Written by Slawomir Gromadzki, MPH
Leukaemia (leukemia), also called a blood cancer, is a group of cancers that usually begin in the bone marrow and result in high numbers of immature, dysfunctional, and abnormal white blood cells (leukocytes) which are not fully developed.
Diagnosis is typically made by blood tests or bone marrow biopsy.
This manual contains the best and most relevant information about natural ways to prevent and treat leukaemia. If you manage to carefully follow all the recommendations presented here and also in the Health Recovery Plan, the complete recovery will be possible. And this bold statement is not only a wish or a theory but it is based on my own long experience as I personally know many individuals who permanently recovered from cancer, including leukaemia, after implementing the principles listed in the Health Recovery Plan and as a result of using the remedies and recommendations I have included in this article.
However, although it is true that in case of the advanced stage of malignant cancer, even the best therapy can’t guarantee recovery, yet even in this situation you shouldn’t despair and loose hope as there are many who overcame cancer even though they were sentenced to death. During my long experience I recommended the same excellent recovery plan to many people suffering from different types of cancer and those who managed to implement its principles often permanently recovered including even some who were told their disease was terminal and were given a few months to live.
Earnie healed leukemia & brain cancer with veggies & vitamins >
I Healed Myself of Leukemia – At Age 65 >
Symptoms occur due to a lack of normal blood cells and may include the following: Chronic fatigue, bleeding and bruising, fever, weak immunity, increased risk of infections, etc.
There are four main types of leukaemia — acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL), acute myeloid leukaemia (AML), chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) and chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) — as well as a number of less common types.
Leukaemias and lymphomas both belong to a broader group of tumours that affect the blood, bone marrow, and lymphoid system, known as tumours of the hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues.
– Acute leukaemia is characterized by a rapid increase in the number of immature blood cells. The crowding that results from such cells makes the bone marrow unable to produce healthy blood cells. Immediate treatment is required in acute leukaemia because of the rapid progression and accumulation of the malignant cells, which then spill over into the bloodstream and spread to other organs of the body. Acute forms of leukaemia are the most common forms of leukaemia in children.
– Chronic leukaemia is characterized by the excessive build-up of relatively mature, but still abnormal, white blood cells. Typically taking months or years to progress, the cells are produced at a much higher rate than normal, resulting in many abnormal white blood cells. Chronic leukaemia mostly occurs in older people, but can occur in any age group.
– Additionally, the diseases are subdivided according to which kind of blood cell is affected. This divides leukaemias into lymphoblastic or lymphocytic leukaemias and myeloid or myelogenous leukaemias:
– In lymphoblastic or lymphocytic leukaemias, the cancerous change takes place in a type of marrow cell that normally goes on to form lymphocytes, which are infection-fighting immune system cells. Most lymphocytic leukaemias involve B cells.
– In myeloid or myelogenous leukaemias, the cancerous change takes place in a type of marrow cell that normally goes on to form red blood cells, some types of white cells, and platelets.
We are told the exact cause of leukaemia is unknown but it is not completely true as we know that a combination of lifestyle, genetic and environmental factors significantly increase risk of developing this disease. The following factors are believed to increase the risk of leukaemia:
– We know that many cows develop leukaemia caused by leukaemia virus and that milk and dairy from those cows is commonly sold in shops and supermarkets. In 1976, it was discovered that bovine leukaemia virus can indeed infect human, chimpanzee, and monkey cells.
Dr Agatha Trash maintains that leukaemia is caused by a virus that can be transmitted between animals and then to humans, and that people are exposed to leukemia virus through consumption of meat, milk, egg cheeses and direct contact with animals. “
Dr. Henry Lemon of the University of Nebraska Cancer Research Institute sees a link between human leukaemia and cattle leukaemia. “Histologically, the blood cancer in cattle resembles the lymphsarcoma and leukaemia (in humans). Dr. Lemon notes that dairy-rich Denmark has a leukaemia incidence double that of any other western European nation, and a high rate of cattle leukosis. A history of milk drinking has been a prominent feature in patients with leukaemia states Dr. Lemon. Cancer incidence throughout the world bears direct relationship in the countries having big dairy industries. Cattle and dairy farmers show an excess of deaths due to leukaemia over a matched control group, selected from the general population.
