Written by Slawomir Gromadzki, MPH
Cayenne (Capsicum annum) is a shrub that grows in subtropical and tropical climates. Its hollow fruit grows into long pods that turn red, orange or yellow. It grows abundantly and of good quality in the West Indies, where it is used as a remedy for nearly all health problems.
Many herbalists believe that cayenne pepper is the most valuable herb. It also increases the effectiveness of other herbs when it is used with them. R. Swinburne Clymer in his book, The Medicine of Nature, wrote: “Capsicum (red pepper) is the most pronounced, natural and ideal stimulant known in the entire medical material. It cannot be equalled by any known agent when a powerful and prolonged stimulant is needed, as in congestive chills, heart failure, and other conditions calling for quick action.”
High source of vitamin A (in the form of provitamin A beta-carotene). Contains also vitamin C, B complex (especially B6), vitamin E, organic calcium, magnesium, zinc, and some potassium. However, the most precious therapeutic value of cayenne pepper is associated with its key active ingredient – capsaicin.
Cayenne is a great herb for all sorts of body conditions such as fresh, open or old wounds and cuts, arthritis and rheumatism, inflammatory conditions, tumours such as lung and liver, kidney problems, spleen, pancreas, fevers, intestines, sunburns, sprains, headaches and migraines, skin conditions, stomach pain, toothaches, allergies, weak immune system, and many more. Cayenne paper also stimulates the production of gastric juices which helps digestion, relieves gas and can help lose weight. Even the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSCC) points to the fact that cayenne pepper slows the growth of cancer cells in animal studies and suggests that capsaicin may be helpful in protecting against prostate, breast, bladder, and oral cancers. It has traditionally been used for overcoming fatigue and restoring stamina and vigour. It is a natural stimulant with no side effects (hyper-activity or rise in blood pressure) of harmful stimulants such as caffeine or alcohol.
Many individuals also report significant relief from using cayenne (capsaicin) topically in the form of cream, oil or poultice for various inflammatory conditions including shingles, arthritis, joint pain, or back pain.
Jethro Kloss wrote that he “has cured with cayenne pepper cases of rheumatism that had been for years most distressing… Though severe on the tissue to which applied, cayenne is so diffusive that it does not long derange the circulation, but on the contrary, equalizes it. Thus it is not only stimulant, but antispasmodic, increases sweating, anti-inflammatory, detoxifying, and restorative.”
According to Dr Axe, “Cayenne pepper benefits are numerous and effective; it’s used to help digestion, including heal upset stomach, intestinal gas, stop stomach pain, diarrhoea and as a natural remedy for cramps. It’s also used for conditions of the heart and blood vessels — including to improve poor circulation, reverse excessive blood clotting, lower high cholesterol and prevent heart disease. When consumed, cayenne pepper has the power to relieve toothache, seasickness, alcoholism, malaria and fever; it’s also used to help people who have difficulty swallowing (achalasia, dysphagia). When applied topically, cayenne pepper benefits the skin, too. Currently, capsaicin has been studied to test its ability to reduce pain sensations when applied to the skin, and research indicates that it would be effective as a remedy for headaches (including migraines), a potential solution for osteoarthritis and other painful conditions.”
Many herbalists and experts indicate that unlike other hot spices cayenne pepper is safe for the delicate stomach lining. According to Dr Schultz, “Cayenne pepper is not an irritant, like the mustard and black pepper.”
Jethro Kloss wrote that cayenne pepper “produces the most powerful impression on the surface, yet never draws a blister on the stomach, and never weakens its tone. It never produces any local lesion or induces inflammation.”
Also, Dr Christopher seems to have exactly the same opinion: “My first actual experience with knowing a bit about cayenne was when I was in Vancouver, British Columbia, at Dominion Herbal College. I sat in class and Dr Nowell said, ‘We will now study today cayenne, which is actually called capsicum.’ I raised my hand and said, ‘Dr. Nowell, ‘Why are we studying cayenne? It will burn the lining out of our stomach’. Everyone in the class laughed except Dr Nowell. He said, ‘By the way, where did you get your information?’ I said my mother told me and then everybody laughed except Dr. Nowell. He said, ‘Just what was her herbal degree?’ Well, I guess she had none at all. ‘Well, that’s interesting,’ he said. ‘Could I see you after class?’ After class in his car, he drove me around Vancouver, British Columbia, and introduced me to at least a dozen people whose lives had been saved with cayenne–some with heart attacks, some with asthmatic conditions and various other things. He didn’t have to do this, but he was a great teacher, and he took the time to show me how great cayenne could be, used properly on the human body. Well, I never forgot this, and as I started in the practice myself, I prescribed cayenne very extensively.’
