Written by Slawomir Gromadzki, MPH

Cholesterol, Atherosclerosis, Heart Diseases, Stroke

One of the best examples of what a healthy unrefined plant-based diet can do has been given by former president of the US Bill Clinton after he experienced a horrible heart attack followed by surgeries. A popular in American physician and health authority Dr Coldwell Esselstyn encouraged Bill Clinton to go on a totally plant-based healthy diet. Persuaded by scientific data and numerous success stories, Clinton decided to give it a try. As a result he lost weight and completely reversed his coronary artery diseases!


Cholesterol is a substance found in the fats (lipids) in our blood. There are two sources of cholesterol. First one is made by our body (liver) and it is beneficial as it is used to repair damaged tissue and to build healthy cells.

The second cholesterol gets into our body with food. It is found only in animal products (meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk and dairy, ice creams, desserts, etc.). This cholesterol is bad because it is oxidised and elevates blood cholesterol level clogging blood vessel and causing heart attacks and strokes. It is important to remember that no plant foods contain this cholesterol. It is found only in animal foods. Plant foods are not only free from cholesterol but most of them contain fibre which removes this bad fat from our body.


There are two types of cholesterol. The first one is called Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and it is known as the bad cholesterol. This LDL cholesterol builds up in our arteries, narrowing them and leading to heart attacks and strokes. The second type of cholesterol is known as the High-density lipoprotein (HDL). It is regarded as beneficial because it lowers the bad LDL cholesterol thus reducing risk of high blood pressure, heart attack or stroke. There is also a third type of cholesterol – Very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL). This type of lipoprotein contains the most triglycerides, another bad type of fat which also contributes to heart attacks and strokes. VLDL cholesterol makes LDL cholesterol larger in size, increasing the rate of narrowing of your blood vessels.


Unhealthy diet (meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk and dairy, ice creams, cheese, desserts, and any products that contain these foods) is the main cause of high blood cholesterol levels. Other factors that contribute to this problem include inactivity, free radicals (junk food, stress, toxins), insufficient exposure to the sun, stress, smoking, high blood sugar (diabetes), obesity and saturated fatty acids.


Carbon monoxide from smoking damages delicate walls of the coronary arteries and arteries found in the brain. Cholesterol easily sticks to those damaged places in the arteries and builds up much faster. The same damage is caused by homocysteine and free radicals from stress, fried foods, and pollution. Interestingly, exposure to second-hand smoke is the third leading cause of preventable death in America and some other high-income countries – Smoking is the first. Second-hand smoke is a mixture of as many as 4800 toxic chemicals including formaldehyde, nicotine, carbon monoxide, carcinogenic tars, etc.

High levels of oestrogen. Oestrogen dominance causes breast lumps because it is a powerful proliferator and its excessive levels stimulate abnormal cells in the breasts and uterus to multiply thus creating fibroids (lumps) in the breast and uterus. Failure to provide enough methyl groups (due to the deficiency of vitamin B12, B6, folate and some other nutrients) leads to raised homocysteine levels and allows oestrogens to accumulate, resulting in hormone imbalance and oestrogen dominance which leads to uterine and breast fibroids, breast lumps, PMS, and increased risk of cancer, heart attacks and strokes. It is therefore vital to use good quality supplements such as sublingual methylcobalamin (the best form of vitamin B12: 1000-2000mcg a day), vitamin B6 (50-100mg a day) and L-Methylfolate (much better form of vitamin B9 than folic acid: 100-400mcg a day) to prevent and treat oestrogen accumulation.


High cholesterol leads to atherosclerosis, a dangerous accumulation of cholesterol and triglycerides (another bad fat) on the walls of arteries. These deposits (plaques) together with other deposits such as excess calcium (from hard water, dairy, and supplements) causes hardening of arteries and narrows them reducing the blood flow through those arteries. Calcium accumulates and hardens blood vessels especially when a person is low in vitamin D and K, which is a very common problem today. It leads to high blood pressure and insufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients to either brain cells or heart muscle causing chest pain, problems with memory and concentration as well as other symptoms. Finally if those blood vessels become blocked by cholesterol or by a blood clot it causes either stroke or heart attack.


A blood test which is commonly used to check blood levels of cholesterol usually includes Total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and Triglycerides. For the most accurate test results, don’t eat or drink anything (except water) for about 10 hours before the blood sample is taken.

There are two different common methods to test cholesterol. In the United States and some other countries cholesterol is measured in milligrams (mg) per decilitre (dL) of blood. UK, Canada and most European countries measure cholesterol in millimoles (mmol) per litre (L) of blood.


– Total cholesterol: Below 200 mg/dL – normal, over 240 – high. These. However, some specialists maintain that 200 mg/dL should be regarded as the “average norms of sick population”. They believe that the ideal (really healthy and safe) total cholesterol level should be between 100 and 150 (usually seen in individuals who are on healthy unrefined vegan diet).

– LDL (bad) cholesterol: Below 100 – good, below 70 mg/dL – better, and below 50 – Ideal.

– HDL (good) cholesterol: Below 40 – bad, above 50 – good, above 60 – very good.

– Triglycerides: Below 150 mg/dL – very good.


– Total healthy cholesterol: Below 5 mmol/L – normal. Above 6 mmol/L is regarded as high. The ideal should be between 3 and 4.

– LDL in UK, Canada and most of Europe: Normal – below 1.8 mmol/L. Ideal – below 1.5.

– HDL (good) cholesterol: Below 1 mmol/L – bad, above 1.3 mmol/L – good, above 1.5 mmol/L – very good.

– Triglycerides: Below 1.7 mmol/L – best. Above 2.5 – high.

