Candida Overgrowth, Candida Albicans, Candidiasis, Thrush, Yeast Infection, Fungal Infections



Written by Slawomir Gromadzki, MPH

Candidiasis, also called yeast infection or thrush, is a fungal infection caused by Candida species, of which Candida albicans is the most common.

Candida albicans is a type of yeast that live in our bodies (in the mouth, intestinal tract and vagina). Normally, candida causes no harm if we are equipped with sufficient number of probiotic (friendly) bacteria and strong immune system able to keep candida under control.

Unfortunately, antibiotics, some medications, high-sugar diets, weak immunity, stress, zinc deficiency, allergies, accumulation of heavy metals such as mercury and lead, and other factors can cause the friendly bacteria to die, leaving candida free to grow unchecked causing many different symptoms.


Fatigue, bad breath, white coat on tongue and oral thrush, headaches, thrush, vaginal infections, fogginess in the morning upon waking (brain fog), digestive complaints, joint pain, skin problems, loss of sex drive, mood disorders, recurring vaginal and urinary tract infections, sinus infections, hormonal imbalance, etc.

Candida overgrowth, Candida Albicans, Candidiasis, Thrush, Yeast Infection, Fungal infections

Thrush is marked by soft white patches in the oral cavity, around the anus, or on the skin. It most often appears as a result of seriously compromised immune systems due to high sugar diet, antibiotic therapy, or undergoing chemotherapy.

Candida overgrowth, Candida Albicans, Candidiasis, Thrush, Yeast Infection, Fungal infections

A vaginal yeast infection, by far the more common manifestation of candidiasis, causes burning, itching, and soreness in the vagina, along with a thick, sticky discharge. It’s often the result of antibiotic use, poor diet, hormone imbalance, or a combination of these causes.


Candida overgrowth, Candida Albicans, Candidiasis, Thrush, Yeast Infection, Fungal infections

Candida can even penetrate throughout the bowel wall, passing into the bloodstream and through the body. Once this happens, it can cause depression, extreme fatigue, and a ‘hung over’ feeling in the morning.

Occasionally the candida spreads throughout the entire body causing a condition known as systemic candidiasis producing a wide variety of symptoms and is often at the root of a persistent, mysterious illness. If you feel sick but you are told that nothing is wrong, there’s a good chance that you’re actually suffering from systemic candidiasis.



– Diet high in sugar, cheese, pizza, refined products, junk food, dairy and meat products (contaminated with antibiotics). It is believed that in order to grow, Candida generally causes a craving for certain foods that feed it such as sugar, white flour products, yeast and pasteurised cow’s milk products.

– Prolonged or frequent use of antibiotics or corticosteroids that kill beneficial probiotic bacteria in the gut is one of the most common causes of Candida overgrowth and thrush.

Oral contraceptives (birth control pills) imbalance the gut in the same way as antibiotics giving Candida an open door to take control.

Adrenal insufficiency and diabetes have also been mentioned as factors which encourage candidiasis.

– Also poor digestion, weak immune system, stress, hormonal imbalance, toxins, nutritional deficiencies, and some other factors may contribute to the overgrowth of candida.


Unfortunately, Candida albicans is becoming resistant to prescription medications. In addition, drugs such as fluconazole, lead to verious side effects including liver toxicity. For this reason, people with Candida overgrowth and associated with it fungul infections should be always encouraged to start treatment with proper diet and natural remedies listed below.


– One of the obvious steps is to eliminate or cut down on simple sugars, alcohol, all refined carbohydrates such as sugar, white bread, white rice, pasta, cakes, and biscuits as they feed candida.

– Address Leaky Gut Syndrome >, because intestinal permeability is believed to be a root problem of chronic and systemic candida.

– If you want to effectively fight candida do your best to promote growth of friendly bacteria that inhabit the digestive tract. These probiotic bacteria are an essential factor for maintaining strong immune system that keeps yeast levels in check.

– Learn to control stress as chronic stress can alter flora balance and can suppress immune function.

– If possible try to avoid birth control pills or other forms of synthetic hormones as they may set the stage for candida overgrowth. Instead you can use natural contraceptives that are even beneficial in fighting candida. The best natural contraceptive is Neem oil > which at the same time is known to fight candida.

