Written by Slawomir (“Swavak”) Gromadzki, MPH
Understanding the monthly cycle and how its different phases can influence woman’s mood and energy levels is very important for both woman and her partner. Knowing how and when female sex hormones influence your energy levels, mood, libido and fertility will enable you to cope with these dramatic changes and improve the quality of your life.
FSH – secreted by the pituitary gland. It causes an egg to mature in an ovary and stimulates the ovaries to release the hormone oestrogen.
LH – causes the mature egg to be released from the ovary.
Oestrogen – secreted by the ovaries. It stops FSH being produced – so that only one egg matures in a cycle. It also stimulates the pituitary gland to release LH hormone. Estrogen is produced mostly by the ovaries but also in smaller amounts by the adrenal glands and in fat tissue. It is most abundant in the first half of the menstrual cycle (follicular phase). Oestrogen is known as powerful proliferator stimulating cell growth, that is why prolonged higher levels of this hormone increase risk of breast cancer. There are three types of oestrogen: Oestradiol, Oestrone, and Oestriol.
Progesterone – secreted by ovaries and it is a precursor to oestrogen (oestrogen is made out of progesterone). It maintains the lining of the uterus and stays high during pregnancy. Progesterone is known as a happy hormone and a good antidepressant. It helps maintain healthy body weight as it burns fat and turns it into energy. Progesterone is also a natural diuretic and helps body to get better oxygen supply. Helps building the bones and prevents development of osteoporosis. Regulates blood sugar levels and helps maintain normal sex drive. Progesterone keeps the estrogen levels normal. It makes sure that there is a balance between estrogen and progesterone in the body. However, as a woman ages and reach menopause, progesterone levels drop dramatically. The most important nutrient for maintaining normal progesterone levels seems to be vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 is absolutely essential for the development of the corpus luteum (a gland produced in the ovary after the egg is released) out of which progesterone is produced. Therefore, vitamin B6 is necessary for preventing progesterone deficiency and through progesterone for balancing other hormones including oestrogen. The most effective herb to increase and balance progesterone is Agnus castus (Vitex) which is usually very effective in reducing PMS symptoms.
Oestradiol (also called E2) is the most potent type of estrogen and it is produced from testosterone. It is the young female’s hormone of femininity.
Estrone (E1) is less potent than estradiol and it is produced by aromatization of androstenedione in peripheral (fatty) tissue. Is the estrogen of the menopause.
Estriol (E3) is the least potent of all estrogens . It is the placental estrogen and it’s only seen during pregnancy.
Testosterone - Another sex hormone found in both women and men, although women have much lower levels. Ii is produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands, and has a surge at time of ovulation and slight rise just before the menses. Testosterone helps women maintain muscle mass and bone strength, and enhances sex drive.
Menstrual cycle lasts about 28 days (for most women) and consists of 4 different phases. The first is the menstrual period. The average menstrual period lasts about five to seven days. The first day of menstrual period is day one of your menstrual cycle.
- Menstrual Phase
The first day of the period is the start of your menstrual cycle.
Since the egg was not fertilized by sperm and you did not get pregnant the uterus lining (endometrium) breaks down and sheds causing menstrual fluid discharge called bleeding and as a result some women may experience menstrual cramps > during the first days of the period.
The menstruation phase may be painful > and you may feel low on energy.
A woman generally loses about 50-100ml of fluid each time she has a period.
- Follicular Phase (Preparing for Ovulation)
As soon as the period is over, your body starts preparing for ovulation. A follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) stimulates ovaries to produce a matured egg. Ovaries release more oestrogen, which makes the lining of the uterus thicker and supplied with more nutrients and blood to provide the egg with the support it needs in case of pregnancy. The rise in a woman’s oestrogen levels causes gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) to be released from her brain. This in turn causes the pituitary gland to produce increased levels of luteinising hormone (LH). The abrupt rise in LH, known as the LH surge, triggers ovulation.
