

Written by Slawomir Gromadzki, MPH


For a very long time we have been brainwashed with untrue ideas that it is impossible to recover from Alzheimer’s disease. But today we know that our body has amazing ability to regenerate itself and there is enough scientific evidence to prove that it is possible to recover from Alzheimer’s disease, which currently is the most common form of dementia.



Dementia is a very common problem today in developed countries. The most common by far type of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease.


The second most common form of this condition is Vascular dementia which is caused by atherosclerosis of brain arteries, which leads to reduced blood flow to the brain. As a result parts of the brain become damaged and eventually die from a lack of oxygen and nutrients.


The third most common form of dementia is a combination of Alzheimer’s with Vascular dementia.

Much less common types are Lewy body (shares symptoms with both Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease) and Frontotemporal dementia which symptoms are similar to those of Alzheimer’s disease.



Keep in mind that some forms of dementia, like normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH), can mimic AD, causing the patient to be misdiagnosed and often live without any treatment although there is a cure for NPH.

NPH is the result of a buildup of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) inside the skull, which can increase pressure and damage the brain. It can be caused by congenital birth defects, or it can be acquired at any stage of life due to head injuries, strokes, tumours, meningitis, hemorrhages, etc. It is also possible that the build-up of CSF is related not only to problems in the ventricles of the brain but also an underlying health condition affecting the blood flow through the brain (including hardening of blood vessels in the brain, poor blood circulation, heart disease or high cholesterol).

Sometimes people with NPH are misdiagnoses with AD or Parkinson’s disease because of the similar symptoms. The three symptoms shared between the two diseases are: incontinence, difficulty walking, and cognitive decline. The difference is that NPH starts incontinence and magnetic gait (inability to lift feet off the floor) followed by cognitive decline while AD begins with cognitive decline followed by incontinence and unsteady gait.

Unlike it is in case of AD, there is a surgery that can treat NPH by placing a shunt in the brain to drain the excess fluid. The treatment by shunt surgery is effective in up to 80% of the patients. It’s not always Alzheimer’s. What is NPH and how is it different? | News (llu.edu)


There is a quick, cheap test which may help diagnose early stage of Alzheimer’s even before memory decline. In order to do the test you need a jar of peanut butter and about 20 cm ruler. Ask the subject to close both eyes and the right nostril. Then slowly start moving an open peanut butter jar toward the open left nostril measuring the distance and starting from about 30 cm and asking the person to tell as soon as she or he is able to sense the smell of the butter. VIDEO >


Those who are free from Alzheimer’s are able to smell peanut butter with left nostril from longer distances but individuals with early stages of Alzheimer’s can start smelling peanut butter only when it is very close to the left nostril.

Generally, the right nostril was able to smell the peanut butter 10 centimetres farther away than the left nostril. The reason for this phenomenon is caused by the fact that the sense of smell is often the first sense to go in cognitive decline, even before memory loss, which is why this could be a very effective and beneficial tool in the fight against Alzheimer’s as it is easier to cope with this condition when proper treatment (described below) starts before the loss of memory.




We know that Alzheimer’s disease and also other forms of dementia are not caused by only one factor but a complex interplay of lifestyle, genetics,  and environment. There is no doubt that one of the key cause of AD is unhealthy lifestyle, bad diet, toxins, free radicals, stress, depression, pessimism, lack of exercise and other factors which gradually lead to certain negative changes in genes found in the brain cells. As a result the mutated and damaged genes start making abnormal proteins which trigger formation of destructive plagues in the brain and symptoms of AD.

The best proof that AD is caused by unhealthy modern lifestyle and diet is the fact that this problem was almost completely unknown a hundred years ago.


Insulin ressistance and type 2 diabetes >. Scientific research has provided a strong evidence that insulin ressistance and type 2 diabetes is the first step to Alzheimer’s – a form of dementia which has been found to be closely linked with type 2 diabetes. It explains why almost three quarters of patients with type 2 diabetes develop Alzheimer’s! Many people with diabetes have brain changes that are hallmarks of both Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia. Some researchers think that each condition fuels the damage caused by the other. That is the reason why Alzheimer’s disease is now often referred to as a Type 3 Diabetes as the growing body of research shows relationships between insulin resistance in the brain and neurodegenerative conditions that can result in cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s disease, or other types of dementia. A study done by researchers at Albany University in New York, shows that Alzheimer’s may be the late stages of type 2 diabetes. Due to insuline ressistance people who have type 2 diabetes force their pancreas to produce extra insulin. Also their medication has the same effect and some of them take insulin shots. Excess insulin not only leads to obesity but gets into the brain, disrupt brain chemistry and lead to the formation of abnormal toxic proteins that poison brain cells. Scientists have a enough reasons to believe that the protein that is formed in type 2 diabetes is the same protein which is responsible for causing Alzheimer’s disease! High levels of insulin swamp certain enzyme so that it stops breaking down amyloid which accumulates in the brain leading to Alzheimer’s! Prof. Edward McNay a researcher at Albany University, said: “People who develop diabetes have to realize this is about more than controlling their weight or diet. It’s also the first step on the road to cognitive decline. At first they won’t be able to keep up with their kids playing games, but in 30 years’ time they may not even recognize them.” People who develop type 2 diabetes often experience a sharp decline in cognitive function and nearly 70% of them develop Alzheimer’s. Read more >


One of the factors that contribute to AD is low education. Researchers believe that people can decrease their chances of developing memory and cognitive loss by keeping their brains active by reading and learning. But not active by watching television as it may even increase the risk of dementia and AD.