Professor Scharffenberg from Loma Linda University in California in his book Cancer Prevention wrote that a group of chimpanzees were fed with leukaemia-contaminated cow’s milk, and as a result all died within a year due to developing leukaemia.
In 1974, six chimpanzees were fed with milk from cows that had leukaemia. Two chimpanzees died at the age of nine as a result of leukaemia.
Cow’s milk is intended for calves whose growth rate is incomparably faster than that of human infants. Therefore, the protein and growth hormones present in a much higher concentration in cow’s milk cause faster growth of new cells in humans, which may have a significant impact on the development of cancer, including leukaemia. It was found that growth hormones present in cow’s milk do not undergo deactivation under the influence of high temperature, cooking or pasteurization, but they still occur in curd cheese, cheese, yogurt, etc. It is believed that the cow protein contained in cow’s milk and the hormones accelerating the growth of cells make it impossible to inhibitor or slow down the cancer development.
Researchers from Oxford University and Kagoshima University (Japan) have discovered a mechanism through which human T lymphocyte virus type 1 (HTLV-1), or the virus that causes leukaemia of T cells in adults, develops in the human body. Until recently, the secret was how HTLV-1 was able to infect cells and people, but according to scientific research published in Science magazine, this virus is spreading by changing the normal behaviour of T lymphocytes. Professor Charles Bangham from Imperial College London at St Mary’s Hospital who is the main author of this scientific document comments on it as follows: “The HTLV-1 virus infects 10 to 20 million people around the world, of which about 2 to 3 percent develop leukaemia… “. (News release issued by Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine – London)
Poultry farmers are also linked with greater frequencies of leukaemia. This finding is all the more striking since other rural residence consistently reveal that the total cancer mortality is much lower among them than among urban citizens. It seems logical ”to relate this excess (mortality) to the known predisposition of chickens to mortality from Marek’s disease,” (fowl leukosis) says Samuel Milham, Jr., an epidemiologist at Washington State Division of Health in Olympia. Medical World News January 14, 1972
Cancer-producing viruses lie dormant for a long time before they are activated by external factors (radiant energy, metabolic or hormonal factors, irritation, deficiencies in the immune system, chemicals in the blood, or environment, etc.). It is felt by many investigators that when radiation causes leukaemia, it is by activation of a latent leukaemia virus! There are doubtless other factors as well, such as the inevitable weakening of tissues by radiation and the presence of altered stimuli to cell-growth—ammonia as an example.
Ammonia increases susceptibility to virus infections. One of the waste products of protein digestion is ammonia, a substance harmful to man and animals. Americans may be increasing their incidence of intestinal cancer by eating large amounts of milk, meat, eggs, and cheese. Ammonia is declared capable of changing the character of ribonucleic acid, altering the rate that thymidine is used to form deoxyribonucleic acid in living cells, and of destroying cells, thus increasing cell turnover and the opportunity cells have in becoming cancerous. All of the phenomenon are stated to occur at ammonia concentrations below those usually found in man’s intestine, which are high enough in the large intestine of non-vegetarians to cause severe changes in character and biochemistry of cells. Postgraduate Medicine 1969
– Vitamin D deficiency > According to the Journal of Clinical Cancer Research tumours in particular can become highly aggressive as a result of low levels of vitamin D. The research also indicates that the lower the vitamin D level, the more aggressive the cancer can be. >
– Sun block screens lotions or creams as they contain dangerous chemicals, hold in your sweat and do not allow sun to make vitamin D under your skin (vitamin D is one of the most important factor protecting you against cancer).
– Stimulants: smoking, alcohol, caffeine (coffee, tea, cola drinks, etc.), theobromine (chocolate), illegal drugs, etc.
– Ionizing radiation
– Prior chemotherapy
– Dairy and meat products.
– Refined sugar, high fructose/glucose syrup.
