Written by Slawomir Gromadzki, MPH
Practising the listed below rules helped many people all over the world to recover from all kinds of health problems and helped them to feel much better both physically and emotionally. The more of the following principles you will manage to implement the quicker you will recover and the better you will feel. Also please keep in mind that initially, some individuals may not feel great due to the detoxification process, but it usually lasts only about one to a few days and after that, you will see great improvement.
– Often eat fresh (washed) sprouts; Drink 1 glass of raw vegetable juice (leafy greens, beets, carrots, etc.). For serious problems, such as cancer, drink 1 glass 3-6 times daily. You can eat as much fresh raw vegetables and vegetable smoothies as you want. Steamed veggies are healthier than cooked. Eat raw veggies with homemade humus, plant yoghurts, or cold-pressed olive oil. Your unrefined plant diet should be 50-80% raw.
– Take 1 tablespoon of high in Omega-3 ground fresh flaxseed,1 tablespoon of chia seeds, and 1 tablespoon of organic chlorella powder (or 20 tablets) every day before meals. Use chlorella interchangeably with the same dose of organic spirulina, barley grass, and wheatgrass.
-Every day have 1 tablespoon of home-made raw sauerkraut (the best source of probiotic bacteria). Find online instructions on how to make it.
-Take 1 teaspoon of fresh raw organic ground turmeric (2-3 times daily). If you like hot spices, use only pure organic ground cayenne pepper.
-Avoid wheat. Use wholemeal rye or spelt flour for baking bread. Eat wholegrain barley, millet, oats, buckwheat, quinoa, and amaranth.
-Make soaked overnight and well-cooked pulses (organic soya, beans, lentils, chickpeas, etc.) your best source of protein.
-Instead of cow’s milk and dairy, use unsweetened coconut milk, oat milk, almond milk, soya milk, and organic Tofu (soya products are very healthy on condition they are organic and non-GMO). Replace dairy yoghurts with unsweetened coconut yoghurt or organic soy yoghurt. If you want them sweet, add sweet fruits (fresh, frozen, or dried), raw organic honey, stevia, erythritol or xylitol instead of sugar.
– Eat fresh fruits 15-30 minutes before meals, not after meals. Avoid fruit juices. They are too high in sugar and quickly raise blood sugar level because unlike whole fruits they are deprived of fibre. Avoid eating fresh fruits and raw vegetables at the same time as it may cause indigestion.
-Use sea salt or pink (Himalayan) salt instead of refined salt. Read labels and avoid sugar, fructose, and high fructose/glucose syrup.
-Avoid all animal foods (meat, dairy, fish, etc). If you can’t, make sure they make less than 10% of your diet, and come from grass-fed animals, farm chickens (not free-range). Never eat animal fat (lard, etc.) and “unclean animals” (including pork and seafood) prohibited in Leviticus 11 as their function is to clean the environment and for this reason, they are high in toxins. Read labels and avoid proinflammatory refined oils (sunflower, soya, corn, and vegetable oils) and margarine. Use raw organic coconut oil, fresh cold-pressed flax oil and extra virgin olive oil instead.
-Drink 3 times a day about 2-3 glasses of water (distilled or at least properly filtered) about 30 to 60 minutes before or 2 hours after meals. Don’t drink unfiltered tap water or water stored in plastic containers (both are contaminated with dangerous chemicals from water or plastic). Buy a water distiller (£50) and drink distilled water as it is perfectly free from all contaminants and inorganic calcium which contributes to arthritis and calcification (hardening) of arteries and pineal gland. Before drinking, add a pinch of sea salt to the distilled water.
-Avoid methylxanthines (black tea, coffee, and chocolate). In 90% of women with fibrocystic disease, breast tumours disappear in two to six months when methylxanthines are eliminated from the diet. Chocolate-promoting studies were sponsored by a chocolate manufacturer (Mars Inc.).
-Since plants grow on soils with low mineral content, even a good diet may not provide enough nutrients, and not organic but only biodynamic farming that uses natural fertilisers and allows soil to rest, can ensure a sufficient nutrient supply. For this reason, to safeguard an adequate nutrient intake, take the following: 1 tablet of Daily Essentials by Phoenix Nutrition (the only good Multivitamin formula in UK), twice daily with meals. Since multivitamins don’t contain enough Magnesium, Vit. D and B12, in addition to the multivitamin, take 2 x 200mg of Magnesium Citrate powder (free from additives); 3000-5000 IU Vit. D3 daily; 1000mcg B12 (Methylcobalamin) daily after breakfast; and Kelp (iodine), 4 capsules daily.
–Black Seed (Nigella sativa) oil: 1 teaspoon 2-3 times daily (multiple health benefits, strong antiviral, antibacterial, and immune system boosting properties); Everyday 20mg Zinc with 500mg Quercetin (presses zinc inside cells where zinc prevents viral replications and provides other benefits).
–Povidone Iodine spray – kills all viruses (viruses enter our body through the nose and mouth staying there for a few days before they enter cells and start replicating. Spraying the mouth and nose with PI prevents viruses from entering cells). Buy online (eBay, etc.) 10% food-grade povidone iodine. Dilute it 1:20 with water (1 part of PI mixed with 20 parts of water). Fill an empty spray bottle with the solution and spray the mouth and nose 2-3 times daily (especially after contacting infected individuals). Use it also as a mouthwash instead of dangerous fluoride-based. Instead of PI you can use 3% food-grade hydrogen peroxide in the same way (also kills viruses). Dilute it with twice as much water and use it as a mouth and nasal spray.
-Learn about and use medicinal clay, charcoal, and water treatments (hydrotherapy) including alternative (contrast) hot and cold showers, hot foot baths and poultices as it will eliminate pain and give a tremendous boost to the circulation, metabolism, detoxification, and immunity.
-Read the Bible (start from 4 Gospels) and Ministry of Healing (online, free) by Ellen G. White, and often pray fervently and patiently with your own words. Confess your sins and accept the gift of salvation by faith in Christ. Don’t pray for yourself (God knows your needs) but completely surrender your life to God praising Him and praying for others. This is the only way to gain inward peace and true joy, control stress and get rid of negative thinking, nervousness, anxiety, hatred, and inability to forgive. It is vital as these negative emotions are the key causes of various health problems.
–Rest every seventh day according to the given by God fourth Commandment: “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Six days you are to do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God…” (Exodus 20:8-11) According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, “Sabbath is the day of rest observed from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday”. This Commandment was never changed neither by Christ nor the Apostles. In fact, the first Christians (both Jewish and pagan) kept Sabbath holy until the fourth century when Constantin the Great supported by the rising power of the papal Rome, issued a decree enforcing the observance of Sunday – the first day of the week. According to various studies, Sabbath-keeping vegan Seventh-day Adventists are currently the longest-living population on earth (google “Dr Greger, two longest-lived populations”).
–Gardening and fast walking outside is the best type of exercise. If the weather is bad exercise at home (min. 30-60 twice daily).
-You must stop and find time to often enjoy nature praising the loving Creator. Expose your body to the healing influence of the sun whenever possible.
–Sleep 7-9 hours. Go to bed before 10 pm because the more you sleep before midnight the more restorative your night rest will be.
In addition to a healthy lifestyle, use also various herbal remedies and nutritional supplements suggested specifically for your health problems:
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To demonstrate the effectiveness of presented here remedies from God’s pharmacy let me share with you a written testimonial I received from one of our customers who recently recovered from diabetes and other health problems as a result of prayers, using natural remedies and implementing principles listed in the Health Recovery Plan: „Hello Slawek, Just want to give you an update on how I’m getting on with my health after being on your Health Recovery Plan for over six months. I’ve been signed off by my GP as he said I have managed to reverse diabetes! I told him I had stopped taking the metformin a few months ago. Since then, my blood glucose level is normal. My kidneys are now working perfectly and my blood pressure is normal too. Thank you very much, Alison T.”
Another customer – a black lady by the name Anabella completely recovered from fibroids in her uterus as a result of implementing the principles of the Health Recovery Plan as well as God’s blessing followed by her and our prayers. When after a few months of being on this plan she went to the hospital to go through either hysterectomy or the laparoscopic removal of the fibroids the surprised doctor stated that it wasn’t necessary as her uterus was clean!
During my long experience, I recommended the same plan to many people suffering from different types of cancer and those who managed to implement its principles often permanently recovered from cancer including even some who were told their disease was terminal and were given a few months to live.
I also remember a certain very obese gentleman who together with his wife participated in one of my health seminars. Everything he heard during those five days made sense to him and opened his eyes to the true cause of his obesity and other health problems such as coronary heart disease, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, depression, or diabetes. He instantly decided to switch to a well-balanced, healthy and unrefined plant-based diet and to practice all other principles of the Optimal Health Recovery Plan. When 6 months later he came to listen to another series of my lectures he was so slim and looked so different that I couldn’t recognize him. He said that on this normal-calorie plant-based diet, without fasting, counting calories, suffering from hunger, or skipping meals he had lost 80 pounds (40 kilos) in 6 months! Every day he just ate 3 regular tasty and high in nutrients and fibre meals always satisfying his hunger. He also said that as a result of practising this new diet and lifestyle, he recovered from all other serious health problems such as chronic fatigue, coronary heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and depression, and he also greatly improved his emotional and physical well-being. Apart from enjoying a normal body weight, he was brimming with positive energy and health.
