Written by Slawomir (“Swavak”) Gromadzki, MPH

Prostatitis - natural effective treatment

Prostatitis is a condition which involves inflammation of the prostate gland. There are two types of this condition: Acute or chronic bacterial and non-bacterial prostatitis (also called asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis). The only symptom of the non-bacterial prostatitis is the presence of white blood cells (leukocytes) in the prostate fluid. It’s estimated that prostatitis may affect 30 to 50 % of men during their lifetime. Unlike an enlarged prostate and prostate cancer, which commonly affect older men, prostatitis affects especially males between the ages of 20 and 40.


The key causes of prostatitis include weakness of the immune system, deficiency of zinc, vitamin D, magnesium, antioxidants, diet high in refined sugar, dairy, meat products, refined foods, low consumption of raw vegetables, lack of exercise, stress, etc.

Prostatitis - effective natural treatment

Studies demonstrated that prostate problems are associated with zinc deficiency. And the key causes of zinc deficiency is refined and deprived of zinc diet and frequent masturbation or other excessive sexual practices that lead to overstimulation of prostate gland and testicles as well as to zinc deficiency. Zinc is an integral part of the male hormonal system, and a key ingredient of the semen as it plays a major role in the production of sperm. For this reason chronic masturbation and other excessive sexual practices lead to a huge zinc deficiency.

Prostatitis - effective natural treatment


Prostatitis - effective natural treatment

– Avoid bisphenols present in canned foods and water stored in plastic bottles.

– Avoid environmental sources of estrogens (xenoestrogens) found pesticides, shaving creams, fabric softeners, tap water (drink only distilled water), air fresheners, laundry soaps, etc.

– Avoid tap water (contaminated with estradiol, chlorine, fluoride, haevy metals, etc.) and drink only distilled water >.

– Avoid or significantly reducing consumption of animal foods (dairy, eggs and especially meat products) as animals are often treated with estrogens to increase weight.

– Build muscle tissue (without steroids) as increasing muscle tissue and exercise boost testosterone which opposes the effects of estrogen.

– Avoid antibiotics (metronidazole ketoconazole) and drugs such as Valium, Xanax, Tagamet, Zantac, Lanoxin, Norvasc, or any drugs that increase levels of estrogen or decrease levels of testosterone.

– Burn belly fat. It is important because testosterone is converted to estrogen in belly fat. This is the reason why men develop boobs along with increasing belly fat.


In addition try to use as many of the following remedies as possible:

– Eat one tablespoon of ground gold flaxseed three times a day with meals.

– Clean greens powder (Pukka) – 3 x a day 1 heaped teaspoon 30 min before meals or Chlorella (Pukka) – 2 x a day 10 tab. 30 min before breakfast and before lunch. Use them both alternately one after another.

– One of the best formulas I know to deal with prostate problems is the Prostavital Capsules by HealthAid >. It includes many key ingredients (Saw Palmetto, Nettle, Pumpkin seed oil, Zinc, Pygeum Africanum bark, Selenium, Vit E, Lycopene, Vit C, Vit B6, etc.) which proved to be very beneficial in this condition.

Zinc: 20 – 30 mg after breakfast (if Prostavital is taken there is no need for additional zinc as it contains it). Just as the thyroid requires iodine and the bones must be provided with organic calcium, the prostate cannot function properly without zinc. As a matter of fact prostate contains more zinc than any other organ in the body. Taking into consideration the fact that soil today is depleted not only of magnesium, selenium or chromium but also zinc and remembering that most of the people consume refined products which are deprived of zinc you definitely need to take zinc in the form of a supplement (picolinate, citrate or gluconate). If your diet is unrefined and healthy you may need only 5 to 10 mg a day but otherwise take 30 to 50 mg a day only after breakfast or another meals. Many man suffering from different prostate problems reported improvement and even reduction of the size of enlarged prostate after taking zinc supplements. Make sure you include the zinc-rich foods in your diet: pumpkin seeds, nuts, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, molasses, brewer’s yeast, garlic, onions, or pulses.

Prostatitis - effective natural treatment

Qian Lie Tong Pian. It is a well known Chinese herbal remedy used to treat prostatitis and inflammations of the prostate gland. It includes the following ingredients: Radix Astragali, Semen Plantaginis, Cortex Phellodendri Chinensis. In Poland I recommended this formula to many customers with very good results. It is very helpful in reducing symptoms of prostatitis, benign prostate hyperplasia (enlarged prostate), frequent urination, etc. It improves blood circulation, decreases inflammation, supports the urinary system and helps maintain a healthy prostate. Dosage: 6 tablets 3 times per day for 30-45 days treatment course, chronic cases may require a longer course of treatment. After every month of treatment it is good to have one week break. After 3 months one whole month beak. Manufacturer: Guangzhou ZhongYi Pharm Co.

– Standardized Saw palmetto berry (Serenoa repens) extract or Saw palmetto complex (includes also zinc and nettle) (present in Prostavital by HealthAid). There are numerous studies demonstrating effectiveness of this remedy.

– Bee Propolis, Nettle extract, Cat’s claw (5000 mg) and Pau d’Arco are very helpful in treating prostatitis.