The most important type of cholesterol to control is the LDL (bad) as it greatly increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Many physicians and patients neglect triglycerides but some specialists believe they are as dangerous as the bad cholesterol and should be kept low through unrefined plant diet and regular exercise.


According to Dr Agatha thrash, “The heart attack rate is four times greater if the cholesterol is above 260 than if it is below 200. A mere 10% reduction in cholesterol reduces by 25% one’s likelihood of having a heart attack. The same can be said generally of triglycerides, another type of blood fat. The ideal for triglycerides is below 140, and probably below 100 is safer. The heart attack rate is two times higher if the triglyceride level is above 250 as compared to below 170. Ninety percent of overweight people have increased triglycerides. Other causes of increased triglycerides are alcohol, sugar, the fatty acids in dairy products and the refined carbohydrates such as white bread, white flour products, white pastries, and white starch. Even large quantities of fruit juices or very sweet or dried fruits (dates, raisins, and figs) may increase triglycerides.” (Source >)


Never done before research by Dr. Fang published in the Journal BMC Medicine revealed that over 45,000 patients with heart disease, heart failure, stroke and diabetes had deficiency of magnesium! Magnesium deficiency has been implicated in various conditions, including heart disease, heart attack, stroke and diabetes before but Dr. Fang was the first to summarise all available research. And the conclusion is quite shocking, because it suggests that only by taking just 100 mg of magnesium per day we can significantly lower the risk of heart attack, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

Magnesium is required for the formation and activation of ATP (cellular energy) and is essential for heart muscle contraction. Life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias and seizures represent the most serious manifestation of magnesium deficiency. Magnesium deficiency leads to higher levels of sodium and calcium and lower levels of magnesium and potassium in the heart. This increases constriction of the coronary (heart) arteries, which can induce coronary artery spasms, heart attack and arrhythmias. Autopsy studies have revealed lower magnesium content in heart muscle in those who have died of a heart attack. Therefore, supplementing with well-absorbed magnesium help prevent coronary artery (heart) disease.

The death of actress Carrie Fisher came as a shock to everyone. She had a cardiac arrest while on an airline flight, never regained consciousness and died. Soon after that tragic event it was reported that her fatal heart attack was caused by a magnesium deficiency.


– In order to LOWER BLOOD CHOLESTEROL AND REVERSE ARTERIOSCLEROSIS all you need is to implement principles included in HEALTH RECOVERY PLAN > and use only HEALING RECIPES > in order to prepare your food.


CHOLESTEROL, ATHEROSCLEROSIS, HEART DISEASES, STROKEAccording to the Greenmedinfo, “There are over 300 adverse health effects associated with the use of this chemical class of cholesterol-lowering medications known as statins, with myotoxicity (muscle-damaging) and neurotoxicity (nerve-damaging) top on the list. Following on the heels of the FDA decision earlier this year to require statin drugs manufacturers to add “memory loss” as a side effect of this chemical class, a new study in published in the Journal of Diabetes reveals a clear association between statin use and peripheral neuropathy.  While this research is adding to a growing awareness of the nerve-damaging properties of statins, this side effect is just the tip of a massive iceberg of under reported deleterious effects. For example, our project has identified 314 possible adverse effects of statins thus far.”

– Address the key cause of high cholesterol and the coronary artery disease (CAD) by avoiding animal foods containing meat, milk, dairy products, fish and eggs.


Please don’t get deceived by so called scientific studies which were supposed to demonstrate that dietary cholesterol found in animal foods such as eggs or dairy does not raise blood cholesterol as those studies were sponsored by egg or dairy industry! Here you can read more about this subject >


If you want to reverse atherosclerosis you simply need to improve blood circulation through removing cholesterol from blood vessels and by improving their elasticity. And this goal you can easily achieve by going on a plant-based (or about 85% plant-based) unrefined and 50% raw diet. If you are addicted to animal foods and can’t live without them you may try very good mostly plant-based Dr Joel Fuhrman diet >.It’s not as effective as Hallelujah Diet but in this case it should be sufficient.

The first scientist who scientifically proved that vegan diet can reverse CHD was Dr Dean Ornish. He was not the first who taught it as decades before he did that many others (including myself) promoted vegan diet as the most effective way of reversing CHD, CAD or type two diabetes.


There are many foods, herbal remedies, and supplements which are very effective in lowering cholesterol and reversing CAD. One of them is vitamin B3 (Niacin).


Niacin (Vitamin B3) or nicotinic acid is one of the B vitamins that help to break down proteins and fats converting them into energy. Niacin raises good cholesterol HDL, lowers triglycerides and bad cholesterols LDL and VLDL. Being a vasodilator Niacin causes blood vessels to widen thus lowering blood pressure and preventing heart attacks or strokes. Unfortunately, since niacin is a vasodilator it also causes the skin blood vessels to dilate leading to a warming effect and redness of the skin called hot flushes as well as other sensations such as tingling and itching. Fortunately, this effect usually lasts for only last up to about 20 to 30 minutes and is not dangerous. In addition, if larger doses of niacin are taken regularly, the body gradually builds up a tolerance and minimizes this effect. It’s the nicotinic acid that causes this flushing effect and usually this effect is triggered by doses over 500mg but more sensitive individuals can develop flashes with doses as low as 50mg. The flushing effect can be minimized by taking niacin immediately after meals.

The no-flush vitamin B3 generally don’t contain the nicotinic acid but different forms of this vitamin. They still can increase energy, metabolism and are beneficial for the nervous system but are not very effective in lowering cholesterol and high blood pressure. To lower cholesterol I would suggest taking pure nicotinic acid staring from lower doses of 2 times 50 to 100mg after meals and slowly increasing the dose while controlling symptoms.