Due to elevated oestrogen levels you may feel more energetic and happier.
During this phase women may also notice more discharge (clear or white sticky mucus), which is regarded as normal.
- Ovulation Phase
In this phase, the mature egg is released into the fallopian tube and travels to the uterus. The egg can survive for up to 24 hours, and if it comes in contact with the sperm, it is fertilised initiating the pregnancy process.
Because of higher oestrogen levels women may experience increased libido (sex drive) and feel more enthusiastic or energetic.
- Luteal Phase (End of menstrual cycle)
Body increases levels of progesterone to make sure uterus keeps building up its lining.
During this phase, the remnants of the follicle that released the egg (now called the corpus luteum) release large amounts of the hormone progesterone as well as some oestrogen. These hormones contribute to the further thickening and maintenance of the uterine lining. At this point you may feel good as levels of estrogen are still good and progesterone is high.
If the egg is fertilized, levels of estrogen keeps up and progesterone gets even higher, and that is why women in the beginning of pregnancy may feel enthusiastic and full of energy.
However, if the egg is not fertilised corpus luteum breaks down and levels of both hormones drop as there is no need to continue building and strengthening the lining of the uterus, and therefore it will start to break it down, initiating new period and bleeding.
Unfortunately if during this last phase before new menstruation both hormones drop too much women may now start feeling various negative symptoms such as mood swings, anxiety, irritability, sadness, tender breast or pain, fluid retention, bloating, etc. These symptoms are known as the premenstrual syndrome or PMS. Fortunately, combination of improved diet and lifestyle as well as carefully selected supplements and herbal remedies has repeatedly proved to be very effective in dealing with PMS symptoms >.
During perimenopause hormone levels fluctuate as a result of fewer ovulations, so less progesterone is made in the second half of the menstrual cycle. Due to hormonal imbalance and the change in ratio of estrogen to progesterone, periods tend to be unpredictable, skipped or heavy.
During menopause, estrogen is no longer produced by the ovaries but it is made in smaller amounts by the adrenal glands and in fat tissue. However, the most significant hormone change of menopause is the lack of progesterone which also contributes to the low levels of oestrogen as progesterone is its precursor. Oestrogen levels decrease about 35%, but progesterone decreases 70%. There tends to be more estrogen in the body because of the excessively low progesterone levels. Mexican Wild Yams and Soy are the source of diosgenin – a phytoprogesterone (plant progesterone) that works and looks like progesterone. The plants (Mexican Wild Yam and Soy) are purified to get all the hormonal and therapeutic substances from them.
Experts know that the hormones can get destroyed if they pass the acidic environment of the stomach. Because of that, there will be very minimal to no absorption at all of oral progesterone. Most of the transdermal applications are rubbed directly onto the skin surface. Although it is effective to apply the cream on the skin, there is one way to do it better, applying it unto the vaginal walls. The vaginal wall has a lot of veins. This means that there are many blood vessels that could easily absorb the cream and help bring progesterone to the different parts of the body. The process would then work just like a normal progesterone produced from the ovaries and sent to the various bodily locations. Aside from treating menopausal symptoms, natural progesterone is also good for the prevention of osteoporosis, endometriosis, and improvement of lipid profile. The women who have actually taken Natural Progesterone have reported that their menopause symptoms seem to have reduced.
Depending whether you plan to get pregnant or avoid pregnancy it is important to know that you are most fertile during ovulation phase, about 2 weeks after the first day of your period.
However, keep in mind that although chances getting pregnant are much higher during fertile days yet the truth is you can also get pregnant at any time of the cycle (including during your period). It is therefore important to know how to prevent pregnancy in a natural and free from side effects way >.
Menstrual cycle is associated with various listed below negative symptoms that can be effectively treated as they are almost always the result of hormonal imbalance and different lifestyle as well as nutritional factors that can be improved and modified. In addition, there are many herbal remedies and supplements that are very effective in balancing hormones and improving other functions of the body that are associated with menstrual disorders.