Asthma is primarily an allergic disease in which human immune system becomes oversensitive and therefore has tendencies to overreact with inflammation and airway constriction as a result of encountering different environmental factors such as pollen, dust, chemicals, proteins, stress, bacteria, viruses, moulds, etc.

In the UK, almost 6 million people are currently diagnosed with asthma (1 in every 10 adults and 1 in every 10 children). Asthma in adults is more common in women than men.

By leading to a severe lack of oxygen to the blood and brain asthma kills three people in the UK every single day.


Inherited or acquired abnormalities in functioning of the immune system, allergies, psychological stress, anxiety, depression, pessimism, nutritional deficiencies (lack of zinc, vitamin D, magnesium, selenium, boron, antioxidants, etc.), pessimism, gluten sensitivity, leaky gut syndrome, bacterial infections (Chlamydia pneumonia), diet low in phytonutrients (many of which have anti-inflammatory effects), overweight and obesity, systemic inflammation, lack of probiotic bacteria, dairy products, sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, refined oils high in omega 6 pro-inflammatory fatty acids (corn oil, vegetable oil, soya oil, sunflower oil, etc.), artificial sweeteners, frequent use of medication such as painkillers,  stimulants, candida albicans, sedentary lifestyle (lack of exercise), air pollution, preservatives, hypoxia (oxygen deficiency), free radicals, etc.


Stress, dust mites, pollen, cigarette smoke, animal fur, bacterial infections (Chlamydia pneumonia), dairy products, sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, medication such as painkillers, stimulants, air pollution, preservatives, cold, exercise, odours, etc.

There could be many possible causes of asthma or factors that can contribute to this condition, but the most common cause seems to be allergy (extrinsic or atopic). In this type of asthma the allergen leads to production of excessive (IgE) immunoglobulins and inflammation.

– Dust mites, animal fur, pollen, tobacco smoke irritates lungs causing inflammation in the airways. It is not clear why the immune system becomes oversensitive and triggers inflammation when there is no reason for that. It is believed that negative lifestyle factors such as chronic stress, lack of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, regular consumption of junk food, sugar and stimulants gradually change the nature of the immune system which starts responding in a wrong way causing inflammation of the airways.

The inflammation irritates the airways, and causes them to squeeze (constrict). This causes narrowing of the airways. It is then more difficult for air to get in and out of the lungs. This leads to wheezing and breathlessness. The inflammation also causes the lining of the airways to make extra mucus (phlegm) which causes cough and further obstruction to airflow.

At the heart of asthma lies an excessive reaction to a ‘trigger’; something in the person’s environment elicits a strong response in their airways. This trigger causes the smooth muscle surrounding the myriad of delicate airways branching throughout the lungs to constrict. The result is a series of symptoms that people with asthma know all too well: wheezing, shortness of breath and a tightening of their chest.

One of the principal causes of asthma is the house dust mite. Less than half a millimetre in size, these minute creatures share occupancy with humans in our soft furnishings (beds, carpets, furniture and so on), eating tiny particles of organic matter – such as our skin. While it’s been known for some time that the mites’ waste contains an allergy-causing protein.

There is a lot of evidence that many cases of asthma might be caused by bacteria Chlamydia pneumonia. There is a research by Dr. David Hahn available online about the relationship between the bacteria Chlamydia pneumonia and asthma. His studies indicate that even 50% cases of asthma could be triggered by chlamydia.

Evidence suggests elevated body mass index and dietary patterns, especially intake of dietary lipids (animal and plant fats), contribute to symptoms of asthma. Scientific research demonstrated that overweight and obesity is a risk factor for asthma as there is a link between inflammatory state and adiposity, allergy and asthma. Obesity has been associated with an increased prevalence of asthma and poorer control of this disease.

Asthma may be a consequence of vitamin D deficiency.

Attendance at chlorinated indoor pools has been associated with the risk of asthma in adult recreational swimmers.

– Cow’s milk (A1) may stimulate mucus production associated with respiratory conditions such as asthma. Most dangerous are heated dairy products.

– Egg yolk and egg white proteins may act not only as ingested allergens but also as aero-allergens.

– Plasma phospholipase A2, an enzyme associated with inflammation, is higher in patients with asthma and higher body mass index and inversely related to plasma vitamin C levels (vitamin C is low in asthma patients). Secretory phospholipases A2 (sPLA2) have functions relevant to asthmatic inflammation, including eicosanoid synthesis and effects on dendritic cells and T cells. Plasma sPLA2 may provide a biological link between asthma, inflammation, increased BMI, lipid metabolism and antioxidants. Interactions among these factors may be pertinent to the pathophysiology and increasing prevalence of both asthma and obesity.

– Formaldehyde may be an irritant as well as serve as an adjuvant for the onset of asthma or asthma-like symptoms. Artificial sweeteners such as aspartame (NutraSweet) can be converted to formaldehyde in human body.


Conventional treatments typically consist of a non-steroidal bronchodilator – an anti-inflammatory agent to inhale. It causes the smooth muscle cells in the lungs to relax, which opens up the airways.

If that doesn’t t work, the next level is typically an inhaled steroids, which is a very potent anti-inflammatory agent.


Non-steroidal bronchodilators may reduce symptoms but will double the risk of a heart attack and can increase risk of osteoporosis.

Steroids, even though they can help reduce the inflammation in the lungs, lead to serious side effects, including: Cardiovascular disease, impaired growth of the body and internal organs (including brain), infections, cataracts, cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes, weight gain, high blood pressure, and other conditions, and even mood swings:

“I would have been willing to tolerate some of the side effects of glucocorticoid use (weight gain, reduced immunity, muscle weakness, weakened bones), but there was one side-effect I could not tolerate. Each time I tried inhaled steroids, I would start experiencing severe mood swings within a few days. One time I even felt suicidal — the first time I had ever experienced that feeling in my life. Glucocorticoids lower both plasma and brain serotonin levels, and are linked to depression and feelings of aggression.  My violent mood swings stopped as soon as I stopped using them.”

Also Allergen specific immunotherapy has long been a controversial treatment for asthma. Although beneficial effects upon clinically relevant outcomes have been demonstrated in randomised controlled trials, there remains a risk of severe and sometimes fatal anaphylaxis. The recommendations of professional bodies have ranged from cautious acceptance to outright dismissal.


 If your asthma is related to other underlying problems such as smoking, allergy, obesity or diabetes you must find out how to recover from these conditions too: SMOKING > ALLERGY > OBESITY > DIABETES >


Fortunately, there are safe, natural strategies you can use instead that can virtually eliminate your need for dangerous drug treatments:

Black seed oil contains nigellone, shown by research to be an impressive antihistamine agent, which can be very beneficial in helping reduce symptoms of allergies and hay fever that are associated with increased levels of histamine.

In a 2011 study published in American Journal of Otolaryngology, black seed oil was found to reduce allergic symptoms including nasal congestion, itching, runny nose, and sneezing after two weeks (>).

Apart from being beneficial for relieving allergies black seed oil has been traditionally used for centuries for easing respiratory problems including asthma. Nigella sativa helps asthmatic in many different ways, it lowers histamine levels (>), kills bacteria that often trigger or contribute to asthma, has anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating properties (>), and dilates contracted bronchial tubes improving breathing during asthma attack.

