Numerous studies as well as countless personal testimonials give evidence that the most effective way of gaining victory over any addiction (including crime, alcohol, drugs, smoking, sex, caffeine, sugar, chocolate or any junk food) is the simultaneous implementation of all the following elements at the same time:

  1. Plant-based or at least mostly plant-based unrefined diet consisting of at least 50% raw vegetables (the more the better) and fresh fruits. RECIPES >
  2. Daily vigorous exercise for at least 60 minutes a day.
  3. Super foods (especially Chlorella), herbal remedies (especially Ashwagandha, Hops, Holy Basil), and nutritional supplements: 5-HTP Tryptophan (to boost serotonin), Magnesium citrate: 2 x 400mg; good quality multivitamin such as Daily Essentials (Phoenix Nutrition) – 2 a day, or Healthy Mega, or Special Two or VM-75: 1 after breakfast; Zinc citrate: 20-30mg after breakfast; Vitamin D3: 5,000 IU after breakfast; organic Chlorella powder: 1 heaped tablespoon 30 minutes before breakfast with water or vegetable juice; sublingual Methylcobalamin: 1000 mcg under the tongue after breakfast; Alpha lipoic acid: 2 x 600mg with meals.
  4. Gaining spiritual and moral strength through frequent fervent prayers (including claiming God’s promises of forgiveness and power with faith and gratitude); Daily feeding the soul, mind and spirit with spiritual food such as the Word of God (starting from the Gospel of John and other Gospels) and books including the Desire of Ages, Great Controversy, Steps to Christ, and Ministry of Healing (all by Ellen G White); and daily surrendering entire life, mind and emotions to the loving God.
  5. In order to speed up the recovery it is crucial to implement principles included in HEALTH RECOVERY PLAN >


Vegan Diet Helped Prisoners

Until recently prisoners at Victor Valley Medium Community Correctional Facility in Adelanto, California could choose vegan meals under a program called NewStart which also included Bible study, job training and anger management. According to one source, violence decreased significantly for those inmates who chose the vegan meal plan and the behavioral program. Also the recidivism rate, (rate of re-arrest) for their released inmates was only two percent, but the state average in California is over 90 percent, according to another source!

Victor Valley nutrition services coordinator Julianne Aranda has been quoted on the main reasons why they offered a plant-based menu option for inmates, saying, “what we eat not only affects us physically, but it affects our mental attitude, our aggressiveness and our ability to make good decisions.”

At first, state officials assumed none or very few of the prisoners would choose the plant-based diet and training provided by the NewStart program. However, 85 percent did select the alternative diet and they participated in the learning opportunities. Those who participated and did not eat meat reportedly underwent significant attitude changes, so much so they no longer identified with racial groups, which previously caused tension, and they actually played basketball together in the common space instead of remaining apart from one another.

An Indian news site published a quote for a California official indicating positive inmate changes: “there is a noticeable difference in the personalities of the vegetarian inmates. They smile more, are fully racially integrated, attend religious classes and anger management classes eagerly. Within 10 days, the vegan inmates express improvement in how they feel.

Apparently the NewStart program was dropped though, due to some administrative conflict which forced the prison leaders to end it over the handling of phone revenues.

