Written by Slawomir Gromadzki (“Swavak”), MPH


Hypothyroidism, or low thyroid hormone associated with underactive thyroid, may affect about one-quarter of all American women and 10% of men! Another large group of Americans may have mild or subclinical hypothyroidism (early stage hypothyroidism). It means that although their thyroid stimulating hormone blood test (TSH) results are regarded as “normal”, yet they have many symptoms of underactive thyroid. Some specialists maintain that many women live with subclinical hypothyroidism for many years before their condition is confirmed by a TSH blood test! All these facts indicate that underactive thyroid should be regarded as a huge problem today.

The thyroid is one of the endocrine glands and it is found in the front of the neck. When thyroid is not functioning properly, it can cause many problems because it is involved in energy production in our body and it cooperates with our adrenal glands. In addition thyroid regulates metabolism, which helps us to maintain normal body weight. It can also influence our moods and digestion. It improves the sleep quality sleep deeply.

Thyroid is important for controlling metabolism and body weight. However, there are many other conditions that may indicate a problem with thyroid. That includes depression, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, PMS (premenstrual syndrome), menopausal symptoms, heart disease, muscle and joint pains, irritable bowel syndrome, or autoimmune disease.

Also during peri-menopause and menopause, it is all very common for women to experience many hormonal problems, such as night sweats, hot flashes, or sleeping problems. Although most symptoms are associated with declining estrogen, they are also often typical symptoms of low thyroid, especially night sweats and insomnia. In addition, using hormone replacement therapy for menopause and birth control pills for peri-menopause, usually makes the problem even worse, as these treatments further shut down the thyroid.

Usually hypothyroidism exists in the form of Hashimoto’s disease (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis) which is an autoimmune condition in which the thyroid gland is attacked by a variety of immune cell and antibodies, causing primary hypothyroidism. Some sources suggest there may be about 130 million sufferers of Hashimoto’s disease worldwide. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (first described by the Japanese specialist Hakaru Hashimoto in 1912) was the first condition to be recognized as an autoimmune disease. Many people who already developed this problem are not diagnosed with hypothyroidism because of the misinterpretation of the lab tests, especially TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) or negligence to perform other tests. It is commonly believed that if TSH value is within the range of what is regarded as “normal,” it means that there is no problem with thyroid. Unfortunately, in many cases it is not true. According to Dr. Datis Kharrazian, 90% of people with hypothyroidism suffer from often undetected Hashimoto’s disease, an autoimmune hypothyroid condition. In Hashimoto’s disease the immune system attacks thyroid tissue, destroying parts of thyroid and making it unable to produce enough thyroid hormones. Unfortunately people with this condition are usually not tested for the antibodies that show the presence of autoimmune disease.


Fatigue, weight gain even with proper diet and exercise, constipation, depression, problems with memory and concentration, muscle weakness, cold hands and feet, fluid retention, heavy irregular periods, hair loss, brittle nails, puffy eyes, dry skin, high cholesterol, irregular menstruation, low libido, gum disease, insomnia, etc.



Thyroid requires at least nine minerals and vitamins to make the hormones properly.

Vitamin D3 deficiency. Vitamin D prevents autoimmunity by stimulating regulatory T cells (Suppressor T-cells), which are responsible for differentiating between dangerous invaders and body cells. Vitamin D stimulates these immune cells instructing them to prevent other immune cells to not attack body’s own tissues. Vitamin D also supports immune system’s ability to fight viral and bacterial infections that can worsen autoimmune conditions. 92% of Hashimoto’s patients are deficient in Vitamin D! There is a growing amount of research which suggests that a lack of vitamin D could be an important factor in causing Hashimoto disease as well as other autoimmune conditions. Almost every person in England is deficient in vitamin D which is very important for human nervous and immune system. In his bestselling book “China Study” Prof Colin Campbell wrote that, “Autoimmune diseases in general become more common the greater the distance from the equator.  This phenomenon has been known since 1922.” This statement leads us to a simple conclusion that Hashimoto disease may have a lot to do with the vitamin D (“sun vitamin”) deficiency as well as the modern unhealthy lifestyle of North America or Europe. Read more about vitamin D >

– Deficiency of Selenium as it is essential for regulating excessive immune responses and chronic inflammation in autoimmune diseases (>). Studies have shown that Hashimoto’s patients who increased selenium intake were able to decrease their thyroid antibodies by 64%! (>) Low selenium may reduce the effectiveness of the thyroid hormones, and some studies have linked low levels of selenium with low thyroid function.