Mercury can cause damage to the nerves that is characteristic of the neurological changes found in Alzheimer’s disease.





Alzheimer’s patients have highly calcified pineal glands. Fluoride is believed to be the key cause of this problem.

Alzheimer's calcified pineal glands Fluoride

According to Dr Mercola, „One form of pineal gland stress is known as pineal gland calcification – the cause of which may be shocking to you. Sodium fluoride, present in your drinking water and certain store-bought products, and other sources such as Prozac, antibiotics or non-stick cookware could all be contributing to the alarming increase in pineal gland calcification. Yet remarkably, a majority of the tap water is still heavily fluoridated.”

Alzheimer’s Disease Linked to Pineal Gland Calcification from Fluoride >


Vitamin B12 deficiency, regarded by some experts as rampant today, may lead, contribute or imitate various conditions, including Multiple Sclerosis and Alzheimer’s. Make sure the diagnosis is correct as sometimes low levels of B12 or an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) may trigger the same symptoms as Alzheimer’s. It is a well known fact that Alzheimer`s associated dementia and patients with cobalamin deficiency have identical neuropsychiatric symptoms >. However, B12 deficiency may greatly contribute to the development of Alzheimer’s:

Alzheimer's B12 DEFICIENCY DEMENTIA brain volume loss

Read a fascinating article about Vitamin B12 >

According to researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, also zinc deficiency may play a significant role in the development of Alzheimer’s disease as zinc appears to be critical for preventing the accumulation of defective proteins in the brain that cause the disease. zinc deficiency 2 billion people dna damage

According to Dr Michael Greger, regular consumption of animal foods (meat, dairy, etc.) should be regarded as one of the key causes of dementia and AD:

Up to half of Alzheimer’s cases may be attributable to just seven risk factors including diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, exercise, smoking, depression, and mental exerciseDiet might be another important modifiable risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease… In studies across 11 countries, fat consumption appeared to be most closely correlated with the prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease, with the lowest fat intake and Alzheimer’s rates in China to the highest fat intake and Alzheimer’s rates in the United States… Harvard researchers examined the relationships of the major fat types to cognitive change over four years among 6,000 healthy older women, and found that women with the highest saturated fat intake had 60 to 70% greater odds of worse change on brain function. The magnitude of cognitive change associated with saturated fat consumption was equivalent to about six years of ageing, meaning women with the lowest saturated fat intake had the brain function of women six years younger.” (SOURCE >)

Higher intake of hydrogenated fats (margarine, doughnuts, cakes, pies, cookies biscuits, microwave popcorn, frozen pizza, etc.) may increase the risk of Alzheimer disease. >

Alzheimer’s Disease: Grain Brain or Meathead? (VIDEO >)

Alzheimer's risk homocysteine animal foods

Where are the Lowest Rates of Alzheimer’s in the World? (ARTICLE by Dr Greger >)

Alzheimer's and diet

Elevated cholesterol levels are also linked to brain deposits that cause Alzheimer’s.

Alzheimer's clogged cerebral arteries

Dr Greger suggests that, “The cognitive impairment more often seen in those eating meat may be due to atherosclerotic plaque building in the brain’s blood vessels, which can cause ministrokes that can kill off little parts of the brain.”

Alzheimer's dementia diet

Researchers found that a poor education should be listed among key contributors to the increased risks of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

Alzheimer's low education neural networks

Depression made the next biggest impact on Alzheimer’s cases (after low education), followed by too little exercise, smoking and high blood pressure in mid-life.”

Alzheimer's depression

The role of mental attitude and mood as a risk factor of Alzheimer’s was proved by David A. Snowdon, professor of neurology at the University of Kentucky who reviewed autobiographical essays that had been written by the young nuns.

Alzheimer's nun study Snowdon

According to the very shocking results of that very long study, “80% of nuns whose writing expressed negative emotions went on to develop Alzheimer’s disease in old age; while, of those whose expressed positive emotions, only 10% later developed the disease!!!”

Alzheimer's nun study Snowdon

In addition, according to the results of the same study, nuns who expressed more positive emotions in their autobiographies lived significantly longer – in some cases even 10 years longer.”