According to Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D., “Niacin is one of the best substances for elevating high density lipoprotein cholesterol (the “good cholesterol) and so decreases the ratio of the total cholesterol over high density cholesterol.”

Niacin is also the best method to reduce anxiety and depression in just 15 minutes! Read more >

Serrapeptase (>) proved to be able to clear clogged arteries and dead tissue associated with, arteriosclerosis, strokes and heart attacks. Although the enzyme is found in silkworms, they are not used in the production of commercially available Serrapeptase supplements. It is extracted from Serratia bacteria. It has been shown to soften arterial plaque and clear clogged and hardened arteries by breaking down dead or damaged tissue and fibrin – a tough protein formed in blood clots.

Serrapeptase was found by scientists in the digestive tract of silk worms which use it to break down cocoon walls. The discovery inspired scientists with the clever idea that the same enzyme could also help to break down dead tissue or clots that accumulate in human organisms. And studies actually demonstrated that when Serrapeptase is used in small amounts for a longer period of time (about 24 months) it is actually able to cure atherosclerosis by cleaning clogged arteries. The enzyme was so effective that it completely cleared previously clogged arteries!

In Japan research was primarily shown that dead tissue in other parts of the body that is causing an obstruction to arteries and capillaries was able to be cleared away. Serrapeptase helps with a number of health conditions and people over 40 are recommended to take Serrapeptase so that arterial plaque can be avoided. What is also important, the treatment with Serrapeptase was free from any side effects.

Take one enteric-coated capsule (250,000 IU) per day on an empty stomach or at least 2 hours after meal (taken with meals Serrapeptase will be used to digest protein from food) or the same amount divided in 3-4 dosages (for instance 4 times 60,000 IU or 3 times 80,000 IU per day). In chronic problems benefits are usually noticed after month, but for the full effect, 4-6 month treatment is required. It can be continually repeated with 1 month break after each course.

It is suggested to not take Serrapeptase with blood thinners such as warfarinaspirin, etc. as it may increase the risk of bleeding. However, according to Dr Robert Redfern, “Serrapeptase is safe to use with all drugs including warfarin, statins & aspirin.” (>) In addition, those who are on blood thinners and would like to use Serrapeptase or other blood thinners at the same time, are often advised to take about 100 mcg of vitamin K2 MK-7 to reduce risk of bleeding. Vitamin K Helps, Not Harms Patients on Warfarin. A new clinical trial suggests that patients on warfarin benefit from increasing their vitamin K intake, as long as they keep their intake levels consistent (>). “Stop the intake at least 24 hours before a surgery and start again 24 to 48 hours after surgery to help clear up any scar tissue, and prevent lesions and adhesions”. – Dr Robert Redfern (>)

Vitamin K2 (MK7): 100-500 mcg per day. Studies gave strong evidence that higher calcium intake through supplements can significantly increase heart attacks because calcium builds up in the blood vessels causing their hardening and contribuing to hickening and blockage. A 139% increase in risk was noted in one study (>).

One of the most important activities of vitamin K is to protect the entire cardiovascular system by preventing calcification of the arteries. In one study Vitamin K2 reduced blood vessel calcification whereas vitamin K1 did not.

In our blood, Vitamin K2 participates in carboxylation of Matrix Gla Protein (MGP), the most potent inhibitor of arterial calcification known. In this way Vitamin K2 prevents vascular damage by lowering the risk of calcification (hardening) of arteries. This effect is more beneficial when Vitamin K2 is combined with Vitamin D3 and Magnesium. Vitamin K and vitamin D work to increase a substance called Matrix GLA protein (MGP).  This protein protects the blood vessels from calcification by congregating around the elastic fibres of the arterial lining and guarding against calcium crystal deposition. Some experts maintain that MGP is the most powerful inhibitor of soft tissue calcification currently known.

Animal studies have shown that vitamin K2 not only prevents hardening of blood vessels but actually has the potential to reverse arterial calcification by activating MGP. A trial followed 16,000 people for 10 years found that each additional 10 mcg of K2 in the diet reduces cardiac events by 9 percent!

The 2004 Rotterdam Study revealed that people who consume 45 mcg of Vitamin K2 per day live seven years longer than people getting only 12 mcg per day. It also demonstrated that they had a 50% lower risk of death from heart disease than people with the lowest rates of K2.

A long-term study published in 2016 evaluated the health status of 257 men and women aged 55-65 who at that time were free from hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Most of them were deficient in vitamin D and K as they had increased uncarboxylated matrix Gla-protein levels (MGP). Since the MGP becomes carboxylated from vitamin K their uncarboxylated MGP levels indicated vitamin K deficiency. After six years approximately half of the participants developed hypertension. The researchers determined that both low vitamin D and high uncarboxylated MGP levels were associated with an increased risk for developing hypertension. The risk of developing hypertension was much higher with both low vitamin D and high uncarboxylated MGP levels compared to the risk with only low vitamin D levels or merely high uncarboxylated MGP levels.

Fit and trim at age 67, Walter had no reason to believe that he had any hidden health conditions. However, when he decided to undergo a computed tomography heart scan his heart scan score was as high as 3,367 which indicated a dangerous content of calcified atherosclerotic plaque in his coronary arteries, pointing to a high risk of heart attack. At the same time, another test showed that he had bone density of someone 20 years older, revealing an advanced state of osteoporosis. His arterial calcification and osteoporosis were likely connected through the common mechanism of inadequate levels of vitamin K. Lack of this vitamin caused calcium to be deposited in his arteries instead of bones, leading at the same time to their decalcification.