A young black lady by the name Priscilla wrote the following testimonial after recovering from infertility: “I couldn’t get pregnant for about 1.5 years in spite of using different conventional methods and medical consultations. Apart from that I was always tired and had some skin problems. I was told that probably hormonal imbalance was the key cause of the inability to get pregnant. Finally, I decided to use a natural therapy and herbal remedies so I visited the Healing Place health food shop and had a long conversation with Mr Slawek who suggested me to live according to the Health Recovery Plan, to go on a plant-based unrefined diet, drinking raw vegetable juices before meals, eating more raw vegetables, and avoid refined sugar, white flour products, caffeine, meat and dairy. Apart from that, he recommended also using some supplements, antioxidants and herbal remedies. As a result of improving my diet and using those natural remedies, I got rid of my fatigue and skin problems. But most importantly, after about three months I got pregnant and I’ve been carrying my baby for 5 months now without any problems! Thank you so much.”
From time to time in our Healing Place health shop, we meet customers who are diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy a condition caused usually by prolonged high blood sugar levels, statins, and some other factors such as vitamin B12 deficiency. Any or all of those factors eventually lead to neurological damage and horrible pain (usually involving feet). All those customers with peripheral neuropathy were repeatedly told they would never recover from that condition. In the case of one of them, the problem was so severe that he couldn’t even walk so he sent his daughter asking for help in reducing pain. As a result of implementing the Health Recovery Plan including improved lifestyle and use of different powerful natural remedies, supplements and phytochemicals all of them recovered in about 1 to 2 months. One of them even said he didn’t believe he could recover as he suffered from that “incurable” problem for many years but eventually even he was completely pain-free after a few months.
Some time ago a young black lady visited our Healing Place Health Shop and asked for a consultation. She was diagnosed with eczema, chronic fatigue and infertility. She couldn’t get pregnant for almost two years in spite of going through numerous professional medical consultations and using various conventional treatments and medication. After two years she lost her patience and decided to try some alternative methods and herbal remedies. After she explained everything, I encouraged her to implement the principles of the Health Recovery Plan and use herbal remedies, super grasses and good quality nutritional supplements included. As a result, she recovered not only from her chronic fatigue and skin problems but also from her infertility. After about three months she was very happy as she finally got pregnant and gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby.
Just recently I’ve received a message from Esther who is doing very well as a result of improving her diet and using some herbal remedies and nutritional supplements: “Dear Swavak, I just wanted to let you know that since my visit to the health shop, I have changed my diet as well as taking on board all the advice you gave me. I feel so much better now than I did before. I don’t get any headaches any more and the breathlessness I felt before is gone. I have been eating a lot of salads and no meat intake. I just wanted to ask for more advice on how to improve my memory and focus which has been greatly affected in the past few months due to the amitriptyline medication I was taking. I really appreciate your help. Kind regards, Esther M.” To improve her memory and focus, I suggested she should try Chlorella and Methylcobalamin (B12). She bought them in our shop and soon sent me another message confirming the effectiveness.
Many of our female customers greatly improved their health or even completely recovered from PMS and other problems associated with hormonal imbalance and painful, irregular or heavy menstruation. For instance, I remember one gentleman by the name Andy who wanted to get rid of his tiredness, so I suggested him to avoid coffee, black tea, chocolate, pizza, cheese, sugar and other refined foods and to include in his diet more raw vegetable salads and some other unrefined raw and nutrient-rich foods. In addition, I recommended him to get one of the highest in energy-boosting chlorophyll super grasses together with good quality multivitamin-mineral formula. But there was another problem which bothered him more than his fatigue. He worried about his wife who normally was a very peaceful and very kind loving person but whenever her menstruation was about to start she behaved “like a beast”, he said, impossible to live with. So after explaining how he could overcome his caffeine addiction I also suggested some lifestyle improvements and herbal remedies for his wife that were aimed at regulating her progesterone imbalance. The same day, after closing the shop, we mentioned him and his wife in our prayers as we have a custom of asking loving God to bless our customers and their efforts to recover from different conditions. After some time I met Andy again and was very happy to hear that he managed to greatly reduce his caffeine intake. But the most important good news was that as soon as his wife started taking the herbal remedies she never experienced the PMS symptoms any more and again she is the same kind and loving wife she used to be!
There are also many ladies who are very successful in reducing or even eliminating the horrible menopause symptoms as a result of changing their dietary customs and using free from side effects remedies we recommended them in our Healing Place health shop. It is very interesting that some of those ladies are somehow free from symptoms in spite of the fact that their estrogen-producing ovaries were previously removed!
A certain lady who constantly suffered from severe pain caused by her sciatica was recommended by her friend to visit our shop to ask for some advice. About two weeks after her first visit she told me she was completely free from pain as a result of improving her diet and taking Clean Greens as well as some other powerful remedies recommended by us.
Another customer age about 35 with gout in his ankle told me his pain was gone in just only two days after I suggested him to use hydrotherapy, Clean greens (Pukka), Cherry active, avoid dairy, meat, bad fats and refined products including sugar. He also mentioned that normally he was able to reduce the pain not earlier than after 7 days of treatment but this time it was unusually quick.
A black gentleman asked for something to increase testosterone levels. I suggested him taking Chlorella, Maca, Zinc supplements, and Active man (Natures Aid). After two weeks of using those supplements, he said the testosterone level went up and he also started feeling way better due to increased energy levels.
I could share with you more similar recovery stories, but I hope after reading those presented above you will gain enough motivation and encouragement to follow the same pattern presented in the Health Recovery Plan and also in the specific description of your health problem found in the section titled “Diseases“.
– Free, Inspired, Life-Transforming Book!
– The Most Effective Health Recovery Plan
– Can Christ Return in 2027
Unfortunately, due to the fact that for a very long time, we’ve been using artificial fertilizers, the concentration of minerals in the soil today is 70 to 100 % lower than it was a hundred years ago. As a result, also the food we consume is mostly deprived of the proper amount of nutrients, and only biodynamic farming, not organic, can help to solve this problem because only biodynamic farming is able to replenish the soil. Organic foods have fewer pesticides and herbicides too but they are not significantly higher in nutrients.
In addition, the majority of people today consume products which either deprive them of vitamins and minerals or are very low in nutrients. The most dangerous among them are foods which contain high glucose or high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), refined sugar (hidden in many different products), polished rice, and refined flour products such as white bread, doughnuts, cakes, biscuits, or refined pasta.
Also, chronic psychological stress and the use of popular stimulants such as caffeine products, chocolate, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, etc. greatly contribute to nutritional deficiencies and poor health.
It means that even if our diet looks healthy and consists of only unrefined food we can’t be sure today we provide our body with a sufficient amount of nutrients. For this reason, let me recommend to you the following most important vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals in the form of good quality supplements as they will give you multiple health benefits you will not get from food alone. They will also increase your energy levels, detoxify your body and help to improve your health or recover much faster:
– Every day after breakfast take one tablet of a good quality Multivitamin-mineral formula such as Daily Essentials by Phoenix Nutrition, Healthy Mega (HealthAid), VM-2000 (Solgar), VM-75 (Solgar), Special Two (NOW Foods), Earth Source (Solgar), etc. Never buy cheap vitamins or popular multivitamin supplements such as Centrum as they are very low in vitamins and minerals and contain only poor quality low strength vitamins and minerals and only a few or no additional ingredients such as herbs, superfoods, or enzymes. Always compare the quality (type) of individual vitamins and minerals, number of ingredients and their strength per tablet.
– Take about 5,000 to 10,000 IU of Vitamin D3 daily (don’t take vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol). Vitamin D is the strongest immune system booster and deficiency of this vitamin today is rampant. Even in hot parts of the world such as Africa or India majority of people are deficient in vitamin D because they do not expose their uncovered bodies to the sun. Remember to take Magnesium every day as vitamin D without enough magnesium in the body is useless. As a matter of fact, taking even the highest doses of supplemental Vitamin D gives no benefits in people who are deficient in Magnesium. In addition, taking vitamin D supplements lead to magnesium deficiency resulting in sleeping problems, muscle cramps, low mood, and other symptoms!
If you suffer from arthritis, infectious diseases or cancer take 20-50,000 IU of vitamin D3 (with at least 800mg of magnesium two times a day) after breakfast until recovery or for not longer than 3 months (in case of flu or cold it may lead to a recovery in only 1 to 3 days), to avoid overdosing and side effects. After that reduce to 5-10,000 IU per day. Megadoses of this vitamin often greatly speed up recovery.
Apart from magnesium also Vitamin K (vitamin K2 MK7 is the best supplement – based on fermented Natto) is important for proper absorption of vitamin D. Vitamin K improves absorption of vitamin D and prevents calcification caused by overdosing vitamin D. To maximize the benefits of vitamin D supplementation while also minimizing the potential risk of toxicity vitamin D should be taken with K2 (not K1). Vitamin K activates the MGP, a protein that helps direct calcium to the right places (bones) and lead calcium away from the undesirable areas (pineal gland, kidneys, joints or arteries) eliminating the risk of hypercalcaemia and calcification of these organs. Apart from Vitamin K2 also Magnesium plays a crucial role in proper conversion and absorption of Vitamin D.
