Therapies such as acupuncture, biofeedback, and “Therapeutic Touch” (laying on of hands to channel the “Universal Life Energy” to the patient) are increasingly accepted and practised by physicians, hospitals, and clinics. The use of meditation and visualization are commonly prescribed to reduce stress and anxiety. Also, at the local chiropractor’s office, spinal adjustments are frequently combined with mystic forms of “energy balancing.” However, there is there is enough evidence that all the healing methods included in the term “New Age Medicine” are based on spiritism (or spiritualism) and very closely related to the New Age Movement philosophy.

The most popular New Age remedies and therapies include charismatic healing (in Catholic and evangelical churches), homeopathy, reflexology (acupressure), emotional freedom technique (EFT), acupuncture, hypnosis, ear candling, iridology, radionics, radiesthesia, reiki, bioenergotherapy, yoga, urotherapy (urine therapy or urinotherapy), tai chi, ayurveda, and many others.

Unlike other natural alternative approaches, treatments and remedies which are safe and healthy, these methods are often based on spiritism, occult, and human mysterious innate powers. According to Wilson & Weldon, “All these different healing methods have the same basic foundation, a non-measurable energy. This energy has been given at least ninety different names yet they all refer to the same thing. Of the men who gave so many names to this energy, it was found that the first fifty of them reviewed were mediums.”

Long time ago I myself used to practice some of those mysterious methods with great results until I realized that they slowly and gradually kept imposing a negative influence on my emotional and spiritual health. Yes, these techniques, including homeopathy, often work and are too effective to be explained by the placebo effect, but they don’t remove the true cause of the problem and sooner or later those who use those therapies and remedies have to pay the consequences which are usually associated with mental and spiritual sphere of human life.


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This negative influence can be explained by the fact that when we carefully analyse the origins of those methods, as well as the philosophies and influences which are hidden behind them, we can clearly see that there is always some mysterious, spiritual relationship, including spiritism, associated with those approaches.

It is easy to explain and even scientifically prove how nutritional supplements, herbs, therapeutic clay, activated charcoal, hydrotherapy (water treatments), exercise, unrefined plant foods prevent or even reverse different diseases but all the New Age treatments and remedies are based on ideas or hypotheses which are impossible to explain, measure or analyse.


According to Encyclopedia Britannica, “New Age movement is a movement that spread through the occult and metaphysical religious communities in the 1970s and 80s. It looked forward to a ‘New Age’ of love and light and offered a foretaste of the coming era through personal transformation and healing. The movement’s strongest supporters were followers of modern esotericism, a religious perspective that is based on the acquisition of mystical knowledge and that has been popular in the West since the 2nd century ad, especially in the form of Gnosticism. Ancient Gnosticism was succeeded by various esoteric movements through the centuries, including Rosicrucianism in the 17th century and Freemasonry, theosophy, and ritual magic in the 19th and 20th centuries. In the late 19th century Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, co-founder of the Theosophical Society, announced a coming New Age. She believed that theosophists (who embraced Buddhist and Brahmanic notions such as reincarnation) should assist the evolution of the human race and prepare to cooperate with one of the Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood whose arrival was imminent. Blavatsky believed that, as the world’s hidden leaders, members of this mystical brotherhood guided the destiny of the planet. Her ideas contributed to expectation of a New Age among practitioners of Spiritualism and believers in astrology, for whom the coming of the new Aquarian Age promised a period of brotherhood and enlightenment. Blavatsky’s successor, Annie Besant, predicted the coming of a messiah, or world saviour, who she believed was the Indian teacher Jiddu Krishnamurti. In the 1940s Alice A. Bailey, founder of the Arcane School (an organization that disseminated spiritual teachings), suggested that a new messiah, the Master Maitreya, would appear in the last quarter of the 20th century. Bailey also established the ‘Triangles’ program to bring people together in groups of three to meditate daily. Participants in the program believed that they received divine energy, which they shared with those around them, thus raising the general level of spiritual awareness.” (source >)

The New Age Movement (NAM) can be defined as mixture of pantheistic and occult philosophies that created countless beliefs, and practices including various healing methods and therapies inspired by “universal energy” or “channelled spirits”, although in reality they are fallen angels which the Bible refers to a lying spirits, or, demons.