Iodine deficiency (due to soil depletion there is not enough iodine in food). The thyroid gland requires iodine to produce its hormones. In fact, it is believed that iodine’s only role in the body is to make thyroid hormones. However, it is important to know that not only too little of iodine can cause impaired thyroid function, but also too much can interfere with the gland’s ability to produce its hormones. Unfortunately there is disagreement with regards to sufficient iodine daily requirements. Some maintain that the dosage range for iodine supplementation should be 300-400 mcg daily but others suggest that it is way too low.

Magnesium and Zinc deficiency.


Toxins: Mercury (from dental fillings, tap water, fish, flu shots, etc.) lead, fluoride, and other toxins.

– Food intolerances: Gluten and A1 Casein Allergy.

Hormonal Imbalances: Too much Cortisol (from stress).

Stress, anxiety and depression. A number of published papers have shown that stress and negative emotions contribute to all autoimmune diseases including Hashimoto disease.


– Consumption of trans fats, margarine and bad oils (high in pro-inflammatory omega 6) and deficiency of omega 3 healthy fats high in foods such as Flax seed, Chia seed, etc..

– Bad lifestyle, unhealthy diet high in sugar, processed refined foods, nutritional deficiencies, artificial sweeteners, lack of exercise, stimulants, drugs, medication, and in particular excessive stress, depression and pessimism may lead to the oversensitivity of the immune system which changes its nature and starts attacking own body.

– Consumption of meat and dairy products (can trigger autoimmune response and causes hormonal imbalance), refined, junk and processed foods, refined sugar, white flour products, high glucose (high fructose) syrup, stimulants (including coffee, tea, green tea, cola, etc., nutritional deficiencies, white pasta, white rice, processed foods, stress, lack of exercise, etc.

– According to Dr Michael Greger, “Alkylphenols, flame-retardant chemicals, and perfluorochemicals, industrial pollutants found mostly in fish and meat, may be associated with thyroid disruption in young children and adults. Alpha-gal antibodies in meat may result in autoimmune conditions, including thyroid disorders. The artificial food coloring Red No. 3, too much seaweed of any type, and processed meat consumption may be linked to an increase risk of thyroid cancer. Poultry workers often have thyroid disorders.”


Thyroid conditions are treated with harmful medication, which have bad side effects. Fortunately it is possible to recover from thyroid problems by practising healthy lifestyle and using natural remedies.

Since 90% of people with hypothyroidism have Hashimoto’s disease, an autoimmune hypothyroid condition, it is necessary to stop the immune system from attacking own body (thyroid).

Most important element of the treatment is implementing principles from the HEALTH RECOVERY PLAN >

REMEDIES: Kelp (best natural Iodine source), L-tyrosine, Ashwagandha (to control stress & lower cortisol), Vitamin D3 (5,000 IU per day, must be with Magnesium), Selenium, Zinc, Magnesium (citrate, etc. 2 x 150-200mg a day), Daily Essentials Multivitamin (Phoenix Nutrition), organic Chlorella, L-arginine, L-glycine.

EAT MORE: Onions, artichokes, fresh pineapple, oats, bananas, peaches, dates, plums, foods high in good quality protein including pulses, soaked in water seeds & nuts, Chlorella, Spirulina, etc. as protein helps to normalize thyroid function.

AVOID: Foods that may block the uptake of iodine: Soy products, flaxseed, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, raw cabbage (you can have raw sauerkraut), cauliflower, kale, turnips, millet, spinach, carrots, strawberries, peaches, wheat germ, pears, peanuts, radishes, and mustard seed. Cooking, however, seems to inactivate these goitrogenic compounds. Also increasing intake of Kelp, Chlorella & Spirulina should compensate Iodine loss from consumption of the above foods.

AVOID also: All cheeses, Coffee, tea, green tea, mate, yerba mate, cola, chocolate, trans fats (margarines, cakes, chips, etc.), refined oils, gluten, casein (dairy), meat, fish, refined products including sugar, white flour products, cakes, etc.


Hypothyroid symptoms can be totally reversed by practising the following guidelines:

Avoid all fermented foods including cheese (contain amines), meat products, all dairy (amines), stimulants (caffeine, alcohol, cigarettes, etc.).

– Go on vegan unrefined diet as it gives best results. Eat especially with lots of raw vegetables salads and raw vegetable juices.

– Proper stress control and positive thinking – extremely important!

– Eliminate all junk food, processed food, artificial sweeteners, trans fats, and anything with bad preservatives and chemical.

– Eating whole, unprocessed foods, and choosing as many organics as possible.

– Getting adequate sun exposure if possible (20 minutes a day during summer time between 10 am and 2 pm) to maintain vitamin D levels.