A documentary about the NewStart program was made, and you can the video here >




Vegan Diet Impacts California Prison


San Bernardino County, CA — In the late 90’s, amid rising crime rates and finite lockup space, the private prison industry was looking like a pretty lucrative business opportunity for anyone who could take advantage. Having received a dire report from Georgia-based prison design firm Rosser International Inc., San Bernardino County was expecting a shortfall in inmate beds and a doubling of their inmate population by the year 2020. Against this background, the County began accepting bids for a 500-inmate private prison. Terry Mooreland, CEO of Maranatha Private Corrections LLC was among the individuals who bid on the project. There was only one catch. Mooreland’s bid included a stipulation that if he was awarded the bid, inmates serving sentences at his facility would be offered a vegan diet. As fate would have it, Mooreland won the bid and in 1997 began to build what became the Victor Valley Medium Community Correctional Facility in Adelanto, California; which is about 120 miles northeast of Los Angeles. Once operational, this facility saw remarkable results for seven years, before a dispute over inmate phone revenue led the State of California to cancel their contract with Mooreland. It is unbelievable that something as silly as phone revenue could cause a State to end one of the most remarkable prison success programs in the country, where inmates got out and stayed out. At the time, the State of California had a recidivism rate of 95%. This is the percentage of former prisoners who are rearrested. The Victor Valley facility enjoyed a recidivism rate of less than 2%. So, what was the key factor behind this success? A vegan diet. Upon arrival, new inmates attended an orientation where they received two clear choices. They could live on one side of the prison which operated using the standard California Department of Corrections (CDC) guidelines and food menus; or, they could live on the side of the prison operated under the “NEWSTART” program which included a vegan diet, bible studies, job training and anger management. In a video-taped interview obtained by Vegetarian Spotlight, Victor Valley nutrition services coordinator Julianne Aranda explains that “what we eat not only affects us physically, but it affects our mental attitude, our aggressiveness and our ability to make good decisions”. In interview after interview it was clear that the NEWSTART program staff was in agreement that the mind and body must be cleaned up in order for the inmates to achieve positive behavioral changes. Initially, although the State of California was very supportive of the NEWSTART concept, they told Moorland they didn’t believe that even five inmates (of the 500) would accept that kind of a diet. In fact, they told Moorland that inmates would probably “burn the place down before they became vegetarians”. However, once the program was in progress, the opposite became true. On average, 85% of the inmates chose the NEWSTART side while only 15% chose the CDC program. The remarkable behavioral changes could even be seen outside in the prison yard where according to prison officials, nobody “owned” or controlled the yard. Typical lines drawn between blacks, whites, hispanics, gang members and other groups were non existent. On the NEWSTART side, everyone played basketball together and had great fellowship. The CDC side of the house had the same racial divisions experienced at any other prison. In testimonials, inmates assert that the surprisingly good-tasting food led them to feel better, have greater energy, increased stamina and reduced problems with acne. Indeed the effectiveness of a vegan vegetarian diet in rehabilitation has been scientifically validated. Although the State of California apparently preferred to pursue phone revenue over rehabilitated inmates, the success of the Victor Valley facility gives us something to think about. Could this kind of a diet help us in raising our children? (SOURCE >)

Saved By A Vegan Prison


In 1999, Eric Vandennoort was living a life that most of us only read about or see on television. He was homeless and his life was one of substance abuse, petty crimes and run-ins with the law. In fact, his rap sheet became so long that a California judge finally got fed up and threw him into prison instead of the County jail. This judge had no idea that his decision would change Eric’s life forever. Like most inmates, Eric was moved around within the California prison system and the luck of the draw landed him at the Victor Valley Medium Community Correctional Facility.


A change of diet and lifestyle were nowhere on his mind, so, when Eric was asked whether he wanted to live on the vegan side or the side that offered the regular California Corrections programs, his only concern was whether the Vegan side offered tobacco. He had heard that the vegan wing offered better treatment so he figured “as long as I have my tobacco, how bad can a vegan diet really be”.

Eric landed a job in the kitchen working for Julianne Aranda, the nutrition coordinator. As he went through the structured program offered on the “vegan side”, he found himself learning not only from Julianne, but from all the nutrition classes that were offered. Eric also took Bible studies being given by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. “The Adventist church was experimenting with a holistic approach to addictions”, recalls Eric. “They had a program called NEW START where every letter stood for something”. The NEW START acronym stands for Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sunlight, Temperance, Air, Rest and Trust in God.