Numerous studies have provided evidence that black seed oil has anti-allergic and anti-asthmatic effects and that depending on the cause of asthma, black seed oil sometimes appeared to be more effective than conventional treatment. In one study, thymoquinone, the main constituent of Nigella sativa (Black seed) has shown to be superior to the drug fluticasone in an animal model of asthma (>).

Found in Nigella sativa compound nigellone has been researched and proven to have anti-spasmodic effect dilating the bronchial tubes and bringing relief to asthma sufferers.

Black seed oil also helps through its anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating properties as asthma is associated with inflammation and hypersensitivity of the immune.

Black seed was more commonly used against asthma in Europe after certain experience which took place in Germany in 1995 when certain doctor managed to cure his horse from acute asthma using Black seed. After that the doctor prescribed black seed to one of his patients who as a result also got better and eventually recovered from asthma. That is probably one of the reasons why in Germany and Austria black seed oil is commonly prescribed for asthma.

Asthma sufferers who would like to try black seed oil should start with a low dose of not more than half teaspoon once a day for about a week. Then the same amount but two times a day for another week and continue increasing the dosage in the same way up to one full teaspoon three times per day.

Propolis extract exhibited considerable ameliorative effects against asthma

Before using propolis supplements make sure you are not allergic to it.

Raw garlic is effective against asthma! Everyday eat Garlic (must be raw) or take garlic supplements (must be standardised for presence of allicine) 2-3 times a day. To eliminate bad smell of garlic take about 7-10 tablets of chlorella or Spirulina. Also, to reduce garlic breath, you can chop up a small clove into small pieces, and put in a small amount of warm water, and then swallow the whole thing quickly. Garlic and onion are very important element of the treatment because it has strong antibacterial properties and researchers proved link between bacteria Chlamydia pneumoniae, mycoplasma and asthma.

– Every day eat yellow and red onion as it is high in quercetin polyphenols which reduce asthma better than drugs. Yellow onions and most red onions have some quercetin in it. Sweet white onion may not have enough. You can also chop raw onion and soak in alcohol to make an extract high in quercetin. Then shake and take a teaspoon with a glass of water when needed, for example before bedtime to improve breathing at night.

Chlorella can be effective in reducing asthma attacks too:

“16 years of severe asthma suffering & the side effects of the prescribed drugs, have hopefully have come to an end. The only difference that I have made is by taking 20 tablets a day of Chlorella. Steroids, steroids, steroids, seemed to be the only answer to my asthma problem. Many trips to the hospital via ambulance, many days in intensive care. You name it, I tried, No dairy, no wheat, ephedrine, Butekyo, swimming, different teas etc. etc. I then had a talk to a lady whom was married to a doctor but herself more involved with natural medicines. She had been poisoned with mercury during a dentist visit. After many years of severe problems associated with mercury poisoning, she had great success in relieving her symptoms after trying Chlorella. It was her praise for the “superfood” that had sparked word of mouth reviews. Many people had returned a favourable result from many different problems, with asthma being one of them. I was willing to give it a try and I am so grateful. I don’t know what else I could possibly put it down to as it’s the only thing that I am doing different.”

Hedera helix (Vogel) (includes liquorice).

Coltsfoot (folium farfarae)

Star flower oil or Evening primrose oil (both high in Gamma-linolenic acid) which have a positive anti-inflammatory effect.  It’s a traditional treatment for asthma in some cultures.  To experience beneficial you need at least 1000mg a day.

Bromelain (an enzyme extracted from pineapple) – has a strong anti-inflammatory effect that lasts a few hours. People suffering from asthma found that putting one tablet (250-500mg) under tongue (to more quickly absorb the enzyme into the bloodstream) would make them breathe easier within 30 minutes.

– Also Turmeric, Boswellia, Nigella sativa (black cumin), Pycnogenol, Cordycepts, Maca, Pau d’arco are often mentioned as helpful in reducing symptoms of asthma.


– NAC (N-Acetylcysteine) (500 to 1000mg a day): In some cases, oral L-cysteine or NAC therapy has proved excellent for treatment of asthmatics. NAC is also popular due to its “mucolytic” effect. It breaks up mucusin the respiratory tract by removing specific bonds in mucus proteins. It is able to break up or loosen sputum making it easier to cough up. One experienced physician, who recommended this powerful antioxidant to his patients, wrote that “in certain cases, this supplement can make the difference between life and death.”Read more >

Vitamin D3 – Not less than 10000 IU a day (must be taken with 400-800 mg of good quality magnesium as vitamin D leads to magnesium deficiency). There’s a very strong connection between vitamin D levels and asthma, as vitamin D can be a very powerful immune modulator. However, I don’t suggest just taking the recommended daily allowance, which is a mere 400 units a day. You really need to make sure you’re getting therapeutic levels (10000 IU a day).  This is ideally obtained from exposing a significant amount of your skin — not just your hands and face — to appropriate amounts of sunlight. Enough, from either the sun or a safe tanning bed, to turn your skin the very lightest shade of pink. Once you reach that shade of pink, your body is not going to produce any more vitamin D. In fact, you’re only going to cause damage to your skin if you increase your exposure past that point.

Vitamin D supplements could halve risk of serious asthma attacks >

Omega 3 fish oil (must be of a good quality) – two times 10000 mg a day with meals. Plus 1-2 tablespoons of ground flax seed before breakfast. I can’t emphasize enough the importance of getting sufficient amounts of high quality omega 3 fats in your diet. You need both animal and plant-based omega 3, as most of us do not produce special enzyme necessary to rapidly convert the ALA (plant omega 3) to the DHA and EPA (animal source), which are potent anti-inflammatory agents.

Chlorella: 15-20 tablets a day (7-10 tablets 30 minutes and same amount before breakfast and before lunch).

– Good quality Probiotics >

Magnesium – 400-800 mg a day between meals.

Vitamin B3 and vitamin B12 have been found to be low in asthma patients. Both vitamins are important as they lower antihistamine levels and reduce wheezing.

Vitamin B6 – 100-200mg a day with breakfast.

Zinc: 15-50 mg after breakfast.

Selenium: 100-200 mcg with meal.

Vitamin C – 2000-4000 mg a day with meals.

Quercetin >


HALLELUJAH DIET for 3-6 months leads to recovery from asthma: “Since adopting the Hallelujah Acres Diet and Lifestyle in 2005, I have recovered from diabetes, hypertension and asthma.“ >

– Drink 2 times a day 1-2 glasses of raw vegetable juices 30 minutes before meals.

– Eat more unprocessed, uncooked, and unrefined plant foods, especially raw vegetables (carrot, green leafy, etc.)

– Avoid trans-fats (margarines, etc.) and pro-inflammatory omega 6 fatty acids (most plant oils).

– Use only raw organic coconut oil and cold pressed flax oil.

– Do not consume even smallest amount of dairy (hard cheeses are most dangerous), meat (especially pork), gluten, foods and drinks with sugar, white flour products, hot spices, stimulants, chocolate, cola, fried foods, processed foods.