Vitamin D3 (don’t use D2): 5,000 – 20,000 IU a day with first meal. Vitamin D reduces blood pressure and risk of stroke and heart attack according to multiple studies. Unfortunately, there are also few studies that seem to deny this discovery but it is because participants of those trials must had been deficient in vitamin K2 and magnesium without which vitamin D supplements are useless. Try to increase the blood level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D to at least 50 or more ng/ml. After you rich the healthy levels keep on taking about 5000 IU of D3 per day unless you manage to expose your body to the sun between 10am and 2 pm.

Please keep in mind that due to soil depletion and other factors almost all people today are deficient in Magnesium and therefore Vitamin D supplements must be taken with good magnesium (such as magnesium citrate) as in people who are deficient in this mineral even highest daily doses of vitamin D will bring no benefits and will even increase magnesium deficiency, because vitamin D requires magnesium for its conversion in liver and kidneys.

Apart from Magnesium, Vitamin D supplements also need Vitamin K2 (not K1 but K2), especially when high doses of vitamin D are taken for a long time. Taking vitamin K2 will prevent calcification of blood vessels (and hypertension) or kidney stones caused by long-term overdosing of vitamin D. I myself always recommend vitamin D3 supplementation due to the huge deficiency but it should always be accompanied by proper intake of vitamin K2 and good magnesium. The main consequence of vitamin D toxicity is a build-up of calcium in the blood (hypercalcemia), which may cause weakness, nausea and vomiting, frequent urination, etc. These symptoms might progress to arterial calcification, hypertension, bone pain and the formation of calcium stones in kidneys. Taking over 50,000 international units (IU) a day of vitamin D for longer time such as several months may lead to toxicity. Such mega doses can be taken but only for shorter periods of time (1 to 3 months) followed by the reduction of the dosage to 5-10,000 IU per day and always with 100-200mcg K2 and 2 times a day 300-800mg of Magnesium (such as citrate).

Magnesium citrate or another well absorbed magnesium: 2 times a day 150-400 mg of elemental magnesium in the morning and before bed. The more vitamin D3 is used the more magnesium must be taken as D3 leads to magnesium deficiency. Scientists from Indiana University analysed 34 studies with a total of over two thousand participants and found out that taking a magnesium supplement containing 300mg of elemental magnesium (the amount of magnesium actually absorbed into the blood) every day for one month significantly lowers high blood pressure and improves blood flow. The findings were published in the journal Hypertension. NHS Choices recommends men aged between 19 and 64 have 300mg of magnesium a day, while women need 270mg.


CoQ10 is constantly required in our body cells for energy production in mitochondria (cellular power stations). It should be even stated that CoQ10 is essential for transferring energy from food into ATP molecules and therefore its deficiency in our body leads to fatigue and can be extremely dangerous as it gradually leads to heart failure and eventually to heart attack.

At the same time CoQ10 functions in human cells as a super antioxidant which neutralises the very harmful effects of free radicals.

Unfortunately, as we age the CoQ10 levels in our body (including heart) begin to deplete. Also some drugs such as statins lead to Q10 deficiency. In addition, many individuals are often unable to obtain adequate amounts of CoQ10 from food due to unhealthy nutritional habits.  But sometimes even if our diet seems to be right the levels of this precious antioxidant may still be too low and as a result we feel week, tired and run down. Other CoQ10 deficiency symptoms involve especially our heart muscle and can be noticed in the form of chest pain, heart failure, or high blood pressure.

CoQ10 plays important role in slowing down ageing process as it reduces cellular damage caused by the lack of oxygen.

Scientific research suggest that apart from being beneficial for those who suffer from heart conditions, and high blood pressure, or low energy CoQ10 may also be helpful in strengthening our immune system or slowing the progression of Parkinson’s and gum disease (periodontal disease).

According to a 2002 experiment which lasted 3 months, a dose of 15 to 30mg of CoQ10 a day was sufficient to produce significant reduction in headaches and migraines.

In addition, the same antioxidant may be useful in maintaining proper body weight, as studies have shown that we may start experiencing serious metabolic health problems when CoQ10 deficiency reaches the level of about 25%.

However, CoQ10 is most famous for being one of the best supplements able to significantly reduce the risk of death from CHD. Studies show that supplementation with CoQ10 strengthens heart and supports vascular function, and prevents damage from cardiovascular disease.

CoQ10 helps prevent low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol from oxidizing and from triggering arterial plaque formation. Also patients with heart failure demonstrated a dramatic outcome of 50% reduction in heart attacks and strokes in response to proper CoQ10 supplementation.

According to another study heart attack survivors who took 120 mg of CoQ10 on a daily basis for one year significantly raised beneficial HDL cholesterol while reducing the risk of heart attacks and rate of total cardiac events by 45 %.


It also looks like adding Aged Garlic to CoQ10 may lead to even better results as according to one experiment participants who took a combination of 120 mg of CoQ10 and 1,200 mg of aged garlic extract every day for one year had four times lower atherosclerosis progression! At the same time the markers of atherosclerosis-promoting inflammation were significantly reduced.

A combination of CoQ10, carnitine,and taurine was able to replete essential cardiac myocyte nutrients and reduce left ventricular dysfunction.

Studies also demonstrated that CoQ10 is effective in addressing causes of endothelial dysfunction (especially prevalent in diabetics) of the very thin interior cell layer lining of arteries (endothelium), which is a regarded as a major early risk factor for the cardiovascular disease development of atherosclerosis and.21,22 For instance, according to one study supplementation with 200 mg a day of CoQ10 significantly increased arterial endothelial function in patients with diabetes after a period of only 12 weeks.23 In patients with mild-to-moderate heart failure, 300 mg a day of CoQ10 improved endothelial function 38%. The result was so good it could be comparable with the effect of regular exercise training.

