of another trial, the group of adults on propolis extract became free of cold symptoms two and half times faster than the control group. It was reported that Propolis improves the cellular immune response by increasing mRNA for interferon-γ and activating the production of cytokines.
– Ginger can kill viruses, bacteria, and yeasts accortding to numerous cellular studies. It not only soothes a sore throat, but can kill rhinoviruses (the cause of most colds) and stimulates immune system by increasing body temperature. Ginger also prevents the accumulation of toxins that make you susceptible to viral, fungal and bacterial infections.
– Garlic: Studies have demonstrated that garlic helps reduce the risk of flu or clods and may reduce the severity of symptoms. One study gave 146 volunteers either garlic supplements or a placebo for three months. The garlic group had a 63% lower risk of getting a cold, and their colds were also 70% shorter. Another study also concluded that colds were on average 60% shorter for subjects on garlic, compared to a placebo group. Their colds were also less severe.
– Siberian mixture of fermented garlic and lemon juice: I was given this recipe from my Polish colleague who spent some time in Siberia. It also lowers bad cholesterol and triglycerides, regulates blood sugar level and blood pressure, boosts immune system, and kills bacteria, viruses, fungus, candida, or cancer cells. In order to make this mixture you need two ingredients: fresh juice from 24 lemons and 400 grams of squeezed fresh raw garlic. Place both ingredients in a glass jar and mix them together. Cover the opening of the jar with a clean cloth and live it in a dark cool place for 14 days until the content ferments. After two weeks strain the fermented mixture pouring the liquid into smaller glass jars. Close them with lids and keep the jars in the fridge. Always shake before use and for insomnia take one teaspoon with a half glass of worm water about one hour before going to sleep. After one month of using the mixture take a 7 days break and after that you can start using it again. After using it for 3 months you will need a whole month break. In this way it shouldn’t lose its effectiveness.
– Cat’s Claw (bark and root) have been used by South Americans to treat conditions including inflamations, infections, cancers, fevers, stomach ulcers, digestive problems, or dysentery. Cat’s claw has also antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antifungal properties (including HIV), and can helps get rid of herpes. This powerful herbal remedy is used to treat digestive problems such as ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, or colitis.
– Astragalus extract is regarded now as energy and immune system booster. A 2012 study displayed its ability to control T-helper cells 1 and 2, essentially regulating the body’s immune responses. As a result of taking astragalus extract the macrophages and the natural killer cells of the immune system have a markedly enhanced ability to fight intruders, including viruses, five- to six-fold!. It looks like no other herb can be more effective immune system stimulator than astragalus.According to Dr. Randy Horwitz, Medical Director at the University of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine, “Astragalus has been found to have both antiviral and immune-enhancing properties. Research shows that the 50 or so different compounds in astragalus work by stimulating immune cells, such as T-cells, phagocytes, and macrophages, to fight off disease. In Asia, it’s even given to cancer patients.” Astragalus – Like zinc, selenium, and vitamin D does not only makes immune system stronger but it also modulate immunity helping prevent leukocytes from attacking own body and reducing symptoms of inflammation as well as various autoimmune diseases.
– Compounds found in Olive leaves kill pathogens and don’t allow viruses to cause an infection and replicate. According to a study conducted at the New York University School of Medicine olive leaf extracts reversed many HIV-1 infection-associated changes (>).
– Quercetin: Helps protect against influenza virus as it has been known to have antiviral benefits; Helps reduce inflammation and symptoms cold & flu.
– Oregano oil contains two compounds, carvacrol and thymol, that have powerful antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties. It is the carvacrol that treats viral infections, as well as allergies, cancers, parasites and inflammations. There are over 800 studies that give evidence about amazing health benefits of carvacrol.
– Maitake mushroom powder: A potent immune stimulant. According to a 2014 trial, “Immunomodulating glucans from Maitake and Shiitake mushrooms strongly stimulated both the cellular and humoral branch of immune reactions.”
– Echinacea: “Largest ever clinical study into Echinacea finds herbal remedy CAN protect against flu and colds… In majority of participants the recurring infections were cut by 60%… The duration of the illness suffered by patients also went down by an average of 26%… Researchers also found that Echinacea caused no adverse side effects in the participants.” Also a 2000 meta-analysis based on sixteen trials revealed that the majority of studies reported positive results for echinacea in the prevention and reduction of symptoms of the flu.
