Written by Slawomir Gromadzki, MPH
Dizziness is the feeling of being light-headed or unbalanced. It isn’t regarded as a disease, but rather a symptom of various disorders.
If the symptoms are more severe and give the feeling that surroundings are spinning, it is referred to as vertigo (caused by a temporary loss of connection between ears and brain). It affects the sensory organs, specifically the ears and eyes, and because of that it can sometimes cause fainting.
Dizziness is a common problem and its underlying causes usually aren’t serious. If dizziness happens only occasionally you shouldn’t worry about it. However, if you’re experiencing repeated episodes of dizziness for no apparent reason or for a prolonged period you need to look for a professional medical advice.
– The most frequent cause dizziness is short-term dizziness called benign positional vertigo (BPV). Most of us, if not all, experience it when we quickly change position from lying down to standing or sitting as it triggers an orthostatic hypotension — low blood pressure in the brain. The most likely cause of this problem is dehydration, especially in the summer time when we tend to forget about drinking more water. To quickly eliminate this kind of dizziness you just need to immediately lie down or lower the position of the head again and get up or raise the head slower than before.
– Low blood pressure can cause dizziness, particularly when you get up too quickly from a seated or lying position.
– Vertigo can actually be caused by a stroke, especially when you experience it suddenly and it is accompanied by symptoms of stroke such as weakness on one side of the body, sudden severe headache, or problems with walking, speaking, or seeing.
– Dizziness and vertigo can also be triggered by Meniere’s disease which is characterised by 4 typical symptoms: vertigo, aural fullness (ear pressure), fluctuating hearing loss, and roaring tinnitus. This disease is caused by a build-up of inner ear fluid (endolymph).
– Acoustic neuroma (noncancerous tumour which forms on the nerve that connects the inner ear to the brain) can be another possible cause.
– Getting off of coffee may cause headaches, fatigue, or dizziness due to withdrawal symptoms. However, after a week or so, the bad symptoms should disappear.
– Dizziness can be also caused by sudden drop in blood pressure (might be associated with kidney problems as they are supposed to regulate blood pressure).
– Other common causes of dizziness may include the following: Migraine, medications, alcohol, inner ear problems (balance is regulated in the inner ear) heart muscle disease, anxiety, decrease in blood volume, anaemia (low iron), bleeding (including heavy menstruation), hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar), dehydration, ear infection, excessive exercise, heat stroke, motion sickness, allergies, vomiting, diarrhoea, illnesses that cause fevers and dehydration such as flu, very deep or rapid breathing (hyperventilation), ageing, metabolic disorders, high levels of toxins in the body especially mercury and lead, etc.
– You can also experience dizzy spells after getting a concussion, after head injury or when you hit your head.
– Dizziness or vertigo can be a symptom of multiple sclerosis. One in five people with MS is affected by vertigo at some time.
– In rare cases, dizziness could be caused by a malignant tumour or other brain disorders.
Medicines, such as prochlorperazine and some antihistamines, can help in most cases of vertigo but they usually cause bad side-effects. Therefore, if you have to, use them only if the below treatment does not help and don’t take them on a regular basis or for a long time. Anti-anxiety medications are prescribed when dizziness is due to panic disorders or mental health issues. Medication for migraines can be used, if the dizziness is due to migraines. Also anticholinergic drugs or antihistamines may reduce dizziness.
– In order to speed up the recovery implement principles included in HEALTH RECOVERY PLAN
– Address mentioned above possible causes. If you suspect any of the previously listed causes find the appropriate article in the DISEASES section and try to eliminate the cause, if possible.
– Antihistamine and anti-nausea drugs are usually prescribed. If the symptoms are more severe, steroids even might be recommended. However, since medication cause side effects and do not address the cause of the problem first try the below mentioned recommendations, methods and supplements.
– Drinking plenty of water (at least eight to ten glasses a day) or fluids can help when dizziness is caused by excessive sweating, intense, exercise, heat, or any other possible causes of dehydration.
– Sit or lie down immediately when you feel dizzy and rest until the dizziness goes away.
– Avoid moving or switching positions suddenly.
– Avoid driving a car if you frequently experience dizziness.
– Avoid caffeine (or caffeinated products), black tea, green tea, alcohol, and tobacco as using stimulants may trigger dizziness or make it even worse.
– Exercise every day, think positive and laugh. Treat depression or anxiety and learn to control stress.
– Eat more raw vegetable salads and fresh fruits.
– If you suspect your dizziness is being caused by a medication, discuss it with your doctor.
– If the problem doesn’t disappear after a few months if possible go on HALLELUJAH DIET (most effective of all diets) or at least use the most important elements of this diet.
– Use good quality multivitamin & mineral formula such as Daly Essentials (Phoenix Nutrition). In addition, take Vitamin D3 (5000 IU after breakfast), Magnesium Citrate (200mg twice daily), and sublingual Methylcobalamin form of Vitamin B12 (2000mcg under the tongue after breakfast every day).
– Ginkgo biloba will improve blood circulation in the brain and may be effective in dealing with this problem especially when is caused by ageing process or poor blood circulation in the brain and oxygenation. Also when we age there is a reduction of blood and oxygen supply to many parts of our bodies is reduced. Try two capsules three times a day over two months.
– Try Ginger as it helped many people to cope with dizziness.
– Panax or other types of Ginseng such as Siberian, etc. It should heal if low blood pressure is the cause of dizziness. You may also try Liquorice root supplements or Ashwaganda. Don’t take Panax (Korean) ginseng and liquorice if you have high blood pressure.
– Alpha lipoic acid (500 twice daily with meals), sublingual Methylcobalamin tablets (1000-2000mcg after breakfast), Chlorella (10-20 tablets before breakfast with plenty of water) and Turmeric to reverse a possible neurological brain damage which might have caused dizziness or vertigo.
– Try Feverfew, vitamin B2, magnesium and 5HTP tryptophan if migraine or other types of headache is the cause.
– Vitamin D3 – 20,000 IU after breakfast for 2 months, followed by 5000 IU daily.
– Magnesium citrate – 400 mg 1-2 hours before bed.
– Take about 20 tablets of Chlorella 30 min before breakfast with 3 glasses of water as it is the best way to remove mercury from your brain.
– To be even more effective in reducing level of mercury, drink only distilled water, avoid eating fish, and remove amalgam (silver) dental fillings. With regards to this subject Dr Kane wrote, “Several of my patients with vertigo have had high levels of mercury in urine or hair analyses. The most frequent source of toxic mercury in our bodies is dental amalgams, which contain multiple metals, predominantly silver and mercury. I rarely urge people to jump into getting all their fillings removed, because the removal process often exposes you to toxic out-gassing of the metals. However, if you can work with a healthcare provider who is skilled in detox, and can prepare you for chelating the mercury as it comes out of your body, replacing mercury fillings with gold or bio-compatible composite may be the only solution to your vertigo.”
– Take a good quality Omega-3 fish oil (molecularly distilled) as it will help to eliminate a few possible causes of dizziness and vertigo.
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