Read more about Vitamin D > and K >
– Take Magnesium of high bioavailability such as magnesium chloride oil spray (highly absorbed through the skin), magnesium citrate tablets or magnesium citrate in a pure powder form (my favourite) as it is free from binders and fillers: 200-400mg about or 1 teaspoon of powder with breakfast and the same amount about 15-60 minutes before bed. Due to soil depletion and refined diet millions suffer from magnesium deficiency without even knowing it. Magnesium deficiency contributes to all health problems and it is almost impossible to detect it because it does not show up in blood tests as only 1% of the body’s magnesium is stored in the blood. Read more >
– Take 1,000-2,000mcg of B12 supplement only in the form of methylcobalamin (must be sublingual – dissolved under the tongue) every day only after breakfast. Vitamin B12 is the best vitamin to protect our nerves from being damaged by high blood sugar levels, toxins, statins and other factors. It is also an excellent energy booster and detoxifier. Deficiency of this vitamin is also very common. Read more >
– Take about 30-50 mg of Zinc after breakfast (or 15-30mg if you take multivitamin-mineral formula with 10-15 mg of zinc). Make sure your zinc formula includes about 1mg of copper. Other minerals and trace elements such as selenium, molybdenum, manganese, etc. you should have in a good multivitamin formula mentioned above.
– In mentioned above multivitamins you should have all other important vitamins, minerals and trace elements but due to so many ingredients, some vitamins and minerals such as especially vitamin D, magnesium and vitamin B12 must be taken additionally even if they are present in a multivitamin.
– Avoid iron and calcium supplements. If you have to take it choose only pure calcium citrate powder. If you are deficient in iron take chlorella, spirulina, moringa, wheatgrass, spinach, or molasses.
– Have 2-3 Brazil nuts (soaked in clean water overnight) per day, or often, to get Selenium >.
Like the above-mentioned vitamins and minerals, this element of the recovery plan is also extremely important and you must do your best to always practice it.
– Every day, about 30 minutes before breakfast, take 1-2 full tablespoons of a mixture of super greens that should include some or all of the following (ideally organic) powders:
Chlorella, Spirulina, Barley grass, Wheatgrass, Alfalfa, Moringa, Turmeric, Bee Pollen, and Maca (most important among them are Chlorella and Spirulina, plus either Barley grass or Wheatgrass).
You may also buy them separately and mix at home. Take 1 to 2 tablespoons of the mixture with warm water or a vegetable juice (the only good fruit juice you can use is a 100% grapefruit juice) about 30 minutes before breakfast.
If you don’t like powders or taste of the mixture you can have about 10-20 tablets (500mg each) of chlorella and 10-20 tablets of organic spirulina every day about 30 minutes before breakfast with 1-2 glasses of water, fresh vegetable juice or a smoothie. Super greens are excellent sources of best quality protein, chlorophyll, natural iron, iodine, EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and trace elements that are often missing in commercially grown foods.
Chlorella, Spirulina, Wheatgrass (it’s gluten-free), and barley grass powder, like cold-pressed vegetable juices and raw vegetables, should be the most important and always present ingredients of your diet!
The above mentioned superfoods can be taken two times a day but most important is to consume them before breakfast. If you take them before or instead of the second main meal (probably not later than 2 pm) make sure you don’t do it too late as chlorophyll is a powerful energy booster and in case of some individuals it may make it more difficult to fall asleep.
– Take 1 teaspoon of fresh raw organic ground Turmeric two or three times a day with meals, or include turmeric in the mentioned above mixture of superfoods. If you don’t like the taste take organic turmeric in vegan capsules at least 3 times 1-2 capsules with meals. According to some mind-boggling studies humble turmeric reversed memory loss in Alzheimer’s patients (although that treatment with turmeric took almost a year), gave better results in treating depression than Prozac, and unlike radiotherapy and chemotherapy was able to kill cancer stem cells!
– In order to make sure your intake of Omega-3 is sufficient, every day consume Chlorella and Spirulina because they contain both the animal (DHA/EPA) and plant-based (ALA) omega 3 fatty acids. In addition, unlike fish oils, they are not contaminated with heavy metals (If you use omega 3 fish oil make sure it comes from molecularly distilled oil). In addition, take also one or two tablespoons of soaked (for at least 30 min. in water, plant milk or juice) Chia seeds and fresh ground Flaxseed with your meal. Both are the highest plant sources of ALA omega 3 fatty acids which in our body should be converted into DHA and EPA (if our body makes the required for the conversion enzyme).
– Drink 2 times a day 2 glasses of cold-pressed Vegetable Juice (mostly carrots, beets, and dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale) about 30 minutes before each meal, then start your meal with most healthy and nutritious foods. Fresh raw vegetable juices contain a much higher concentration of nutrients than raw vegetable salads or smoothies as vegetables are high in fibre while the juice is deprived of it. Therefore, one glass of carrot juice will contain all the nutrients found in approximately one kilo of raw carrots and those nutrients are much easier and quickly assimilated by the body.
– Every day, or often, eat fresh raw (not cooked) Sprouts (alfalfa sprouts, watercress sprouts, sunflower sprouts, etc.). Please keep in mind that some of them, such as bean sprouts, shouldn’t be consumed raw as they may contain irritating substances which are deactivated by cooking. Without it, they may trigger severe indigestion including heartburn. You must always steam them or cover them and fry for a short time (use a lower temperature to avoid overheating them and destroying some of their healing properties).
– Make your own home-made raw Sauerkraut > (don’t buy it as it is heated) and have at least 1-2 tablespoons with a meal every day as it is the highest natural source of extremely beneficial Probiotic Bacteria you desperately need in your intestines. Alternatively, you may take a good probiotic formula. But make sure it contains live bacteria that are stomach acid- and bile-resistant as the majority of probiotic supplements and yoghurts on the market contain dead bacteria or bacteria that are not able to survive in the stomach.
Take the following most powerful antioxidant supplements to slow down the ageing process, prolong life, boost energy, protects and strengthen the immune system, heart, nervous system and memory, increase fat and sugar metabolism, improve detoxification and liver function, prevent cancer, and more:
– Alpha-Lipoic Acid (600-1200mg a day): Very effective in reversing nerve damage in the body (especially when combined with sublingual methylcobalamin form of B12) such as peripheral neuropathy, diabetic neuropathy, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, etc. It also helps prevent and treat diabetes, heart damage and cataract. It increases body levels of glutathione and CoQ10, improves skin condition, memory, removes heavy metals from the body and increases energy. Together with Acetyl L-Carnitine reduces sciatic pain caused by a herniated disc, lowers blood pressure and was able to improve vascular function in patients with coronary artery disease. Read more >
– Acetyl L-Carnitine (1 to 3g per day in divided doses): Like Alpha lipoic acid, it gives many benefits for the brain, nervous system, metabolism, heart, immune system, and blood sugar levels. In one study it imposed a huge energising and rejuvenating effect on ageing rats and can do the same for ageing humans. It is even more effective when combined with Alpha-lipoic acid and CoQ10. Rea more >
– NAC (N-Acetylcysteine) (500 to 1000mg a day): One experienced physician, who recommended this powerful antioxidant to his patients, wrote that “in certain cases, this supplement can make the difference between life and death.” Read more >
– Coenzyme Q10 (30-300mg a day with meals): Extremely important especially for heart health and heart function. You must take 100-200mg per day if you are on statins as this drug causes a huge deficiency of CoQ10! Deficiency of CoQ10 and Magnesium leads to heart failure and eventually to a heart attack. Read more >
– Often consume foods which increase levels of Glutathione (king of all antioxidants): Asparagus, Okra, Garlic, Onions, Rice bran, Mangosteen, Chlorella, fresh Dandelion leaves and fresh Nettle leaves (rinsed with very hot water to prevent stinging), Chickpeas (Garbanzo beans), Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Maca, Turmeric, Lentils, Parsley leaves, Collard greens, Kale, Brazil nuts, Mustard greens, Radish, Turnip, Watercress, Bok Choy, Rosemary, Berries, Avocado, Peaches, Watermelon, Beets, etc.
Keep in mind that cooking (heating) reduces the glutathione content of vegetables by 30-60%! Canning is even worse as it almost completely destroys glutathione!
– Below I also included a list of my favourite and most effective natural remedies, herbs, and supplements you can successfully use to prevent and treat different health problems.