– Instead of other grains have some quinoa, millet, or brown rice.

How Fruits and Vegetables Can Treat Asthma


– Avoid taking antibiotics for a longer period of time and if you use them always take high doses of a good probiotic formula.

– Use hydrotherapy (water treatment) such as alternative hot and cold showers beginning with hot shower.

– Drink more water, avoid all caffeine, and include some sea salt in your diet has worked for some people. All caffeinated beverages — even green tea — are dehydrating (chronic dehydration is linked to bronchoconstriction).

– Learn to control stress.

Exercise every day breathing through nose (especially out in fresh air if you’re an asthmatic) is actually crucial as it increases insulin receptor sensitivity, and as a result your body produces less insulin, which helps to reduce inflammations and symptoms of asthma.

– Expose your body to the sun whenever it is possible.

– Try to live according to the principles found in the Health Recovery Plan >

– If you believe in existence of God don’t forget about prayer and reading good spiritual literature. All this will greatly increase the effectiveness of your improved diet and lifestyle: “Rejoice always, pray continually, and give thanks in all circumstances.” (1Thessalonians 5:16-18, NIV); “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7, NIV).


Because from my own experience I know and remember how difficult it was, in my case, to change my eating habits and give up on junk food and stimulants using my own pathetic at that time will power, I recommend to you reading or listening to two excellent books: “Steps to Christ” and “Ministry of Healing” by Ellen White. You can find them online (free of charge) in Word, PDF and audio formats. >

If you carefully study all the information presented there and follow the steps, you will not only become victorious but will actually experience an inward transformation which will enable you to enjoy your new lifestyle (including diet and physical activity).

– “Desire of Ages – Most beautiful book about the life of Jesus (audio) >

– Steps to Christ (PDF) by Ellen G White >

– Ministry of Healing >


– A team at King’s College London said low levels of vitamin D, which is made by the body in sunlight, was linked to a worsening of symptoms of asthma. Its latest research shows the vitamin calms an over-active part of the immune system in asthma.

– Asthma has been linked to Chronic Bacteria Infections.

Antimicrobial therapy (antibiotics) appeared to cure or significantly improve asthma in approximately one half of treated adults, and the response pattern was consistent with chlamydial pathogenesis.

L-arginine may have a beneficial effect on airway hyperresponsiveness and airway inflammation in asthma.

Vitamin B-6 significantly improves symptoms of bronchial asthma and reduces the need for bronchodilators and cortisone.

Pycnogenol administration is effective for better control of signs and symptoms of allergic asthma and reduced the need for medication.

Magnesium significantly improves severe acute asthma in children.

Gamma linolenic acid-containing borage oil may have therapeutic effects in the treatment of asthma.

– Thymoquinone, the main constituent of Nigella sativa (black cumin) is superior to the drug fluticasone in an animal model of asthma.

Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin C and zinc significantly improve persistent bronchial asthma.

Fish oil compares favourably to montelukast (Singular) in reducing the severity of exercise-induced bronchoconstriction. While fish oil and montelukast are both effective in attenuating airway inflammation and HIB, combining fish oil with montelukast did not confer a greater protective effect than either intervention alone. Fish oil supplementation should be considered as an alternative treatment for EIB.

– Dongchongxiacao (Cordyceps) can reduce serum markers of airway inflammation of asthmatics.

Boswellia‘s immunomodulatory properties may make it ideal for the treatment of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases.

Breathing exercises have a therapeutic role in the treatment of asthma.

Petasites hybridus extract Petadolex is an effective and safe therapy for the treatment of asthma.

Selenium deficiency may be important in chronic asthma. Observational studies have demonstrated that patients with chronic asthma may have lower levels of selenium than their control. Nevertheless, selenium supplementation has not been recommended with drug therapy for asthma.

– Increased consumption of genistein is associated with better lung function in patients with asthma.

– Children with asthma receive benefit from art therapy that includes decreased anxiety and increased quality of life.

Lactobacillus reuteri has an immuno-regulatory action in attentuating asthmatic response in a mouse model of allergic airway inflammation.

– A combination of astaxanthin, Ginkgo biloba and vitamin C is equal to or better than ibuprofen for reducing asthma-associated respiratory inflammation.

Quercetin and its derivatives have phosphodiesterase inhibitory activity equal to or superior to the drug AWD12-281.


– “Now that my asthma is cured, I’ve hiked hundreds of miles of rugged terrain on the Appalachian trail. Most importantly these hikes were done with no inhalers, no medicines and best of all, no asthma. While viewing the research and links you’ll see that there are dozens of researchers around the globe studying this important link between Chlamydia pneumoniae, mycoplasma and asthma. While it doesn’t work for everyone, in many cases asthma can be completely cured in adults and children.”

– “After much talking and stress I finally convinced a third doctor to give me a prescription for Azithromycin, only after not getting any better with standard asthma drugs. When finishing a 14 week course of Azithromycin, I went back to the third doctor and pronounced that I was ready to run the NY marathon and asked if he had any applications. He was so shocked that he may become a believer.”

– “Many people might not be suffering from asthma, but rather a very serious bacterial infection in their lungs (Chlamydia Pneumonia). I had to convince doctor to prescribe a serious regimen of antibiotics to solve the problem… and it did.”

“I suspected my issue was the same, especially given my doctor had NO reason for why my asthma magically developed. So, being more inclined to try an alternative method OTHER than antibiotics, I used this combination with awesome results:

Oregano Oil drops— 5 to 10 drops into an empty capsule (3x/day) taken before meal– and topically– 3 drops on chest-rubbed in, 1 drop on each side of nose rubbed in (stay away from eyes! )– 1x/day (first week only)– I smelled awful for a couple hours– but the fumes felt therapeutic!

Garlic Powder Capsules – 3 to 4 capsules (3x/day) = about 3500-4500mg/day (just before meals)

Baking soda water (1 glass every morning–1st thing)–hoping to improve systemic alkalinity

Sporadic use of Hydrogen Peroxide – [I emptied a nasal sprayer and replaced with H2O2]. Inhaled (5-10x/day) directly in mouth- Hoping to aid in the break up of deeply rooted/lodged infection/bacteria.”

– “I have found fantastic results from a combination of Oregano and Garlic for what the conventional Dr. called Adult onset asthma.”


Started Coenzyme Q10 gave me about a 90 percent cure for my asthma. I am 40 years old and have had it for about 34 years with the worse being the months of March,  April and May. I started taking about 100mg of Coenzyme Q10. I noticed in March my asthma was better. I increased it to 200mg felt even better and then I went to 400mg daily and it about 90 percent gone.

Asthma can often be stopped by taking 2 or more tablespoons of RAW apple cider vinegar. My son has had asthma for 5 years now. For the last year he has been on no inhalers, steroids or ANY medicine. When he begins to feel an asthma attack coming on, I give him 2 tablespoons of the vinegar and within 10 minutes he is back to breathing normally again. Once in awhile he requires another dose after 10 minutes but that is rare. It is amazing. It tastes awful but the result is so quick that even a 6 year old doesn’t mind the awful taste!