Alzheimer's nun study Snowdon positive emotions

Not only depression or anxiety but also repetitive negative thinking (RNT) may increase a person’s risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease, according to researchers from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience at King’s College London >. The researchers demonstrated that when we have a prolonged habit of negative thinking, it can cause a decline in the brain’s ability to think, reason, and form memories thus contributing to AD

Alzheimer's Ellen White imagination

There is increasing evidence that free radical-induced oxidative damage plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease. Free radicals are atoms or molecules (groups of atoms) of oxygen, nitrogen or another type, with one or more unpaired electrons. They are very dangerous and contribute to many health problems as they damage lipids, proteins, and DNA in our body. Emotional stress, fears, depression, agitation, junk foods, toxins, radiation and many other factors significantly increases free radical load on the body.


Another cause of AD which is associated with free radical damage is lack of antioxidants in human organism and in diet as antioxidants prevent the oxidative damage caused by free radicals.


Studies also confirmed artificial sweeteners like aspartame, Sucralose, Splenda and many others may play a role in the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Read more >

Alzheimer's aspartame memory loss

Another very important factor which may greatly contribute to the development of AD is Insulin Resistance >. In fact, Alzheimer’s Disease is believed to be a Type 3 Diabetes! Some experts maintain that the amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles (key hallmarks of brain cell atrophy in Alzheimer’s Disease) can all be explained by insulin resistance. It is interesting that staggering 80% of people with Alzheimer’s Disease actually have insulin resistance or full-blown type 2 diabetes! However, this fact doesn’t mean that type two diabetes causes Alzheimer’s Disease as people who are not diabetics also suffer from AD. The difference between regular type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s (type 3 diabetes) is that in the first one the insulin resistance involves the body wile in AD it influences the brain. Therefore, both conditions can be regarded as two separate diseases that are in fact caused by the same underlying problem: insulin resistance.

Read more about Insulin Resistance as a possible cause of AD >

To learn how to recover from insulin resistance read my article on DIABETES >

Lipoic acid improves neuronal insulin signalling and rescues cognitive function. >

Alzheimer's dementia sugar

A diet high in sugar and also high glucose / fructose syrup is damaging to our brains and without any doubt can contribute to AD. Read more >

Alzheimer's candida sugar acetaldehyde brain damage

Alzheimer's statins ambien dementia

Read more about why Statins and low fat diet may contribute to AD >

Please notice that in order to prevent and treat AD we need fat but only the healthy type such as raw organic coconut oil but not saturated animal fat. To prevent AD our brain needs cholesterol too but only the healthy one made buy the liver and not the harmful oxidised fat found animal food (meat, dairy, butter, eggs, lard, ice creams etc.)!


Although there is still a lot to learn about pathogenesis (the mechanism by which a disease is caused) of Alzheimer’s yet we know that during Alzheimer’s two abnormal proteins are made by mutated genes of the brain cells. They build in the brain forming clumps called ‘plaques’ or ‘tangles’ which interfere with how brain cells work and communicate with each other. The plaques are usually first seen in the area of the brain that makes new memories.


There is no doubt that from physiological point of view Alzheimer’s disease is caused by inherited and acquired genetic mutations. But those genetic abnormalities are caused mainly by unhealthy lifestyle, stress, lack of exercise, and especially bad high in sugar, fat, toxins and inflammatory factors modern  diet. So, even though bad genes are behind Alzheimer’s yet it doesn’t change the fact that those genes are defective due to the listed before factors, especially toxins (mercury, fluoride, etc.), free radicals, lack of antioxidants, nutritional deficiencies, stress, and other factors.

It means that everything we need to do in order to recover from Alzheimer’s is to repair the genetic mutations by addressing all possible mentioned here causes. It will slowly lead to the regeneration of the damaged brain areas and it will also repair the damaged genes preventing them from producing abnormal proteins. The whole process will eventually result in full recovery from Alzheimer’s.  It is very clear that defective genes can be healed through proper diet and lifestyle.


A fascinating research was done by Nobel Prize winner Elizabeth Blackburn and Dr. Dean Ornish. They were studying the effects of the healthy vegan diet on human genes and found that the plant-based unrefined diet caused certain genes to go through series of positive transformations in only three months! The vegan diet managed to activate genes responsible for preventing diseases and deactivate genes which cause different health conditions such as Alzheimer’s, prostate cancer, breast cancer, heart disease, and other diseases (read more >).

This very important discovery proves again that although we may inherit some faulty and promoting Alzheimer’s genes or damage them through our unhealthy lifestyle yet we don’t have to be helpless victims of those genes. We still can reverse the damage and Alzheimer’s by repairing or regenerating them through healthy lifestyle, unrefined plant-based and mostly raw diet, super foods, best quality supplements, antioxidants and herbal remedies.