– Try to avoid over-ripe fruit, dried fruit, bananas, melon, or grapes because they contain too much sugar. Fresh fruits may be eaten but in moderation.

No fruit juices, honey or artificial sweeteners. Stevia and Xylitol (prevents candida infections) are safe alternatives.

– Avoid food additives and processed food.

– Avoid or at least reduce consumption of cow’s milk and dairy products (especially cheese) including butter.

– Avoid all alcohol, margarine, refined and heated oils, and hydrogenated fats as they weaken immune system. If you must fry your food never use high in proinflammatory omega 6 commercial oils (corn oil, vegetable oil, soy oil, sunflower oil, etc.) nor even olive oil (low smoke point) but only coconut oil and avoid overheating.

– Consume 1 to 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed daily as it has antifungal properties.

– Try to include the following foods: Garlic, onions, leek, onion greens, raw cabbage, raw broccoli, fresh raw vegetables, raw vegetable juices, sprouts, raw coconut oil, such as beans, lentils, plant-based yogurts, home-made sauerkraut (made from raw and not pasteurised cabbage), and miso.

– Keep fresh fruit to a minimum such as one apple or pear a day plus one kiwi

– Other foods excluded from the Candida Diet include vinegar, mushrooms, tea, coffee, and dried fruit.

– Avoid cow’s milk or dairy products including cheese and butter.

– Avoid all alcohol, margarine, refined and heated oils, hydrogenated fats as these compromise the immune system. If you want the occasional fried food use coconut oil, use a very low heat and keep a lid on the pan.

– No wheat or wheat products including bread, cakes, biscuits, flour and so on (except for non-yeasted spelt wheat bread, non-yeasted dark rye bread, and rice cakes,

– No microwave cooked food as this weakens the immune system.

– Avoid unfiltered tap water as the chlorine in tap water can turn healthy nutrients into cancer encouraging chemicals. If possible buy a water distiller and drink only distilled water.


Sacardi (containing Saccharomyces boulardii) or FemProbio by HealthAid or other Probiotic formulas – twice daily, thirty minutes after meals. It supplies friendly bacteria, which fight candida and prevent its overgrowth. I have recommended not only internal but also external use of probiotics for women with vaginal infections (bacterial vaginosis, vaginal candidiasis, etc.) which is perfectly safe and definitely more effective than only internal use. Capsule content can be mixed with small amount of warm water and applied before bed every day for at least one week or longer. Before using probiotics I would first apply into vagina certain safe antibacterial and antifungal natural remedies such as propolis, Pau d’Arco, golden seal, etc. for few nights and after that I would start inserting probiotics every day for about 2-4 weeks. Friendly bacteria will multiply and cling to the vaginal walls thus depriving pathogenic bacteria and yeasts of the ability to reside there. Internally I would suggest to use Femprobio and externally Femprobio in case of bacterial vaginosis or Femprobio together with Sacardi in case of thrush caused by Canida overgrowth. Avoiding sugar, white flour products and other refined foods will help too. Dr. Bronner’s Pure-Castile Liquid Soap instead of regular soaps as they tend to kill also good bacteria residing in vagina. By the way, in a similar way Coliprobio Ultraprobio or Dailyprobio can be used externally (with enema) for colitis and other colon problems for faster results.

Grapefruit seed extract – 200 mg two to three times daily. Practitioners rely on this herb for its anti-candida properties.

– One of the most effective herbal remedies to keep Candida under control is Pau d’Arco (tincture or tea). According to Dr. Axe, Pau d’Arco fights Candida, Cancer & Inflammation” >

Zinc and stomach acid deficiency can also contribute to the overgrowth of candida. Certain man experienced symptoms of severe candida overgrowth and discovered it was mostly caused by lack of zinc and low stomach acid. Taking zinc with hydrochloric acid tabs for a month fixed the problem. Without zinc, it is difficult for the stomach to produce enough acid. On the other hand, without the acid body can’t absorb the zinc. Once the man started taking zinc and improved acid production in the stomach, he could stopped taking the hydrochloric acid and continued with the zinc. The candida problem disappeared permanently. In order to avoid nausea as a result of taking zinc supplements try zinc citrate (30 to 50mg) and take it only after meals.