I acquired asthma from birth control pills and one mercury filling.  I was given all those toxic drugs (Albuterol, corticosteroid inhalers, and Accolate pills) for 9 years.  Those drugs caused me to have symptoms of mental illness, for which my body was turned into a psychiatric drug dump.  They even gave me shock treatment.  Once I quit all those drugs and got my SINGLE MERCURY FILLING removed, the asthma completely disappeared.  All of this because of a single mercury filling and birth control pills–those evil quacks are constantly looking for new prey.

One of my sons had bad asthma and also appeared to be affected (sneezing) by dust pollen etc up until 3 years ago when it stopped completely. I stopped the Asthma by removing all the azo-dyes (coal tar derived dyes) out of his diet. (eg E102 and 6 other azo-dyes found in kids food and drink ) As well as the 7 azo dyes I also removed Aspartame. The sneezing remained however but this stopped straight away when he started drinking a probiotic every day.

I have almost/totally cured/controlled my asthma by following strict diet regimen. I cut down on carbohydrates and oily foods totally. I don’t eat fried foods at all, instead I eat lots of fruits like apples and orange, and eat vegetables like carrot and Bengal gram salted. I got my breath back after suffering this menace called asthma for an year. I’ve been in hell all year with asthma. I used to experience asthma attack everyday 4-5 times even after taking high amounts of corticosteroids and bronco dilators every day. Now after I changed my lifestyle by sacrificing certain foods mentioned above, I am back to normal. I was healthy for 27 yrs of my life till the last year of hell with asthma. Now I dont take inhalers anymore. Asthma is curable, and its in your hands. Asthma medications will be needed only if you take it regularly and asthma attack also occurs regularly.

I have been taking large amounts of cod liver oil for vitamin D and Omega 3- this did not seem to quite kick my asthma. I police my diet and have made not of foods that invoke subtle allergic reactions or an asthma attack (i.e. corn). Anyways, I had what seemed to be low thyroid and after reading articles by Dr. Guy Abraham, I started taking 50 mg a day of Iodoral (high potency elemental iodine/potassium iodide). What was amazing is that I had good side effects from taking Iodoral… first I noticed my allergies started to decline. Then my asthma followed to the point of nothing- even mowing the lawn in the middle of spring I did not sneeze or have any other reactions or asthma… Another positive note is I found I could lay out in the sun without burning and actually tan. I recently stopped taking Iodoral and for a few weeks I did not notice anything, but here spring is coming and I have gotten sick twice with allergies and my astham is coming back with a vengeance. So I will be getting more Iodoral and also continue to do what the article mentioned. What is interesting to note is the top organs that have the highest needs for Iodine is the brain, thyroid, lungs, and breast. Google Dr. Abraham and iodine and read his recommendations on iodine supplementation. You should read about the other positive effects of iodine supplementation… it is amazing.

It has taken till now – 2012 – to find the answer – wheat, sulphates, salycilamide – (and the rest!) are causing all this. I never eat wheat (pasta makes me near anaphylactic!), cheap chocolate, brightly coloured coating painkillers or drugs, tomatoes, strawberries, advocados etc – all the things you mention and a few more. I dont drink cheap wine or use toxin filled shower wash. I lost 2 stone, have clear skin, positive outlook and dont use inhalers at all. I have a cat too. I dont miss any of the offending cause foodstuffs at all. Wheat is the MAIN culprit – tomatoes, strawberries the next.

I’m surprised that there was no mention about allergies. I had asthma from age 5 to age 42 and I took medication all that time. Two years ago, I finally became asthma free after going to a naturopath who diagnosed that I was gluten (or maybe wheat) intolerant. After 3 weeks I had no asthma, the first time in all those years, without any medication.  I have remained gluten free and I get no asthma. Asthma is an allergy to either wheat, eggs, dairy, soy or maybe other things such as citrus.

I was a lifelong asthma sufferer taking daily medication until doing a Buteyko course at the age of 42 in 2000. I have been asthma free and drug free ever since. Regaining my health inspired me to train as a Buteyko Institute instructor and have now helped over 1600 people experience the benefits of this life saving programme for asthma. There are now seven published studies published, in leading medical journals worldwide, demonstrating the effectiveness of Buteyko and breathing re-training for asthma. I agree

that omega 3 and vitamin D are essential but without correct breathing you will still have your asthma. Physical exercise is also beneficial but may trigger exercise induced asthma unless you learn to breathe correctly. Here are some helpful tips for those of you with problem asthma: People with asthma usually breathe through their mouths and use their upper chest muscles instead of the diaphragm. Try always to breathe through your nose even when exercising. Practise diaphragmatic breathing exercises for 5 minutes 2-3 times a day. Avoid dairy products and reduce consumption of refined carbohydrates especially before bed. You should also avoid refined, processed food and additives as much as possible. Caffeine and alcohol stimulate the breathing and should be avoided in the evening during times when your asthma is worse. Many will find their asthma is worse at bedtime. This is because breathing volume tends to increase when you lie down, especially on your back. Sleep with the head elevated and preferably on your left side, not on your back. If asthma symptoms worsen requiring more reliever you should review your asthma management strategy and preventer medication dosage with your prescribing health provider. If you are serious about overcoming your asthma naturally seek out a qualified Buteyko Institute Glenn White BSc MSc MBIBH Buteyko Institute instructor, Auckland, New Zealand.  

The Buteyko method is a breathing technique that can help relieve asthma symptoms by slowing breathing and boosting the CO2 levels in the bloodstream. This has the effect of opening up airways, decreasing both bronchoconstriction and inflammation. Eventually, you can train yourself to permanently slow breathing and control asthma symptoms.

After reading information about Vitamin D posted, I increased my intake via supplement (impossible to get enough sun the majority of the year where I live) this past Autumn, and to my amazement, not only have I NOT been sick the entire winter (for the first time in 20 years!), I no longer need my asthma medication. I did not expect THAT to happen, and this report confirms what I’ve already found out for myself. I’ve been telling everybody I know about this, because for me, this is nothing short of a miracle – my asthma went undiagnosed until I was 43 years old because the primary symptom was coughing and extended periods of severe bronchitis every time I got a cold, rather than the “typical” wheezing and attacks people generally associate with asthma.  When I was a kid, I was always the one who couldn’t keep up with the others – I couldn’t run without getting horribly short of breath, with a painful “stitch” in the side of my ribs and burning lungs, my lungs always burned after swimming in cold water, I couldn’t ride my bike up a hill (or even a mild incline) like other kids, summer heat and humidity damn near killed me.  I also had horribly itchy dermatitis all over my body, and I’d wake up with my eyelids stuck shut from the nasty yellow gook, and by the time I’d get it washed off, my eyelids would be bleeding. I’ve known since I was a young adult I have numerous allergies, and occasionally have had the “typical” type of attack, but I didn’t realize the bronchitis and these attacks were asthma until a friend heard me coughing during a bout of bronchitis, and, alarmed, told me I sounded like I have asthma.  As she put it, “My daughter has asthma, I know what it sounds like!”  Traditional asthma treatment stopped the attacks of severe bronchitis, and allowed me to exercise again, but it didn’t prevent me from getting cold after cold and strep infections all winter – only Vitamin D has done this, AND eliminated the need for medications!