But whether our body will be able to reverse the negative results and damage caused by unhealthy diet, stimulants, toxins, free radicals, stress, harmful medication, or lack of exercise depends on our ability to implement all the listed below principles and elements of healthy lifestyle including very healthy diet, regular physical activity, taking care of emotional and spiritual health and providing the body with the best quality building material in the form of powerful antioxidants, phytochemicals, and nutrients.


For a very long time we have been brainwashed with untrue ideas that it is impossible to recover from Alzheimer’s disease. Here you can see the proof in the form of the official statement representing the position of modern medical health care, inspired either by big pharma or ignorance:


Alzheimer's recovery after 12 weeks

Alzheimer's recovery in 12 weeks

Turmeric Produces ‘Remarkable’ Recovery in Alzheimer’s Patients >

In another experiment researchers successfully used flashes of blue light to stimulate cells in the hippocampus region, encouraging the growth of neural pathways in this area of brain >.

Film to be Made of Father’s Recovery from Alzheimer’s with Coconut Oil >

A study conducted Dr. Dale Bredesen of the UCLA Mary S. Easton Center for Alzheimer’s Disease Research and the Buck Institute for Research on Aging was the first to suggest that memory loss in patients may be reversed — and improvement sustainedusing a complex, 36-point therapeutic program that involves comprehensive diet changes, brain stimulation, exercise, sleep optimization, specific pharmaceuticals and vitamins, and multiple additional steps that affect brain chemistry. (READ MORE >)

Turmeric produces mind-blowing recovery from dementia symptoms, multiple case studies show >


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In order to effectively treat cardiovascular dementia all you need to do is to implement principles and use remedies described in CHOLESTEROL, ATHEROSCLEROSIS, HEART DISEASES, STROKE >

I am aware that initially it might appear to you challenging or difficult to implement all those principles but please do not give up and try to repeatedly study the whole content of the following AD optimal health recovery plan on a regular basis making sure you experience a systematic progress in practicing all the included principles. The more of them you manage to implement the better results you will see:

  • Avoid Amalgam (silver) fillings (remove if possible). Read more >
  • Detoxify brain from Mercury, Fluoride, Lead, etc. using Chlorella >
  • Drink only Distilled or Filtered water (use Reverse osmosis filter) >
  • Take Turmeric, Chlorella, Saffron, Flaxseed (ground), and Gingko biloba
  • Use Supplements: Vitamin B12 (Sublingual Methylcobalamin) >, Magnesium, B6 (P5P), B3, L-methylfolate, Zinc, Vitamin D3
  • Take Antioxidants: NAC, Alpha Lipoic acid, Resveratrol
  • Train your brain (Build strong neural networks) by reading, studying & memorising Bible, learning Polish
  • Avoid: Statins, Flu vaccines, Drugs
  • Treat Depression, Learn to control Stress, Think positive, Laugh
  • Lower Cholesterol, Treat Atherosclerosis
  • Avoid meat, dairy, fish, sugar, refined foods, art. sweeteners
  • Go on plant-based unrefined diet (at least 50% raw)
  • Eat variety of raw sprouts
  • Use only raw organic Coconut oil. For salad dressing use only cold pressed Olive oil, Flax oil
  • Avoid all Stimulants (alcohol, smoking, caffeine, cannabis, drugs, etc.)
  • Exercise every day
  • Lose weight (reduce belly size)
  • Treat Diabetes, High blood pressure & Inflammatory disease

In addition, read carefully and do your best to implement all the principles and recommendations included in the HEALTH RECOVERY PLAN >

Effective treatment of dementia caused by Alzheimer’s disease requires addressing the listed above all possible causes. Study them carefully and make sure you eliminate all the causes:

Alzheimer's recovery treatment

In addition, read carefully and do your best to implement all the principles and recommendations included in the HEALTH RECOVERY PLAN >.

Fortunately, there is enough evidence to believe that it is possible to reverse those genetic abnormalities through healthy lifestyle and plant-based mostly raw diet, super foods, herbal remedies and certain supplements. It means that we are able to not only prevent the disease but even recover from it. I don’t know whether the full recovery from  advanced cases of AD is always possible, but there is no doubt that a very healthy plant-based diet and lifestyle combined with specific natural remedies can reduce symptoms, slow down the progress of AD and often lead even to full recovery.

Alzheimer's coffee

Please do not believe those who promote drinking coffee to prevent AD (even if there is some truth in it) because  caffeine in coffee and other products is a poison and leads to many dangerous effects on human organism including brain and nervous system:

Caffeine causing untimely deaths >

Caffeine, Blood Flow, and the Brain >

Caffeine addiction >

There are much better ways and remedies to cope with AD

Find out how to recover from anxiety and DEPRESSION >

Since the lack of education is believed to be the number one factor increasing the risk of AD it is very important to increase education by studying and reading books.

Alzheimer's reading learning

But the books shouldn’t be easy to understand. They must force the brain to think harder to solve problems and to answer difficult questions. For instance, you can try to learn different languages.