Chlorella and Spirulina has been shown to encourage and support the growth of healthy bacterial flora in your gut, which can help keep candida overgrowth under control.

– If possible consume raw garlic on a daily basis or to avoid the unpleasant smell take good quality standardised garlic supplements such as Garlic Max as allicin garlic also helps fight candida and fungal infections. Please keep in mind that many garlic products such as odourless garlic, powders, or oils won’t be effective. Effective garlic supplement must be standardised for the presence of allicin.

– According to some studies Bee Propolis, like garlic, also helps to fight candida.

– Take super greens such as chlorella, spirulina, moringa, or alfalfa that are known to support detoxification and increase number of good probiotic bacteria that help reduce number of candida in the gut.

Evening Primrose oil or Star Flower oil (two times higher in gamma linolenic acid than Evening Primrose Oil) are known to help fight candida overgrowth and are even more effective when combined with Pau d’Arco.

Caprylic acid supplements have been shown to have antifungal properties. The best food source of this acid is raw organic coconut oil.

Zell Oxygen. Clinical studies in both animals and humans have shown that Zell Oxygen causes at least a 50-100 times decrease in the Candida population level; this substantial reduction is enough to prevent the harmful pathogenic effects of uncontrolled overgrowth.  The Zell yeast takes over the terrain where Candida is resident, and at the same time improves cellular respiration and immune function; this completes the work in re-balancing the inner terrain. For a more detailed look at these studies and the other wonderful health effects of Zell Oxygen, please request the complimentary book “Oxygen-starvation syndromes, a role for Zell Oxygen” by Dr. Robert Buist. Start at about 4 dessert spoons daily for the first few weeks, then reduce to 2 dessert spoons daily after improvements have set in, but if you experiment, and feel better on 4 dessert spoons daily then it is expedient to continue at that dose for a longer period of time. Candida can be successfully eliminated with the anti-Candida diet, Wormwood and Zell-Oxygen, but in some cases may return later if the diet is relaxed and the Wormwood discontinued.   If required, Wormwood use can be continued on a permanent basis after Candida has been cleared at a dose of one or two capsules daily.  Continuing with Zell-Oxygen at a minimum of one dessert spoon daily, and also the healthiest diet possible, gives the body the best chance of preventing a return of the fungal stage of Candida and the devastating consequences of that. As Zell Oxygen has such a positive impact on health, many of our customers wouldn’t be without it, even when they have returned to vibrant health – please read the full Zell-Oxygen article for an in-depth look at this product. The use of Zell-Oxygen and Wormwood is an excellent protocol; however some people prefer a broad spectrum approach using Colloidal Silver at half a glass twice daily instead of the Wormwood.

– Olive Leaf Extract has also been shown to be effective against Candida.

Barley Grass Juice Powder is also recommended in a natural Candida treatment.  A whole food that raises overall health and contains many anti-oxidants and protective factors.

Garlic Max (HealthAid) or Allicin Max with meals are the best garlic formulas that are effective in fighting candida overgrowth. Garlic lowers candida, fights fungal infections and also boosts immune strength. Please keep in mind that many garlic products such as odourless garlic, powders, oils wont be effective.

Grapefruit seed extract – 200 mg two to three times daily. Practitioners rely on this herb for its anti-candida properties.

Gentian root (Gentiana lutea) – 250 mg or 0.5 to 1.0 ml at the beginning of each meal. It improves stomach acid levels and overall digestive function.

Bee Propolis, like garlic also helps to fight candida.

– Consume 1 to 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed daily as it have antifungal properties.

Vitamin B12, B-complex.

Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) contains berberine, which kills candida albicans in test tubes. It can also strengthen the immune system – which is a key factor for effective treatment of candidiasis. It can be used internally and externally for the skin, mouth, and vaginal candida.

Wormwood (Artemisia Absinthium), is an anti-parasitic herb that has been used for many years as a digestive tonic. It is also effective in fighting Candida in the bowels.