Avoid gluten (wheat products, etc.). The molecular structure of thyroid tissue is almost identical to that of gluten and therefore the immune system may start sending antibodies not only against gluten proteins but against proteins found in thyroid causing Hashimoto’s disease. In this way gluten can increase the autoimmune attack on thyroid. Approximately 30 percent of the people with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis have an autoimmune reaction to gluten, and it usually goes unrecognised. Gluten can cause gastrointestinal system to malfunction, so foods aren’t completely digested. These food particles can then be absorbed into bloodstream where body misidentifies them as antigens and then produces antibodies against them. These antigens are similar to molecules in thyroid gland. So body accidentally attacks thyroid.

Avoid all dairy products as heated dairy protein (especially A1 casein) often irritates the immune system stimulating it to produce antibodies against different internal organs including thyroid. The most common allergies and food intolerances today are from wheat and dairy products because of the hybridized proteins of gluten and a1 casein. These proteins can cause Leaky Gut Syndrome which leads to inflammation of the thyroid and effect its function.

– Use glass bottles as Bisphenol A (BPA) which is found in plastic bottles and cans (they are lined up with plastic) disrupt endocrine system and effect thyroid.

– Avoiding chlorine, fluoride (toothpastes with fluoride, etc.), and bromine as they also contribute to thyroid dysfunction, and since they are halides like iodine, they compete for iodine receptors. If you are exposed to a lot of bromine, you will not hold on to the iodine you need. Bromine is present in plastics, pesticides, hot tub treatments, some flours and bakery goods, and even some soft drinks.

– Avoid hydrogenated fats and trans fats (margarines, doughnuts, cakes, etc.) and pro-inflammatory omega 6 fatty acids (soy oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, etc.). Many dietary oils can negatively affect thyroid health. We cook with them almost every day and they are plentiful in commercially prepared foods. Expeller-pressed or solvent-extracted oils only became a major part of the American diet in the last century. It is possible they are among the worst offenders when it comes to the thyroid.

Ray Peat Ph.D., a physiologist who has worked with progesterone and related hormones since 1968, says that the sudden surge of polyunsaturated oils into the food chain post World War II has caused many changes in hormones. He writes: “Their [polyunsaturated oils] best understood effect is their interference with the function of the thyroid gland. Unsaturated oils block thyroid hormone secretion, its movement in the circulatory system, and the response of tissues to the hormone. When the thyroid hormone is deficient, the body is generally exposed to increased levels of oestrogen. The thyroid hormone is essential for making the ‘protective hormones’ progesterone and pregnenolone, so these hormones are lowered when anything interferes with the function of the thyroid. The thyroid hormone is required for using and eliminating cholesterol, so cholesterol is likely to be raised by anything that blocks the thyroid function.”

– Increase consumption of omega 3 fatty acids in the form of ground flax seeds, chia seeds. Omega 3s are the building blocks for hormones that control immune function and cell growth. They are critical to thyroid function, and improve the ability to respond to thyroid hormones.

– Detoxifying body from heavy metals by using combination of: Chlorella, Milk Thistle, Turmeric, Cilantro.

– Remove any dental fillings containing mercury.

– Lower carbohydrate intake (sugars and grains) as they increase estrogen and negatively affect the thyroid.

– Increasing intake of healthy fats such as raw coconut oil, coconut milk, avocado, chia seeds (soaked for at least 30 minutes or overnight), ground flaxseeds, and hemp seeds as they will balance hormones. Coconut oil is one of the best foods for thyroid. Coconut oil is a saturated fat comprising medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), which are known to increase metabolism and promote weight loss. Coconut oil is very stable (shelf life of three to five years at room temperature), so body is much less burdened with oxidative stress than it is from many other vegetable oils. And coconut oil does not interfere with T4 to T3 conversion the way other oils can.

– Increase consumption of vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene found in carrots, apricots, green leafy vegetables, etc. as it is another nutrient that has a very important role to play in thyroid function, and a deficiency of vitamin A lower thyroid output.

– Eliminate stimulants (anything with caffeine or other similar harmful alkaloids: coffee, tea, green tea, mate, yerba mate, cola, chocolate, etc.).

– Increase consumption of foods high in good quality protein (pulses) as protein helps to normalize thyroid function. However, it is recommended to rather avoid soy products because they can cause hormonal imbalance.

– Many suggest to avoid goitrogens (foods that can interfere with thyroid function): especially soy products as it is believed excessive consumption of soy may block the uptake of iodine, an essential mineral the thyroid needs. There are also other otherwise good foods that are regarded as goitrogens: Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, turnips, millet, spinach, strawberries, peaches, peanuts, radishes, and soybeans. Cooking, however, seems to inactivate these goitrogenic compounds.

On the other hand, the very simple conclusion is that if the above mentioned foods including soy products reduce absorption of iodine then you just need to increase iodine uptake. So if you take kelp (very high in iodine) or plenty of Chlorella (also high in iodine) the problem should be solved and you can still enjoy soy and other good foods with moderation, of course.