I found that a plant-based diet was very beneficial for people with asthma. Diets high in meat, especially fatty meats like beef and pork, can be big asthma triggers. A diet consisting of fresh fruits, raw vegetables, nuts, oatmeal, brown rice, and whole grains is best. It should also include significant amounts of protein. I immediately started to incorporate more vegan meals daily until I was comfortable with the change. I started eating about 75% vegan and I saw results in about 30 days. I didn’t need my inhaler anymore and I haven’t used it since. I became aware of my shortness of breath immediately after eating or drinking certain things like desserts, wine, peanuts and cheese.  Consuming these items can trigger your asthma, in addition to other items such as: Eggs, Soy, Wheat, Nuts, Cow’s milk (cheese, ice cream, yogurt), Processed foods (packaged, canned, boxed, frozen), Soft drinks, Fast food, Alcoholic beverages, Shrimp, Bottled juices, Food colouring, Desserts (made with sugar, artificial ingredients and high contents of fat). Asthma can also be brought on by exercise, smoking, allergies, pet dander, dust mites, and even stress. As the root of my discomfort was revealed, my determination to get rid of it grew strong and so did my love for whole foods and a healthy lifestyle. Pounds slowly started shedding and they continue too, 25 pounds and counting. It was all mainly a process of elimination for me.  I keep track of what bothers me and what doesn’t now and I avoid those items that will cause me discomfort as much as possible. Here is a list of some of my favourite items I enjoy weekly, some of them have good sources of protein (listed in grams) per serving: Quinoa, Walnuts, cashews and almonds, Avocado, Sweet potato, Spinach, Broccoli, Garbanzo beans (Hummus), Sprouted grains, Kale, Apples, Grapefruit, Arugula.

I was reducing my symptoms to some extent with a regular intake of fish oil, evening primrose oil, vitamin C, and magnesium.  Taking fish oil daily was a major turning point — it really helped keep my airway inflammation in check.  I think my Omega-3/Omega-6 fatty acid ratio was severely skewed towards Omega-6 (just as it is in most people in the U.S., including vegetarians and vegans). The additional Omega-3’s (EPA/DHA) in fish oil helped correct this problem. I noticed another consistent improvement in my symptoms when I reduced the amount of wheat I was eating. I sharply reduced the amount of bread, pasta, pizza, pastries, and even whole-wheat products I was consuming.  My breathing improved, and within a few months I lost about ten pounds of fat and retained water weight. I also I cut out all grains, legumes, cow’s milk, and processed foods increasing fresh fruit, and non-starchy vegetables, with olive oil, and nuts. I also started to eat grass-fed/pastured meat and butter (much higher in anti-inflammatory Omega-3’s than grain-fed animal products), and to supplement with 5K IU of vitamin D on most days (especially during the winter). The effects of this dietary experiments were dramatic.  My asthma symptoms virtually disappeared, and I lost an additional ten pounds of fat and retained water.

Hi folks, as a long time asthma/allergy sufferer, I’ve read all the posts here and would like to tell you what has worked for me.  Over two years ago, through my subscription to Health Sciences Institute (“HSI”) newsletter, I learned about Tango Nutrition’s Allerphase, which is a blend of Chinese herbs that have been used to treated asthma/allergy patients China for hundreds of years.  If you go on their website you can read the specs on the product, their testimonials, etc. It’s an amazing product. I would have low grade wheezing during the day which I would ignore, but when I laid down at night to sleep, I couldn’t ignore it.  Within 10 mins. of taking one Allerphase capsule, the wheezing abated and I could sleep.   I have not used my emergency inhaler, nor my maintenance inhaler in over 2 1/2 years because of this product.  Having said that, I always seemed to have this very low grade wheezing that was only noticeable when I would take a very deep breath and try to breath out until there was no breath left and you would hear this low grade wheezing.  Again, reading another article in an HSI newsletter a few months ago I read an article on COPD and what might be available to reverse the damage that COPD does to the lungs, notwithstanding the damage that steroids which are in the inhalers, do to our lungs.  The article speaks of sulforaphane glucosinolate (sgs) which is found in broccoli.  I don’t have the article handy to quote from, but my recollection is that it fixes a lot, if not all, the damage that COPD does to lungs.  It’s made by Jarrow formulas and is called BroccoMax.  I ordered two bottles ($17.00 each).  A few days into starting the 2nd bottle, I realized that I didn’t have that low grade wheezing that I could never get rid of.  For the first time in 40 years, I threw out all my inhalers which I kept on hand even though the Allerphase kept my asthma under control.  You’ve got nothing to lose by trying these two products, but everything to gain.

I’ve had adult asthma for about 32 years. During that very long period, I used my emergency bronchodilator medicine at least once a day and on many, many days, as often as two to three times a day. In the late 1970’s and throughout most of the 80’s, I also took theophylline pills, which increase the heart rate (I always hated that). I also used an inhaled steroid medicine occasionally (after this drug became available) when the wheezing and airway tightness were really bad. About 16 months ago, I cut out all grains from my diet (except for several servings of brown rice a week), meaning my diet is now gluten-free. I was able to reduce significantly the inflammatory conditions I have (or had)–asthma, arthritis, and hypertension–and eliminate completely GERD (acid reflux) on this new diet-for-life. However, I still had some mild asthma symptoms flare-up this past winter. And lately, with spring pollen counts rising, I have had some minor episodes of wheezing, which keep me from falling asleep until I cough up the mucous. I am also an HSI subscriber and just recently they wrote about BroccoMax (from Jarrow Formulas) again. Because I need to do more to quell the remaining inflammation I have in my system, I decided to order two bottles of BroccoMax (from webvitamins<dot>com) and just received my order a week ago. I also recently ordered Dr. M’s new Vit D3 spray mist, and the Organic India turmeric capsules. I also use a lot of turmeric in my food. I don’t remember reading about the Allerphase product, but I’ll go to HSI’s web site and look it up. But with the new supplements I recently started, I’m looking forward to overcoming my occasional episodes of wheezing and airway tightness completely. However, I’m not going to throw out my remaining supply of a bronchodilator medicine (used with a nebulizer) until I’m sure that I can be free of any asthma symptoms for a full year.

I was exposed to Buteyko breathing techniques over 15 years ago. I tried it in on a number of patients and never saw great results. However, as this forum, and many others clearly express, many have found benefit with it.  Certainly falls into my category of natural and inexpensive so would encourage others to give it a try in addition to the other approaches I mentioned.

