Salvation1 – My website about God’s free gift of wonderful eternal life available to everyone through faith in Jesus

Paul Volk: (video) Many amazing touching experiences. Hope you don’t mind he is translated into German. In the beginning for a few minutes you won’t hear his voice.

Prof  Walter Veith: (video) Dr. Walter Veith’s incredible convertion story from an atheistic evolutionist to a creationist.

Prof  Walter Veith: (video) Exellent health seminar – Your Health Your Choice.

Danny Vierra: (video) How to heal without Drugs. The audience loved the message and so will you. Visit his website for a huge selection of free audios on health by renowned speakers and alternative doctors.

Danny Vierra: (video) How specific negative emotions dramatically effect health. / Short addition / Part 2

Danny Vierra: (video) Testimony and some terrible errors about diet he learned.

Danny Vierra: (video) Numerous health talks and interviews.

Danny Vierra: (video) He shows the vegetables he uses while fasting 40 days and how he lost 23 lbs.

Dr Neil Nedley: (video) Depression and mental health.

Death by Medicine: (video) Documentary based on Gary Nulls groundbreaking book with statistical evidence of hundreds of thousands of injuries and deaths due to conventional medicine. It looks at the pharmaceutical industry, drug reps, medical schools, medical journals and the absence of real medical science. The result is the modern medical system is broken and it is time to create a new medical paradigm.

Big Bucks, Big Pharma: (video)

Stop Smoking with Dr. Arthur Weaver (video): / Day 1Day 2  / Day 3  /  Day 4 / Day 5  /

Dr. Sang Lee  (video): Natural Healing Instinct and Epigenetics.

Danny Vierra: (audio) Nebucchadnezzar’s detox program.