Instead of using poorly absorbed dry powder Coenzyme Q10 should be formulated by dissolving Ubiquinone form of CoQ10in oil. It is important to emphasise this fact because studies demonstrated that the potency and bioavailability (absorption) of the oil-based Ubiquinone in our body is the same as that of the very expensive Ubiquinol form of Coenzyme Q10!


CHOLESTEROL, ATHEROSCLEROSIS, HEART DISEASES, STROKE CHOLESTEROL, ATHEROSCLEROSIS, HEART DISEASES, STROKEDue to the fact that we gradually lose this very important antioxidant (CoQ10) with age and because most of us do not get enough of CoQ10 from food some experts recommend that even relatively healthy individuals under 60 should take 30mg of oil-based Ubiquinone form of CoQ10 every day.However, Supplementation of CoQ10 for those who are over 60 or those who are on statins should be increased to 100 – 200 mg a day as this very popular drug (statins) greatly increase the risk of CoQ10 deficiency. Some specialists maintain that the use of statins can reduce the production of CoQ10 in our body by 50% within only two weeks!

– Since also diabetes (high blood glucose levels) contributes to atherosclerosis and high blood cholesterol levels, because prolonged and untreated high blood sugar levels damage small blood vessels, you need to check your blood sugar a few times to make sure it is normal. Apart from that, too much sugar in the blood also reduces the levels of the powerful vasodilator nitric oxide in blood vessels. As a result the blood vessels are narrowed elevating blood pressure and risk of heart attack or stroke.

If your glucose levels are elevated or if you are already diagnosed with diabetes and are on medication, go to DISEASES and study the excellent article on type two diabetes >. If you manage to implement the principles and use remedies listed there you should be free from diabetes in one or two months.

– Avoid drinking hard water (high in inorganic calcium carbonate). Calcium in hard water contributes to the hardening of blood vessels leading to heart attacks and strokes. In order to check whether your water is hard fill a clean empty plastic bottle about halfway with water. Add 10 drops of a dish washing liquid and shake vigorously. If the foam quickly disappears, the water is hard and if it stays, the water is soft (good). But even if water is soft it doesn’t change the fact that there are still many dangerous contaminants present in it. The best way to remove them including inorganic minerals is distillation. Read more >


– Amino acid L-arginine is converted in our body to Nitric oxide and therefore it is a very effective in relaxing and dilating arteries in our heart and brain thus preventing heart attacks and strokes. One researcher even said that, „By Converting Into Nitric-Oxide (vasodilator), the Amino Acid, L-Arginine, Has Changed the Paradigms of Cardiovascular Health Forever!”


You can lower cholesterol through improved diet and by increased nitric oxide production in blood vessels. Nitric oxide is made from L-arginine, and the highest nutritional source of L-arginine are nuts, especially wall nuts, pecan nuts, Brazil nuts, and cashew nuts. The next source are sunflower seeds and sesame seeds. Also Spirulina, pistachios, soybeans, pumpkin seeds and peanuts are high in L-arginine.


Researchers also found out that citrulline – a compound found especially in watermelon – can also increase arginine levels and nitric oxide.


Cayenne pepper > is an impressive natural blood thinner (it reduces blood clotting and lowers LDL cholesterol and triglycerides) thus increasing coronary vasodilation, lowering blood pressure, and preventing strokes and heart attacks. In addition, its lignan glycosides with their strong antioxidant potential help reduce heart and brain damage caused by free radicals.


Whenever we realise someone may experience a heart attack, the thirst thing we must always do is to call for medical help. However, while waiting for the ambulance we should try anything that may save life. Many individuals maintain that cayenne pepper tincture can stop heart attacks in just few minutes. It works due to the fact that it is a powerful stimulant that enlarges arteries, increases heart rate and boosts blood circulation and oxygenation of the heart. It also has a haemostatic effect that can instantly stop bleeding.

In a study published in the Journal of Circulation, Dr. Keith Jones, a researcher from the University of Cincinnati, found that capsaicin, when applied to the skin of mice, caused sensory nerves in the skin to trigger signals to the nervous system, thus creating a “pro-survival” pathway to the heart. It is even more interesting that according to the same study capsaicin from cayenne pepper caused an 85% reduction in death of heart cells! It led to Dr. Jones to assume that cayenne pepper may prevent heart attack or deduce its intensity and damage thus having potential to save many lives with the proper dosage and applications.

Study Shows Common Pain Cream Could Protect Heart During Attack >

Some experts believe that the frequent use of cayenne pepper in Asian, Mexican, and Italian cuisines contributes to the fact that these populations have lower incidence of heart attacks.

Dr. Richard Anderson tells a story about certain doctor who put cayenne tincture under the tongue of a man who had a heart attack while he was parking his car. Although his heart stopped beating and he wasn’t breathing, within a few minutes after giving him some cayenne tincture the man’s heart started beating again. Dr. Anderson claims that using a tincture with the mixture of cayenne and hawthorn berries has a most beneficial effect on heart, especially when taken every day for a longer period of time. It will strengthen the heart and arteries, may prevent heart attack, regulate blood pressure and significantly improve blood circulation. He also believes that even if those who use this mixture experience heart attack, it will be much less dangerous.

According to a renowned herbalist, Dr. John Christopher, cayenne in the form of a tea or tincture can stop heart attacks in as little as 60 seconds: “In 35 years of my practice I have never lost one heart attack patient on house calls, because, if they are still breathing I pour into their mouth a cup of cayenne tea (a teaspoon of cayenne in a cup of hot water, and within minutes they are up and around!). This is one of the fastest acting aids we could ever give for the heart, because it feeds that heart immediately… I use cayenne also for myself. For instance, when I had cut myself a couple of times I sprinkled it on my bleeding little wound and every time it stopped the bleeding almost instantly! Don’t go out without having a cayenne tincture, if not for yourself it may be useful for rescuing someone else.”