The New Age Movement is based on the unbiblical pantheistic belief according to which everything (including man) is God and God is everything, and that man never dies, but continues to live through reincarnation.

However, according to the clear biblical teaching, there is only one God and only He is naturally immortal. All human beings are by nature mortal although they can receive the gift if eternal life if they truly believe in Jesus Christ and accept Him as their Saviour.

New Age Movement – Walter J Veith (VIDEO) >


Throughout history there were always people who tried to gain supernatural power and “secret” knowledge apart from God and His truth revealed in the Bible. In doing so, they stepped into the territory of God’s enemy and the dangerous realm of spiritism and “occult“.

The word “occult” refers to a secret knowledge and practices dealing with the paranormal phenomena, usually for the purpose of obtaining personal supernatural illumination and power that does not come from God.

Those who practice occult rely on spiritism or spirits (demons) in order to find hidden knowledge, inspiration, power, and achieve their desires and goals.

Very often that mystical inspiration and supernatural powers were used to create a new healing method or to impose a therapeutic healing.

Occultism, therefore, may refer to Witchcraft, Satanism, Astrology, Spiritism and Spiritistic séances, Palm reading, Shamanism, Yoga, and New Age Alternative Medicine therapies such as Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, Homeopathy, Crystal healing, and many others.


There is some confusion with the terms spiritualism and spiritism. In a sense both terms can be used interchangeably although there is one subtle difference. Both spiritists and spiritualists attempt to communicate with the dead but spiritualists believe in the Bible and open their meetings with prayer while the spiritists don’t.


Spiritism and Spiritualism appear to be very attractive as they promise hidden knowledge, spiritual and healing powers, and knowledge of the future through the communication with spirits and dead ones. The Word of God, however, very clearly warns us against such practices as Satan’s tool to deceive us and influence or even control our minds and spiritual sphere of life.  It is very dangerous to allow God’s enemy to influence our lives through spiritism, occult, New Age Medicine, or Christian charismatic healing because according to the words of Jesus, Satan, who is behind those practices, is a liar and the father of lies”, “he was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him.”, and because “he comes only to kill, still, and destroy”. (John 8:44)

Scripture condemns the practice of consultation with the spirits. There are over 150 severe prohibitions in the Bible against the spiritism, occult, witchcraft, and demon worship. The following quotes are just two examples:

“I will set my face against the person who turns to mediums and spirits to prostitute himself by following them and I will cut him off from his people”. (Leviticus 20:6)

“Let no-one be found among you …, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist, or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord.’ (Deuteronomy 18:10-12)


It’s very interesting fact that leaders or founders of modern new age medicine practices were involved in occult:

– Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, was a spiritist.

– Naturopath Bernard Jensen, the modern founder of iridology, was a member of Rosicrucians – an occult sect encouraging spiritistic contacts.

– The founder of radionics Albert Abras, have been involved in spiritism.

– Dolores Krieger and Dora Kunz, the founders of Therapeutic Touch, were both psychics.

– The Edgar Cayce methods of healing were developed by medium Edgar Cayce.

– George Goodheart, who founded applied kinesiology, was a psychic.

– Rudolph Steiner, the founder of anthroposophical medicine was an occultist who practiced necromancy (contacting the dead).

– Mike Samuels, M.D., who promoted modern visualization, was a confessed spiritist.

Attitudinal healing was influenced by the demonic-written texts, A Course in Miracles, and medium Jane Roberts’ The Nature of Personal Reality; A Seth Book.

– Once leaders in the field of biofeedback, such as Elmer and Alyce Green, were promoters of occultism phenomena;

– Randolph Stone, founder of polarity therapy, was an occultist.

– Wilhelm Reich, the founder of orgonomy, was involved in the occult.