After drawing this conclusion I have found the same idea expressed by Dr Michael Greger: “Soy does indeed have so-called ‘goitrogenic’ compounds (as do broccoli-family vegetables and flax seeds), which can interfere with thyroid function in people with marginal iodine intake. The answer is not to avoid these super healthy foods but to just make sure you get enough iodine. See my videos Avoiding Iodine Deficiency and Pregnant Vegans at Risk for Iodine Deficiency. For another reason, though, restricting one’s soy intake to 3-5 servings a day is probably a good idea. See How Much Soy Is Too Much? and Too Much Soy May Neutralize Benefits.”

DR. FUHRMAN: Do cruciferous vegetables or soybeans harm the thyroid? >

Exercise at least 30–60 minutes per day. Exercise directly stimulates thyroid gland to secrete more thyroid hormone. It also increases the sensitivity of all tissues to thyroid hormone.

– Get enough sleep.

– Practice deep breathing.

– Address adrenal fatigue. A prolonged stress response can lead to adrenal exhaustion (also known as adrenal fatigue), which is linked to thyroid disease. Find out more about ADRENAL FATIGUE >

– Treat unresolved emotional issues as a source of stress. The thyroid reflects woman’s emotions and mental attitude. Many women have experienced a “trapped voice,” and by the time perimenopause arrives, the accumulated effect gives rise to symptoms, including poor thyroid function. When women make progress in treating unresolved emotional issues, their thyroid symptoms subside. Stress, anxiety or depression are often key culprits of thyroid dysfunction. It is important to identify the stressors and learn use ways such as prayer that can help to control stress and negative emotions.


– Drink and use for cooking only distilled or at least filtered water. Fluoride is particularly damaging to your thyroid gland. Not all water filters remove fluoride, so make sure the one you have does or use only distilled water (buy a water distiller). Taking chlorella and turmeric help to get rid of fluoride and heavy metals such as mercury.

– Eat: Onions, Artichokes, fresh Pineapple.



You must take Vitamin D3 supplements because 92% of Hashimoto’s patients are deficient in it!

Vitamin D, zinc and selenium are known to stimulate immune suppressor T cells to prevent plasma cells (another type of immune cells) from sending antibodies against own organism and triggering autoimmune conditions (including Hashimoto’s disease).

A new clinical trial has concluded that vitamin D supplements may help alleviate Hashimoto’s disease, a common autoimmune condition. The researchers found that patients taking the vitamin D exhibited significantly decreased disease activity (>). The study involved a 42 women diagnosed with this condition. After dividing them into two groups, the researchers gave one group a weekly vitamin D3 dose of 50,000 IU for a period of three months. The other group was given a placebo. At the end of the trial the researchers found that those on vitamin D supplement had a significant reduction in serum levels of anti-thyroperoxidase antibodies, the presence of which are commonly associated with Hashimoto’s disease.

It is also important to keep in mind that like individuals with hypoparathyroidism are resistant to vitamin D therapy unless magnesium is also given (Fatemi et al, 1991), also those with hypothyroidism (including Hashimoto’s) may be resistant to vitamin D treatment if they do not receive sufficient magnesium supplementation.

Instead of 50,000 IU of vitamin D3 once a week you can take 10,000 IU for 5 days every week (with two days break every week). While using vitamin D3 supplements always remember to take also well absorbed magnesium (such as citrate or bisglycinate) as vitamin D supplements are useless if you are deficient in magnesium (very common problem today). In addition, vitamin D supplements lead to magnesium deficiency over time and associated symptoms such as sleep problems, etc. If you can’t afford higher doses take at least 4,000 IU of vitamin D3 a day with meal. But since deficiency of this vitamin is so widespread (especially in the UK) it would be better to take 10,000 IU a day with breakfast with appropriate doses of magnesium.

Another requirement for proper absorption of vitamin D is 200 mcg of Vitamin K2 MK-7 (Derived from Natural Natto) a day. Read more about vitamin D >


Magnesium citrate or another well absorbed magnesium: 150-200 mg with breakfast and similar amount in the evening or before bed. The more vitamin D3 you take the more magnesium must be taken as D3 leads to magnesium deficiency. Magnesium (should be taken together with vit. B6.) — 400 mg of magnesium two times a day or 250 mg three times a day before meals. Daily intake should be 700 — 800 mg (not less than 500 mg). Many researchers reported that in a state of thyroid problems there is a deficiency of magnesium in the blood.  The thyroid cannot function properly without magnesium as it is responsible for converting the inactive T4 thyroid hormone into the active form of T3. This conversion is extremely vital because the metabolism of your body cells are improved by T3, not inactive T4. Magnesium deficiency is also linked to goitre and enlarged thyroid gland. Without proper magnesium levels, thyroid enzymes which produce thyroid hormone simply could not function. Dr. David Brownstein promotes the use of magnesium chloride as synergistic to treatment with iodine. magnesium chloride is so beneficial for improving iodine levels not only because it carries magnesium but also because chloride competes with bromide (bromide competes for the same receptors that are used in the thyroid gland to capture iodine) and increases the renal clearance of bromide. It has been reported that without chloride some patients require up to two years of iodine therapy to effectively reduce bromide levels. Therefore, magnesium supplementation will likely ensure optimal results with iodine.