Cayenne pepper is an impressive natural blood thinner (it reduces blood clotting and lowers LDL cholesterol and triglycerides) thus increasing coronary vasodilation, lowering blood pressure, and preventing strokes and heart attacks. In addition, its lignan glycosides with their strong antioxidant potential help reduce heart and brain damage caused by free radicals.
Cayenne pepper can have a powerful blood-thinning effect because of the high amount of salicylates in them. It can be taken in capsules or easily ground up as a spice for food. In addition to thinning the blood, cayenne pepper can lower blood pressure, improve circulation, and reduce pain.
Whenever we realise someone may experience a heart attack, the thirst thing we must always do is to call for medical help. However, while waiting for the ambulance we should try anything that may save life. Many individuals maintain that cayenne pepper tincture can stop heart attacks in just a few minutes. It works due to the fact that it is a powerful stimulant that enlarges arteries, increases heart rate and boosts blood circulation and oxygenation of the heart. It also has a haemostatic effect that can instantly stop bleeding.
In a study published in the Journal of Circulation, Dr Keith Jones, a researcher from the University of Cincinnati, found that capsaicin, when applied to the skin of mice, caused sensory nerves in the skin to trigger signals to the nervous system, thus creating a “pro-survival” pathway to the heart. It is even more interesting that according to the same study capsaicin from cayenne pepper caused an 85% reduction in death of heart cells! It led to Dr Jones to assume that cayenne pepper may prevent heart attack or reduce its intensity and damage thus having the potential to save many lives with the proper dosage and applications.
Study Shows Common Pain Cream Could Protect Heart During Attack >
Some experts believe that the frequent use of cayenne pepper in Asian, Mexican, and Italian cuisines contributes to the fact that these populations have lower incidence of heart attacks.
Dr Richard Anderson tells a story about a certain doctor who put cayenne tincture under the tongue of a man who had a heart attack while he was parking his car. Although his heart stopped beating and he wasn’t breathing, within a few minutes after giving him some cayenne tincture the man’s heart started beating again. Dr Anderson claims that using a tincture with a mixture of cayenne and hawthorn berries has the most beneficial effect on the heart, especially when taken every day for a longer period of time. It will strengthen the heart and arteries, may prevent heart attack, regulate blood pressure and significantly improve blood circulation. He also believes that even if those who use this mixture experience heart attack, it will be much less dangerous.
According to a renowned herbalist, Dr John Christopher, cayenne in the form of a tea or tincture can stop heart attacks in as little as 60 seconds: “In 35 years of my practice I have never lost one heart attack patient on house calls, because, if they are still breathing I pour into their mouth a cup of cayenne tea (a teaspoon of cayenne in a cup of hot water, and within minutes they are up and around!). This is one of the fastest acting aids we could ever give for the heart, because it feeds that heart immediately… I use cayenne also for myself. For instance, when I had cut myself a couple of times, I sprinkled it on my bleeding little wound and every time it stopped the bleeding almost instantly! Don’t go out without having a cayenne tincture, if not for yourself it may be useful for rescuing someone else.”
A story has been told about a certain 90-year-old man in Oregon who had a severe heart attack, and his daughter put some cayenne extract into his mouth. And although he was pronounced dead by the medics, yet within a few minutes, he regained consciousness. On the way to the hospital, he remained in a semi-conscious state, but his daughter kept giving him the extract. By the time they got to the hospital, he had fully recovered and wanted to go home. The doctor asked what she had given him, as he said it was the closest thing to a miracle he had ever seen.