– Taking capsules with organic neem leaf powder internally and neem oil externally is one of the most effective ways to fight candida and fungal infections. Neem oil can be used topically to fight vaginal, skin and toenail fungus.

Evening Primrose oil or Borage oil (Star Flower oil) (together with Pau d’Arco).

Turmeric is one of the most potent anti-fungal natural remedies. The Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy published a study results according to which the active ingredient in turmeric, curcumin, managed to stop the spread and growth of candida. In addition, curcumin worked even better than a prescription anti-fungal drug (fluconazole).

Other herbal and natural remedies that are known to have antifungal properties include chamomile, calendula, mumio (shilajit), frankincense, myrrh, and black walnut (hull).

Siberian mixture for Candidiasis, fungal infections, weak immune system, insomnia, etc.: I was given this recipe from my Polish colleague who spent some time in Siberia. She said that it is a very effective remedy against candidiasis (thrush), fungus, insomnia and other sleeping problems. Apart from that, it also lowers bad cholesterol and triglycerides, regulates blood sugar level and blood pressure, boosts immune system, and kills bacteria, virus, or cancer cells. She said that as a result of using this remedy insomnia or other sleeping problems are usually gone in approximately 10 -12 days. Well, in case other natural methods fail I suggest you should try it and let me know whether she was right. In order to make this mixture you need two ingredients: fresh juice from 24 lemons and 400 grams of squeezed fresh raw garlic. Place both ingredients in a glass jar and mix them together. Cover the opening of the jar with a clean cloth and live it in a dark cool place for 14 days until the content ferments. After two weeks strain the fermented mixture pouring the liquid into smaller glass jars. Close them with lids and keep the jars in the fridge. Always shake before use and for insomnia take one teaspoon with a half glass of worm water about one hour before going to sleep. You should start experiencing the positive result after 10-12 days. After one month of using the mixture take a 7 days break and after that you can start using it again. After using it for 3 months you will need a whole month break. In this way it shouldn’t lose its effectiveness. You can use it also externally.


– Mix 4 drops of tea tree essential oil with 1 or 2 teaspoons of raw organic coconut oil (or neem oil) and use in the morning and evening as an external application for thrush or vaginal yeast infections.

Alliderm (Garlic gel).

Bee propolis cream.

Spilanthes (Vogel): Fungal skin infections, Athlete’s foot, Ringworm, Candida, Thrush.


Unfortunately, diet alone may not bring permanent healing if you fail to address the root cause of the problem which is often the Leaky Gut Syndrome >.

Sometimes in order to recover from candidiasis permanently it is necessary to avoid other foods such as potatoes, yams, wheat, or grains including cereals. The reason is that disaccharides are present in many carbohydrates including all grains. An inflamed, imbalanced gut overridden with Candida is unable to digest double sugar molecules completely because the lack of beneficial gut flora has compromised the function of the enterocytes. According to Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride MD, a scientist specialising in gut research, the enterocytes are the cells that reside on the villi of the colon wall and produce the enzyme disaccharidase which breaks down the disaccharide molecule into monosaccharide. Unfortunately, when the enterocytes are not nourished properly by beneficial bacterial flora, they are unable to digest very large and complex starch molecules. As a result these complex carbohydrates are left partially undigested and in this form they are a perfect food for pathogenic such as bacteria and yeasts like candida, thus leading to candida overgrowth.


Sara wrote: “I am now mostly recovered from candida and I am a nutritional therapist. I agree with this article, that candida diets alone don’t always work. I was on one for 2 years, I even did anti fungals for a long time. I still had recurring vaginal yeast infections as soon as I ate a piece of fruit. I got rid of it by addressing the underlying causes of candida such as heavy metals, now I can eat fruit, drink a glass of wine and even have sugar on occasion and it doesn’t return! Candida is just a symptom, find the underlying cause.”


– Murzyn Anna, Krasowska Anna, Augustyniak Daria et al (2010). The effect of Saccharomyces boulardii on Candida albicans-infected human intestinal cell lines Caco-2 and Intestin 407. FEMS microbiology letters. 310. 17-23. 10.1111/j.1574-6968.2010.02037.x.



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