Taking Selenium supplements and increasing consumption of foods high in selenium (Brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, mushrooms, garlic, onions, etc.). Selenium is essential for regulating excessive immune responses and chronic inflammation in autoimmune diseases (>). Studies have shown that Hashimoto’s patients who increased selenium intake were able to decrease their thyroid antibodies by 64%! (>) Low selenium may reduce the effectiveness of the thyroid hormones, and some studies have linked low levels of selenium with low thyroid function. Thyroid stores more selenium than anywhere else in the body because selenium plays a big role in metabolic processes. Some studies have linked low levels of selenium with low thyroid function as selenium deficiency may reduce the effectiveness of the thyroid hormones. Selenium regulates thyroid function as it helps remove thyroid-harming substances and supports normal thyroid structure. Thyroid controls important body functions, including temperature, appetite, sleep, weight, energy and more. Problems with thyroid function can result in irritability, weight gain or loss, trouble sleeping, muscle weakness, fatigue, etc. Selenium is also important in thyroid T4 to T3 conversion, and therefore can be helpful in coping with low mood if it is contributed by an underactive thyroid. Many individuals claim that the amount of selenium in a few Brazil nuts consumed every day is sufficient to keep low mood at bay. Selenium regulates the production of reactive oxygen within the thyroid and protects it against autoimmune attack caused by antibodies. It is therefore believed that apart from Vitamin D and Zinc deficiency also lack of selenium contributes to autoimmune thyroid diseases such as Hashimoto (underactive thyroid) or Grave’s disease (overactive thyroid) and in pregnant women to appearance anti-TPO antibodies (another autoimmune thyroid condition). Consume about 3-4 Brazil nuts per day to provide daily recommended amount of selenium or take 200 mcg of selenium in the form of a supplement. Unfortunately depending on source and soil quality some Brazil nuts may be very high in selenium and others very low. For this reason it is better to take supplements with this mineral.


Zinc (like vitamin D and selenium) not only helps prevent immune system from attacking own body but it also helps produce thyroid hormone.  The recommended daily intake of zinc in hypothyroidism is about 10-15mg after breakfast and similar amount after next main meal.


Chlorella (excellent natural source of iodine) 2 x 1 tablespoon before meals with raw vegetable juice. Using chlorella is better than kelp because kelp is probably too high in iodine so you would have to use only few tablets a day. Chlorella can be used in higher doses without side effects. Providing thyroid with sufficient amounts of iodine from chlorella, asparagus, Lima beans, mushrooms, spinach, sesame seeds, summer squash, Swiss chard, garlic. Iodine is a key component of thyroid hormone. In fact, the names of the different forms of thyroid hormone reflect the number of iodine molecules attached — T4 has four attached iodine molecules, and T3 has three — showing what an important part iodine plays in thyroid biochemistry. Without getting enough iodine in diet (and most people don’t), no matter how healthy thyroid gland is, it won’t have the raw materials to make enough thyroid hormone. On the other hand, try to not overdose iodine because although it is believed that hypothyroidism is due to iodine deficiency, yet according to Dr. Kharrazian in case of Hashimoto’s disease taking supplemental iodine is not recommended as it is like throwing gasoline on a fire.

Sometimes milk is mentioned as a source of iodine. The truth however is that, iodine is actually not in the milk itself, but it’s usually iodine containing disinfectants (called teat dips to prevent mastitis) that add some iodine to milk. However, since milk and dairy can contribute to Hashimoto’s hyperthyroidism you need to avoid these products.


Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) and Myrrh (Commiphora mukul), have demonstrated their potential to improve thyroid function in some studies. Ashwaganda extract is able to produce a significant increase in the level of thyroid hormone (T4), while Myrrh extract enhances the conversion of T4 to the more potent T3 form. It is important that both plants (Ashwaganda and Myrrh) improve thyroid function without increasing the release of the pituitary hormone TSH, showing that both plants work only on the thyroid gland. It is an important detail because almost all hypothyroidism cases are not caused by pituitary dysfunction. The problem is caused by the thyroid itself and an impaired T4-to-T3-conversion in tissues outside the gland.

Ashwagandha has thyroid-modulating properties (stimulates production of thyroid hormones when they are low or normalises when they are too high.