In order to make sure cayenne pepper is to be effective, it must be at least 40,000 heat units (HU) according to the Scoville scale, which measures the concentration of capsaicin in cayenne preparations. Therefore, if a person experiencing heart attack is conscious and breathing, mix one teaspoon of cayenne with 1 cup of warm water, making it a ‘cayenne tea’ and give it to the person to drink. Unfortunately, in case a heart attack sufferer is unconscious, a mere tea won’t work as it can’t be swallowed. In this case, you must use a tincture placing 5-10 drops under the tongue every 5 minutes until the improvement is seen.
Ingredients: Cayenne pepper powder, 2 fresh cayenne peppers, about 50% alcohol (vodka, whiskey, scotch, etc.), 1-litre glass bottle or a jar.
Wash your hands or use gloves. Fill about a quarter of the glass container with organic cayenne pepper powder. Add alcohol to cover the powder only. Blend the fresh cayenne peppers with alcohol until a smooth consistency. Add it to the bottle until it is ¾ full. Top up the rest of the bottle with more alcohol. Cover or cap the glass container and store it in a dark place for a period of two weeks to six months (the longer it is stored the stronger it will be, but you can start using it after two weeks). Shake the container 2-3 times a day during that time. When the tincture is ready, strain the mixture into another dimmed glass bottle. If you store it in a dry, cool, and dark place or a fridge, it should never spoil or get outdated as it is preserved in alcohol.
When someone experiences a heart attack or stroke and is still conscious, let the person take about 5-10 drops immediately and another 5-10 drops after about 5 minutes, and continue this procedure (5-10 drops every 5 minutes) until you see an improvement. If you don’t have the tincture use one teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a half glass of water and repeat after 5 minutes.
In case of those who experience heart attack and are unconscious, immediately try to put 10 drops of tincture under the tongue and then begin CPR. Repeat this dosage every few minutes until you see improvement.
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Because Cayenne pepper boosts peripheral circulation it is one of the best remedies against peripheral neuropathy (nerve damage caused by use of statins, chronic high blood sugar levels, and deficiency of vitamin B12). Treating peripheral neuropathy apart from using cayenne pepper internally (3 x a day half teaspoon or 10 drops of tincture) apply a cayenne pepper external poultice (compress) to the affected area (usually feet). For even better results take also alpha lipoic acid, chlorella and sublingual methylcobalamin, as these 3 are most effective in reversing neurological damage.
Animal trials of cayenne pepper injections (for animals with Type 1 diabetes) show decreases in blood sugar levels, restoration of normal insulin, and when neuropeptides are added, an elimination of symptoms for several months. Cayenne also prevents and helps recover from diabetic neuropathies.
Cayenne pepper is a powerful metabolic-booster, aiding body’s ability to burn excess fat and convert it into energy, we all need. It also helps reduce appetite. According to the experiment by Scientists at the Laval University in Quebec, participants who took cayenne pepper with breakfast had less appetite, leading to lower caloric intake throughout the day.
If you can manage its hot taste, take about 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper two times a day with meals as it helps burn fat and increases blood circulation in the skin (poor circulation is one of the causes of cellulite).
Cayenne pepper is a very well-known immune system booster. In addition, it also aids in breaking up and removing congested mucus. Once the mucus is removed from the lungs and throat, relief from flu and cold symptoms follows.
Researchers indicate that cayenne pepper can prevent and fight fungal infections and is effective against Candida overgrowth.
It was discovered that cayenne pepper reduces levels of a nerve pain chemical called substance P, found in the nerve fibres. As a result the perception of pain, including pain associated with migraine, is lessened.
Cayenne pepper improves digestion by stimulating the digestive tract to increase the production of gastric juices and enzymes. It also aids the body’s ability to metabolize food, improve absorption of vitamins and minerals and increase energy levels. Cayenne pepper is also helpful for relieving intestinal gas. It stimulates intestinal motility, aiding the elimination of toxins and preventing constipation. It helps the body to create hydrochloric acid, which is necessary for proper digestion and assimilation of micronutrients, especially proteins. It is even more important when we realize that the digestive system plays a vital role in mental, emotional and physical health, as it is through the digestive system that the brain, glands, muscles and every other part of the body are fed.