A story has been told about certain 90-year-old man in Oregon who had a severe heart attack, and his daughter put some cayenne extract into his mouth. And although he was pronounced dead by the medics, yet within a few minutes, he regained consciousness. On the way to the hospital, he remained in a semi-conscious state, but his daughter kept giving him the extract. By the time they got to the hospital, he had fully recovered and wanted to go home. The doctor asked what she had given him, as he said it was the closest thing to a miracle he had ever seen.

In order to make sure cayenne pepper is to be effective, it must be at least 40,000 heat units (HU) according to the Scoville scale, which measures the concentration of capsaicin in cayenne preparations. Therefore, if a person experiencing heart attack is conscious and breathing, mix one teaspoon of cayenne with 1 cup of warm water, making it a ‘cayenne tea’ and give it to the person to drink. Unfortunately, in case a heart attack sufferer is unconscious, a mere tea won’t work as it can’t be swallowed. In this case you must use a tincture placing 5-10 drops under the tongue every 5 minutes until the improvement is seen.

Incredible Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper


Ingredients: Cayenne pepper powder, 2 fresh cayenne peppers, about 50% alcohol (vodka, whiskey, scotch, etc.), 1-liter glass bottle or a jar.

Wash your hands or use gloves. Fill about a quarter of the glass container with organic cayenne pepper powder. Add alcohol to cover the powder only. Blend the fresh cayenne peppers with alcohol until a smooth consistency. Add it to the bottle until it is ¾ full. Top up the rest of the bottle with more alcohol. Cover or cap the glass container and store it in a dark place for a period of two weeks to six months (the longer it is stored the stronger it will be, but you can start using it after two weeks). Shake the container 2-3 times a day during the time. When the tincture is ready, strain the mixture into another dimmed glass bottle. If you store it in a dry, cool, and dark place or a fridge, it should never spoil or get outdated as it is preserved in alcohol.


When someone experiences a heart attack or stroke and is still conscious, let the person take about 5-10 drops immediately and another 5-10 drops after about 5 minutes, and continue this procedure (5-10 drops every 5 minutes) until you see an improvement. If you don’t have the tincture use one teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a half glass of water and repeat after 5 minutes.

In case of those who experience heart attack and are unconscious, immediately try to put 10 drops of tincture under the tongue and then begin CPR. Repeat this dosage every few minutes until you see improvement.

– Take Rutin > (vitamin P) – is a blood thinner and the most important vitamin for the vain health. Scientists discovered that rutin helped prevent blood clots in both arteries and veins, and claim rutin is the only agent that can prevent both types of clots. (>) Investigators at Harvard-affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center found that rutin may prevent blood clotting or thrombosis (according to animal studies). It was found that rutin inhibits secretion of certain protein namely disulfide isomerase (PDI), which is released by platelets and endothelial cells during thrombosis. By blocking the release of this protein, rutin has proved to block thrombosis in mice. In addition, rutin also prevents the same PDI from entering cells.

Ginkgo biloba thins the blood and has fibrinolytic effects which means it may help dissolve blood clots. According to study ginkgo extract has similar effects to streptokinase, a drug used to treat blood clots (>).

Bromelain (from fresh ripe pineapples or supplements) administration stops blood platelet aggregation and prevents clot formation >

Vitamin E reduces blood clotting depending on the amount taken. It is therefore suggested that people who are taking blood-thinning drugs such as Coumadin (warfarin) should avoid taking large doses of vitamin E. Unfortunately, it is not clear how much vitamin E thins the blood. Some suggest that taking high doses of vitamin E supplements, for example, above 1,500 IU daily, on a long-term basis, may have negative effects.

– According to one study, turmeric‘s main curative ingredient, curcumin, works on platelets to prevent clots from forming (>).

Ginger belongs to the same family as turmeric and contains salicylates, acids found in various plants. Acetyl salicylic acid (aspirin), is derived from salicylate and is often to help prevent stroke by thinning blood. However, natural foods and herbs containing salicylates, such as ginger, cayenne pepper, turmeric, garlic, oregano, licorice, ginkgo, onion, avocados, and cherries, also help thin the blood and prevent it from clotting, but without causing bad side effects of aspirin and other drugs such as warfarin.

Dong quai, known as female ginseng, is traditional Chinese herb that seems to reduce blood clotting. Studies on animals suggest that it significantly increases the length of time it takes blood to clot (>). This effect may be the result of the coumarin content.

– Research suggests that bromelain can thin the blood, break down blood clots, and reduce clot formation (>).

– If you decide to take niacin (in the form of nicotinic acid) to prevent blood clotting, start with a very low amount of about 50mg and gradually increase to 200-500mg. Read up about vitamin B3 and understand the flushing effect before you start on it.


As you can see above, there are many natural and effective blood thinners available. However, if you are already on blood-thinning medication you need to be very careful if you decide to use them together with the listed above natural remedies such as cayenne pepper combined with rutin. Here is a good advise written by Dr Andrew Weil, MD: “If you do decide to use one of these substances in conjunction with anticoagulant drugs – to possibly lower your dose of that medication – you have to be extremely careful that you’re not getting too much blood-thinning activity. One of the major Coumadin (warfarin) side effects is an increased risk of bleeding (often signalled by blood in the stool or urine, bleeding gums, or easy bruising). Because natural substances with blood-thinning activity may also carry this side effect, taking them together with anticoagulant drugs may further increase the risk of bleeding. For these reasons, if you’re taking an anticoagulant drug along with a natural blood thinner, do so only under the supervision of your physician, who can monitor your bleeding and clotting times“. (source)


Warfarin is a prescription blood-thinning medication which prevents blood clots from forming. It is prescribed for individuals with increased blood clotting, the risk of a heart attack or those who already have suffered a heart attack, people with DVT, pulmonary embolism, prosthetic heart valves, and those who have certain types of irregular heartbeats.