The best example of an excellent book which can greatly boost mental powers is the Bible. It is the most effective tool against dementia and AD because in order to understand it properly it is not enough to read it but you have to force your mind to think harder, study it in the context, compare verses, compare translations and often learn history. Sometimes the hidden truth is so complex and deep that in order  to understand it correctly we need to ask for divine inspiration.

Alzheimer's Bible intellect

The article “Gospel of Freedom” is one of the best ways to demonstrate how complex and amazing truths and ideas are included in the Bible >

Alzheimer's bible mind peace


Here is another reason why studying the Word of God should be regarded as the most effective way to prevent and treat AD:


Read the “Gospel of Freedom” to find out how to experience “peace which exceeds anything we can understand” >

Daily prayer is another powerful weapon against AD. While using as many natural listed here remedies as possible pray constantly  asking God with faith for His blessing and healing and you will see great results.

Alzheimer's prayer mind

Remove mercury  from the brain!

Alzheimer's mercury

Alzheimer's mercury

The best remedy able to remove mercury and other heavy metals and toxins from the brain is CHLORELLA >

Alzheimer's mercury chlorella

Chlorella is one of the best natural remedies to prevent and reverse AD not only because it detoxifies our brains from mercury but also because, like turmeric, it can regenerate damaged brain tissue:

Alzheimer's chlorella repairs nerve tissue

Since Chlorella is a powerful detoxifier and energy booster it is better to start with a smaller dose such as 1 teaspoon or 3 tablets 30 minutes before breakfast and the same amount 30 minutes before lunch with 2 glasses of water, vegetable juice or smoothie. Then gradually increase the intake every day (by approximately 1 tablet) until reaching the maximum dose of 2 or 3 heaped tablespoons or 10 – 20 tablets (500mg) 30 min before breakfast and the same amount 30 min before lunch. Altogether you can take 2-6 round tablespoons or about 20-40 tablets (500mg per tablet) of chlorella a day. The dose of course also depends on age and body weight. After three months instead of Chlorella use Spirulina or even better Clean Greens (Pukka) for a month or two and then come back to Chlorella.

– Avoid aluminum kitchenware as finally a study confirmed direct link between Alzheimer’s and aluminum toxicity! >

– Sublingual Methylcobalamin (form of vitamin B12) is another key remedy which helped many people to get rid of Alzheimer’s as deficiency of this vitamin is regarded as “rampant” today. >

Read a fascinating article on B12 >

Alzheimer's B12 mercury

Chia seeds are very helpful too. Like flax seed it is regarded as the best source of Omega 3 fatty acids. Mix 1-2 tablespoons with fruit juice or plant-based milk every morning and eat it after at least 30 minutes with your breakfast.


– Every day eat fresh raw (not cooked) sprouts (alfalfa sprouts, watercress sprouts, sunflower sprouts, etc.).
The process of seed germination results in a dramatic increase in their vitamin, mineral and phytochemical content. According to Dr. J. Mercola, „Sprouts can contain up to 30 times the nutrition of organic vegetables! Sprouted seed, nut or bean has a whopping 43 times the enzyme power when compared to the non-sprouted variety! Sprouts are the highest source of ENZYMES which improve digestion of food and absorption of essential nutrients.”
Sprouts are also bioactive food as they are the only plant based food that is still growing as we consume them!

Purchasing very inexpensive sprouts at retail stores is the simplest method for adding sprouts to your menu, but growing them at home on a large tray with soil is much better. Using good quality soil to grow your own sprouts, you make them organic and free from pesticides and other unwanted chemicals. I make my own sunflower sprouts as they are most delicious and very potent. Try to avoid consuming the same type of sprouts every day for a longer period of time. Instead use variety of different sprouts but the most important seem to be fresh sunflower sprouts, alfalfa sprouts, and watercress sprouts. On YouTube you will find numerous videos explaining how to make your own sprouts at home.

– After a long and close analysis and comparison of different healthy vegetarian and vegan diets I believe that the most effective one is the Hallelujah Diet. And one of the key reasons of this conclusion is that this diet is based on raw fresh vegetable juices and it is 85% raw. There are thousands of testimonials written by people who on Hallelujah diet recovered from all sorts of health problems often regarded as incurable. In order to get strong motivation to start juicing read my article on Vegetable juices and Hallelujah diet.

Glasses with fresh vegetable juices isolated on white. Detox diet.