– Aloe Vera: Colon, stomach, immunity, detox, liver, inflammation, etc. Read more >
– Ashwagandha: Hormonal imbalances, an underactive thyroid, stress, adrenal fatigue, sexual dysfunction, tiredness & weakness, etc. Read more >
– Black Seed Oil: Allergy, asthma, hay fever, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, autoimmune diseases, etc. Read more >
– Cayenne Pepper (Capsaicin): Excellent blood thinner, Inflammation, gastro-intestinal problems, immunity, etc. Read more >
– Chaga: Cancer, immune system, etc. Read more >
– Ginger: Nausea, digestive problems, immunity, colds, flu, morning sickness, inflammations, etc. Read more >
– Cat’s Claw: Cancer, weak immunity, frequent infections, etc. Read more >
– Centaurium (Centaury): Heartburn, indigestion, hiatus hernia, gas, bloating, etc. Read more >
– Charcoal: Poisoning, heartburn, indigestion, gas, bloating, diarrhoea, etc. Read more >
– Dandelion: Water retention, kidney function, detox, skin, etc. Read more >
– Essiac: Cancer, weak immunity, frequent infections, candida, etc. Read more >
– Ginkgo Biloba: Poor blood circulation in brain, legs and hands, cold feet and hands, poor memory, aged people, heart problems, oxygenates brain cells, erectile dysfunction (improves blood circulation in the penis), low mood, etc. Read more >
– Ginseng: Adrenal fatigue, stress, energy, fatigue, memory, concentration, libido, stamina, etc. Read more >
– Clay (Green and Bentonite): Detox, gas, diarrhoea, bloating, poisoning, hair loss, skin problems, colon, etc. Read more >
– Holy Basil (Tulsi): Anxiety, low mood, irritability, detox, sleep problems, insomnia, etc. Read more >
– Hops: Irritability, nervousness, sleep problems, anxiety, depression, cancer, digestive problems, sex addictions, etc. Read more >
– Lemon Balm (Melissa): Irritability, nervousness, sleep problems, anxiety, depression, cancer, digestive problems, sex addictions, etc. Read more >
– Milk Thistle: Liver problems, detox, bloating, gas, indigestion, etc. Read more >
– MSM (a form of sulphur): Arthritis, detox, hair, skin, immunity, cancer, etc. Read more >
– Mumio: Indigestion, gas, bloating, inflammation, immunity, hair, colon, skin, etc. Read more >
– Nettle: Diabetes, pancreas, regulates blood sugar levels, etc. Read more >
– Pau d’Arco: Candida overgrowth, cancer, weak immunity, stomach ulcer, diabetes, etc. Read more >
– Propolis: Bacterial and viral infections, weak immunity, stomach ulcer, inflammation, flu, cold, etc. Read more >
– Rhodiola: Adrenal fatigue, stress, energy, fatigue, memory, concentration, etc. Read more >
– Star Flower Oil and Evening Primrose Oil: Menopause, PMS, candida, nervous system, immunity, etc. Read more >
– Vitex (Agnus Castus, Chaste Berry): Premenstrual syndrome (PMS), low progesterone, menstrual pains, (works even better to support hormonal balance when combined with Magnesium, Vitamin B6 and B5), etc. Read more >
For external use, the following are excellent for problems associated with skin, joints, gums, teeth, sex organs, anus, etc.:
– Charcoal (poultice): poisoning, stings, eye inflammation, skin inflammation, etc. Read more >
– Propolis cream or tincture (mixed with raw coconut oil or olive oil): Fungus, haemorrhoids, vaginal infections, candida, cuts, burns, skin damage, ear infections, gum inflammation, toothache, etc. Read more >
– Comfrey cream: Bruises, skin cuts, damaged skin, etc. Read more >
– Green Clay and Bentonite Clay: Skin cancer, skin ulcers, haemorrhoids, hair loss, psoriasis, etc. Read more >
– Magnesium Chloride oil spray: Excellent natural deodorant, muscle cramps, uterine cramps, etc. Read more >
– Aloe Vera gel or juice: cuts, burns, skin damage, bruises, etc. Read more >
– Ginger poultice: Arthritis, etc. Read more >
– Cayenne Pepper (Capsaicin): Arthritis, relieves pain, peripheral neuropathy (externally gives great results plus Alpha-lipoic acid and sublingual Methylcobalamin internally), psoriasis (mixed with raw coconut oil), etc. Read more >
– Steamed Onion poultice: Ear infection (including children), etc. Read more >
– Potato (grated) poultice: Abscesses (boils), skin ulcers, leg ulcers, wounds, swollen eyelids, etc. Read more >
– Black Salve: Skin cancer, melanoma, skin ulcers, etc. Read more >
– Castor Oil: Hair loss, skin problems, scar tissue after surgeries, blocked fallopian tube, etc. Read more >
Your diet must include a variety of unrefined plant products such as vegetables (mostly uncooked), fresh fruits, well-cooked legumes (pulses, beans), whole grains, and unroasted seeds and nuts.
– You can eat as much fresh and raw vegetables as you want (especially carrots, green leafy vegetables, and cabbage family), but if you prefer to cook them do it moderately or steam your vegetables. You will achieve much better results if your diet consists of at least 50% or even better up to 85% of raw (uncooked) and unprocessed plant foods (especially raw vegetables and raw vegetable juices).
– Include in your diet well-cooked wholegrain products, especially barley, millet, oats, buckwheat, quinoa, and amaranth.
– Instead of cow’s milk and dairy use plant-based milk substitutes and products such as unsweetened coconut milk, oat milk, almond milk, organic soya milk, Tofu, etc.
– Make soaked overnight and cooked pulses (beans, lentils, chickpeas, etc.) your best source of protein.
– Each day have about a handful of one type of raw unsalted and unroasted soaked overnight in clean filtered water unroasted nuts or seeds (almonds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, ground sesame seeds, etc.), changing them every day.
– It is better to not eat any sweet and flavoured yoghurts (especially based on cow’s milk) because of fat and sugar content. Instead, from time to time have some unsweetened soy yoghurt and mix it with sweet fruits, seeds (or nuts), oat bran or another good source of fibre, and add some raisins, dates, or a little bit of raw honey.
– Try to significantly reduce consumption of all foods that come from animals (meat, dairy, fish, etc.) or if possible switch to a totally plant-based (or at least mostly plant-based) unrefined diet eliminating the intake of all animal-based foods (dairy, meat products, and fish) as they contain too much protein, are packed with high-risk factors (cholesterol, triglycerides, dioxins, heavy metals, antibiotics, bacteria, virus, cancer cells, prions, etc.) and because they don’t contain fibre.
According to Professor Colin Campbell author of the bestselling book China Study, “The more you substitute plant foods for animal foods, the healthier you are likely to be.” The same scientist considers “veganism to be the ideal diet.” If you only reduce the consumption of animal products you may not see the positive results quickly which may lead to discouragement and resignation. However, when you decide to make radical changes in your diet and lifestyle you will see the positive results much quicker and thus gain stronger motivation to keep on following this excellent and optimal plan.
– Never use any animal fat and avoid also free plant fats such as refined oils or margarines. Instead, use only moderate amounts of cold-pressed coconut oil or flaxseed oil.
– Never use refined salt but only Celtic salt, sea salt or Himalayan salt.
– Avoid foods containing refined sugar as it spoils your appetite, weakens your immune system and leads to vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Don’t consume sweetened beverages and foods which are high in empty calories, refined sugar, white flour, and fat. Never use artificial sweeteners nor high glucose / high fructose syrup as they are more harmful than even refined sugar.
– Avoid drinking fruit juices because they have a high glycaemic index due to the fact that they are deprived of fibre and are high in sugar. Drinking fruit juices between meals will also cause the stomach to release some digestive enzymes thus reducing their amounts during meals and impairing digestion.
– Don’t eat overripe or unripe fruits, and avoid canned, fried, or frozen vegetables or fruits.
– In case you have a sweet tooth try to substitute unhealthy products with fresh and dried fruits (dates, raisins, figs, prunes, etc.). If you miss traditional dairy ice creams, which are very unhealthy, make your own delicious and healthy ice creams by blending frozen bananas or other frozen fruits. You can experiment adding some raw honey (or sweeten the ice cream with xylitol or stevia), coconut cream, lemon juice, plant-based milk, a little bit of carob powder, ground cashew or other nuts to improve the flavour.
– Always eat good breakfast and avoid skipping it as otherwise you will be tempted to snack between meals and eat more in the evening which is unhealthy and dangerous because the metabolism at night slows down. Make breakfast the largest meal while supper the lightest.
– Try to have only two meals a day with the second one not later than at 6:00 pm (if possible) remembering that any food consumed after 6 pm will tend to be stored as fat. If you must have the supper make it very light (only either vegetables or fruits). Vegetable juice would be the best option.
– Don’t eat between meals. If you are hungry drink warm water (or unsweetened herb teas) as it reduces appetite for at least 30 minutes.
– Avoid cooking and frying with any oil but if you have to use only coconut oil. Bake your food without any fat and then add some raw organic coconut oil or cold-pressed flax oil if you wish.
– Avoid mayonnaise, pickled foods, vinegar, ketchup, mustard, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, nutmeg, pepper (black or red), cheese, soy sauce, baking soda, baking powder, or refined salt, because they tend to stimulate appetite and irritate the stomach and nervous system.
– Do not keep any junk refined foods at home as the accessibility to junk food encourage people to eat it.
– If possible you can try to fast one day each week from breakfast to breakfast, or skip one or two meals (not breakfast) one day a week as it will allow your digestive organs to rest and improve their functioning.
– Avoid eating fruits and vegetables at the same meal as it may lead to fermentation.
– Include uncooked carrots, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, cauliflowers and other vegetables in your diet as they are low in calories, but high in fibre and essential nutrients. In this way, your body will stop craving for more food in between meals as it will have enough nutrients. Raw cabbage reduces the conversion of sugar and other carbohydrates into fat.
– Find good vegan recipes >. One of the best examples is found in the Hallelujah Diet website >
– Sleep 7 to 9 hours each night and if possible go to bed before 10 pm because the more you sleep before midnight the more efficient your rest will be.
– Every week take one whole day of rest, according to the fourth commandment >
– Avoid overeating. In order to reduce appetite: Learn to control stress; Remember to drink 2 glasses of warm water between meals 3 times a day; 30 minutes before each meal drink 1 glass of cold-pressed vegetable juice mixed with 1 or 2 teaspoons of spirulina or barley grass powder; Pray before each meal thanking God for the food and asking with faith for His strength to stop eating when you really should; Start each meal consuming big portion of fresh and raw vegetables; Always eat very slowly taking small bites and chewing food to the cream before swallowing. Doing this you will feel satisfied before eating too much.