Common side effects of warfarin include gas, tiredness, pale skin, hair loss, feeling cold, changed sense of taste, etc. The drug can interact with many supplements and medications, so it is important to consult doctor and check if the supplement you want to take may interact with warfarin.

The problem is that warfarin is extremely unpredictable in human body. It is very easy to take too much or too little of this drug. Too much can lead to uncontrolled bleeding, that can be deadly in a place like the brain. That is why warfarin has been used for decades as a very effective rat poison, as it bleeds them to death. On the other hand, too little warfarin won’t be able to prevent clots. Therefore, patients on warfarin should be constantly monitored how well their blood is clotting, so get a right dose of the drug.

While offering protection from clots, warfarin at the same time causes to a vitamin K deficiency. Lack of  this vitamin leads to the calcification of the arteries and increased risk of heart attack. Therefore, people on warfarin can be especially susceptible to atherosclerosis resulting from calcium build-up in arterial walls and their hardening.

According to Dr Andrew Saul, “If someone says, ‘You can’t take vitamin E because we’re going to give you Warfarin (Coumadin),’ that’s a reasonable point. But then… there is evidence that if you take the vitamin E, you don’t need Warfarin. I had a client once who had this exact dilemma. He had thrombophlebitis, and he was on Warfarin. He wanted to take vitamin E instead… He said, ‘Well, what should I do?’ I said, ‘The best thing to do is to gradually decrease the drug with your doctor’s cooperation while increasing the vitamin – again, with your doctor’s cooperation. Talk to your doctor. The doctor that put you on the drugs should be the one that you’ll talk to about the drugs.’… But because he was afraid to tell the truth he just started taking the vitamin E. Eventually, his clotting time was extended to the point where the doctor said, ‘What’s going on?’… Too much Warfarin causes extended bleeding. Too much vitamin E can also cause slightly extended bleeding, but not out of the normal range. I said to him… ‘You got to talk to your doctor. If your doctor’s asking what’s going on, then tell him. He’ll take you off the Coumadin.’ The fellow talked to the doctor, and the doctor, instead of gradually reducing warfarin, took him off the vitamin E.”


You can lower your cholesterol by reducing or eliminating consumption of all animal products, by increasing exercise, and by learning to cope with stress. One good way to deal with stress is through regular vigorous exercise.

Dr. Dean Ornish was the first scientist who demonstrated that atherosclerosis can be reversed on a healthy unrefined plant-based diet without exposure to drugs and their dangerous side effects. In a landmark study, he put a group of participants with arteriosclerosis on a low-fat plant-based diet and prescribed moderate exercise. Within a year, the plaques that had been growing in their hearts for decades actually disappeared. Their cholesterol levels dropped and they free from chest pains. Almost all patients with severely clogged arteries who follow the Ornish recovery plan for at least a year are able to reverse their coronary artery disease and avoid bypass surgery or angioplasty. Unfortunately, this free from side effects and most effective program is still neglected among physicians who prefer to recommend statins and other harmful drugs or even dangerous surgeries than vegan diet. With reference to this phenomenon Dr. Ornish said: “I don’t understand why asking people to eat a well-balanced vegetarian diet is considered drastic, while it’s medically conservative to cut people open or put them on powerful cholesterol-lowering drugs for the rest of their lives.”

Although eating fish has been promoted because it contains omega-3 fatty acids, fish is usually contaminated with very high levels of toxic mercury, lead, PCBs, dioxin and other dangerous chemicals. To get the benefits of omega-3 without being exposed to the toxins in fish, take 1 or 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed or soaked chia seeds with your meals. In addition you can also include 1000 to 2000 mg of good quality organic molecularly distilled Omega – 3 fish oil (free from mercury and other contaminants).



After the war two men worked for many years on a London double decker bus, and both men were pretty evenly matched in terms of age, weight and height. The first one’s work was sedentary as he worked as a bus driver. The other was physically active for the most of the day as he worked as the conductor. Every day he climbed up and down the steps all day punching tickets of boarding passengers. As expected the after many years the driver developed heart disease and died while the conductor didn’t show any signs of arteriosclerosis. After hearing the story some scientists were inspired to conduct a study involving thousands of similar “bus pairs” of London Transit workers. And as expected they discovered exactly the same thing. The risk of developing coronary artery disease and heart attacks, angina or stroke was much higher among drivers who just sat at their jobs, than among conductors who climbed up and down the steps each day.


It was demonstrated that the full-spectrum light stimulated chickens to release serotonin so well that they lived twice as long! In addition to that, they were also calmer and produced eggs which were much lower in cholesterol! That is why also when we wisely expose our body to the sunlight we feel more relaxed, have stronger immune system, and have lower blood cholesterol.


A 2007 study demonstrated that 36 participants taking about 5 grams of organic spirulina powder every day, over a period of six weeks, experienced significant positive changes in blood cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Daily dose of spirulina lowered their total cholesterol, increased good HDL cholesterol, lowered (bad) triglycerides, and lowered blood pressure. Spirulina is also very rich in chlorophyll, serine, sylvite and Vitamin B6 which helps lower blood pressure, decrease blood glutinousness, and maintain softness of blood vessels. GLA in spirulina can reduce cholesterol content in the blood so as to prevent heart disease and stroke. Also another randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study involving elderly participants revealed that spirulina was able to significantly lower the LDL cholesterol and increased the HDL levels after four months of supplementation.