If a haemorrhage occurs in the lungs, stomach, uterus or nose, a teaspoon of extract (or a teaspoon of cayenne powder in a cup of hot water) should be given every 15 minutes until the crisis goes away. The bleeding should stop in about 30 seconds. The reason for this is that rather than the blood pressure being centralized, it is equalized by cayenne and the clotting temporarily increased. For external bleeding, apart from taking cayenne internally pour cayenne also directly on the wound.
– Testimonial: “My husband decided to try cayenne pepper to reduce symptoms of his emphysema. To his and my surprise, he started to improve. His strength has been improving each day and we are both amazed at how much energy he has. In fact, he is back off to work tomorrow – just 3 days after starting this remedy. Taking the cayenne 3 times a day (1/2 teaspoon in warm water) has worked absolute wonders.” (source)
Capsicum, nature’s greatest stimulant, is probably the key active ingredient found in the Cayenne Pepper. Capsicum kills harmful bacteria and prevents infections from sores, burns and injuries. The following quote on cayenne pepper comes from the book “Back to Eden” by Jethro Kloss, regarded as the father of American herbalists, health teacher and inventor of soya milk: “Capsicum (Cayenne Pepper), one of the most wonderful herbal medicines, can be put in an open wound, either fresh or an old ulcer. It is effective as a poultice for sores and wounds or taken internally for rheumatism, inflammation, fevers and pleurisy. It is a stimulant, when taken internally, as well as being an antispasmodic. Good for kidneys, spleen, pancreas, and lockjaw. Will heal a sore, ulcerated stomach. The key to success in therapy is stimulation, and capsicum is a great stimulant! Capsicum, not whiskey, is the thing to do that. It is excellent in the prevention and cure of the common cold and flu, yellow fever, black vomit, decay and putrefaction, gangrene, and cancers! It increases the power of all other agents, helps digestion, when taken with meals, arouses all of the secreting organs, and may be given with the utmost safety! Fear of capsicum is unfounded! We’ve used it freely for over 1/4 century. It’s a wonderful liniment when used alone as cold pressed extract or mixed with 2 ounces gum myrrh, 1-ounce golden seal and 1/2 ounce ground cayenne pepper. Mix into 1 quart of grain alcohol. Let stand for 7 – 10 days, shake every day. Heals wounds, bruises, sprains, scalds, burns, sunburns, pyorrhea of the gums, skin cancer, etc. apply freely.
The following is a passage taken from the Complete Handbook of Cayenne Home Remedies by Dr Patrick Quillin, Director of the Rational Healing Institute with a doctorate degree in nutrition: “It’s known to stop a heart attack, lower blood sugar in diabetics, normalizes blood pressure, stops bleeding in seconds, improves circulation, prevents motion sickness – even halt the common cold! Again and again, the therapeutic value of cayenne pepper has been medically validated! Scientific evidence also indicates that cayenne pepper can be effective in treating allergies, indigestion, abscesses, tonsillitis, kidney problems, sore muscles, nose bleeds, bursitis, psoriasis, shingles, night blindness and much more!
Its life-saving action is simple! Cayenne pepper stimulates blood circulation. In disease, there is a lack of circulation or a lack of fresh blood, especially to the area, that is sick or diseased. In other words, accelerating blood flow speeds healing and can have a positive effect of vision, thinking and memory.
According to 1001 Herbs – Capsicum can be beneficial in treating “Circulatory System, Digestive System, Asthma, Arthritis, Cardiovascular Disease, Circulation, Headaches, High Blood Pressure, Inflammation, Intestinal Inflammation, Menstrual Cramps, and Ulcers. Capsicum has been used for decades as a catalyst for other Herbs. Because Capsicum stimulates circulation and enhances Blood flow, it is considered food for the Circulatory System, a common condiment to the diet. As a Cardiovascular Stimulant, Capsicum assists in lowering Blood Pressure and breaking down Cholesterol build-up. The warming properties of capsicum are useful for people, suffering from poor circulation to the hands and feet and other related conditions. Capsicum has been used as a digestive aid to ease intestinal inflammation, stimulate protective mucus membranes of the stomach, and also relieve pain caused by ulcers. Capsicum is commonly used to buffer pain from other ailments, including arthritis, varicose veins, headaches, menstrual cramps and bleeding, plus respiratory conditions, such as asthma.”