– Avoid stimulants such as alcohol, caffeine (in coffee, guarana, chocolate, green tea, cola drinks, etc.), theophylline (in tea) or and theobromine (in cacao and chocolate) because although they appear to give you a short time energy boost yet it is only a borrowed energy, which means sooner or later you will have to pay for it with the loss of energy. And, as soon as you feel exhausted you it will force you to use stimulants again and again thus causing a vicious circle and addiction.
Apart from that, stimulants also weaken your immune system and lead to nutritional deficiencies and may contribute to depression and other health problems.
Don’t believe media promoting coffee and chocolate as beneficial for our health as those claims are based on studies that are sponsored by the coffee and chocolate industry.
– Drink 3 times a day about 2-3 glasses of water (distilled or at least filtered) about 30 to 60 minutes before each meal or about 2 hours after. During hot days you need even more. Your urine should be transparent, if it is yellow it means you don’t drink enough water.
– As soon as you wake up in the morning, drink 2-3 glasses of water and exercise for at least 30-60 minutes. Brisk walking outside is the best exercise. In order to enable this diet to be more effectively used by your body, you need to exercise on a regular basis. If you suffer from different heart conditions you even shouldn’t start with an energetic exercise routine. In this case, you need to change the diet first, keep in touch with your physician, continue taking your prescribed medication, and after some time start from a short distance and slow walking routine, gradually and carefully increasing the pace and distance every day. Fast walking outside is the best type of exercise. If the weather is bad exercise at home. You can use an exercise bike, mate, treadmill, Xbox Kinect games, etc. But please remember that aerobic exercises (outside in the open air) are the best. You need a minimum of 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity four to five times a week.
Alternative (contrast) hot and cold showers will give a tremendous boost to the blood circulation, improve metabolism, the elimination of toxins, and stimulate both the nervous and the immune system. Always start with hot shower and after about 3 – 5 minutes when your body is warm enough take a 3 – 5 min cold shower slowly reducing the temperature until it is really cold. After that, repeat this procedure alternating the flow of water from hot to cold, back and forth 3-5 times in a row. You can also start the whole treatment with hot shower followed by prolonged cold bath.
Another excellent and very simple water treatment is hot foot bath. Keeping your feet for about 30 minutes in hot water can be very helpful in boosting immunity and reducing congestion and pain from any area of the body. The very important benefit of water treatments such as hot foot bath is its ability to move blood from different parts of the body such as brain, chest, abdomen, etc. which is very helpful when the blood in brain and internal organs is congested, inflamed and often overloaded with toxins and impurities. It might be very beneficial in case of pain, sinusitis, headaches, cancer, arthritis, any inflammation or even fibromyalgia which is believed to be caused by too much blood in the brain which overstimulates the nervous system leading to increased sensitivity to pain.
If you are a diabetic use thermometer or ask someone to check the temperature as diabetics have lower sensitivity to heat and may burn themselves.
Find out more about HYDROTHERAPY >
– There is no scientific proof sun causes skin cancer. The opposite is true as the closer we get to the equator the lower the prevalence of skin cancer. If possible, remember to expose your uncovered body to the sun, especially during summer season between 10 am and 2 pm (15-30 minutes front and 15-30 minutes back at least 3-4 times a week) as sun rays transform your body cholesterol into vitamin D which is extremely vital for your health. Don’t take a shower after sunbathing (especially with soap) for as long as possible. Wash only armpits and intimate places. If you can’t do that you must take vitamin D supplements as deficiency of this vitamin is very dangerous.
Most of us know from experience that it is very difficult and often even impossible to control stress, overcome fear, anxiety and depression, or to become a positive-thinking person simply because those negative emotions and fears seem to be a part of our nature. The good news however is that many people claim to find inward peace and great improvement in emotional health as a result of daily heart-felt meditation and spiritual communion with a Higher Power. However, according to medical research this kind of spiritual approach is effective only when combined with a sincere faith in a powerful but at the same time loving and carrying God. On the other hand, believing in a demanding, punishing and vengeful God was associated with increased risk of depression and mental disorders.
Also thoughtful reading an uplifting spiritual literature such as the Gospel of John (found in the Bible), which presents God as always loving, saving, healing, forgiving, and self-sacrificing, is another great way to find inward peace, hope and happiness, if your reading is combined with true faith.
In case you lack strong will power, which is required to improve lifestyle, avoid junk food and stimulants, don’t forget about fervent daily prayers (not mantra-type or short but talk to God using own words until you fill His peaceful and empowering influence) and reading or listening to a good spiritual literature (such as the Bible, Desire of Ages > and “Ministry of Healing” > by Ellen G White available online free of charge). It will greatly increase the effectiveness of your improved diet and lifestyle.
“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1Thessalonians 5:16-18);
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7, NIV).
Because from my own experience I know and remember how difficult it was, in my case, to change my eating habits and give up on junk food and stimulants using my own pathetic at that time will power, I recommend to you reading or listening to a book “Steps to Christ” > and Great Controversy > by Ellen White. If you carefully study all the information presented there and follow the steps, you will not only become victorious but will actually experience an inward peace and transformation which will enable you to enjoy your new lifestyle (including diet and regular physical activity).
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Practicing all listed here health principles and using powerful and harmless remedies has helped many people to regain proper body weight, recover from diabetes, coronary heart disease, chronic fatigue, hypertension, arthritis, IBS, cancer, fibroids, depression, PMS, various skin diseases, ADHD, bulging disc, menopause symptoms, and numerous other less common health problems. In addition, it significantly increases the probability of recovering from treatment-resistant conditions such as various autoimmune diseases or even Alzheimer’s disease. As a bonus it will also greatly boost energy (including athletic performance), eliminate causes of poor memory or lack of concentration, and improve emotional and physical well-being.
For a very long time we have been brainwashed with untrue ideas that it is impossible to recover from many so called “incurable” diseases. But today we know that our body has amazing ability to regenerate itself and there is enough scientific evidence to prove that it is possible to recover not only from cancer, type two diabetes or coronary heart disease but even from autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes or Alzheimer’s disease, which currently is the most common form of dementia.
A fascinating research was done by Nobel Prize winner Elizabeth Blackburn and Dr. Dean Ornish. They were studying the effects of the healthy vegan diet on human genes and found that the plant-based unrefined diet caused certain genes to go through series of positive transformations in only three months! The vegan diet managed to activate genes responsible for preventing diseases and deactivate genes which cause different health conditions such as prostate cancer, breast cancer, heart disease, and other diseases (read more >). This very important discovery proves again that although we may inherit some faulty genes or damage them through our unhealthy lifestyle yet we don’t have to be helpless victims of those genes. We still can repair or regenerate them through healthy lifestyle and especially unrefined plant-based and mostly raw diet.
But whether our body will be able to reverse the negative results and damage caused by unhealthy diet, stimulants, toxins, free radicals, stress, harmful medication, or lack of exercise depends on our ability to implement all the listed below principles and elements of healthy lifestyle including very healthy diet, regular physical activity, taking care of emotional and spiritual health and providing the body with the best quality building material in the form of powerful antioxidants, phytochemicals, and nutrients.
I am aware that initially it might appear to you challenging or difficult to implement all those principles but please do not give up and try to repeatedly study the whole content of this optimal health plan on a regular basis making sure you experience a systematic progress in practicing all the included principles. The more of them you manage to implement the better results you will see.
To demonstrate the effectiveness of presented here principles let me share with you a written testimony I received from one of our customers who recently recovered from diabetes and other health problems as a result of using natural remedies and implementing principles listed here:
„Hello Swavak, Just want to give you an update on how I’m getting on with my health after being on your Health Recovery Plan for over six months. I’ve been signed off by my GP as he said I have managed to reverse the Diabetes! I told him I had stopped taking the metformin a few months ago. Since then my blood glucose level is normal. My kidneys are now working perfectly and my blood pressure is normal too. Thank you very much.” Alison T
Other inspiring recovery stories: Testimonials >
With regards to the conventional medical care >, first of all, try to make sure the diagnosis and the results of medical tests are correct as we know today they are often wrong > and misleading, resulting in dangerous consequences such as unnecessary surgeries >.
According to Dr Joseph Mercola, “The surgical removal of the uterus may be recommended inappropriately in 70 percent of cases, often because of a lack of adequate diagnostic evaluation and failure to try alternative treatments before the surgery. Some surgeons also remove healthy ovaries during hysterectomy as a ‘precaution,’ sometimes without the patient providing their consent or being informed as to the severe adverse effects the ovariectomy may produce on their remaining quality of life.” >
The Telegraph reports that it is exactly the same with regards to unnecessary mastectomies: “Half of women have needless operations for early breast cancer!” >
Therefore, if a treatment, medication or a surgery is recommended find out whether it is really necessary and study carefully about possible side effects as they can be horrible >. After reading about possible harm your prescribed medication may cause ask yourself a question, is it really worth taking those drugs if the results might be worse than your current disease?
And most of all, before you decide to use drugs or accept a surgery read this article and information about your specific health problem in “Diseases” section of this site, implement the recommendations and use natural remedies or at least use them together with prescribed medication and as soon as you see improvements slowly and gradually reduce medication and at the same time continue using the remedies which do not cause bad side effects. And only when after a period of 3 to 6 months you can’t see positive results (which would be strange), consider trying the conventional way if you are convinced it is reasonable and necessary.
