Written by Slawomir (“Swavak”) Gromadzki, MPH
Dandruff is a flaky white stuff found on the scalp and it is non-inflammatory in nature.
It is the result of the overproduction of dead skin (shedding of excessive amounts of dead skin flakes from the scalp) which can be accompanied by itching.
– Dandruff may develop as a result of proliferation of lipophilic yeasts of the genus Malassezia globosa. As malassezia fungus living on the scalp metabolizes the oils using enzyme lipase, it produces oleic acid, which causes dandruff.
– It is believed that one of the most common causes of dandruff is also dry skin or oily skin.
– Dandruff can be caused or is aggravated by consuming too much animal protein (especially milk and dairy), diet high in sugar and other refined foods.
– Vitamin and mineral deficient diet especially lack of zinc, biotin and other B vitamins, and vitamin D.
– Lack of probiotic bacteria in the gut.
– Chemicals found in shampoos, even dandruff shampoos, may contribute to dandruff.
– Hormonal imbalance may affect the natural sebum production of the scalp.
– Eczema and psoriasis are often known to have dandruff as both of these conditions are associated with dry skin
– Dandruff usually gets worse during winter due to dry air while improving in the summer.
– Stress and dehydration may intensify dandruff.
– Numerous testimonials can be found online giving evidence that Biotin supplementation is often very effective in strengthening hair and removing dandruff: Karen Bailey: “After years of dandruff and taking every possible remedy I started taking Biotin. I couldn’t believe it when I noticed that I no longer had dandruff, my hair was shiny strong and growing. My face was clearer my nails grew faster. I’m certain I’ve spent a lot if money on dermatologist and prescriptions. I am finally free of dandruff.” (source >) To make Biotin more effective take 5000mcg per day.
– Research shows that zinc supplementation is effective at controlling sebum production and can be effective in treating dandruff. Zinc requires vitamin B6 for proper absorption in the intestines. Take 30-50 mg of zinc citrate and good multivitamin containing at least 50mg of B6, only after breakfast
– Avoid or significantly reduce consumption of especially milk, dairy, sugar, white flour products, white rice, and stimulants. I myself used to suffer from dandruff for many years and it completely disappeared only after I stopped eating dairy and significantly reduced sugar in my diet. Avoid processed foods and bad oils including corn oil, soya oil, canola oil, vegetable oil, safflower oil and sunflower oil. Use only raw coconut oil, cold-pressed olive and flax oils.
– Use raw Coconut oil internally (with food) and especially often externally as it has anti-dandruff, antiviral, antimicrobial and antifungal properties.
– Control stress > and improve mood as dandruff also gets worse when people are nervous, stressed or anxious.
– Treat dry skin >
– Wash your scalp every day to remove dead skin using only natural shampoos or soaps free from any bad chemicals. Make sure you avoid parabens, sodium laureth or lauryl sulfate.
– Drink more water >
– 100 percent pure Essential Oils such as tea tree, lavender, thyme, lemongrass, cypress, and oregano help to fight dandruff, fungus, and yeasts. A study has shown that lemongrass essential oil significantly reduced dandruff after seven days of use. Mix 2-3 drops of any of the listed above essential oils with 1 tablespoon of raw coconut oil or cold-pressed olive oil and massage into scalp 1-2 times a day.
– According to a small study, Aloe vera gel eased itching and scaly skin in people with seborrheic dermatitis and therefore it can be also very helpful in dandruff.
– Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is another great remedy for dandruff as it kills the fungus that often makes dandruff worse. It provides instant relief from itchiness. Combine equal parts ACV with filtered water and massage onto the scalp. Leave it there for a 15-30 minutes and rinse. Repeat every day for 7 days.
– Make raw Sauerkraut and eat it every day or get a good Probiotic with live acid-resistant bacteria. But find one which works as many probiotic supplements and yogurts are useless. Probiotics reduce dandruff.
– Every day eat 2 tablespoons of ground golden Flaxseed or soaked for at least 30 minutes Chia seeds. Both are the highest plant sources of Omega-3 which provide hydration for the skin, reducing dandruff, which is caused also by dry skin.
– Take one tablet after breakfast of a good Multi-vitamin & mineral supplement such as VM-2000 (Solgar), Special Two (NOW), but not centrum or any other cheap rubbish.
– Many individuals claim that applying wheatgrass juice to the hair helped them to get rid of dandruff.
– Supplementing L-cysteine or N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) is also frequently recommended for those who want to maintain strong and healthy hair and skin as this rich in sulphur amino acid is found in beta-keratin, the main protein in abundance in hair, nails and skin. It is therefore believed that L-cysteine deficiency can lead to various hair problems including hair loss and contribute to dandruff. Studies have shown L-cysteine can increase hair health and hair diameter. Cysteine is important in collagen production, as well as skin elasticity and texture. It therefore plays an important role in maintaining healthy skin. In addition, since L-cysteine is used in our body for the synthesis of glutathione and alpha lipoic acid, it indirectly helps maintain healthy skin by increasing these two antioxidants, regarded as most effective in slowing the aging process.
– Garlic is a natural antifungal remedy and can stop dandruff by killing the yeast-like fungus that causes it. Crush a clove of garlic, mix it with raw coconut oil, and gently rub it into your scalp.
– Baking soda, used externally, is effective dandruff remedy. Wet your hair, massage a handful of baking soda into your scalp, and rinse your head with warm water.
– Getting out in the sun whenever possible because sunlight has antifungal properties and increases vitamin D levels which helps improve skin health.
– Selenium helps the body to properly use proteins, including those that make up the hair. This is probably the reason why low selenium levels are often associated with hair loss. In addition, selenium is also toxic to the scalp fungus that causes dandruff and therefore it is often included in anti-dandruff shampoos.
Implement principles from HEALTH RECOVERY PLAN >
Home-made Anti-Dandruff Shampoo with Coconut Milk >
Any information or product suggested on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any medical condition. Never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Consult your primary healthcare physician before using any supplements or making any changes to your regime.