– Chlorella > and Spirulina > are very beneficial in AIDS and HIV infections and are effective in treating other viral infections such as hepatitis C. Scientists treated patients who suffered from chronic hepatitis C with Chlorella. After 3 months of treating patients with relatively small doses of Chlorella researchers discovered that the condition of 70% of the patients significantly improved.
– Zinc: 30 to 50mg a day after breakfast (should be with Selenium and Copper). Zinc required for strong immune system. In a zinc deficient body immune system is not able to overcome viral infection. Deficiency can cause gastrointestinal system to malfunction (for example, without zinc proteins can’t be properly digested), so foods aren’t completely digested. These food particles can then be absorbed into bloodstream where body misidentifies them as antigens and then produces antibodies against them weakening immune system.
Zinc inhibits influenza & cold viruses; Taking Zinc at the start of a cold or flu helps minimise duration and severity of symptoms. In 2014 meta-analysis of 67 studies researchers have found that zinc is the best supplement for warding off colds and flu! According to the 2013 study, “Zinc (lozenges) administered within 24 hours of onset of symptoms reduces the duration of symptoms.”
– Vitamin D3 >: 50,000 IU after breakfast every day until recovery. After that 10,000 IU a day. (Must be with Magnesium as if you are deficient in this mineral Vitamin D is useless. In addition Vitamin D will lead to magnesium deficiency, sleep problems, etc.).Recently researchers investigated and compared data from 25 studies on vitamin D that involved 10,000 people to explore the effect of vitamin D in preventing cold, flu, bronchitis and pneumonia. Their conclusion suggests vitamin D supplementation was very beneficial in preventing respiratory tract infections. According to the NHS new guidelines on vitamin D, everyone should consider taking vitamin D supplements during the winter months: “… The advice is to consider taking vitamin D supplements because it is difficult to get enough from food alone.”
– Magnesium plays important role in proper conversion and absorption of vitamin D. Therefore, in cases where large doses of vitamin D3 don’t seem to work the true problem is magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is necessary to activate all the enzymes that metabolize vitamin D. Magnesium deficiency causes vitamin D to be stored and inactive.
Another requirement for proper absorption of vitamin D is 100–200 mcg of Vitamin K2 MK-7 (Derived from Natural Natto) every day. To maximize the benefits of vitamin D supplementation while also minimizing the potential risk of toxicity vitamin D should be taken with K2. Vitamin K activates the MGP, a protein that helps direct calcium to the right places (bones) and lead calcium away from the undesirable areas (pineal gland, kidneys and arteries) eliminating risk of hypercalcemia and calcification of these organs.
– Selenium boosts immunity and helps defend viral and bacterial infections, autoimmune diseases and allergies. For instance, in people who already contracted HIV, selenium has been shown to also be able to slow down the progression of the disease into AIDS. It was discovered that 200 micrograms of Selenium per day helps prevent viruses from replicating.
– Take quality Probiotic formula such as ImmuProbio for to 2-4 months, or eat raw home-made sauerkraut every day, as inflammations, weakness of the immune system and autoimmune diseases are linked to the deficiency of the probiotic bacteria in the gut.
– Vitamin B12: 1,000 to 2,000 mcg a day under the tongue (must be sublingual Methylcobalamin!). This vitamin is involved in the production of white blood cells which are responsible to deal with viral infections and many people with inflammations, weak immune system and autoimmune diseases have low levels of this most important vitamin. Read a fascinating article on B12 >
– Rutin: Contains anti-inflammatory properties; Useful in alleviating the symptoms of respiratory infections such as runny nose.
– Vitamin C: Being an antioxidant Vitamin C helps maintain strong immune system by protecting it against oxidative damage caused by free radicals: “Vitamin C is known as an essential anti-oxidant and enzymatic co-factor for hormone production, collagen synthesis and immune potentiation.”