For instance, if your cholesterol and blood sugar levels are high your doctor would usually prescribe statins > and metformin > which cause dangerous side effects. It is therefore much better and wiser to improve lifestyle and go on plant-based unrefined diet including barley fibre (beta-glucan), oat bran, garlic, onion, ground flax seed, pulses, alfalfa, karela, nettle, niacin, l-arginine, lecithin, etc. and use other natural remedies which are equally or even more effective in lowering blood glucose and bad cholesterol as drugs yet without causing any harm. But if you are afraid to avoid statins and metformin at least use them together with natural remedies and unrefined plant-based diet and seeing positive results slowly reduce those harmful drugs as otherwise sooner or later they will cause serious complications or new health problems.
Instead of synthetic antibiotics try to use natural ones such as golden seal, raw garlic, or standardised for allicin garlic supplements such as Garlic Max, or AllicinMax as they (unlike synthetic antibiotics) destroy only harmful but not probiotics. But if you still decide or have to use harmful antibiotics do it only for a necessary period of time and at the same time use good live probiotic formula such as ImmuProbio or UltraProbio to prevent obvious side effects.
Super foods contain the highest concentration of nutrients, chlorophyll, phytochemicals, and solar energy in the most easily digestible form available.
– Every day include in your diet the 5 CRITICAL and MOST POWERFUL SUPER FOODS:
1. Fresh raw sprouts;
2. Freshwater algae (chlorella, spirulina);
3. Super grasses (barley grass, alfalfa, wheat grass);
4. Fresh cold pressed vegetable juices;
5. Fresh raw organic turmeric powder (Pukka) or wholistic turmeric capsules (Pukka) with 10 x better bioavailability than powder.
– Every day eat fresh raw (not cooked) sprouts (alfalfa sprouts, watercress sprouts, sunflower sprouts, etc.).
The process of seed germination results in a dramatic increase in their vitamin, mineral and phytochemical content. According to Dr. J. Mercola, „Sprouts can contain up to 30 times the nutrition of organic vegetables! Sprouted seed, nut or bean has a whopping 43 times the enzyme power when compared to the non-sprouted variety! Sprouts are the highest source of ENZYMES which improve digestion of food and absorption of essential nutrients.”
Sprouts are also bioactive food as they are the only plant based food that is still growing as we consume them!
Purchasing very inexpensive sprouts at retail stores is the simplest method for adding sprouts to your menu, but growing them at home on a large tray with soil is much better. Using good quality soil to grow your own sprouts, you make them organic and free from pesticides and other unwanted chemicals. I make my own sunflower sprouts > as they are most delicious and very potent. Try to avoid consuming the same type of sprouts every day for a longer period of time. Instead use variety of different sprouts but the most important seem to be fresh sunflower sprouts, alfalfa sprouts, and watercress sprouts. On YouTube you will find numerous videos explaining how to make your own sprouts at home >.
I personally believe Chlorella is currently the best natural super food and natural remedy in the world. And you should agree with me after reading the article about Chlorella >.
Since Chlorella is a powerful detoxifier and energy booster it is better if you start with a smaller dose such as 1 teaspoon or 3 tablets 30 minutes before breakfast and the same amount 30 minutes before lunch with 2 glasses of water, vegetable juice or smoothie. Then gradually increase the intake every day (by approximately 1 tablet) until reaching the maximum dose of 2 heaped tablespoons or 10 – 20 tablets (500mg) 30 min before breakfast and the same amount 30 min before lunch.
Altogether you can take 2-6 round tablespoons or about 20-40 tablets (500mg per tablet) of chlorella a day. he more you take the better results you will see.
It is better and more beneficial to take chlorella alternately with moringa, barley grass, alfalfa, Clean Greens (Pukka), spirulina, bee pollen or other super foods or formulas as in this way you will avoid possible overdosing of iodine or other chlorella’s ingredients (although I never found any reliable evidence that taking large doses of chlorella may be harmful).
The dose depends also on age and body weight. The younger the children the smaller dose should be used. In case of small children I would start from 1 tablet or half a teaspoon mixed with breakfast or juice and slowly increase to 3 tablets or 1 teaspoon 2 times a day. Older children can start from 3 tablets or 1 flat teaspoon and gradually increase to about 7 tablets or 1 tablespoon with breakfast and lunch.
While taking chlorella remember to increase your water intake to 3 times a day 2-3 glasses between meals.
– Mix 100g of Barley grass > powder (or Wheat grass >) with 100g of Alfalfa > powder, 50g organic fresh Turmeric > and 50g Moringa > leaf powder and keep the mixture in the fridge in a closed container. Take 1 heaped tablespoon of the the mixture with worm water or a vegetable juice about 30 minutes before meals twice daily. Children should reduce the amount to 1 or 2 teaspoons daily.
After a long and close analysis and comparison of different healthy vegetarian and vegan diets I believe that the most effective one is the Hallelujah Diet >. And one of the key reasons of this conclusion is that this diet is based on raw fresh vegetable juices and it is 85% raw. There are thousands of testimonials > written by people who on Hallelujah diet recovered from all sorts of health problems often regarded as incurable. In order to get strong motivation to start juicing read my article on Vegetable juices > and Hallelujah diet.
– Drink 1 or 2 glasses of fresh raw and possibly cold-pressed (using slow juicer) vegetable juices (carrots, beets, broccoli, kale or spinach, etc.) 2 to 3 times a day before meals or instead. It is even better to have them with chlorella or spirulina, alfalfa, turmeric and barley grass.
If you want to maintain your health drink 2 to 3 times 1 glass. In case your intension is to treat different health problems such as cancer, etc. you need to have 2 glasses 3 to 4 times a day.
Majority of people today consume products which deprive them of vitamins and minerals. The most dangerous among them are foods which contain high glucose or high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), refined sugar (hidden in many different products), polished rice, and refined flour products such as white bread, doughnuts, cakes, biscuits, or refined pasta. Also the use of popular stimulants such as caffeine products, chocolate, alcohol, tobacco, etc. greatly contribute to nutritional deficiencies.
Unfortunately, due to the fact that we’ve been using artificial fertilizers for a very long time the concentration of minerals in the soil today is 70 to 100 % lower than it was a hundred years ago. As a result also food we consume is mostly deprived of proper amount of nutrients.
It means that even if our diet is healthy and consists of only unrefined foods we can’t be sure today we provide our body with sufficient amount of nutrients.
For this reason, and in addition to the 6 critical foods, I always recommend the following most important vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals in the form of good quality supplements as they help to recover faster and greatly improve the effectiveness of the whole therapy:
Almost every person in England is deficient in vitamin D. Vitamin D is important for human nervous system and it also assists in the prevention of osteoporosis brought on by the menopause. Vitamin D appears to be much more important than calcium in preventing fractures.
While taking vitamin D3 supplements always remember to take also well absorbed magnesium (such as citrate) as vitamin D supplements lead to magnesium deficiency over time.
If you can’t afford higher doses take at least 4,000 IU of vitamin D3 a day with meal. But since deficiency of this vitamin is so widespread (especially in the UK) it would be better to take 10,000 to 30,000 or even 50,000 IU a day with meals with appropriate doses of magnesium (50,000 IU shouldn’t be taken longer than 2 months).
Another requirement for proper absorption of vitamin D is 200 mcg of Vitamin K2 MK-7 (Derived from Natural Natto) a day.
Read more about vitamin D >
A very dangerous vitamin B12 deficiency is regarded as “rampant” today and that includes also people consuming animal foods. For this reason it is very wise to take this vitamin in the form of supplements. The most effective form of vitamin B12 is sublingual methylcobalamin. Unfortunately, the very common and inexpensive cyanocobalamin is difficult for the body to absorb, and the small amount that is absorbed usually fails to find its way into the cells. As a result, many people who take large doses of cyanocobalamin continue to be deficient in the vitamin.
Depending on your diet, lifestyle and all the mentioned above factors which may influence the absorption of vitamin B12 I would recommend taking about 1000 mcg to 2000 mcg of active vitamin B12 supplement (in the form of sublingual methylcobalamin) a day only with breakfast.
Find out more fascinating facts about vitamin B12 >
BBC documentaryabout amazing recovery which was the result of vitamin B12 supplementation >
Millions suffer from magnesium deficiency without even knowing it. Magnesium deficiency is often misdiagnosed because it does not show up in blood tests as only 1% of the body’s magnesium is stored in the blood.
According to Dr. Norman Shealy, “Every known illness is associated with a magnesium deficiency. Magnesium deficiency may be responsible for more diseases than any other nutrient.”
Dosage: Try to use a good quality magnesium of high bioavailability such as Magnesium citrate (powder by Viridian): 2 x 400mg 60 min before breakfast and about 1 – 3 hours before bed. If you take high doses of vitamin D3 you need 2 x 800mg (2 x 1 teaspoon).
More facts about magnesium >
– Good quality multivitamin and mineral formula – 1 after breakfast or B complex (50 to 100mg each): 1 tab or caps after breakfast
– Vitamin B6: 50mg a day with meal
– Folate (Folic acid) – 400 mcg a day with meal
– Zinc: 15-30mg a day after meal
– Vitamin K2 MK-7 (derived from natural Natto): 200 mcg a day
– Omega 3 fats have been suggested by research to have a calming and anti-depressive effect on the nervous system enhancing brain health and mental well-being. Rich sources of Omega-3 are: flax oil, flax seeds (must be ground), soaked for 30 minutes or longer chia seeds, walnuts, almonds, and pumpkin seeds.