– Prescribed medication, antibiotics, hormones especially oestradiol (often present also in tap water) >
– Contraceptives
– Bad fats: margarine, most plant oils, animal fats.
– Stress, Anxiety, depression, negative thinking
– Nutritional deficiencies
– Unhealthy lifestyle
– Environmental toxins (especially mercury, lead, fluoride, chlorine, dioxins, etc.),
– Preservatives, harmful radiation
– Free radicals and diet low in antioxidants
Treatment may involve some combination of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, and bone marrow transplant. The success of treatment depends on the type of leukaemia and the age of the person.
Most important part of the treatment is living according to the principles I included in the HEALTH RECOVERY PLAN > and EMPOWERMENT >
Apart from that try to use as many of the following as possible:
– Cold-pressed vegetable juices (beets, carrot, broccoli, tomatoes, kale, etc.) – 1 glass every hour or 3 glasses 3 x a day. Cold-pressed vegetable juices make one of the most important and most effective natural remedy to treat cancer and many cancer sufferers actually recovered as a result of using this remedy. if possible buy a slow juicer to make proper cold-pressed juices. Read more >
Beets as a Leukemia Natural Treatment >
– Turmeric capsules (must be standardised for the presence and concentration of curcumin such as Curcumin 3 by HealthAid) – 3 x 1 caps with vegetable juices and 1 teaspoon of fresh ground Turmeric (you must make it by yourself from turmeric root) about 30 minutes before meals.
– Vitamin D3 – 50,000 IU a day for the first 3 months and 30,000 IU a day after that for another 3-6 months. Keep in mind that the more D3 you take the more magnesium supplements you need every day (2 times a day at least 400 to 800 mg of good quality magnesium such as magnesium citrate) otherwise you will surely develop magnesium deficiency with its symptoms such as sleeping problems, etc. Vitamin D should be also taken with vitamin K2 MK7 (200mcg a day) for better absorption.
– According to Dr. Axe, “Pau a’Arco fights Candida, Cancer & Inflammation” >
Pau d’Arco (Tabebuia impetiginosa) Liquid 50ml – HealthAid >
– Cat’s claw: 5000mg – 3 x a day 1 caps. Instead Cat’s claw you can use Essiac.
– Clean greens powder (Pukka) – 3 x a day 1 heaped teaspoon 30 min before meals or chlorella (Pukka) – 2 x a day 10 tab. 30 min before breakfast and before lunch.
– Good quality multivitamin-mineral formula (Healthy Mega by HealthAid or Special Two by NOW Foods, etc.) – 1 after breakfast.
– Zinc citrate (citrate shouldn’t cause nausea): 20 – 30 mg after breakfast
– Bitter almonds, Apricot kernels (sources of vitamin B17). Read more >
– No milk, dairy or meat products.
– Plant-based unrefined diet (free from any animal foods). Hallelujah diet is the most effective among all plant based unrefined diets (practice this diet for at least 3 – 6 months or until recovery). Here you will find countless stories of recovery from cancer as a result of being on Hallelujah diet.
– No sugar or products that include sugar, glucose, fructose, artificial sweeteners.
– No stimulants (chocolate, cocoa powder, coffee, tea, cola, alcohol, smoking, etc.)
– Hot and cold applications on whole body. Hot and cold alternative showers every morning and evening! >
– You must always think positive and be free from fear as fear and anxiety make your immune system very weak and unable to fight with cancer. The only way to experience true peace and freedom from fear is through the Gospel message >. Every day carefully read (or listen to) one chapter from the book Steps to Christ > by Ellen White.
The spiritual aspect of this therapy is extremal important because it is the only way to get rid of fear especially fear of death which makes the immune system unable to overcome cancer. But even if, in spite of your sincere efforts, you fail to recover, which sometimes happens, and you will have to face death, it won’t be a scary and hopeless experience any more after you become familiar and fully accept the wonderful truth included in the spiritual aspect of this therapy. Instead of being afraid of death you will be able to say, “For to me to die is gain” (Phil. 1:21) as your heart will be filled with God-given assurance of much better future, assurance of facing true – not only spiritual but also physical reality of new wonderful and never-ending life without sickness, suffering or death.