According to Linus Pauling, “Effectiveness of ascorbic acid in providing protection against viral diseases results from its function in the synthesis and activity of interferon in preventing the entry of virus particles into the cells… For many people 1000 mg to 2000 mg of Vitamin C per day is the optimum rate of ingestion.“
A 2013 research maintains that, “Vitamin C Is an Essential Factor on the Anti-viral Immune Responses through the Production of Interferon-α/β at the Initial Stage of Influenza Virus Infection.”
To prevent flu and reduce its symptoms, apart from vitamin C, also zinc and vitamin D3 are recommended for better results.
– Boost Glutathione levels which is a most powerful of all antioxidants and strengthens the immune system and is one of the most effective remedies against inflammations . It boosts body’s ability to modulate and regulate the immune system. It is also important to provide body with ingredients that increase glutathione production in the liver by taking turmeric, milk thistle, L-cysteine or NAC (N-acetyl cysteine), Alpha Lipoic Acid, bilberry, vitamin C, asparagus, broccoli, peaches, avocado, spinach, garlic, squash, grapefruit.
– Don’t use stimulants such as caffeine products or alcohol.
– Learn to control stress and always think positive! Never think negative and get rid of anxiety and fear as all negative feelings have very bad effect on immune system and increase chances of developing diseases triggered by viral infections! In the beautiful book „Ministry of Healing” Ellen G. White wrote that, “The sick, shut within four walls, look out on houses and pavements, with perhaps not even a glimpse of blue sky or sunshine, of grass or flower or tree. Shut up in this way, they brood over their suffering and sorrow, and become a prey to their own sad thoughts. The pure air, the glad sunshine, the flowers and trees, and outdoor exercise amid these surroundings, are health- and life-giving. Outdoor life is the only remedy that many need. It has a wonderful power to heal diseases caused by the excitements and excesses of fashionable life, a life that weakens and destroys the powers of body, mind, and soul. How glad would they be to sit in the open air, rejoice in the sunshine, and breathe the fragrance of tree and flower! There are life-giving properties in the balsam of the pine, in the fragrance of the cedar and the fir, and other trees also have properties that are health restoring. In nature may always be found something to divert the attention of the sick from themselves and direct their thoughts to God. The beauty of nature leads them to think of the heavenly home, where there will be nothing to mar the loveliness, nothing to taint or destroy, nothing to cause disease or death.”
– Increase Serotonin! We know that serotonin is very important in fighting depression, fatigue, or insomnia. Serotonin is the “feel good” hormone and neurotransmitter which helps us regulate moods and use good judgement. Unfortunately, the older we get the less serotonin we tend to produce. Dr. Carolyn Meltzer’s research has demonstrated that with age serotonin receptors decrease by over 50%. People who struggle with overweight, obesity, and depression, those who commit serious crime as well as people who commit suicide have very low level of this extremely important hormone. Unfortunately, if you don’t have enough of serotonin or when the number of serotonin receptors is low then it leads to depression. Serotonin deficiency can be caused by sedentary lifestyle (lack of physical activity), insufficient light during the day, refined and low in nutrients diet, use of stimulants (alcohol, nicotine, coffee, tea, cola drinks, chocolate and other caffeine products), or insufficient amount of sleep.
– Exercise in the morning outside to boost serotonin!
– Increase consumption of foods high in Tryptophan (to boost serotonin): 5-HTP, cooked organic soy beans, organic Tofu, beans, lentils, ground sesame, tahini, humus, etc.
– Light therapy. Expose your body to sunlight whenever it is possible or use strong light imitating sunlight.
– Go to sleep as early as possible. Try to sleep at least seven or eight hours a day.
– Avoid foods with refined sugar as it makes leukocytes behave like drunken soldiers. Also white flour products weaken immune system because they are quickly converted to sugar. Instead of sugar and other harmful sweeteners you can use xylitol, erythritol, stevia or organic raw honey in moderation.
– Avoid all artificial sweeteners! Artificial sweeteners can usually be identified by many different names such as sucralose, saccharin, or aspartame (Splenda, Equal, Sweet n Low). There are almost a hundred side effects listed by the FDA, including depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, memory loss, nerve cell damage, Alzheimer’s, migraines, reproductive disorders, brain lesions, weight gain, food cravings, seizures and more.”
– Avoid high glucose/fructose syrup (HFCS).
– Avoid monosodium glutamate (MSG).