“Once a child was shot in the abdomen; a bullet hit the spine, ricocheted, and made a second wound leaving the body. One of Dr. Christopher’s herbal students, living next door, heard the shot and raced over, as she knew that the parents were not home and that the children, ages eight and four, would not be shooting guns. There was the eight-year-old gushing blood out both sides. She ran to the cabinet and mixed a tablespoonful of cayenne in a glass of water; she poured it down the boy and immediately called the ambulance, which was eighteen miles away. The emergency room attendant said that the boy would probably bleed to death, being that the distance was so great. The ambulance arrived and rushed the child (who had been playing “Cops and Robbers” with his father’s pistol, which he had found under the pillow of the bed, to the Primary Children’s Hospital eighteen miles away. When he arrived, he was the center of attraction, not because his case was so dangerous, but because he was chatting a mile a minute–and there was not bleeding. The bleeding had stopped by the time they arrived at the hospital. The chief doctor said to the parents, “I have seen many accident victims in my life, but this is the first time in such an emergency operation that I have opened an abdomen to find no blood, except for a small amount that was there before the bleeding stopped so quickly. This has saved your boy’s life.”
“In that same year, Dr. Christopher treated four other gunshot victims, and each case responded the same, although sometimes the blood coagulates and comes out in clumps before it stops completely. By the time you count to ten, however, the heavy bleeding should stop completely after administering Cayenne. The Doctor even used tincture of Cayenne on open wounds and, as he put it, “There may be a bit of muttering about it,” referring to the burning feeling of the Cayenne, but the bleeding stops.”
“A person in our audience told how he had cut deeply with a sharp instrument the inside of his hand, fingers and palm. The blood spurted out in streams. He poured a large amount of cayenne pepper into the wound, and within seconds the blood flow slowed down to congealed dripping and the bleeding stopped entirely before many seconds had passed. With a goodly amount of cayenne covering the wound, he then wrapped it. He was so excited about the rapid results he could hardly wait for the regular herb meeting. But, as he said, the “punch line” was lost, because instead of a nasty ragged scar to show how severely he had been hurt, the area was healed and there was no scar.”
Make sure you buy and use cayenne peppers that are bright red and intact without any moulds, abrasions, or defects. If you buy cayenne powder make sure its organic and from reliable source with only positive feedback. Wash them well and avoid touching your eyes when handling them.
It is a very good idea to use cayenne pepper in a mixture of equal amount of organic turmeric and smaller amount of ginger or take them alternatively.
Although cayenne pepper is very healthy eat it in moderation as overdosing may cause stomach pain.
Since cayenne pepper is a natural blood thinner (it reduces blood clotting and lowers LDL cholesterol and triglycerides) overdosing it may lead to increased risk of bleeding but only in those who are on blood thinning medications.
Although normally cayenne pepper helps with allergies yet as with any food, allergic reactions are possible in those are oversensitive.
Remember that although cayenne pepper is beneficial to your heart and circulation, it does not replace a healthy plant-based diet, regular exercise, and stress control in preventing heart attacks and strokes. Read more >
Jethro Kloss’s herbal liniment is listed as being very beneficial for pain, swelling, bruises, painful cramps, boils, skin eruptions, headaches, rheumatism, toothaches, mouth sores, and more (Kloss, 1985).
2 ounces powdered myrrh (sustainably sourced from cultivated sources)
1 ounce powdered goldenseal (sustainably sourced from cultivated sources)
½ ounce powdered cayenne pepper
1 quart of rubbing alcohol
Combine herbs and rubbing alcohol in a glass jar. Shake daily for seven days.
Strain herbs from liquid. I like to strain the liquid through unbleached coffee filters to remove as much powder as possible. Bottle and label. Store in a dark, cool place.
Because liniments are made the same way as tinctures and are made with either a 70% or 91% alcohol content, the shelf-life of the final product, when correctly stored and used, will be similar to alcohol tinctures.
This preparation is for external, topical use only.
Agatha M. Thrash, M.D.