Ashwagandha reversed hypothyroidism caused by metformin in mice (>).

According to a 2017 study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Ashwagandha benefited people with underactive thyroid. During a 2-month period, the participants received 600 milligrams of Ashwagandha root extract daily, and the control group received the placebo. It was found that Ashwagandha improved serum thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and thyroxine (T4) levels significantly compared to placebo (>).

Also another trial published in 2014 in the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine has confirmed that Ashwagandha has thyroid-enhancing properties (>).


– Apart from Ashwaganda you can use other herbal remedies and adaptogens such as Rhodiola and Tulsi (Holy Basil) tea or capsules which can lower cortisol levels and improve thyroid function. Another herb that proved to be beneficial in underactive thyroid is Guggul.

Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5) can support thyroid gland by improving the health of adrenal glands as they are directly connected. Whenever adrenals become exhausted (due to excessive stress), thyroid is unable to make enough hormones too.

– Supplementation with Zinc, Selenium, Copper and Manganese, as well as vitamins such as A, B2, B3, B6, C, and E, can improve thyroid health. Instead of taking these minerals and vitamins separately use a good quality multivitamin-mineral formula such as Daily Essentials (Phoenix Nutrition), Healthy Mega (HealthAid) Special Two (Now Foods), Earth Source (Solgar) to get all the above mentioned ingredients.

– Boost Glutathione levels which is a most powerful of all antioxidants and strengthens the immune system and is one of the most effective remedies against Hashimoto’s disease. It boosts body’s ability to modulate and regulate the immune system and protect and heal thyroid tissue. It is also important to provide body with ingredients that increase glutathione production in the liver by taking turmeric, milk thistle, NAC (N-acetyl cysteine), bioactive whey protein, Glutamine, bilberry, vitamin C, asparagus, broccoli, peaches, avocado, spinach, garlic, squash, grapefruit.

The best way to increase glutathione is taking by Alpha Lipoic Acid.


– Take good quality omega fish oil supplements (molecularly distilled perfectly free from mercury and other contaminants omega 3 fish oil): 2 times 1 capsule a day with meals.

– Amino acids (ingredients of proteins) L-tyrosine, L-arginine, L-glutamine, and L-glycine are believed to be important for thyroid health and may help improve thyroid function and ease the symptoms of an underactive thyroid.

Vitamin B12: 1,000 to 2,000 mcg a day under the tongue (must be sublingual Methylcobalamin!). Unfortunately, many hypothyroid patients have low levels of this most important vitamin. Read a fascinating article on B12 >

– Take good quality probiotic formulas as 20 percent of thyroid function depends on a sufficient supply of healthy gut bacteria.

– Good quality multivitamin-mineral formula (high in B vitamins): 1 tablet after breakfast. Please do not buy cheap formulas as their potency is very low and they contain only short list of inorganic ingredients. It must be a good quality formula such as Daily Essentials (Phoenix Nutrition), Healthy Mega (HealthAid), VM75 (Solgar) or Special Two (NOW Foods) which are an excellent multi-vitamin and mineral formulas fortified with alfalfa powder, rutin, citrus bioflavonoids, bromelain, herbs, digestive enzymes and many other super nutrients. If your diet is very healthy and you stay away from refined foods, sugar and stimulants then take only 1/2 tablet after breakfast.

– Since Vitamin B complex (B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, Folate) play very important role in dealing with ADHD I recommand getting B complex with a good quality multivitamin-mineral formula which is high in B vitamins. One of my favourite ones is Healthy Mega (HealthAid) as it is not only high in B vitamins and at the same time it contains zinc, selenium, herbs, digestive enzymes, micronutrients, and few super grasses. Compared with other popular formulas Healthy mega may contain even up to 60 times more vitamins per tablet!

Adults may take 1 tablet of Healthy Mega after breakfast, children 1/2 tablet (or less) crushed and mixed with juice after breakfast.

Find out how to recover from anxiety and DEPRESSION >

Read the Bible every day beginning with Gospel of John and beautiful books such as Steps to Christ or Desire of Ages >

Read my article the Gospel of Freedom > If you understand and accept the truth presented there with genuine faith you will have the “peace of God that surpasses all understanding” and this peace “will guard your mind“:


Here is another reason why studying the Word of God should be regarded as the most effective way to prevent and treat our health problems such as autoimmune diseases and Hashimoto’s disease which are associated with mental health:


Remove mercury  from the brain!



