Written by Slawomir (“Swavak”) Gromadzki, MPH
The pineal gland is a grain-sized gland found in the centre of the brain. This tiny gland plays an essential role in our sleep patterns and the quality of sleep. It participates in the regulation of female hormone levels and may affect fertility and the menstrual cycle. A 2016 study (>) found that made by pineal gland melatonin may help protect against cardiovascular issues such as atherosclerosis and hypertension. It is also believed that the same small gland is essential for proper mental development and spiritual awakening.
According to Liberman, “Today, the pineal is recognized as playing a major role in every aspect of human function. It acts as the ‘regulator of regulators‘. Aside from its documented effects on reproductive function, growth, body temperature, blood pressure, motor activity, sleep, tumour growth, mood, and the immune system, it also seems to be a factor in longevity”.
As part of the endocrine system, the pineal gland synthesizes and secretes a very important hormone called melatonin (which is made from serotonin) and is especially vital to modulate sleep patterns. Light exposure to our eyes mainly determines how much melatonin the pineal synthesizes and secretes. We produce less melatonin in daylight hours and increase secretion during the night when we sleep in darkness. However, during the day the stronger the light our eyes are exposed to the more melatonin will be made in the pineal gland at night. Melatonin is also one of the strongest antioxidants with a free radical scavenger and anti-inflammatory effect (>). This is one of the reasons why it is able to help prevent strokes, cancer, Alzheimer’s and other problems.
Unfortunately, the blood-brain barrier doesn’t isolate the pineal from the rest of our body. As a result, the pineal gland gets a tremendous amount of blood flow and it is, therefore, more exposed to the harmful influence of various toxins, including fluoride than the rest of the brain.
In the 1990s, British scientist Jennifer Luke discovered high concentrations of fluoride in the pineal gland of her subjects. Fluoride, commonly found in tap water, as well as toothpaste, pesticides, and many other substances, tend to accumulate in the pineal more than in any other part of the body. This accumulation of fluoride gradually forms phosphate crystals, which together with inorganic calcium create a hard shell (calcification) around the pineal gland.
The pineal gland has the highest calcification rate among all organs and tissues of the human body.
According to the research, calcification causes disruptions in the functioning of pineal gland leading to the reduced production of melatonin (>) and various sleep problems (>) including insomnia.
It also contributes to ageing (>), headaches and migraines (>), strokes (>), Alzheimer’s (>), schizophrenia (>), breast cancer (>), prostate cancer (>), and insulin resistance (>).
Reduced amounts of melatonin may also play a role in the development of irregular menstrual cycles.
Pineal gland calcification has been linked to migraine disorders >
Alzheimer’s Disease Linked to Pineal Gland Calcification from Fluoride >
A study (>) suggests that a lower pineal gland volume (caused by calcification) may increase risk of developing schizophrenia and other mood disorders.
– Fluoride. Pineal gland calcification can be caused by fluoride. Research published in 2001 showed fluoride deposits in the pineal gland with age and is associated with gland calcification. According to Dr Mercola, „One form of pineal gland stress is known as pineal gland calcification – the cause of which may be shocking to you. Sodium fluoride, present in your drinking water and certain store-bought products, and other sources such as Prozac, antibiotics or non-stick cookware could all be contributing to the alarming increase in pineal gland calcification. Yet remarkably, a majority of the tap water is still heavily fluoridated.”
– Chlorine (in tap water and swimming pools) is in the same class of chemicals (called halides) as fluoride and it also has calcifying effects on the pineal gland.
– Calcium carbonate in hard water and supplements contributes to arteriosclerosis, kidney stones, constipation, and pineal gland calcification (>). Overconsumption of calcium (including milk and dairy products) to prevent osteoporosis creates other mineral deficiencies and causes calcification leading to hardening of arteries (caused by calcium and cholesterol deposits), heart attacks and strokes, calcification of pineal gland, osteoarthritis (caused by calcium deposits), or kidney stones. Excessive calcium intake is also believed to contribute to gallstones, hypothyroidism, obesity and type 2 diabetes. Studies gave strong evidence that higher calcium intake through supplements can significantly increase heart attacks because excess calcium builds up in the blood vessels causing their hardening and contributing to thickening and blockage. A 139% increase in risk was noted in one study (>).
– Vitamin K2 deficiency and calcium intake without sufficient K2. A 2010 meta-analysis showed calcium supplements (without coadministered vitamin D) are associated with a 27% increased risk for heart attack. Even when calcium was administered with vitamin D, which helps absorb and utilize calcium, elemental calcium still increased heart attack risk by 24 per cent. Only supplementation with vitamin K2 can prevent calcification and other harmful effects.
– Boron deficiency contributes to calcification of pineal gland. Boron is distributed throughout the body with the highest concentration in the parathyroid glands, followed by bones and dental enamel. It is essential for healthy bone and joint function, regulating the absorption and metabolism of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus through its influence on the parathyroid glands. With this boron is for the parathyroids what iodine is for the thyroid. Boron deficiency causes the parathyroids to become overactive, releasing too much parathyroid hormone which raises the blood level of calcium by releasing calcium from bones and teeth. This then leads to osteoarthritis and other forms of arthritis, osteoporosis and tooth decay. With advancing age high blood levels of calcium lead to calcification of soft tissues causing muscle contractions and stiffness; calcification of endocrine glands, especially the pineal gland and the ovaries; arteriosclerosis, kidney stones, and calcification of the kidneys ultimately leading to kidney failure. Boron deficiency combined with magnesium deficiency is especially damaging to the bones and teeth.