I am always surprised when anyone talks about asthma, and fail to even acknowledge the C02 connection. I have many asthma clients who have gotten off their inhalers, and other drugs simply breathing in a paper sack for 3-5 minutes 2 times daily. C02 is what calms and soothes bronchial tissue. It will stop an attack, and that will prove it to anyone that it works. Also works to stop panic attacks. If you want more proof that I am not crazy here, take a breath per minute reading on someone, then see how long they can hold their breath. The breaths per minute should be between 14-18, 16 being ideal. The breath hold should be between 60-80. If the breaths per minute is lower than 14, when you check their breath holds, it will be lower than the norm of 60-80 seconds. This is because C02 is what releases 02 from the hemoglobin for use in the blood and tissue. So when breaths per minute are low, the breath hold will be also, because there is not enough C02 to release it. Now have them breath in a paper sack for 3-5 minutes and take the breath hold reading again. It will have gone up. And if you repeat this, it will continue to rise until normal levels are achieved. Try it, the body talks, we just are not tuned in to listen.  This has everything to do with protein digestion too, but that is another topic. Most people I test in today’s world are C02 deficient, and getting that balanced out is the key to not only healing asthma, but many other health issues, low sodium bicarb, and HCL are two results of low C02, which causes most of our digestive issues.

Vitamin D alone are enough to help asthma. For those stating vitamin D has not helped your asthma, and those of us living in the land of the sun… we need to consider the entire recipe, not one ingredient!

Novice Zen health that makes no sense at all. Asthmatics are already suffering from rising CO2 levels as they struggle to breathe going into respiratory acidosis and eventual death. Why would you do this other than to try and make them pass out quickly? The next time I have an asthma attack I will try it, but I can tell you what I want and need is not CO2, but O2 when I can’t breathe.

This really works best as a preventative. Try breathing in a paper sack for 3-5 minutes 2-3 times daily and see if your symptoms/attacks decrease. If you do it daily, you may find you have no more attacks, but if you do, try it first, and if it gets too much, default to your inhaler. Check your breaths per minute and your breath holds, and I bet you will find they are both low, or high right now, if you are asthmatic. Then practice the bag breathing for a few days, and then check your BPM, and breath hold again, and I bet they will be closer to the 16 BPM, and 60-80 seconds on breath hold. And you will breath easier. Fact: C02 is what soothes the smooth muscle of the lungs, and calms inflammation. C02 is also what stabilizes and energizes the cells, all cells of the body. This is little known info, but becoming more so as people realize it works. C02 is what releases 02 from the hemoglobin. It is the only thing that can release 02 at the cell level. Think about that and what it means. With out sufficient C02, we cannot have enough 02 available, thus asthma attacks, sleep apnea, low protein digestion, hypothyroidism, all start with a C02 deficiency. If it is true that the body can only live 30 second without C02, and can live 4 minutes without oxygen, which one do you think you would die without the quickest? When you give someone mouth to mouth to resuscitate them, what are you blowing into their mouth? C02. What revives them? C02. Try it, you will be amazed. Let me know how it works out for you…

Co2 is most of the time elevated above the normal 35-45 window in a person with asthma and/or COPD.  I know this from being a registered respiratory therapist for 13 years.  But I really do believe zenhealth –that apparently there has been some sort of success, even if it makes no sense at ALL.  I plan to try it myself since I am asthmatic, and also desperate to get rid of the drugs! The drugs don’t really work for me anyway, and I’ve been looking for a natural alternative to them for years.  I’m not expecting for the bag-breathing to work in the least, and if it does work, I will be doing some personal research myself.  Being in the medical field for so long, I know how completely backward they are!  They really do want to make all conditions chronic instead of curing anything.  It is all about money.  Asthma is a big money-maker. I will say, too, that my asthma significantly improved when I avoided everything on the “avoid” lists for my blood type (Eat Right For Your Type by Peter D’Adamo).  But I’m type “O”, so I’m not sure if it’s because for my blood type, wheat, corn, dairy and other known common allergies / intolerances are all on the “avoid” list.  It makes sense to avoid all that stuff and just see if it works… but “O” is the most common blood type, so…  Hope the info helps.

The Buteyko technique cured my asthma and has helped many thousands of people all over the world take control of their health. It has doubtless saved countless lives as well. There is a plethura of information about it on the Internet. The paradox is that it is a simple, perfectly safe breathing technique with clear parallels in many ancient traditions including Chinese and Indian medicine.

Asthmatics actually have LOW levels of carbon dioxide in their system, generally about 3.5 – 4.5% instead of what they need — 6 – 6.5%. What this means is that, the haemoglobin-oxygen bond is too tight and so the oxygen is not actually delivered to the tissues. With low levels of CO2 (which is greatly exacerbated by mouth breathing) bronchial constriction happens. You end up with a cascading effect with inflammation and mucous production increasing which greatly reduces the flow of air through the airways. Healthy breathing means nose breathing, no chest or shoulder movement and a slow rate of breathing — 8 to 12 breaths per minute. When it is stated that 14 is normal — that is maybe so, but that does not make it a healthy rate. By the way, breathing into a paper bag for panic is effective for a few seconds. However, breathing into a bag for more than 10 seconds is unhealthy. CO2 is a poison at high levels (we die at 9.5%) and should be exhaled, not inhaled. Be careful about messing around with your breathing — it is a very powerful way to get well – and to get sick.

It has been proven that most of not all disease is caused by Acidic Waste that is not flushed out of the body daily (Google Dr Otto Warburg).  Your body will die if you can not exhale the CO2 and bring in fresh Oxygen.  All Cells produce waste and when you neglect the need of your body for quality water to flush the waste the toxins just continue to build up.  I have seen Asthma and COPD disappear when the sufferer properly hydrates with Whole Life Water (Google).  The wastes build up in tissue and causes inflammation which may show up as many different diseases depending on that persons genetic make-up (weakest Link).  By removing the toxic waste, we remove the cause of the inflammation / Dis-Ease and there are no symptoms.  Think of what happens if you have an aquarium and you never change the water…your body is no different and is in fact 75 to 90% water.  When we give it acidic soda pop, coffee or the latest sports drink you are just making it worse.  What your body needs is quality Alkaline water to neutralize and flush the toxins so your body can naturally return to health.  There is more information at or I have had great results with my arthritis and I have seen others return to health from Diabetes, COPD, Asthma, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol and many other Acidic Waste caused Dis-Eases.  Have You Changed Your Water Today?  Try it; your cells will thank you!

The state of Queensland, Australia has one of the highest rates of asthma in the world, given that it also has some of the highest amounts of sunshine in the world.  I also am surprised that Mercola does not mention the Buteyko breathing method at all.  I have been in the company of 2 friends at separate times who suffered an asthma attack and did not have their inhalers.  I managed to relax them enough to try the breathing method, having heard how it is done but not actually having used it before, and to my happy surprise they were quickly symptom free.

Your Vitamin D level, “getting plenty of sun” may not be as much as you think. Test results may surprise you. But D is only one of several approaches to a powerful immune system. Experience has borne out my belief that our need for Vitamin C is vastly underestimated. Trial and error has put my need for C at 6 grams/day, and this was true before I began to supplement with D. I have not had a cold for as long as I can remember—years, not months. At the first sign, I take a gram of C, a couple of Echinacea and an olive leaf every two hours, all day. I never have to continue for a second day.

Started Regarding animal sources of DHA and EPA. The EPA in fish comes from algae, rather than being produced by the fish themselves. The same case for DHA. Martek Biosciences produces DHA from algae that is added to 99% of US infant formula and in formula sold in over 75 other countries.