– To understand how important is mental health in treating cancer every day read one chapter from the book Ministry of Healing > by Ellen White (starting from chapter Mind Healing).
WITH REGARDS TO CANCER YOU MUST READ ALSO THE ARTICLE “The Deadly Consequences of Unforgiveness” >
by Dennis Robinson, PhD
Diagnosis, surgery & biopsy
16 years ago I was diagnosed with cancer (tumours in the sigmoid curve of the descending colon) and was told I could possibly live another 6 months if I took the chemo. Whether it was stage 1,2,3, or 4 (terminal) I do not know. I know only that the surgeon and the radiation and chemo oncologist present during the surgery all agreed that I would live maybe 6 months. That is if I took the chemo. NO-BRAINIER at least for me. I wouldn’t take the chemo no matter what they said. I saw too many friends go that route and I preferred not to die like that.
So, fortunately I had paid attention in my short life and knew from my past friends’ experience that if ever confronted with this antagonist, I would take my chance with the cancer for there had to be a far better way to cross over to the other side of life than a dance with the chemo.
During surgery (simply because I did not know better at the time) they found tumours in some lymph nodes as well as others attached to the prostate and stomach. They were saying they thought other organs may be affected as well. (Have you heard of the Richard Block Cancer Center in Kansas City Missouri? That is the home of Henry and Richard Block of H&R Block tax accountants. They are very popular here in the U.S. Richard started the center and had a board of five physicians. Three of these men were in the operating room. The surgeon, chemo guy and radiation guy. I found this out when I took my case before the board for a second opinion. They said there was nothing they could do.)
Biopsies showed malignant and of course they did not need to tell me when I came out of surgery because I could see it in their faces. They said I was in denial because I didn’t cry or get mad. I was thinking of what I was going to do. One night the nurses were talking that they should call my family because they didn’t think I would make it through the night, but I told them to let me die in peace. I didn’t want people there crying and all emotional about a natural event. As I lay there I just couldn’t see myself dying. I knew I had to get out of the hospital or I would be carried out feet first.
Taking things into my own hands
The next day I hung the bags, one for urine, one for drainage coming out the left side of my abdomen, the huge IV in my neck, I hung these on the IV tree and began walking up and down the halls a few times a day. They were freaking on this, the hospital staff, but I was going to walk out on my own. After a week of begging the docs to let me go they finally sent me home.
The oncologist that administers the chemo told me all the things he would do but I told him no way I was going out of this life like that. He was an arrogant SOB. They called me at home for several weeks after, telling me that I was giving up and I was a coward. They could give me 6 more months, was I stupid? I had a follow-up appointment with the surgeon a few weeks later, the day after I began my self-healing, and he told me, “the stronger I got from the diet and exercise, the stronger the cancer would get.” He was brilliant. I still laugh at that one.
Back to Eden: my self-healing begins
The day after I was out of the hospital my best friend and his dad came to visit. His dad had a book called “Back to Eden” by Jethro Kloss written in the 1920s. It lay on my coffee table for a couple of weeks before I opened it and read his words. If I did the veggie diet and drank the violet leaf tea, it would cure the cancer. I began the next morning by boiling onions and carrots and drinking a large pot of this tea each day.
The treatment I used changed as I was ready. I began the journey with Mr. Kloss’s information. The violet leaf tea. Which I simply boiled in a big pot and then drank at least 6 quarts a day. A bit extreme but I liked it. Of course no sugar or sweetener. I ate only fresh fruit and vegetables for a few weeks, then began oatmeal in the morning. No sugar or milk, no poison. I put a little honey in the water as it heated and then stirred in the oats. Quick or regular or steel cut, it doesn’t matter.
Then I started studying macrobiotics but they are biased and think they have the only truth. B. S. You take the good and spit out the bad, as in all things. But I learned about bean curd which I love. Brown rice which is Mother’s milk to us. The sea veggies, other grains such as millet and barley. Beans of all kinds. But that started a few months after I did the Kloss thing.