– Good probiotic formula: with meals (2-3 x higher doses than recommended, for first month)
– Switch to a totally plant-based (vegan) unrefined diet eliminating the intake of all animal-based foods (dairy, meat products, and fish) as they contain too much protein, are packed with high-risk factors (cholesterol, triglycerides, dioxins, heavy metals, antibiotics, bacteria, virus, cancer cells, prions, etc.) and because they don’t contain fibre.
According to Professor Colin Campbell the author of the famous China Study >, “The more you substitute plant foods for animal foods, the healthier you are likely to be.” The same scientist considers “veganism to be the ideal diet.”
If you only reduce the consumption of animal products you may not see the clear positive results and you definitely wont see them quickly which may lead to discouragement and resignation. However, when you decide to make radical changes in your diet and lifestyle and go on totally plant-based unrefined diet you will see the positive results much quicker and thus gain stronger motivation to keep on following this excellent nutritional approach.
Because careful analysis of past and present scientific research inspires every honest seeker of truth to conclude that the consumption of animal foods greatly increases the risk of most dangerous diseases I’ve been always recommending a completely plant-based diet. However, if you feel like it would be too great a sacrifice for you to avoid all meat and dairy products, please don’t give up on all ideas presented in the pages to follow because you will still be able to reduce weight even if your diet will include moderate amounts of wisely chosen animal foods.
Nevertheless, I hope that after you carefully study the whole content of this book you will be strongly motivated and willing to make more radical changes in your diet and lifestyle, all the more since you don’t have to become a strict vegetarian overnight but you can change your diet gradually. And the most convenient way of doing it is not so much by removing all the unhealthy foods but rather by adding the high in fibre and nutrients plant products. In this way you will be gradually improving your diet and reducing the consumption of the low quality refined and high in fat and sugar processed foods. By following the instructions and recipes included in this book, you will significantly increase the percentage of high-nutrient foods and as a result you will start losing weight and will greatly improve your health as well as the physical and emotional well-being. At the same time you will reduce chances of developing serious diseases or even significantly increase probability of recovering in case you already suffer from one of them. However, if you, decide to make more radical changes in your diet and lifestyle you will see the positive results much quicker and thus gain stronger motivation to keep on following this excellent and optimal recovery plan.
– Never use any animal fat and avoid also free plant fats such as refined oils or margarines.
Instead use only moderate amounts of cold pressed coconut oil, olive oil or flax seed oil. For cooking use only coconut oil as olive oils having low smoke point would produce free radicals being heated.
Apart from animal fats found in dairy and meat products also great majority of popular plat fats such as refined oils or margarines are very unhealthy and greatly contribute to the development of insulin resistance, cancer, fatigue, etc. Those bad plant fats include especially trans fats found in margarine and polyunsaturated fats found in the following oils: corn oil, sunflower oil, soy oil, etc. Because they all are high in Omega 6 pro-inflammatory fatty acids.
– Avoid foods containing refined sugar as it spoils your appetite, is more addictive than cocaine, weakens your immune system, and leads to vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Sugar rots teeth, disrupts digestion, feeds anxiety and depression and attaches to collagen causing our skin to age, line and wrinkle prematurely. The more sugar you eat, the more your body has to make internal fat to wrap the sugar in and keep it away from your vital organs. However, sugar makes people not only fat and ugly but also depressed or aggressive as a result of causing nutritional deficiencies and overgrowth of Candida albicans which uses sugar to make dangerous brain-damaging neurotoxin acetaldehyde.
In case of sugar cravings take 2 x a day 1 tab of Bio-Chromium (Pharma Nord) as its bioavailability (absorption) is 10 times higher than that of regular chromium supplements. Apart from chromium also potassium is important to cope with sugar cravings. In order to have more potassium you need to consume about 7 cups of raw vegetable salad every day.
– If you tend to struggle with having a sweet tooth try to substitute the unhealthy products with fresh and dried fruits (dates, raisins, figs, prunes, etc.). If you miss traditional dairy ice creams, which are very unhealthy, make your own delicious and healthy ice creams by blending frozen bananas or other frozen fruits. You can experiment adding some raw honey (or sweeten the ice cream with xylitol or stevia), soya crème, lemon juice, plant-based milk, a little bit of carob powder, ground cashew or other nuts to improve the flavour.
– Don’t consume sweetened beverages and foods which are high in empty calories, refined sugar, white flour, and fat. Never use artificial sweeteners nor high glucose or high fructose syrup as they are more harmful than even refined sugar.
– Your vegan diet must include variety of unrefined plant products such as vegetables (mostly uncooked), fresh fruits, well-cooked legumes (pulses, beans), whole grains, and unroasted soaked overnight seeds and nuts.
– You can eat as much fresh and raw vegetables as you want (especially carrots, green leafy vegetables, and cabbage family), but if you prefer to cook them do it moderately or steam your vegetables. You will achieve much better results if your diet consists of at least 50% up to 85% of raw (uncooked) and unprocessed plant foods (especially raw vegetables and raw vegetable juices).
– Unrefined plant-based diet will lead to detoxification of the body and thus may result in some unpleasant symptoms such as headaches, nausea, rashes, pimples, diarrhoea or constipation, fatigue, etc. The healing process may also shortly increase pain or other symptoms which were felt in the diseased area of the body. If you experience these side effects, which are usually mild, don’t give up as they should disappear after a week or so and you will begin to feel much better than ever before.
– Include in your diet whole grain products, especially barley, millet, oats, buckwheat, quinoa, and amaranth.
– Drink 2 glasses of cold-pressed vegetable juice (mostly carrots and green leafy vegetables) about 30 minutes before each meal, then start you meal with most healthy and nutritious foods.
– Avoid drinking fruit juices because they have high glycaemic index due to the fact that they are deprived of fibre and are high in sugar. Drinking fruit juices between meals will also cause stomach to release some digestive enzymes thus reducing their amounts during meals and impairing digestion.
– Make soaked overnight and cooked pulses (beans, lentils, chick peas, etc.) your best source of protein.
– Each day have a about a handful of one type of raw unsalted and unroasted soaked overnight nuts or seeds (ground sesame seeds, almonds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, etc.), changing them every day.
– Don’t eat overripe or unripe fruits, and avoid canned, fried, or frozen vegetables or fruits.
– It is better to not eat any sweet and flavoured yogurts (especially based on cow’s milk) because of fat and sugar content. Instead, from time to time have some unsweetened soy yogurt and mix it with sweet fruits, seeds (or nuts), oat bran or another good source of fibre, and add some raisins, dates, or a little bit of raw honey.
– Always eat good breakfast and avoid skipping it as otherwise you will be tempted to snack between meals and eat more in the evening which is unhealthy and dangerous because the metabolism at night slows down. Make breakfast the largest meal while supper the lightest.
– Try to have only two meals a day with the second one not later than 5:00 pm (if possible) remembering that any food consumed after 5 pm will tend to be stored as fat. If you must have the supper make it very light (only either vegetables or fruits). Vegetable juice would be the best option.
– Don’t eat between meals. If you are hungry warm water (or unsweetened herb teas) as it reduces appetite for about 30 minutes
– Never use refined salt but only Celtic salt (regarded as most healthy), Himalayan (pink, rock) salt or sea salt.
– Avoid stimulants such as alcohol, caffeine (in coffee, chocolate, green tea, cola drinks, etc.), theophylline (in tea) or and theobromine (in cacao and chocolate) because although they appear to give you a short time energy boost yet it is only a borrowed energy, which means sooner or later you will have to pay for it with the loss of energy. And, as soon as you feel exhausted you it will force you to use stimulants again and again thus causing a vicious circle and addiction. Apart from that stimulants also weaken your immune system and lead to nutritional deficiencies and may contribute to depression and other health problems.
Dr. John Minton of Ohio State University discovered that the primary causes of breast cancer in women are coffee, tea, colas and other caffeinated foods and drinks. Dr. Minton eliminated caffeine and theobromine (chocolate, cocoa) from the diet of women with breast lumps and gave them a diet that consisted primarily of organically-grown plant foods. As a result, pain, swelling and lumps disappeared within two to six months.
– Avoid overeating. In order to reduce appetite: Learn to control stress; Remember to drink 2 glasses of warm water between meals 3 times a day; 30 minutes before each meal drink 1 glass of cold pressed vegetable juice mixed with 1 or 2 teaspoons of spirulina or barley grass powder; Pray before each meal thanking God for the food and asking with faith for His strength to stop eating when you really should; Start each meal consuming big portion of fresh and raw vegetables; Always eat very slowly taking small bites and chewing food to a cream before swallowing. Doing this you will feel satisfied before eating too much.
– Avoid mayonnaise, pickled foods, vinegar, ketchup, mustard, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, nutmeg, pepper (black or red), cheese, soy sauce, baking powder, or refined salt, because they tend to stimulate appetite and irritate the stomach and nervous system.
– Do not keep any junk refined foods at home as the accessibility to junk food encourage people to eat it.
– Fast one day each week from breakfast to breakfast, or skip one or two meals (not breakfast) one day a week as it will allow your digestive organs to rest and improve their functioning.
– Avoid eating fruits and vegetables at the same meal as it may lead to fermentation.
– Include uncooked carrots, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, cauliflowers and other vegetables in your diet as they are low in calories, but high in fibre and essential nutrients. In this way your body will stop craving for more food in between meals as it will have enough nutrients. Raw cabbage reduces the conversion of sugar and other carbohydrates into fat.