Over a six month period, Eric would see his life change completely. The holistic approach to rehabilitation that included both a vegan diet and spiritual training had a deep and lasting impact on his life. He began reading good books, he quit smoking and his entire attitude toward life took a positive spin. “The facility was a breath of fresh air”, said Eric. On July 11, 1999 Eric Vandennoort walked out of the Victor Valley facility a new man. “From the day I left, I have never used drugs again or taken another drink”. In fact, today, he is happily married and is working as a licensed drug and alcohol counselor in New Port Beach, California. “They broke a chain for me with diet and spiritual intervention”, says Eric. “I owe it all to them. I no longer have to push a cart around on the streets.” (SOURCE >)


– Most important aspect of the treatment is lifestyle and diet according to the HEALTH RECOVERY PLAN as in this way you will deal with the causes of the problem.



When I was quitting drinking and smoking in 1984 I didn’t know about any of the mentioned above principles or remedies, but after I failed many times while trying to stop excessive drinking alcohol and heavy smoking using my pathetic at that time will power I finally decided to give God a chance. As a result of the first heart-felt prayer in my life someone gave me a book titled “Great Contoversy Between Christ and Satan” by Ellen G. White >. That book showed me the truth about God and His Word, human nature, origin of evil, importance of prayer and other askects of spiritual life. As a result I started praying and reading the Bible every day, and finally I gained victory which wasn’t pissible when I tried to do it on my own. I was given enough strenght and was succesfull. Since that time I never touched alcohol nor smoked for over 30 years.

Most of us know from experience that it is very difficult and often even impossible to control stress, overcome fear, anxiety and depression, or to become a positive-thinking person simply because those negative emotions and fears seem to be a part of our nature. The good news however is that many people claim to find inward peace and great improvement in emotional health as a result of daily heart-felt meditation and spiritual communion with a Higher Power. However, according to medical research this kind of spiritual approach is effective only when combined with a sincere faith in a powerful but at the same time loving and carrying God. On the other hand, believing in a demanding, punishing and vengeful God was associated with increased risk of depression and mental disorders.

Also thoughtful reading an uplifting spiritual literature such as the Gospel of John (found in the Bible), which presents God as always loving, saving, healing, forgiving, and self-sacrificing, is another great way to find inward peace, hope and happiness, if your reading is combined with true faith.

In case you lack strong will power, which is required to improve lifestyle, avoid junk food and stimulants, don’t forget about fervent daily prayers (not mantra-type or short but talk to God using own words until you fill His peaceful and empowering influence) and reading or listening to a good spiritual literature (such as the Bible, Desire of Ages > and Ministry of Healing> by Ellen G White available online free of charge). It will greatly increase the effectiveness of your improved diet and lifestyle.

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1Thessalonians 5:16-18);

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7, NIV).

Because from my own experience I know and remember how difficult it was, in my case, to change my eating habits and give up on junk food and stimulants using my own pathetic at that time will power, I recommend to you reading or listening to a book Steps to Christ> and Great Controversy > by Ellen White. If you carefully study all the information presented there and follow the steps, you will not only become victorious but will actually experience an inward peace and transformation which will enable you to enjoy your new lifestyle (including diet and regular physical activity).

– Get spiritual and moral empowerment from the chapter Motivation and Empowerment >

– Man who used drugs for over 20 years talks about completing “New Start” program (video) >



Vegetarian Food Goes to Jail 

June 1, 2002 — Vegparadise News Bureau

A vegetarian meal–is it the ideal tool for punishment? Or is it, perhaps, quite the opposite, an anticipated pleasure? While one prison warden views a vegetarian meal as punishment for aggressive behavior, another has achieved remarkable results in rehabilitating inmates with vegan foods.At the Maryland Correctional Adjustment Center in Baltimore unruly prisoners are served a “special management meal.” As reported by Scott Simon on NPR’s Weekend Edition Saturday (April 6), the meal consists of a one pound loaf that “smells a little bit like the food they serve in the elephant cage at the National Zoo.” Simon tasted the concoction and described it as “blander than bland.”

The Victor Valley Medium Correctional Facility in Adelanto, California is miles apart from the Maryland prison, not only in distance but also in the philosophy toward their 550 prisoners and their diet that includes vegan meals for approximately half of the inmates.