But I was very strict, I was wanting to live. I did not falter in the least. I gave up drinking everything but water and lots of it and the tea only. No fruit juice. No veggie juice. No vitamins or anything else.
I have talked with people about this for many years and the first thing I ask is if they smoke. If they say “do I have to stop smoking”? then I know they don’t have the mettle to heal themselves. What are you prepared to do for good health? I didn’t drink beer, booze, wine, nothing alcoholic. I guess I was willing to do whatever made logical sense. I followed my path, when I learned about red clover and other herbs I incorporated them into my tea. Like the twig and stem kicocha or something like that (a macrobiotic thing).
Walking and visualization
I also began walking 3 miles a day and visualization, a change in attitude towards life and living. The daily walking was important, as was the visualization and meditation. I went back in my life and would visualize the people that I thought I needed to forgive and that needed to forgive me, of course in my mind. I asked them for forgiveness and forgave them. A clean mind is healing itself.
I also would remove my clothing in the woods near my home sitting on a high hill in the dirt as I watched the sun come up over the far hill and ask father sun to pour into me his energy and visualize that energy moving through my body.
“Only one kind of cancer”
I have learned there is only one type of cancer, it begins in the marrow where cells are produced and “cancer” as we call it is the body’s way of dealing with abnormalities. The cells find the weakest link and the body isolates these cells in the form of a tumor to save our lives. We need to work with the body’s natural healing system to rid ourselves of these tumors. But it all starts in the marrow in the blood and by cleansing the blood we heal ourselves. Nature is very logical and very simple. We do not fight against nature but we bend to the wind and storms of life and we not only survive but we thrive.
So the tumors are only signs that your body is fighting a blood condition. It is producing unhealthy cells and the body is isolating them to form tumors.
About tumor stages:
Like cell counts, this is only relevant if you are in oncology treatment.
You cannot learn about cancer if you listen to what the AMA says about an illness they know nothing about. They are only selling drugs for the chem companies. It is all simple logic. I did nothing but what was logical. Someone asked me what my blood count was. I said I didn’t know. So they said then I could not have had cancer. I did not take their treatment.
My healing from terminal colon cancer
It is a simple thing to be healed of cancer. It is the body that does the work, not my head. I only furnish it with the tools needed to obtain good health.
Originally I think my only thought was to die like a man. With my head up and a smile on my face. But I can assure you the chemo or radiation is no way for a person to live or die. It is barbaric and not even the bloodletters of the early centuries could match the AMA. The modern time quacks. Hippocrates was a brilliant man and said it all, “let your food be your medicine and your medicine your food”. They take a hypocritic oath today, not hippocratic.
I think much of the healing was in the search for better health. I read about many “quack cures” and see elements of truth in all. What works for one may not work for another. But the key element they all have in common. This is oxygen. You get this from walking and fruits and veggies and water. The herbs cleanse the blood and disease cannot live in pure blood. Just clean the blood and give your body the elements it needs to produce good cells.
If you look at my healing from a medical standpoint you would say what many doctors have said since then. “It is a miracle”, “it was misdiagnosed”, “I just got lucky”. I believe in only one God and that is this precious Earth Mother that gave me life along with that spark of energy from Our Father Sun. I wish I was lucky and win the lottery. But perhaps those doctors as learned as they were did mis-diagnose my condition. It was not an easy thing to do, to disregard medical advice and fly by the seat of my pants with what was my life, my future. What, me put my life in the hands of another? No way! But as I said before, I am a rebel spirit and as I said then and now like Frank sang, “I did it my way”.
When I was 17 and in the Army, the doctors wanted to cut one of my lungs out. I said no way, I will die with all my parts. They even threatened to court-martial me for disobeying a direct order. But I was not going to let it happen. At age thirty, a lung specialist said if I had the lung disorder I described to them, that there was no sign of it now. They told me at the time if I lived to be 25 I would be in an iron lung. So you see I have always been a rebel and am here breathing air on terra to tell about it. Just because those people have been well educated according to popular thought from the “best Universities”, they are only human and cannot predict the future. But that’s another story for another time.