Vitamin D3 – 50,000 IU a day for the first 2 months and 30,000 IU a day after that for 6 months. Reduce to 10-20,000 IU during summer time. You must take Vitamin D3 because almost all people in the UK are deficient in Vitamin D! While using vitamin D3 supplements always remember to take also well absorbed magnesium (such as citrate) as vitamin D supplements lead to magnesium deficiency over time. If you can’t afford higher doses take at least 5,000 IU of vitamin D3 a day with meal. But since deficiency of this vitamin is so widespread (especially in the UK) it would be better to take 20,000 to 30,000 IU a day with meals with appropriate doses of magnesium. Children need lower doses of D3 of course. Another requirement for proper absorption of vitamin D is 200 mcg of Vitamin K2 MK-7 (Derived from Natural Natto) a day. Read more about vitamin D >

The most important way of obtaining vitamin D is of course through regular sun exposures during summer time between 10am and 2pm. Vitamin D has properties that defend against cell injury caused via free radicals and it affects detoxification pathways which are of importance in disc cell nutritional balance. Vitamin D also affects sensory neurons to modulate pain, influences neuron excitability and acts at the level of substantia gelatinosa and spinal ganglion in the process of sensory perception.
Since vitamin D supplements lead to magnesium deficiency, and because according to recent studies almost every in the UK person is now deficient not only in vitamin D but also magnesium, you must take 400 to 800mg of good quality magnesium every day.

Magnesium citrate or another well absorbed magnesium: 2 times a day 200-400 mg between meals. The more vitamin D3 is used the more magnesium must be taken as D3 leads to magnesium deficiency.

– Good quality multivitamin-mineral formula (high in B vitamins): 1 tablet after breakfast. Please do not buy cheap formulas as their potency is very low and they contain only short list of inorganic ingredients. It must be a good quality formula such as Healthy Mega (HealthAid), VM-2000 (Solgar) or Special Two (NOW Foods) which are an excellent multi-vitamin and mineral formulas fortified with alfalfa powder, rutin, citrus bioflavonoids, bromelain, herbs, digestive enzymes and many other super nutrients. If your diet is very healthy and you stay away from refined foods, sugar and stimulants then take only 1/2 tablet after breakfast.

Prostatitis - effective natural treatment

– Since Vitamin B complex (B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, Folate) play very important role in dealing with any health problem I recommand getting B complex with a good quality multivitamin-mineral formula which is high in B vitamins.


The most important part of the treatment is living according to the principles and recommendations I included in the HEALTH RECOVERY PLAN > and the EMPOWERMENT > as in this way you will deal with the causes of the prostate cancer.

– Eliminate animal-based foods and instead go on the plant-based unrefined 50 % raw diet (Hallelujah Diet is the most effective one). At the same time increase consumption of raw vegetable juices, vegetable smoothies and salads, fresh fruits, pulses, and soaked overnight in distilled water pumpkin seeds and other soaked seeds and nuts. By only lowering the intake of animal foods you won’t achieve the same results as being on totally plant-based diet.

– Cold-pressed vegetable juices (beets, carrot, broccoli, tomatoes, kale, etc.) – 1 glass every hour or 3 glasses 3 x a day. Read about amazing anticancer properties and other benefits of vegetable juices >

Prostatitis - effective natural treatment

– No sugar or products that include sugar, glucose, fructose, artificial sweeteners.

– No stimulants (chocolate, cocoa powder, coffee, tea, cola, alcohol, smoking, etc.)


– Try to drink all your distilled water and vegetable juices by 6 pm to reduce the frequency of urination at night.

– To relax prostate gland and dilate the urethra sit in hot water for about 15 – 30 minutes before going to bed. Make very cold compress on forehead and neck during the bath and if you sweat drink water to avoid dehydration. End up the treatment with cold shower. This treatment should help you to reduce the need to visit toilet at night. Read about water treatments to avoid mistakes >

Prostatitis - effective natural treatment

– Hot and cold applications on whole body in the form of  hot and cold alternative showers every morning and evening! >

– A simple massage of the prostate in the morning and evening may be also very helpful in relieving symptoms and delaying or preventing surgery.

– You must always think positive and be free from fear as fear and anxiety. The only way to experience true peace and freedom from fear is through the gospel. Every day carefully read (or listen to) one chapter from the book Steps to Christ and Desire of Ages by Ellen White >.

– To understand how important role mental health plays in preventing and treating cancer try to read a chapter Mind Healing from the book Ministry of Healing by Ellen White.


Read also about PROSTATE CANCER >




Parsons JK. (2011). “Lifestyle factors, benign prostatic hyperplasia, and lower urinary tract symptoms.” Curr Opin Urol. 2011 Jan;21(1):1-4. doi: 10.1097/MOU.0b013e32834100c9.

Indian J Urol. 2011 Jan-Mar; 27(1): 14–18. doi: 10.4103/0970-1591.78405. Zinc status of patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate carcinoma. Pamela Christudoss, R. Selvakumar, Joseph J. Fleming, and Ganesh Gopalakrishnan.



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