The best remedy able to remove mercury and other heavy metals and toxins from the brain is CHLORELLA >


Chlorella is one of the best natural remedies not only because it detoxifies our brains from mercury but also because, like turmeric, it can regenerate damaged brain tissue:


Since Chlorella is a powerful detoxifier and energy booster it is better to start with a smaller dose such as 1 teaspoon or 3 tablets 30 minutes before breakfast and the same amount 30 minutes before lunch with 2 glasses of water, vegetable juice or smoothie. Then gradually increase the intake every day (by approximately 1 tablet) until reaching the maximum dose of 2 or 3 heaped tablespoons or 10 – 20 tablets (500mg) 30 min before breakfast and the same amount 30 min before lunch. Altogether you can take 2-6 round tablespoons or about 20-40 tablets (500mg per tablet) of chlorella a day. The dose of course also depends on age and body weight. After three months instead of Chlorella use Spirulina or even better Clean Greens (Pukka) for a month or two and then come back to Chlorella.

Read: Dr McDougall on thyroid >





Autoimmune diseases (including Hashimoto’s disease) are becoming extremely common nowadays, especially among women. Researchers have proved that all autoimmune disorders basically reflect the same strange phenomenon: The irritated and weakened by different factors (including unhealthy diet, dairy, gluten, toxins, stress, or vitamin D deficiency) immune system, mistakes healthy tissue or organs as foreign and begins to attack them. The only difference between numerous autoimmune diseases is the type of organ or tissue which is attacked. In case of vitiligo, eczema or psoriasis it is skin; in Parkinson’s disease it is dopamine producing brain cells; in lupus it can be different parts of the body including joints, skin, liver, etc. When leukocytes attack pancreas they cause type I diabetes. With ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, it is the colon; and with multiple sclerosis, it is the nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord. In case of Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism and Graves’ hyperthyroidism, the thyroid is the target of the immune system.


It is very interesting that Hashimoto’s disease (the most common cause of underactive thyroid) as well as Grave’s disease (the most common cause of overactive thyroid) are both an autoimmune conditions. However, there is an important difference between these two diseases with regards to the role and influence of the immune system: In Hashimoto’s leukocytes, instead of protecting the gland, strangely treat thyroid cells as if they were some dangerous invaders and destroy thyroid cells making them unable to produce enough hormones. In Grave’s disease, on the other hand, white blood cells go into another extreme, and although there is no physiological need to do this, they stimulate thyroid to make way too much of its hormones.

It means that in both cases the immune system gets “crazy” and instead of protecting thyroid cells it behaves in a very strange way and either decides to kill thyroid gland or cause another harm by forcing overproduction of thyroid hormones!

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to find a medical website or a scientist that would at least attempt to explain this extremely weird behaviour of human immune system. They are unable to do it probably because scientists look for a very complex scientific answers while the solution may be surprisingly simple and logical. Apart from that, for them the immune system is just a bunch of unintelligent cells that came into existence as a result of evolution and only mechanically perform their physiological functions.

Fortunately, back in Poland I was very lucky to have a privilege of translating a series of health lectures by American physician Dr. Sang Lee who developed a very interesting explanation of this phenomenon. So let me try to share with you a few thoughts I still remember from his fascinating and unique health seminars.


Dr. Sang Lee

When we carefully study the physiology of our immune system we quickly get an impression that somehow our immune system behaves in an incredibly intelligent way. It is also clear that the immune system is very closely connected to the brain and nervous system and that white blood cells respond to different physiological and even psychological needs. One scientist trying to express this idea even suggested that leukocytes behave like “pieces of brain scattered all over the body”.

There is no doubt brain is the most important part of human body. Brain in our organism is like a “king” or a “boss” and because of that, no cell, including the immune system cells ever question any information, signals or anything coming from the brain. That is why the placebo or nocebo effect (a positive or negative attitude of the brain) can impose such a powerful effect on body’s physiology and health.

Knowing this we can draw some very important conclusions which will help us to understand how mental attitudes and emotions can influence the immune system cells to either destroy thyroid or stimulate it to make more hormones.

We know that great majority of both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are caused by abnormal and harmful response (behaviour) of the immune system. The autoimmune form of hypothyroidism is called Hashimoto’s disease and in case of hyperthyroidism it is Graves disease.

Another fact we need to take into consideration is that autoimmune diseases (including both thyroid autoimmune conditions) are much more prevalent among women than man, even if their diet and lifestyle are similar. Now, that doesn’t mean bad diet, and lack of exercise do not contribute to the development of autoimmune diseases, but that there is another cause which should be regarded as even more significant.

The simple conclusion, therefore, is that it is anxiety, depression, worrying and negative mental attitudes that must greatly contribute to the development of autoimmune diseases, simply because poor mental health is also much more common among women than men.