– Do not consume Agave syrup since as it is almost all fructose. Your blood sugar will spike just as it would if you were consuming regular sugar or HFCS. Agave’s rise in popularity is due to a great marketing campaign, but any health benefits present in the original agave plant are processed out.
– Switch to a well-balanced plant-based and unrefined diet with planty of raw vegetable juices and raw vegetable salads.
– The only oil to use is raw organic coconut oil as it can kill virus and bacteria.
– Avoid or significantly reduce consumption of cheese, pizzam meat, bad fats & dairy. They weaken immune system and are mucus producing making symptoms worse.
– Learn to control stress, depression and anxiety by positive thinking, frequent smiling and laughter exercises, taking care of others, helping people in need, going for a walk, enjoying life and the beauty of nature. In this way you will boost good hormones, program cells to live longer, build new strong neural pathways, greatly reduce the number of free radicals, and greatly boost your immune system. As a result those smart and intelligent tiny soldiers (leukocytes) will protect and fight for you with HIV like Kamikazes.
Unfortunately, from experience we know that for most of us it is very difficult and often even impossible to control stress, overcome fear, anxiety and depression, or to become a positive thinking person simply because those negative emotions and fears are so deeply rooted and even seem to be a part of our nature. Sometimes we even feel like slaves of those negative attitudes and bad emotions.
And that is the very reason I included on my website a very special, unique and even most important section called EMPOWERMENT >. So please read it carefully and then study also another article – the GOSPEL OF FREEDOM >, which is even more significant as it reveals the secret of finding the only source of true inward peace which according to Apostle Paul “surpasses all knowledge” and which can “guard (protect) our hearts and minds (emotions)”. Combined with true strong faith this message will lead you to freedom from negative emotions such as anxiety or existential fears (one of the key source of deadly free radicals). It will also empower you with moral strength necessary to overcome long-cultivated bad habits or addictions, often impossible for us to defeat on our own. Finally, this unique and most wonderful Good News of the Gospel will also give you a new strength and a powerful motivation to not only practice but also enjoy the new and very healthy way of life.
– Super Immunity by Joel Fuhrman MD (2011): What to eat and foods to avoid >
– Linus Pauling, Vitamin C and the Common Cold, p. 38, 84
– Yejin Kim, Hyemin Kim, Seyeon Bae, et al (2013) Immune Netw. 2013 Apr; 13(2): 70–74
– The Telegraph, G. Michael Allan, MD and Bruce Arroll, MB ChB PhD (2014) Prevention and treatment of the common cold: making sense of the evidence. 28 Jan 2014 CMAJ. 2014 Feb 18
– Singh M1, Das RR (2013) Zinc for the common cold. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013 Jun 18;(6)
– V Vetvicka, J Vetvickova (2014) Immune-enhancing effects of Maitake.
– Propolis: Otolaryngologia Polska 1989;43(3):180-4.
– Propolis: Isr Med Assoc J 2002 Nov;4(11 Suppl):923-7.
– Propolis: Int Immunopharmacol. 2004 Jul;4(7):975-82.
– Propolis: Vet Immunol Immunopathol. 2007 Mar 15;116(1-2):79-84.
– Echinacea: Daily Mail 10/10/2012
– Melchart D, Linde K, Fischer P (2000) Echinacea for preventing and treating the common cold. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2000;(2):CD000530.
– Vitamin D supplementation to prevent acute respiratory tract infections: systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data. BMJ 2017; 356 doi: (Published 15 February 2017):
– NHS: The new guidelines on vitamin D – what you need to know, Thursday July 21 2016:
– Nantz MP1, Rowe CA, Muller CE, Creasy RA, Stanilka JM, Percival SS. (2016). Supplementation with aged garlic extract improves both NK and γδ-T cell function and reduces the severity of cold and flu symptoms: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled nutrition intervention. Clin Nutr. 2012 Jun;31(3):337-44. doi: 10.1016/j.clnu.2011.11.019. Epub 2012 Jan 24.
– Josling P1. (2001). Preventing the common cold with a garlic supplement: a double-blind, placebo-controlled survey. Adv Ther. 2001 Jul-Aug;18(4):189-93.
– Astragalus:
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© 2016 Slawomir Gromadzki – All Rights Reserved