Drink 1 or 2 glasses of fresh raw and possibly cold-pressed (using slow juicer) vegetable juices (carrots, beets, broccoli, kale or spinach, etc.)  2 to 3 times a day before meals or instead. It is even better to have them with chlorella or spirulina, alfalfa, turmeric and barley grass. If you want to maintain your health drink 2 to 3 times 1 glass. In case your intension is to treat different health problems such as cancer, etc. you need to have 2 glasses 3 to 4 times a day. Read more about VEGETABLE JUICES >

– Take 500mg of Vitamin B3 (Niacin) in the form of nicotinamide with breakfast as nicotinamide form of vitamin B3 restores cognition in Alzheimer’s disease transgenic mice. >

Find out more about Niacin >

A 2009 study demonstrated that, “A multi-vitamin/nutrient formula has therapeutic value in moderate-stage to later-stage Alzheimer’s diease.” >

– Take Good quality Multivitamin-mineral formula: 1-2 tablets after breakfast. Please do not buy cheap formulas as their potency is very low and they contain only short list of inorganic ingredients. It must be a good quality formula such as Earth Source (Solgar) or Healthy Mega (HealthAid) > which is an excellent multi-vitamin and mineral formula fortified with alfalfa powder, rutin, citrus bioflavonoids, bromelain, lutein, PABA, lycopene, herbs and many other super nutrients. Take 1 tablet, preferably with first meal. If your diet is very healthy and you stay away from refined foods, sugar and stimulants then take only 1/2 tablet after breakfast. Brainvit is another excellent multivitamin/nutrient formula containing most important ingredients to promote brain health and memory. Brainvit can be used together or interchangeably with Healthy Mega or Earth Source.

– Expose your body to the sun whenever possible.


– Drink 3 times a day 2 or 3 glasses of distilled water > about 30 to 60 minutes before each meal or about 2 hours after. During hot days you need even more. Your urine should be transparent, if it is yellow it means you don’t drink enough water.


In order to recover from Alzheimer’s the following recommendations must be followed:

– Go to sleep as early as possible. Try to sleep at least seven or eight hours a day.

– Avoid eating foods rich in refined sugar and other refined carbohydrates such as white flour products (body turn white flour into blood sugar).

– Avoid ALL artificial sweeteners! Artificial sweeteners can usually be identified by many different names such as sucralose, saccharin, or aspartame (Splenda, Equal, Sweet n Low). There are almost a hundred side effects listed by the FDA, including depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, memory loss, nerve cell damage, Alzheimer’s, migraines, reproductive disorders, brain lesions, weight gain, food cravings, seizures and more.

– Avoid high glucose/fructose syrup (HFCS).

– If you tend to struggle with having a sweet tooth try to substitute the unhealthy products with fresh and dried fruits (dates, raisins, figs, prunes, etc.). If you miss traditional dairy ice creams, which are very unhealthy, make your own delicious and healthy ice creams by blending frozen bananas or other frozen fruits. You can experiment adding some raw honey (or sweeten the ice cream with xylitol or stevia), soya crème, lemon juice, plant-based milk, a little bit of carob powder, ground cashew or other nuts to improve the flavour.

– Avoid monosodium glutamate (MSG).

– If possible avoid drugs and slowly replace them with natural remedies and healthy lifestyle.

Alzheimer's statins


Alzheimer's b6 b12 folate

Brainvit – an excellent formula containing most important ingredients to promote brain health and memory.

Alzheimer's methylcobalamin neurons

Sulforaphane might be a promising therapeutic agent for cognitive enhancement in Alzheimer’s disease. >

Alzheimer's folic acid

Royal jelly had anti- Alzheimer’s disease properties. >

Alzheimer's B6

High Vitamin C supplementation reduces amyloid plaque deposition (cause of AD), blood brain barrier disruptions and mitochondrial dysfunction in the brains. >

Vitamin E, acetyl-l-carnitine and α-lipoic acid are superior to the drug donepezil (Aricept) at normalizing biomarkers associated with Alzheimer’s disease in an animal model. >

Alzheimer's niacin B3

Coenzyme Q10 reduces beta-amyloid plaque in an APP/PS1 transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. >

Take at least 120mg or better 200mg a day of CoQ10 in the form of Ubiquinone (as there is it is as well absorbed as expensive Ubiquinol) >

Alzheimer's magnesium

– Take 20,000 IU of Vitamin D3 a day >

Alzheimer's vitamin D

Alpha lipoic acid: 2 times a day 250-300mg. Alpha lipoic appears to be an effective neuroprotective agent in Alzheimer’s disease. >

Alzheimer's Alpha lipoic acid

Alzheimer's alpha lipoic acid acetaldehyde

Phosphatidylserine has a therapeutic effect in Alzheimer’s disease. >

Alzheimer's resveratrol regeneration of nerves

– A large body of studies suggests that selenium may be beneficial in reducing Alzheimer’s pathology. >

– A low level of B vitamins is often noted in patients with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. >

– Switch to a well-balanced plant-based and unrefined diet.

– Avoid foods containing Arachidonic Acid (animal products). According to Dr. Greger, “Arachidonic acid in our diet produces inflammatory compounds which may inflame our brain. The omnivores ate 9 times as much arachidonic acid than the vegetarians, which is not surprising, given that arachidonic acid is not found in plants!” (Michael  Greger  M.D., Improving Mood Through Diet, 29/09/2011)

Alzheimer's arachidonic acid brain inflammation

Alzheimer's arachidonic acid brain inflammation

– Don’t use stimulants such as alcohol.