My journey was interesting and I still claim that cancer was the best thing that ever happened to me. It woke me up out of my passivity and gave me focus and energy and an awareness of my character. I was very proud to have embraced death as I gained my freedom from religion and so much more. Fear is what our Earth Mother cannot abide, she rewards courage and independence. I live my life as I see and walk my path as I am led by her wisdom.
Life goes on within you and without you so we need to live life while it is here. Cancer good or bad it is, as all of life, in how you look at it. For me it was very good and taught me much about myself. After all, it matters to have an end to journey towards, but it is the journey that matters in the end.
Listen to your body & your intuition
You have to listen to your body. All people are different and if you touch mama she will not let you down. If you show her a pure heart and she knows you are serious then she will lead you down your own path. Even if you die in a week or a month or a year it is not a bad thing. I was ready, I faced it and did not fear the reaper. I see the other side as another step in the journey of life. It is the promise of birth, we cannot run nor hide from it.
Tell people not to listen to humans but trust their intuition, trust their nature and trust Mother, she really does know best.
My brother’s cancer journey
My little brother was diagnosed last week with lymphoma and sent me this site today. My brother is insisting that he needs to use all he can to fight the cancer so he will begin his chemo Monday and though I have talked to him about this, it is his path to walk but I will be here to support him. He has begun the veggie diet and is drinking a mixture of violet leaf, red clover blossoms, golden seal and chapparal. His attitude as well as that of his wife and daughters has done a 180 and they are positive and showing affection as I have not seen since their union 20 years ago.
I had a dream about 20 years ago and I saw my brother hanging from a rope or something around his neck choking him and I was standing under him with my arms wrapped around his legs trying to hold him up. But the water that appeared about me was rising and was up to my neck but I refused to let go and I awoke crying. Maybe this is what that dream symbolized: I have to hold on to him and not let him go. I have lost a brother and a sister already to cancer. My sister told me she didn’t like that stuff, referring to the veggie diet and the herb tea. Tumors in the lung. My brother it was tumors in the colon, he said he was too far gone for my treatment to help him. I was just lucky he said. But before he passed he told another sister he was living with that he wished he could have listened to me and was strong enough to take that path. It is sad when you have a cup of cool fresh water and someone you love is dying of thirst. You feel isolated and useless.
Update October 2007:
Progress is certain for my little brother. I told you he was diagnosed with lymphoma a little more than a month ago. Well he floundered a little and the docs had him scared and he did considered chemo. But they screwed up and decided to change his protocol and not inform him until he arrived and the doctor was nowhere to be found nor did he contact my brother until the next day about this. So Don sought another doctor and they came up with a plan to take only the radiation in the radiation-chop the other doctor wanted to give him. So he took one treatment along with several bottles of sodium bicarbonate. But he has decided no more he will go the regimen I have set him on and will take no more chemo. He says as long as he feels this good why should he take the chemo. So I am elated. My baby brother Don will live many more years and be able to see his daughters graduate college and get married and bounce his grandchildren on his knee. So life is good in my world.
Living today
I am now 54 years old and enjoy good health and travel each winter to South America.
READ: Cannabis – the best cure for cancer >
There is also a growing interest of treating cancer using HYDROGEN PEROXIDE or BAKING SODA. Personally I wouldn’t use these methods as both of them may cause dangerous side effects especially when used improperly. Apart from that, no therapy is more effective than the one presented here. However, I understand that not everyone is able or willing to go on completely plant-base and mostly raw diet or use the remedies listed above. So in this case if you are interested in HYDROGEN PEROXIDE or BAKING SODA first read a lot, get acquainted with all cons and pros, and if you decide to try them be very careful as they may cause dangerous side effects if you use them in a wrong way.
If you are interested in other alternative methods below I included links to some popular websites dealing with cancer:
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Any information or product suggested on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any medical condition. Never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Consult your primary healthcare physician before using any supplements or making any changes to your regime.
© 2016 Slawomir Gromadzki – All Rights Reserved