– Avoid fluoride (tap water, toothpaste, etc.) and chlorine from tap water and swimming pools (chlorine can get into your body also through the skin).
– Avoid calcium supplements (especially carbonate) and hard water (contains inorganic calcium carbonate).
– Drink only distilled water (>) as it is perfectly free from fluoride, chlorine, inorganic calcium and all possible contaminants. Water filters do not remove all fluoride and chlorine. According to Dr. Teofilio de la Torre, “Instead of drinking the hard water of springs (with inorganic calcium) or the chlorinated water of the cities, it will be to our advantage to drink distilled water to prevent calcification of the body.”
See examples of inexpensive water distillers >
– Use alternative fluoride-free toothpaste.
– Remove fluoride from your brain by taking Chlorella (>) every day 30 minutes before breakfast.
– Replace milk and dairy with plant-based substitutes such as organic tofu, plant yoghurts, and milk substitutes. In most cases (especially if you consume excellent natural plant sources of calcium such as leafy greens, sesame seeds, tahini, etc.) you don’t need calcium supplements. What you really need for your bones is vitamin D2, K2 and boron. However, if you still need calcium supplements, take only good quality organic forms such as calcium citrate. Be sure supplements are not made from calcium carbonate or bicarbonate, bone meal or oyster shells as these are bad inorganic forms high in calcium carbonate. In addition, these so-called natural sources of calcium are often contaminated with arsenic, lead, or mercury that accumulate in the bones and shells.
– Every day take about 200-400mcg Vitamin K2 (MK-7) as it activates the MGP, a protein that helps direct calcium to the right places (bones) and lead calcium away from the undesirable areas (pineal gland, kidneys and arteries) eliminating the risk of hypercalcaemia and calcification of these organs. You must take Vitamin D supplements (2000 to 5000 IU per day), but it should be always taken with Vitamin K2 (MK7) – 50mcg of K2 per every 1000 IU of supplemental Vitamin D. Vitamin K2 (not K1) supplementation is the only antidote to vitamin D toxicity and its calcification promoting effect. Never take calcium or/and vitamin D supplements without vitamin K2 MK7, because if you are deficient in K2 (and almost all people today are), the supplemental vitamin D will accumulate more calcium in your body contributing to calcification, while calcium you get from supplements, hard water or milk and dairy, instead of strengthening your bones will be deposited in the pineal gland (leading to its calcification), in kidneys (causing kidney stones), joints (osteoarthritis), veins (varicose veins and haemorrhoids), colon (constipation), and arteries (causing their hardening and leading to heart attacks and strokes). Please keep in mind that only vitamin K2 and not K1 has the ability to prevent calcification. In one study Vitamin K2 reduced blood vessel calcification whereas vitamin K1 did not. In our blood, Vitamin K2 participates in the carboxylation of Matrix Gla Protein (MGP), the most potent inhibitor of arterial calcification known. In this way, Vitamin K2 prevents vascular damage by lowering the risk of calcification (hardening) of arteries. This effect is more beneficial when Vitamin K2 is combined with Vitamin D3 and Magnesium. Vitamin K and vitamin D work to increase a substance called Matrix GLA protein (MGP). This protein protects the blood vessels from calcification by congregating around the elastic fibres of the arterial lining and guarding against calcium crystal deposition. Some experts maintain that MGP is the most powerful inhibitor of soft tissue calcification currently known. Animal studies have shown that vitamin K2 not only prevents hardening of blood vessels but actually has the potential to reverse arterial calcification by activating MGP. A trial followed 16,000 people for 10 years found that each additional 10 mcg of K2 in the diet reduces cardiac events by 9 per cent! The 2004 Rotterdam Study revealed that people who consume 45 mcg of Vitamin K2 per day live seven years longer than people getting only 12 mcg per day. It also demonstrated that they had a 50% lower risk of death from heart disease than people with the lowest rates of K2. Read more about VITAMIN K >
– Boron (at least 3 mg per day) can be used to remove accumulated fluoride and heavy metals from the brain. Fluoride not only causes bones to deteriorate but also the pineal gland to calcify and the thyroid to become underactive. Boron reacts with fluoride ions to form boron fluorides which are then excreted in the urine.
– Iodine. Every day take either 1 tablespoon of organic chlorella or about 3 tablets of kelp (highest natural source of iodine) as iodine found in them also helps to get the pineal gland decalcified. Instead of refined salt use only Celtic or sea salt.
– Magnesium. Take about 150 mg of a good form of supplemental Magnesium (such as bisglycinate or citrate) as magnesium helps reduce calcification of not only damaged heart tissue (>) but also pineal gland.
– In order to decalcify and detoxify pineal gland more effectively try implement principles included in the Universal Health Recovery Plan >
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