When new inmates arrive at Adelanto, they attend an orientation that describes two distinct programs. One option is the traditional program followed by most correctional facilities. The other, the NEWSTART Program, focuses on vegan meals, bible study classes, an anger management program, job training, and psychological counseling. Those who choose the NEWSTART Program must commit to participating in the entire program.

The prison has two dining halls and two feeding lines with all food made in one kitchen. Breads and rolls are made in the prison bakery. Those 50 to 60% selecting the NEWSTART Program are fed a vegan diet, except for the weekend when desserts such as cakes or puddings with milk and eggs are brought in. These inmates receive no meat, fish, chicken, dairy products, eggs, or sugar with their weekday meals. Because of budget limitations, it was necessary to deviate from the vegan meal program on weekends.

How do the prisoners react to the vegan meals? “They even tell us how tasty the vegan food is,” says Doug Anglen, director of food service. ” They really like it.”

In contrast, Maryland’s Warden Thomas Corcoran told Simon the inmates don’t like the prison loaf that’s served to them three times a day for one whole week. The loaf is part of a plan to “discourage negative inmate behavior,” says the warden.

If the prisoner curbs his aggressive tendencies, he returns to the regular prison food that mirrors the standard American diet loaded with animal protein and dairy products. In the two years the prison has followed the behavior modification program, assaults on prison staff have been cut by half. “The proof is in the loaf,” says Warden Corcoran.

As the warden admits, the loaf sticks to nutritional guidelines and meets the needs of most special diets.

Studying the ingredients, VIP recognized a wholesome vegetarian dish that could be improved with a bit of seasoning. We also thought of turning the recipe over to our Aunt Nettie who could probably transform that prison loaf into some “purty tasting fixin’s.”

When we heard the warden describe the change in prison behavior, we thought about the question we posed to Dr. Neal Barnard in our 24 Carrot Award Interview We asked Dr. Barnard, “We often hear that vegetarians are less aggressive, calmer, more peaceful people. Is there any medical evidence to support this view?”

Dr. Barnard answered as follows:
“Yes. A Massachusetts study on male aging showed that men who had higher levels of SHBG (sex-hormone binding globulin) in their blood were rated by their wives as less aggressive and less domineering. SHBG is a protein that binds to testosterone and reduces its activity, which is generally a good thing. As it happens, high fiber diets boost SHBG.”

Anglen echoed Dr. Barnard’s comments about vegetarians on high fiber diets being less violent. The NEWSTART prisoners are housed together in one section of the building. “When there is a violent outbreak, 90% of the time it’s on the non-vegetarian side of the facility,” says Anglen. A vegan himself, Anglen says there are rare occurrences of violence on the vegan side of the prison.

“There is a noticeable difference in the personalities of the vegetarian inmates. They smile more, are fully racially integrated, attend religious classes and anger management classes eagerly,” he told VIP. “Within 10 days the vegan inmates express improvement in how they feel.”

Anglen detailed some of the health improvements of the vegan inmates. He described how diabetics were able to rid themselves of medications, a good number saw their skin conditions improved, many lost excess weight, and most felt more energetic.

Among the non-vegetarian inmates there is little mixing and more inter-racial fighting. When they are released, there is a 70 to 80% rate of recidivism. In the four years the prison has operated, only 30 to 40 of the NEWSTART inmates have returned. “We have a waiting list to get into the program,” he says.

The Victor Valley Medium Correctional Facility is a privately owned prison that is operated by Maranatha Corrections, LLC under contract with the California Department of Corrections. Maranatha Corrections, LLC is owned by Terry Moreland whose Moreland Croporation was responsible for building the prison. Moreland, a Seventh Day Adventist, is a vegan.

VIP was able to obtain recipes from both of the correctional institutions.