Use 1 heaping teaspoonful of ground cayenne pepper (from the spice section of the supermarket). Put in about 2 ounces of rubbing alcohol and shake vigorously 3 times a day for about 3 days. Let settle then and use the supernatant from the top.
Put 2 drops into an ounce of normal saline (make it by putting a level tsp of salt into a pint of distilled water) and shake well.
Very carefully put several drops of this mixture into the nostril that is involved, holding the head back. If you have a nasal sprayer, one spray is sufficient. IT WILL BURN! but it wears off within a few minutes. It will NOT cause any harm! Do this 6 times a day for 6 days. Often the cluster headaches are gone by then; if not, cut to 3 times a day until they are gone. If the solution is too hot to tolerate, dilute it in half with the normal saline and try again. If headaches recur, repeat the course as needed.
For more information contact: Uchee Pines Lifestyle Center, 30 Uchee Pines Road #75, Seale, Alabama 36875, Tel. 334-855-4764
Chilli powder comes from the dried and ground fruit of chilli peppers. While it is often made from cayenne peppers, chilli powder can have other varieties of Capsicum anuum, such as jalapeño or ancho, as its key ingredient. Most commercially available chilli powders also contain garlic powder, oregano, cumin, and salt.
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– Relieves Migraine Pain
Researchers suggest that cayenne pepper, due to its spice, is able to stimulate a pain response in a different part of the body. Once this happens, the brain puts its attention on that new site and will no longer concentrate on the pain in the head, which causes the migraine headache.
After this initial pain reaction from the cayenne pepper, the nerve fibres have a depleted substance P, or pain chemical, and the sensation of pain is lessened. You are basically tricking your body to “feel pain” somewhere else, so that the head is no longer the main focus for pain chemicals.
– Prevents Blood Clots
Blood clots are blockages in your arteries and blood vessels that limit blood flow through your circulatory system. Cayenne encourages fibrinolytic activity and helps prevent blood clots. This is also the reason why cayenne pepper is effective in preventing heart attacks. The capsaicin in cayenne pepper helps to clear away artery-narrowing lipid deposits, and dilates arteries and blood vessels to clear away clots.
– Provides Detox Support
Cayenne pepper benefits include its ability to stimulate circulation and eliminate acidity. Cayenne pepper restores the circulatory system by opening the capillaries and regulating blood sugar; it also helps the digestive system that moves bacteria and toxins out of the body. Cayenne pepper also increases body temperature and boosts your metabolism.
– Relieves Joint and Nerve Pain
Cayenne power has very powerful pain-relieving properties when applied to the skin. It reduces the amount of substance P, a chemical that carries pain messages to the brain. When there is less substance P, the pain messages no longer reach the brain and you feel relief.
Studies have found that cayenne pepper relieves pain after surgery, such as a mastectomy or an amputation. It also alleviates pain from nerve damage in the feet or legs from diabetes, lower back injuries, neuropathy, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as fibromyalgia symptoms like joint or muscle pain.
– Supports Weight Loss
Studies have found that consuming cayenne pepper for breakfast creates less appetite, so people eat less calories during the day. It also burns excess fat because it’s a metabolic booster. As one of the key anti-inflammatory foods, cayenne pepper benefits also include weight loss. Cayenne pepper has the power to soothe inflammation and bloating that comes from allergies, food sensitivities and infections.
– Works as Anti-Irritant
Cayenne pepper benefits include its anti-irritant properties, making it effective in easing ulcers, upset stomachs, cough and even potentially stop diarrhoea. The common belief is that cayenne pepper, when consumed in excessive amounts, leads to gastric ulcers because of its irritant and acid-secreting nature. People with ulcers are actually advised to limit or avoid using cayenne pepper; however, investigations carried out in recent years have revealed that chilli, or its active principle “capsaicin,” is not the cause for the formation of ulcer symptoms but a benefactor.
Studies have found that cayenne pepper does not stimulate, but inhibits acid secretion, stimulates alkali and mucus secretions and particularly gastric mucosal blood flow, which helps in the prevention and healing of ulcers.
– Treats Psoriasis
Psoriasis occurs when skin cells replicate too quickly, and it results in swollen patches under the skin covered with whitish scales on top. The scaly patches are areas of inflammation and excessive skin production.