Taking into consideration all those facts Dr Lee suggested that when a woman suffers from chronic anxiety or depression, when she has negative attitude toward life, keeps on thinking about death or suicide, or if she is overwhelmed by any other negative thoughts and emotions, her intelligent and closely connected to the brain immune system gets a clear impression that the “boss” (which is the brain) doesn’t want to live. Therefore, like obedient soldiers the white blood cells feel obliged to fulfil the desire of the “boss”, so they turn against its own body and begin to attack different organs. In case of Hashimoto’s disease it is thyroid.

The whole situation is made even more dangerous when a depressed woman does not exercise, and since only dead body does not move, the leukocytes draw a conclusion that she is already dead so why they should protect the dead body? If she is dead it is more reasonable rather to attack the body and accelerate the decaying process!

There are also some nutritional ways to trigger an autoimmune reaction. We already know that heated animal protein, especially the one found in cow’s milk and dairy, is often treated by human immune system as a foreign invader. Because of that leukocytes send antibodies against those heated proteins which get into human body with milk and dairy products. The problem however is that in our bodies there are certain proteins which look exactly like those heated milk proteins so the weakened immune system often mistakenly and simultaneously attack also those body’s own proteins, causing different autoimmune problems.

Apart from pessimism and sedentary lifestyle there are still other “death signals” that may “inspire” the immune system to attack own body. For instance, using stimulants such as alcohol, smoking, illegal drugs, coffee, tea, cola, sugar, etc. could be discerned by the immune system as the “death wish” (“death signals”) of the brain and thus “inspire” the immune system with the idea that the “boss” wishes to die (due to the suicidal lifestyle and diet). The immune system may get this impression because stimulants are harmful and toxic chemicals which slowly contribute to the death of the body.

Also regular consumption of meat products may trigger similar reaction because meat comes from dead animals.

In addition, any heated (cocked, boiled, fried, grilled) animal protein always triggers immune reaction causing leukocytes to start mobilising and thus leading to increased number of leukocytes in the blood. This phenomenon is called leucocytosis and has bad influence on the immune system. As a result of frequent consumption of heated animal proteins (cooked dairy, meat, poultry, fish, or eggs) the immune system is frequently alarmed, has to overwork and may change its nature. Eventually it often turns against its own body causing numerous autoimmune diseases, including thyroid problems.

In case of the Graves hyperthyroidism, however, the behaviour of the immune system seems to be very opposite than in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis or other autoimmune conditions because in Graves hyperthyroidism instead of attacking and destroying the tissue leukocytes just stimulate thyroid to make even more hormones! Now, why on earth in this case the immune system changed its tactics and instead of killing thyroid gland it just decides to “help” it to work very hard?

Well, also in this case Dr Lee got a very interesting explanation. He suggests that if a woman lives a very stressful lifestyle, always tries to do her best in performing her duties at home and work, often in a hurry, dealing with many different things at the same time, if she doesn’t rest and sleep long enough at night, gets often nervous or irritated, drinks coffee or uses other stimulants to increase her energy so that she could be more efficient, then guess what the “intelligent” immune system, which responds to the physiological and psychological needs, do? The immune system says, “Ok, the boss is very restless, wants be more energetic and efficient in performing different duties, let us then go to thyroid and stimulate it to make more hormones, and in this way we will fulfil the wish of the boss.” When over a decade ago I heard this idea for the fists time I said, “Wow! It is so fascinating how our immune system works and how it can be influenced by mental attitudes!”

Well, if this idea is true, and to be honest I personally like it very much, then the best way to prevent and treat autoimmune diseases (including Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism and Graves hyperthyroidism) is by stress control, positive thinking, laughter, frequent smiling, taking care of others, helping people in need, going for a walk and enjoying life and the beauty of the nature. It can be done by avoiding “death signals” (stimulants, meat products and other heated dead foods, etc.). In this way you will show the immune system that you want to live and actually enjoy life. As a result those smart and intelligent invisible tiny soldiers (the white blood cells) will never attack your own body (or will stop doing that) but will protect and fight for you like Kamikazes.

Unfortunately, from my long experience I know that for many of us it is very difficult and often even impossible to become a positive thinking person because those negative emotions and fears seem to be part of our nature. Sometimes we even feel like slaves of pessimism.

And that sad truth is the very reason I included on my website a very special, unique and even most important section called “EMPOWERMENT”. So please read it carefully and then study the even more significant article titled the “GOSPEL OF FREEDOM“, as it reveals the secret of finding the only source of true inward “peace” which according to Apostle Paul “surpasses all knowledge” and which can “guard (protect) our hearts and minds (emotions)”.

Combined with true strong faith this message will lead you to freedom from negative emotions such as anxiety or existential fears (one of the key source of deadly free radicals). It will empower you with moral strength necessary to overcome long-cultivated bad habits or addictions, often impossible to defeat on our own. This unique and most wonderful good news of the gospel will also give you a powerful motivation to not only practice but also enjoy the new and very healthy way of life.


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