– Learn to control stress and think positive.

Alternative hot and cold showers > will improve circulation, elimination of toxins and will stimulate the nervous and immune system. Start with hot shower, and after about 5 minutes when your body is warm enough take a short (3 min) cold shower slowly reducing the temperature. Then alternate the flow of water from hot to cold, back and forth 5-7 times in a row. Before using this treatment consult your physician first if you have any chronic health conditions especially if they are associated with heart.

– Increase SEROTONIN! Because of the extensive serotonergic denervation that has been observed in the AD brain and the important role played by serotonin in both, cognition and behavioural control, this neurotransmitter has become a focus of a research effort to identify new treatments for AD.

We know that serotonin is very important in improving memory, fighting depression, fatigue, or insomnia. Serotonin is the “feel good” hormone and neurotransmitter which helps us regulate moods and use good judgement. Unfortunately, the older we get the less serotonin we tend to produce. Dr. Carolyn Meltzer’s research has demonstrated that with age serotonin receptors decrease by over 50%. People who struggle with overweight, obesity, and depression, those who commit serious crime as well as people who commit suicide have very low level of this extremely important hormone.

Serotonin deficiency can be caused by sedentary lifestyle (lack of physical activity), insufficient light during the day, refined and low in nutrients diet, use of stimulants (alcohol, nicotine, coffee, tea, cola drinks, chocolate and other caffeine products), or insufficient amount of sleep.

Exercise in the morning outside to boost serotonin!


In the beautiful book „Ministry of Healing” Ellen G. White wrote that, “The sick, shut within four walls, look out on houses and pavements, with perhaps not even a glimpse of blue sky or sunshine, of grass or flower or tree. Shut up in this way, they brood over their suffering and sorrow, and become a prey to their own sad thoughts. The pure air, the glad sunshine, the flowers and trees, and outdoor exercise amid these surroundings, are health- and life-giving. Outdoor life is the only remedy that many need. It has a wonderful power to heal diseases caused by the excitements and excesses of fashionable life, a life that weakens and destroys the powers of body, mind, and soul. How glad would they be to sit in the open air, rejoice in the sunshine, and breathe the fragrance of tree and flower! There are life-giving properties in the balsam of the pine, in the fragrance of the cedar and the fir, and other trees also have properties that are health restoring. In nature may always be found something to divert the attention of the sick from themselves and direct their thoughts to God. The beauty of nature leads them to think of the heavenly home, where there will be nothing to mar the loveliness, nothing to taint or destroy, nothing to cause disease or death.”

– Increase consumption of foods high in Tryptophan (to boost Serotonin): Cooked soy beans, Tofu, beans, lentils, ground sesame, tahini, humus, etc.

Alzheimer's tryptophan serotonin

Alzheimer's tryptophan serotonin sesame

According to Dr. Michael Greger, “Prozac appears to work by boosting serotonin levels but it can cause significant side effects. How about using foods high in serotonin, such as plantains, pineapples, bananas, kiwis, plums, and tomatoes. Plants contain dopamine, serotonin, and melatonin at concentrations high enough to actually alter levels in our bloodstream. We don’t need serotonin in our blood, though; we need it in our brain. Serotonin can’t cross the blood-brain barrier, but the precursor to serotonin can. This precursor is an amino acid called tryptophan that we get from our diet. When people think tryptophan, they think Thanksgiving turkey, but researchers at MIT dispelled those myths about a decade ago. Tryptophan is one amino acid among many found in turkey (or meat and dairy) proteins, and they compete with one another for transport across the blood-brain barrier into the brain. Since tryptophan is present in most animal proteins in relatively small quantities it gets muscled out of the way. When we eat plant foods, though, the carbohydrates trigger a release of insulin that causes our muscles to take up many of the non-tryptophan amino acids as fuel, potentially leaving our tryptophan first in line for brain access. Animal foods can even make things worse. In the experiment, those given a turkey/egg/cheese breakfast experienced a drop in tryptophan levels, whereas those given a waffle/orange juice breakfast saw their levels rise.”



– Boost Dopamine levels!


– Take 5HTP (tryptophan supplement).

– Make sure you have some Complex carbohydrates everyday in the form of  fresh and dried fruits, bananas, etc. as they increase ability of tryptophan to pass blood/brain barrier.


–  Take Vitamin B6, B1, B3 (Niacin), Magnesium citrate, Zinc, Folic acid, as they are required to produce serotonin.


– Light therapy. Expose your body to sunlight whenever it is possible or use strong light imitating sunlight.


– Increase intake of Omega 3 fatty acids: Chlorella, ground flax seed, soaked in water chia seeds, good quality organic Omega 3 fish oil with antioxidant to prevent oxidation (HealthAid offers a very good quality molecularly distilled Omega 3 fish oil >).