Served at Maryland Correctional Adjustment Center

6 slices whole wheat bread, finely chopped
4 oz. (113 g) imitation cheddar cheese, finely grated
4 oz. (113 g) raw carrots, finely grated
12 oz. (340 g) spinach, canned, drained
2 C. (480 ml) dried Great Northern Beans, soaked, cooked, drained
4 T. vegetable oil
6 oz. (169 g) potato flakes, dehydrated

6 oz. (169 g) tomato paste
8 oz. (226 g) powdered skim milk
4 oz.(113 g) raisins
Mix all ingredients in a 12-quart (12 liter) mixing bowl. Make sure all wet items are drained.
Mix until stiff, just moist enough to spread.
Form three loaves in glazed bread pans. Place loaf pans in oven on a sheet pan filled with water to keep the bottom of loaves from burning.
Bake at 325 degrees F (Gas Mark 5) in a convection oven for approximately 45 minutes. The loaf will start to pull away from the sides of the bread pan when done.

Three of the most popular recipes at Victor Valley Medium Correctional Facility are as follows:



1 C. (237 ml) cold filtered water
2 T. Bragg Liquid Aminos
1 T. cornstarch
1 C. (237 ml) raw cashews
1/4 t. sea salt or pink salt
1/4 C. (59 ml) coarsely chopped onion
1/4 t. raw honey
2 t. lemon juice
2 C. (480 ml) additional water

1/2 C. (118 ml) diced onion
2 T. coconut oil or water
1/2 C. (118 ml) sliced mushrooms, optional

2 C. (480 ml) SUNBURGER chunks
or 1 C. (237 ml) Heartline beef-flavored chunks rehydrated to equal 2 cups (480 ml).
1 T. chopped fresh parsley
Measure Gravy ingredients into a blender and blend on high until smooth.
Add additional water to blender.
In a large pot, saute onions, oil or water, and sliced mushrooms.
Pour blender ingredients into pot, and cook, stirring constantly on medium heat until thick.
Stir in 2 cups SUNBURGER chunks and parsley. Heat through. Serve with brown rice or pasta, and garnish with extra chopped fresh parsley. Makes 4 servings.


3 1/4 C. ((776 ml) filtered water
1/4 C. (59 ml) Bragg Liquid Aminos or unfermented soy sauce
1 t. onion powder
1/4 t. garlic powder
Cayenne pepper to taste, optional
1 t. thyme leaves
1 t. sage
1 t. marjoram leaves
1/4 C. (59 ml) raw sunflower seeds
2 T. nutritional yeast flakes, optional
2 T. coconut oil, optional

3 C. (717 ml) quick cooking oats
Bring to a boil in a large pot the water, Bragg Liquid Aminos, onion powder, garlic powder, cayenne pepper, thyme, sage, marjoram, sunflower seeds, nutritional yeast flakes, and coconut oil.
Add quick cooking oats to boiling mixture.
Remove from heat and stir, mixing well.
Cover with lid and let sit for 20 minutes.
When cool enough to handle, drop by spoonfuls or ice cream scoop onto sprayed cookie sheet and form into patties.
Bake at 350 (Gas Mark 4) for 15 minutes. Turn over and bake for another 15 minutes. Makes 12 burgers.
These freeze well. Make a double recipe and freeze half to have ready to use for another time. Cool completely, wrap and freeze. When reheating, thaw and heat on a non-stick skillet.



8 apples, cored and cut into chunks
1/3 C. (79 ml) apple juice
1/4 C. (59 ml) raisins
1 t. vanilla extract
1/2 t. ground cinnamon

8 whole wheat tortillas


2 C. (480 ml) water (save small amount to mix with cornstarch)
1/4 C. (59 ml) cornstarch
1 C. (237 ml) apple juice concentrate
1/2 t. ground cinnamon

Combine apples, apple juice, raisins, vanilla, and cinnamon in a saucepan. Cook until apples are soft.
Roll mixture in tortillas and place in a baking dish sprayed with non-stick spray.
In a separate saucepan, combine 1/4 C. (59 ml) of the water with the cornstarch, add remaining water, apple juice concentrate and ground cinnamon. Bring to a boil and boil for 1 minute.
Pour glaze over burritos in pan and bake covered at 350 (Gas Mark 4) for 30 minutes.
Makes 8 burritos.
Substitute fresh or frozen peaches for the apples, and peach or white grape juice for the apple juice.
Add 1/4 t. almond extract if desired.



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