Xylitol (safe sweetener) improves lipid profile resulting in lower triglycerides, higher HDL and lower LDL but sugar and other fructose sources are turned directly into triglycerides in the liver and worsen the lipid profile.


Atherosclerosis, Coronary artery disease, stroke and heart attack are increased by vitamin B12 deficiency which is closely associated with elevated homocysteine levels caused by meat consumption and vitamin B12 deficiency.

If you are deficient in Vitamin D your liver produces more cholesterol, which is needed for proper absorption, to grab whatever Vitamin D is available. For this reason vitamin D supplements reduce cholesterol. Vitamin D also lowers blood pressure.

There are two types of iron – non-heme iron; the kind found in spinach and has an absorption rate of 10% to 20%. While heme iron, the kind found in meats, is highly absorbed. The highly absorbed heme form of iron found in meats can be a source of concern as it often results in iron levels that are too high. Because of too much iron, some people have to have blood lettings on a regular basis in order to reduce the percentage of iron in their blood. Iron toxicity, also called hemochromatosis, can be caused by having too much iron in the bloodstream. So although iron is an essential nutrient, excess can cause significant harm to the inner lining of the blood vessels. Excessive iron is also associated with heart attacks. The abundance of dark green leafy vegetables on The Hallelujah Diet should provide most individuals adequate iron without being excessive.


It is also a well-known and proved fact that Atkins diet increases levels of homocysteine which is a dangerous neurotoxic and vasculotoxic by-product of defective protein metabolism. Homocysteine is regarded as very dangerous because its elevated levels are believed to be a powerful marker of stroke and heart attack risk. In addition, homocysteine has been associated also with cancer, dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease, depression, birth defects, osteoporosis, or fatal blood clots. Dr. Michael Greger one of the studies “measured homocysteine levels, and in that study Atkins followers suffered a highly significant worsening of their homocysteine levels”. He also reminds that “in the year-long study homocysteine levels tended to rise on the Atkins Diet, yet after just one week on a vegan diet, those with elevated homocysteine levels had their levels drop of 20% in just a single week”.

Diets that are successful in reducing body weight should also lower the level of bad LDL cholesterol, as well as another dangerous factor called “C-reactive protein” (CRP) which is regarded as even more important risk factor than elevated cholesterol levels. Studies demonstrated that high levels of CRP can increase the risk of heart attack (and stoke) by almost five times! However, one study clearly demonstrated that participants who were on Atkins diet for just over a month doubled their CRP levels despite of losing their body fat! Vegan (100% plant-based) diet combined with exercise again proved to be effective also in this case and managed to lower the level of this dangerous factor by almost 50% in just two weeks. The same vegan diet but without exercise was able to drop the CRP levels by 30%. A similar result was achieved by statin drugs. Statin, however, would also cause some dangerous side effect – especially muscle pain, tiredness or muscle weakness, as statins affect not only liver’s production of cholesterol, but also several enzymes in muscle cells that are responsible for muscle growth. The question, therefore is, why on earth almost all physicians still prescribe statins instead of unrefined vegan diet with exercise? The answer is very simple, it is the selfish monster called the pharmaceutical lobby which seems to control the whole medical world!


We know that blood clotting greatly contributes to heart attacks and strokes. However, standing or walking barefoot on earth is one of the best ways to prevent blood clotting strokes and heart attacks. When we stand or walk barefoot on earth we ground our body to it and earth sends free electrons into our body. And those free electrons positively charge the red blood cells causing them to repel each other like two magnets. It means that earthing prevent red blood cells from clotting and thus also from heart attacks and strokes because red blood cells are unable to stick to each other.

There is a transfer of free electrons from the Earth to your body. And these free electrons are probably some of the most potent antioxidants known to man. According to recent clinical observations earthing results in: Beneficial changes in heart rate, decreased inflammation, decreasing pain, improving sleep, slowing the aging process. Earthing thins our blood. When we are standing or walking barefoot on earth (in a garden or a park) we ground our body to the earth. Two earthing experts Dr. Stephen Sinatra and Dr. James Oschman proved that when we do this our red blood cells have more charge on their surface, forcing them away from each other and thus preventing blood clotting (sticking together) and heart attacks or strokes. Erythrocytes repel each other like two magnets with the same pole. Thus earthing causes our blood to flow more easily and your blood pressure to drop.


Try to implement the following lifestyle and dietary principles and use as many of the listed here natural remedies, super foods and supplements as possible:

  • Lower blood levels of  homocysteine and glucose.
  • Go on low-fat high-fibre unrefined plant-based diet (Hallelujah diet is most effective) or Dr Fuhrman diet (it includes small amount of animal foods).
  • Take the following supplements: B3, B6, B12, Folate, Zinc, D3, Magnesium, L-Arginine.
  • Eat more: Garlic, Onion, Raw vegetables, Palsies (Legumes), Barley, Oats, Apples, Artichokes, Pistachios, Watermelon, Maca powder, ground Flax seed, soaked overnight in water nuts and seeds.
  • Take: Ginkgo biloba, Chlorella, Spirulina, Antioxidants (NAC, Alpha lipoic acid, Q10, etc.).
  • Aerobic exercise every day.
  • Learn to control stress.
  • Avoid: Masturbation, caffeine, tea, alcohol, sugar, animal foods, bad oils, margarines, refined foods.
  • Drink more water (distilled is the best).

– In order to LOWER BLOOD CHOLESTEROL AND REVERSE ARTERIOSCLEROSIS all you need is to implement principles included in HEALTH RECOVERY PLAN > and use only HEALING RECIPES > in order to prepare your food.







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