– Never fry your foods but cook or bake them without oil.
– Instead of microwave use halogen oven.
– If possible and needed in your case try to include some of the most effective natural remedies, herbs, and supplements such as: Alpha-lipoic acid, Acetyl L-carnitine, NAC, Moringa, Charcoal, Green clay, Bee pollen, Bee propolis, Cat’s Claw, Pau d’Arco, Turmeric, Evening primrose oil, Hawthorn, Coenzyme Q10, Rhodiola, MSM (sulphur), Devil’s claw, Oat bran, Aloe vera, Noni juice, Goji berries, etc. Contact us if you are not sure which one to use in your case.
– Sleep 7 to 9 hours each night and go to bed before 10 pm because the more you sleep before midnight the more efficient your rest will be.
– Drink 3 times a day 2 or 3 glasses of distilled (or at least filtered) water about 30 to 60 minutes before each meal or about 2 hours after. During hot days you need even more. Your urine should be transparent, if it is yellow it means you don’t drink enough water.
The water you drink should be as low in minerals as possible (soft water) because minerals in water are inorganic and are not beneficial but harmful, especially calcium carbonate which contributes to kidney stones, heart attacks, arthritis or constipation. For this reason the best water to drink is distilled water as it is free from calcium and other inorganic minerals as well as all contaminants.
Unfortunately, tap water is polluted with chlorine, fluoride, estradiol and all sort of other harmful contaminants. Here is the recent evidence how dangerous both tap and bottled water can be today: “A powerful form of oestrogen called oestradiol (100 times more powerful than natural oestrogens) is causing half the male fish in our (UK) rivers to change sex, research shows! Experts believe the hormone can get into drinking water and affect men’s hormones.”
The bottled water, on the other hand, is contaminated with bisphenols and tens of thousands of other dangerous chemicals found in plastic. For example, BPA and BPS and all the rest of bisphenols (there are about 15 of them) contribute to hormonal imbalance, cancer and many other health problems. Please keep in mind that it’s not only bottled water which is contaminated with bisphenols but also canned foods as they are often lined with BPA-contained plastic. Apart from that, toilet paper and thermally printed receipts contain the same chemical. When we touch receipts and eat food with unwashed fingers the traces of bisphenols get into our body too.
Since water is so contaminated today make sure you filter both tap and bottled water using at least inexpensive carbon (charcoal) water filters. But if possible do your best to buy water distiller and drink distilled water (which is the best and most economical way to filter water) or if you still prefer filtered water install (under sink) a very effective reverse osmosis filter which includes carbon filter, reverse osmosis filter, alkaline filter and other elements which greatly improve the quality of tap water removing as much as 95 to 99% of contaminants found in water.
Make sure that the reverse osmosis filter is at least 6-stage and that it also includes the carbon (charcoal) and alkaline filters. In order to find best filter which you can afford I would recommend spending more time to investigate this subject.
The best way to obtain safe drinking water is distillation. I believe this method is even better than reverse osmosis because it not only removes all contaminants but also all dangerous inorganic minerals from water. In addition, water distillers are not expensive (I bought mine for only £50), easier to use and more economic. Distillation is most effective because it removes the water from the contaminants, rather than trying to remove the contaminants from the water.
During distillation process water is boiled and evaporates (turns to steam). The boiling kills all bacteria, virus, parasite, and pathogens, and as the steam rises, it leaves behind waste material, useless and harmful inorganic minerals such as calcium, oestradiol, heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, organic and inorganic chemicals, radioactive chemicals and other heavier contaminants. The steam is then cooled and becomes water again.
According to Dr. Allen Banik, “Distilled water is the greatest solvent on earth. It is the only water that can be taken into the body without damage to the tissues. What we as scientists and the public have never realized is that minerals collected in the body from water are all inorganic minerals, which cannot be assimilated by the body. The only minerals that the body can utilize are the organic minerals (from fruits and vegetables). All other types of minerals are foreign substances to the body and must be disposed of or eliminated. Today, many progressive doctors prescribe distilled water to their patients. All kidney machines operate on distilled water.” – Allen E. Banik, M.D., “The Choice is Clear”
Dr. Paul Bragg: “The greatest damage done by inorganic minerals (hard water)—plus waxy cholesterol and salt—is to the small arteries and other blood vessels of the brain (75% water). Hardening of the arteries and calcification of blood vessels starts on the day you start taking inorganic chemicals and minerals from tap water into our bodies. When distilled water enters the body, it leaves no residue of any kind. It is free of salts and sodium. It is the most perfect water for the healthy functioning of the kidneys (83% water). It is the perfect liquid for the blood (83% water), the ideal liquid for the efficient functioning of the lungs (86% water), stomach, liver (85% water) and other vital organs. Why? Because it is free of all inorganic minerals. It is so pure that all liquid drug prescriptions are formulated with distilled water.” Dr. Paul Bragg, N.D. Ph.T., “The Shocking Truth About Water”
Here is what Dr. James Balch: “There is only one water, and that is clean, steam distilled water. No other substance on our planet does so much to keep us healthy and get us well as water does.”
Dr. Teofilio de la Torre: “Instead of drinking the hard water of springs or the chlorinated water of the cities, it will be to our advantage to drink distilled water to prevent calcification of the body.”
Dr. Charles McFerrin: “Distilled water is ’empty’ water – a hungry water, a water capable of absorbing body poisons. You have had the experience of trying to use an old post office blotter on the desk. Everybody had used it and it is so full of ink that it will not suck up any more. So it is with a ‘full’ water, a water full of chlorine, aluminium, etc. Such water does not have the capacity of absorbing body impurities.” —Dr. Charles McFerrin, July 1955 issue of Nature’s Path.
Examples of inexpensive water distillers >
In addition you only need to buy a set of cheap small carbon filters > as they need to be replaced every two months.
Read more about DISTILLED WATER >
– In order to enable the healthy plant-based mostly raw diet to be more effectively used by your body you need to exercise on a regular basis. It doesn’t mean that without exercising this diet wouldn’t work as you will see the results even if you don’t want or can’t exercise, but if you do include this very important element it will greatly increases the effectiveness of the whole program.
As soon as you wake up in the morning, remember to drink 2-3 glasses of water and then exercise for at least 30-60 minutes. Brisk walking outside is the best exercise. If the weather is not good you can exercise at home using mate, treadmill, exercise bike, Xbox Kinect games, etc. But please remember that aerobic exercises (outside in the open air) are the best. You need a minimum of 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity four to five times a week.
If you suffer from different heart conditions you shouldn’t start with energetic exercise routine. In this case you need to change the diet first, keep in touch with your physician, continue taking your prescribed medication, and after some time start from short distance and slow walking routine, gradually and carefully increasing the pace and distance every day. Only when you see positive changes in your health you can start slowly reducing the medication as otherwise it will cause negative side effects.
Please read this extremaly important part (LINK >) very carefully as it reveals the secret of finding true source of strength necessary to overcome bad habits and will help you to gain a powerful motivation to not only practice but also enjoy the new and very healthy way of life.
Alternative (contrast) hot and cold showers will give a tremendous boost to the blood circulation, improve metabolism, the elimination of toxins, and stimulate both the nervous and the immune system.
Always start with hot shower and after about 3 – 5 minutes when your body is warm enough take a 3 – 5 min cold shower slowly reducing the temperature until it is really cold. After that, repeat this procedure alternating the flow of water from hot to cold, back and forth 3-5 times in a row. You can also start the whole treatment with hot shower followed by prolonged cold bath.
Cold water stimulates blood to flow toward the internal organs whereas the hot water directs blood toward the skin. Hot water enlarges blood vessels while cold water causes them to shrink. Therefore, the alternating hot and cold makes the circulation move in and out like an accordion. This has the effect of increasing the rate of detoxification and moving nutrients more readily to various parts of the body. Hot and cold showers can be taken 1 to 2 times a day.
The cold shower or bath, which is even more beneficial than hot, will not harm you if you precede it with good hot shower. Cold water by cooling our body forces it to burn more calories by activating the brown fat which boosts fat burning. Brown fat can play a very important role in controlling body weight because it is a heat-generating type of fat which burns energy instead of storing it. Although it is called “fat” it actually works more like a muscle than fat.
Apart from cold also hot treatments such as sauna can be beneficial in treating inflammations, infectious diseases, skin problems, poor blood circulation, obesity, etc. as it boosts immune system and helps in eliminating toxins from our body. In addition it is also effective in removing excess fat which can be explained by the fact that fats become water-soluble when they are exposed to the temperature higher than 45 degrees Celsius (113 degrees Fahrenheit) thus forcing the body to eliminate the excess fat together with water during the process of sweating triggered by sauna or another prolonged hot treatment such as hot foot bath, hot shower, etc.
Sauna is recommend especially after exercising.
If your main goal is to lose more fat it is suggested that you should drink a lot of water (1 to 2 litres) about 30 to 60 minutes before sauna and 30 minutes after but not during the time you stay in sauna.
Also remember that although sauna or other hot treatments can be beneficial and help to lose weight it must be frequently interrupted with cold showers. Apart from that, during any prolonged hot treatment a cold compress on the forehead and neck should be applied constantly.
If you experience any health problems please consult the use of sauna and other prolonged hot or cold treatments with your physician.
Find out more about HYDROTHERAPY >
Written by Slawomir (“Swavak”) Gromadzki, MPH
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