Two trials showed that 0.025 percent capsaicin (cayenne pepper) cream used topically is effective in treating psoriasis. The first study showed a significant decrease in scaling and redness during a six-week period in 44 patients with moderate and severe psoriasis. The second was a double-blind study of 197 patients; psoriasis was treated with the capsaicin cream four times daily for six weeks, with a significant decrease in scaling, thickness, redness and itching.
– Boosts Metabolism
Cayenne pepper benefits also include its ability to regulate your metabolism. Cayenne pepper has been found to effectively suppress hunger and normalize glucose levels. It keeps blood pressure levels normalized, and helps the body lower LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.
– Fights Cold and Flu
Cayenne pepper benefits include being full of beta carotene and antioxidants that support your immune system. It aids in breaking up and moving congested mucus, and once this nasty mucus leaves the body, the symptoms of the flu or cold will diminish. Besides helping as a natural remedy for the flu, cayenne pepper also raises your body temperature, which makes you sweat and increases the activity of your immune system. As a vitamin C food, cayenne pepper may also help you to kick that nasty cold.
– Source of Vitamin A
Vitamin A plays a critical role in maintaining healthy vision, neurological function and healthy skin; it is an antioxidant that reduces inflammation by fighting free radicals. Studies have repeatedly shown that antioxidants like vitamin A are vital to good health and longevity; they benefit eye health, boost immunity and foster cell growth.
Lucky for us, cayenne pepper is a great source of vitamin A; in fact, with just two teaspoons of cayenne pepper, you are getting your fill of vitamin A for the day!
– Contains Vitamin E
Vitamin E benefits include helping many organs in the body function properly and is extremely useful in naturally slowing the ageing process. This important and beneficial vitamin has the power to balance cholesterol, fight free radicals, repair damaged skin, balance hormones, repair damaged skin and hair, improve vision and increase energy levels … and cayenne pepper is an important provider of vitamin E.
– Prevents Allergies
Because cayenne is an anti-inflammatory agent, it has the power to prevent allergies and the symptoms related to allergies. A food allergy, for example, is a measurable response to consuming a specific food. Food allergies, or intolerances, can be caused by a condition known as leaky gut (intestinal permeability), when proteins and food particles pass through the gut and cause systemic body inflammation.
Leaky gut is like having the gates broken from your intestines to your bloodstream so that toxins, microbes and undigested food particles can now get through. (Take my leaky gut test if you want to know if you have it.) When this happens, it causes inflammation throughout your body, leading to a variety of diseases.
– Possible Anti-Cancer Agent
Studies suggest that capsaicin may have a role as a natural remedy for cancer, including in the management of prostate cancer. One study conducted at University of California at Los Angeles School of Medicine found that this important ingredient in cayenne pepper is able to inhibit the growth of cancer cells and prevent the activation of new dangerous formations.
There is also data from California’s Loma Linda University that suggests that cayenne pepper benefits include being effective in helping prevent lung cancer in smokers. Cayenne pepper’s high amounts of capsaicin serves as a substance that can stop the formation of tobacco induced tumours in the lung. Similar effects have also been found in liver tumours when they were exposed to cayenne pepper.
– Anti-Fungal Properties
The final cayenne pepper benefit is its ability to kill fungus and prevent the formation of fungal pathogens. Cayenne pepper was investigated to determine its in vitro antifungal activity, and the results found that it was active against 16 different fungal strains, including Candida.
Candida is a fungus that aids with nutrient absorption and digestion, when in proper levels in the body. When it overproduces, however, the typical candida symptoms may appear; this includes hormone imbalance, joint pain, digestive problems and a weak immune system.
– The Most Effective Health Recovery Plan
– Can Christ Return in 2027
– Jethro Kloss, Back To Eden, Back To Eden Publishing Company, 1995
– The Complete Writings Dr. John R. Christopher C.D. Rom
– The Medicine of Nature as quoted by Kloss opp. Cite pg. 110
– The Complete Writings of Dr. John R. Christopher Cd Rom
– Dr. Christopher Newsletter
Any information or product suggested on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any medical condition. Never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Consult your primary healthcare physician before using any supplements or making any changes to your regime.