I have been reading Dr T. Lobsang Rampa’s books regularly. In one of his books he gives treatment for Asthma, generally considered incurable. I have tried to pass on this information to a number of patients over the past few years, mostly people believe Asthma is not curable, and DO NOT try the method. It is a simple Breathing Technique. Only Six patients have tried and got cured of Asthma.

I play underwater hockey and can really exercise very hard as you have to HOLD your breath so does not make you out of breath. This has helped my asthma and my levels of fitness.

I would just like to add that one of the most common causes of asthma (which, as with all illness, is essentially abnormal cellular function) is the vertebral subluxation complex.  Nerves that travel to organs of the upper thorax can often become impeded due to scarring and degeneration of the spinal column at the level of the nerve root.  This is prominent in our society today because people are largely inactive and spend long periods of time sitting.  This causes the joints of the spinal column to become fixed and scar tissue develops. This lack of motion at the joint causes damage to the nerve, which is responsible for communicating signals from the brain that orchestrate functions of the associated tissues and organs.  Anyone suffering from asthma, or any other visceral disorder for that matter, needs to be evaluated for vertebral subluxation by a principled chiropractor and get it corrected so that the nervous system can function as close to 100% as possible.

I was a lifelong asthma sufferer taking daily medication until doing a Buteyko course in 2000. I have been asthma free and drug free ever since.

We built our homes to be air tight, but now we can’t let them breathe and all the nasty stuff is stuck inside and thats what goes in our lungs. There is mold and mildew and pet dander, the VOC (Volatile organic compund) from the chemicals in our homes. Smoke is another large factor, even 3rd degree has an impact on the air we breathe. So is dust and dust mites, all these things are what most people are breathing into there lungs. Its sad that the indoor air quality may contain even more pollutants and contaminants than the outdoors! Everyone need to look into cleaning up the air they breathe to breathe a little easier.

We have been studying the effects of adding organic sulfur back into the diets of our Study members since 1999. Those with arthritis have decreased their pain and increased their motility. Those with fibro myalgia are not crazy any more nor are they in constant pain from the nerve endings in their muscle insertions. Those with glaucoma have reported their lowest intra ocular pressures over multiple decades, what is more cataracts have been mysteriously disappearing “cataracts.” Hesh Goldstein who hosts a Health Talk radio program in Hawaii told me that he recently realized that he had not used his inhaler for two months while living down wind from Kilauea since adding sulfur to his “total Vegan” diet. 300 mostly Vegan Study members from Hawaii have been responding very effectively to the addition of sulfur to their diets. 34 of our Study members are no longer dependent upon bottled oxygen 24 7 soon after adding sulfur to their diets, that is cellular regeneration from our view point. All of the conditions and symptomatic issues which prompt reading alternative health information have increased since the petrochemical industry broke the US sulfur cycle in 1954 and have been adding toxic chemicals to our foods rather than promoting growing “real” complete food. No chemicals added to our soil, food, water, and especially the air could be the Solution, and we control the purse strings, interesting.

One thing I didn’t notice being mentioned was that food allergies/intolerances can also mimic many of the same symptoms as asthma. When I drink milk (I’m allergic to casein), I get full of mucus, which then runs down my throat and makes me cough; I also “snort” the snot out of my nasal passages and down my throat (I know, sounds really gross, and it is. Can’t seem to find any way to get rid of that problem, either). When I eat wheat/gluten (horribly intolerant), I cough and wheeze. Not saying I don’t have asthma; mine is what’s called Exercise-induced. But food allergies/intolerances sure make the symptoms spike. If I abstain from eating the foods my body is unable to tolerate, I notice that I do not suffer from any asthma symptoms. In fact, I’m going to try to go off my Advair this summer. I’ve already been taken off 5 prescription pills! If anyone out there is suffering from lots of chronic issues and is wondering what to try next (rather than going on “just one more” prescription med), seriously, have yourself tested for food intolerances/allergies. I guarantee, you’ll probably be very surprised at what you find out. I discovered I have 2 food allergies and 22 food intolerances. Yeah. And I still think there are other issues with my guts that haven’t been resolved yet. But we’re finally getting there!

Started As with any condition, especially chronic conditions, there are multiple causes at play with different respiratory issues. I use the gluten restriction as well, in fact, I tell my clients to get off all breads, cereals, and other grains, except rice while they are recovering their health. Gluten, GMO’s, environmental toxins, food borne toxins and allergens. Basically anything that is artificial, the body does not recognize, and therefore often does not have the resources to eliminate, and that is a whole other problem. But all respiratory issues can be soothed with the bag breathing exercise. Just try it. Prove it to yourself that it works. Check your breath per minute, and breath holds as described in my original post where they are now, and then do the 3-5 minutes of bag breathing 2 times daily for a few days and see if you don’t improve. Both in the change in reading, and also a decrease in symptoms. I have had more than a little success with this. We are talking hundreds of cases. Hard cases. People who have spent their life savings trying to find an answer, and the answer is in a practically free paper sack, pretty humbling… Remember, C02 is what soothes the bronchial tissue. This info was well know in the 1940’s, for a time until 02 was touted as the more important of the two. Truth is they are both vital. In the 1940’s Yondell Henderson discovered, or re-discovered the truth about C02, and several cities began using C02/02 inhalers (called an H&H inhaler) on their fire trucks, with much success.  But 02 had more money behind it so, you know how that goes…

Sprouted grains, such as Ezekiel Bread, and their effects on asthma/allergies?  According to Adamo, that’s what I should be eating.  I have lots of allergies, and am trying little by little to convert to using glass instead of plastic, buying and eating raw more, growing my own, etc.  I’m not sure if I’ll get it all right, but I think the energy and efforts I make toward better personal health will be rewarding. On a totally different side note, it was only recently I learned how they make the sprouted bread.  A friend had quizzed me, doubtful that it could be made without gluten.  I couldn’t answer her, because I had no idea how they could do it.  It was just the other day on this site I read from someone that the sprouted bread is basically pressed together and dehydrated to maintain a cohesive shape and texture.  How cool is that!  Gotta love ingenuity when it’s used to promote health, wellness and a better environment!

They have Vog there..(volcanic fog)…and I had never heard of it.  At a brunch I noticed a kid wheezing and hacking…and I told his mom he sounded like me…and she told me the ER’s were full last night when they brought him in.  I, myself, had to spend a whole day inside my unit in the AC…breathing was too difficult. Then the next day…I went snorkeling.  Had that gear on for about 5 hours constantly underwater…lungs were burning…I was getting dehydrated even…but am a photographer and was really having fun taking pictures.  So, moral of the story?  I couldn’t believe how much it helped my breathing!!! It was like night and day after that.

My problem was a slowly developing allergy to gluten, which causes inflammation in some individuals. I finally eliminated gluten from my diet about 30 years later at age 60. I am now 62 and most of my inflammation problems, including asthma, are gone. I no longer take any pharma drugs (or OTC drugs, especially ibuprofen after it became available without a prescription in the early 1980’s), which I took in my 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s for asthma, arthritis, hypertension, acid reflux, and chronic pain. All of these conditions were a result of INFLAMMATION to an allergen in my diet–gluten. However, I will grant you that there has been an explosion of new pharma drugs in the last 30 years or so, and all of them have multiple side effects, some of which are deleterious effects on the bronchial tree (the site of asthma symptoms). So yes, for some people, I agree that drugs exacerbate underlying inflammation problems of which they are usually unaware. Then these people with “hidden” inflammation develop asthma symptoms as a result of taking pharma drugs. In other words, pharma drugs are the “added insult to injury” for some people.