Alzheimer's recovery turmeric curcumin

Alzheimer's recovery turmeric curcumin

Alzheimer's recovery turmeric curcumin

Alzheimer's recovery turmeric curcumin

Alzheimer's recovery coconut oil mcts

Alzheimer's saffron

Alzheimer's recovery natural remedies

Alzheimer's exercise

Magnesium (citrate or another well absorbed type): 400 to 800 mg 60 min before breakfast and 400 to 800 mg 1 to 3 hours before bed.

– If possible you can also add NAC to the above list: 2 – 3 times 200mg.
If you can’t afford all above mentioned use at least the three first ones.

– A study demonstrated Ginkgo biloba is as effective as the drug donepezil (Aricept) in improving symptoms of Alzheimer’s, but with much less side effects.>

If your blood sugar is higher than normal address the problem according to the description included in DIABETES >

  • Read carefully and do your best to implement all the principles and recommendations included in the HEALTH RECOVERY PLAN >
  • In case dementia is resistant to this treatment go on HALLELUJAH DIET for about 6 months and at the same time keep on using the above mentioned remedies and recommendations.


Please read this extremaly important part (LINK) very carefully as it reveals the secret of finding true source of strenght necessary to overcome bad habits and will help you to gain a powerful motivation to not only practice but also enjoy the new and very healthy way of life.



I am aware that initially it might appear to you challenging or difficult to implement all those principles but please do not give up and try to repeatedly study the whole content of this optimal health recovery plan on a regular basis making sure you experience a systematic progress in practicing all the included principles. The more of them you manage to implement the better results you will see:

  • Avoid Amalgam (silver) fillings (remove if possible). Read more >
  • Detoxify brain from Mercury, Fluoride, Lead, etc. using Chlorella >
  • Drink only Distilled or Filtered water (use Reverse osmosis filter) >
  • Take Turmeric, Chlorella, Saffron, Flaxseed (ground), and Gingko biloba
  • Use Supplements: Vitamin B12 (Sublingual Methylcobalamin) >, Magnesium, B6 (P5P), B3, L-methylfolate, Zinc, Vitamin D3
  • Take Antioxidants: NAC, Alpha Lipoic acid, Resveratrol
  • Train your brain (Build strong neural networks) by reading, studying & memorising Bible, learning Polish 🙂
  • Avoid: Statins, Flu vaccines, Drugs
  • Treat Depression, Learn to control Stress, Think positive, Laugh
  • Lower Cholesterol, Treat Atherosclerosis
  • Avoid meat, dairy, fish, sugar, refined foods, art. sweeteners
  • Go on plant-based unrefined diet (at least 50% raw)
  • Eat variety of raw sprouts
  • Use only raw organic Coconut oil. For salad dressing use only cold pressed Olive oil, Flax oil
  • Avoid all Stimulants (alcohol, smoking, caffeine, drugs, etc.)
  • Exercise every day
  • Lose weight (reduce belly size)
  • Treat Diabetes, High blood pressure & Inflammatory diseases


A 2016 study by researchers from the Buck Institute for Research on Ageing and the UCLA Easton Laboratories for Neurodegenerative Disease Research, showed that memory loss in Alzheimer’s patients can be reversed, and improvement sustained, using a complex, 36-point therapeutic personalized program that involves comprehensive changes in diet, brain stimulation, exercise, optimization of sleep, specific pharmaceuticals and vitamins, and multiple additional steps that affect brain chemistry.

According to Dale Bredesen, MD, a professor at the Easton Laboratories for Neurodegenerative Disease Research at UCLA, patients who due to Alzheimer’s had had to discontinue work were able to return to work and those struggling at their jobs were able to improve their performance.

One of the participants of the experimental program was a 66-year old man whose MRI showed hippocampal volume at only the 17th percentile for his age. However, after 10 months on the protocol a follow-up MRI showed a dramatic increase of his hippocampal volume to the 75th percent!

Another patient, a 49-year old woman who noted progressive difficulty with word finding and facial recognition went on the same program. After several months on the protocol she noted a clear improvement. Her foreign language ability had returned. Nine months after beginning the program she no longer showed evidence of cognitive decline.

Another example of great improvement was a 69-year old man, who was in the process of shutting down his business, went on the protocol after 11 years of progressive memory loss. After six months, he experienced significant improvement in memory and ability to remember his schedule and recognize faces at work. After 22 months on the protocol results showed his long-term recall increasing from the 3rd to 84th percentile. (SOURCE >)





Brewer GJ, Kaur S. Zinc Deficiency and Zinc Therapy Efficacy with Reduction of Serum Free Copper in Alzheimer’s Disease. Int J Alzheimers Dis. 2013;2013:586365. Epub 2013 Oct 10.





© 2016 Slawomir Gromadzki – All Rights Reserved



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Any information or product suggested on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any medical condition. Never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Consult your primary healthcare physician before using any supplements or making any changes to your regime.