When we switched to raw (unpastuerized) dairy, and natural, nonperfumed cleaners, my asthma completely cleared up.  I have not used asthma meds in 3 years except for once this past winter when I had a bad lung virus.  My children and I hardly get sick anymore, too.

By the early 90s (around 1992) my daughter (an equine massage therapist) put me onto a booklet by Dr. Zehr, called “HEALTHY STEPS to Maintain or Regain Natural Good Health”.   In this booklet, Dr. Zehr outlined how the excessive use of antibiotics had contributed to the Asthma epidemic that was sweeping North America at the time.   His article ended with a vitamin/mineral regmen which I followed for the recommended period of 3 months.  To shorten a long story, I have been asthma free since about 1992 (17 years now)   I am 75 years young and can still do a flight of stairs “two at a time”.  If anyone reading this item wishes, I have Dr. Zehr’s item in My Documents and would be glad to share it with anyone who asks.

There are over 20 other nutrients involved to mitigate asthma. And then allergetic causes constitute another group Heidiandrea – thanks for the info. You are even better off if you soak & possibly sprout the seed.  🙂

1) Exercise, in my experience, is merely a short term fix. With a regular exercise plan, you can stop using all medication due to the natural anti-inflammatory rebound effect of exercise, but the symptoms will return almost immediately if you don’t change your diet. 2) Optimize GI flora. EM (effective Microorganisms) are by far the best probiotics I have ever tried. This can be very helpful.

3) Avoid allergens if possible. Observe the effects of certain foods like wheat and dairy on your asthma and be honest with yourself if they cause a reaction.

4) Optimize digestion by avoiding overeating, particularly overeating on foods that don’t digest well together.

It is called Black Seed, or Black Cumin Seed or Charnuska seed.  To make sure you can find the right variety, its Latin name is Nigella sativa.  This small black onion-like seed, from the literature that I have read, is made up of over 100 components.  One of its most amazing properties is anti-inflamatory in relation to asthma.  In a primer booklet on this herb, they described how a very sick asthmatic horse was cured by feeding this seed into its grain.  The knoledge about this seed in Egypt ant Turkey is common, however, in the west, not many people are aware of its presence or beneficial properties.  Just do a search on it to read up on it and to find suppliers.  It also have very good anti-parasite properties.

Asthmatics are sensitive to salicylates which are found in processed foods, artificial colors, preservatives, and unfortunately many fruits and some natural foods.  Beware, too, of these found in markers, play-dough, stampers, fragrances, shampoos, lotions, etc for kids.  We’ve used a combination of diet (mainly Feingold) and chiropractic care and my son’s been medication-free for 2 years.  SO WORTH THE EFFORT!

I am gluten, salicylate and lectin intolerant. Unfortunately, I believe I have suffered permanent damage through being poisoned for most of my life. You forgot to mention that Aspirin is pure salicylic acid, and needs to be avoided. The things highest in salicylates are most herbs (and yes, mint is the absolute worst offender), teas except for chamomile, honey, all berries. In fact all fruits except for peeled pears and bananas are bad. Also, (which is very unfortunate) organic fruits and vegetables have a hugely higher amount of salicylates than non-organic ones, making them off-limits for me. I will try the paper sack idea, as it seems to make a lot of sense. Due to being exposed to my son’s dog while babysitting his kids, I have had bouts of asthma and bronchitis for months now, and can’t seem to shake it.

Glyconutrients. I got hold of some of these supplements that were so rich in these nutrients that my body was missing, put them in my mouth, and my immune system began to get back its intelligence somehow. Well, it must have, because I no longer over-react to the old triggers, nor do I have wheezes or tight chest, and if a cold or flu bug comes my way- guess what? It will be mild & I can fight it off easy-peasy! I’d lived in a farm, organic fresh veggies, raw milk, codliver oil etc- so what was missing? Must have been those glyconutrients?

Both gluten and dairy (as well as soy) will affect the brain in terrible ways in susceptible individuals. Gluten has been shown to cause depression, bi-polar and schizophrenia, as well as ADHD and autism. And yes, it can certainly cause ‘IBS’ (not a valid diagnosis, as the irritable bowel is caused by something, and the IBS is a symptom), GERD, nerve ataxia, asthma, MS and horrible skin problems. One of my husband’s cousins was severely depressed for years, and took anti-depressants without much success. Until she found out that she had a severe dairy intolerance. As soon as she stopped having dairy she got better, and was completely well within a week. If she is ever foolish enough to eat or drink a dairy product, she will be back in that deep, black pit of full-blown depression by the next day. If there are no extenuating circumstances for depression, like a death, abuse or whatever makes you really sad, then there should be a physical reason (and no, the usual explanation of a ‘chemical imbalance’ in the brain is not a valid one, in fact, it is utter nonsense and has never been proven). So, why don’t you try doing an elimination diet to find out what you are intolerant to, and see if cutting out the foods you are suspicious of would make you better? You have nothing to lose.

Magnesium, Flaxseed oil (good quality capsules only though), vitamin C and water, water, water. One week, my asthma, urticaria and bloating were so bad I was literally ‘driven’ to eating only what I truly was ‘drawn to’ – the above foods. The result was incredible – absolutely incredible. Sorry GP’s – I dont need your inhalers and prednisolone any more! Its within us all to cure ourselves. Serious.  When my own daughter gets a chest cough after a cold, vitamin D and zinc-rich food (or supplements) helps clear it up much faster.

On my research, the center of all autoimmune disease is the immune system, next is the gut. I changed my daughter’s diet with lots of fiber and adding lactobacillus to it. There was no asthma or cough attacks/labored breathing except when stressed out from travelling but usually worn out fast. But after forgetting the high fiber vegetable diet due to busy days and travelling, her asthma went back. Another, empirical approach, was coming from my younger brother’s abnormal skin allergic reaction —-during his 5th year in college and probably severe stressed reaction due to his thesis deadline, he developed an abnormal allergic reaction of his skin suddenly —-doctor prescribed him an anti-inflammatory drug, the result was significant but left him drowse to sleep, and the four hours effect was reduced to 2 hours until one hour —a bite of an ant could create an all over the body itch and inflammation, and worsen, just by thinking of an itch in any part of his body, it created all over body inflammation –the medications failed. Until, I “theorized” that since it’s the immune system decision in error —– his body would be teaching his immune system how to react in the right way without meds., and, that is by enduring the itch without scratching his skin, after 4 hours of itching ordeal, I observed my brothers skin began to lessen the inflammatory reaction, but the thought of itch, the skin inflamed again, until on the 2nd or 3rd day without medication, his skin allergy was gone. It did return after a week but he didn’t mind it at all, and it was literally gone.