– Robert Assagoili, the founder of psychosynthesis, was an occultist.


Through practising any form of a New Age healing methods we enter controlled by evil angels realm of spiritism and occult allowing demons to gain a spiritual, physical or moral influence over our minds, which over time may even lead to a complete control and possession.


There following popular healing methods seem to be empowered by the evil energy that tempt people to use these dangerous alternative therapies in order to control their minds: charismatic healing (in Catholic and evangelical churches), homeopathy, reflexology (acupressure), emotional freedom technique (EFT), acupuncture, hypnosis, ear candling, iridology, radionics, radiesthesia, reiki, bioenergotherapy, yoga, urotherapy (urine therapy or urinotherapy), tai chi, ayurveda, and many others.

New Age medicine vs God's remedies - list


William Fitzgerald, who invented modern reflexology in 1913, called it “bioelectric energy.” He believed that ten vertical zones of this energy called meridians run through the body, and by rubbing one part of the foot the practitioner can supposedly manipulate the organs and bones and tissues in that particular zone. Mildred Carter says, “By massaging reflexes … you send a healing force to all parts of the body by opening up closed electrical lines that have shut off the universal life force” (Body Reflexology: Healing at Your Fingertips, p. 7). She also says that reflexology is “the healing miracle of the new age we are entering” (p. 8).

Reflexology (acupressure), also called a zone therapy or compression massage, is a technique which involves massaging specific points of one’s feet or hand to bring healing or relief of pain in various parts of the body. For example, by massaging the big toe, you can treat headache. Reflexology, although unknown to many people, is an ancient occult technique! It is based on the theories of yin and yang and the five elements, which were taken right out of ancient occult teachings from China. Dr. William Fitzgerald revived this ancient practice and presented it to the medical profession in 1913.


It is a very popular practice, with millions of people using it each year. Long time ago I myself used to practice reflexology with great results until I realized that it slowly and gradually kept imposing a negative influence on my emotional and spiritual health.

Many reflexologists use the New Age technique of visualization. The Holistic Health Handbook instructs the practitioner to “visualize yourself as being a channel for healing energy that flows through your hands” (p. 184). Eunice Ingham, a disciple of Fitzgerald, describes reflexology as “opening the blocked meridians and channelling the healing power through visualization” (Stories the Feet Have Told Thru Reflexology, p. 29).

It is obvious that reflexology is based on occultic principles and should be avoided by God’s people.



Another mystic healing technique believed to be empowered by evil spirits is also the emotional freedom technique (EFT) (popularized by Dr. Joseph Mercola).

EFT is a method for discharging trapped emotions or bodily pain by releasing blocked energy. Since physical pain is often the result of emotional stress, and emotional stress is often connected to ungodly beliefs, all three of these can and should be addressed together in an EFT session (i.e. pain, emotions and beliefs). EFT is also called “Tapping,” because you are tapping about 3-7 times on each of nine different acupuncture points as you cycle through the process.

Here you can read one of the testimonies which proves that also this mysterious method may impose a bad influence on human mental and spiritual health: „I had a horrible experience with EFT. My advice is don’t do it. Praying is more effective. I experienced many bouts of crying, extreme anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. I was told that the only side effect would be brain deadness for a couple days…”

Another person, after a long experience with EFT wrote the following words: “I know, I have expatiated a lot, but I’d really like to share my experience with you the best I can, possibly to warn other persons. Unfortunately, the EFT as well as similar techniques are inasmuch dangerous, that under the pretence of healing, therapy, psychology, settling of emotional problems, respect for all religions they lead astray right to the New Age” (source >).



Acupuncture is the placement of needles at various points in the body to block pain and bring healing. Its popularity has exploded in the West since the visit of President Richard Nixon to China in 1972. It is based on the Eastern philosophy that there are pathways in the body that facilitate the flow of occultic energy called chi or qi (pronounced chee). A disharmonious flow causes physical and psychological ailments and the flow can be manipulated and harmonized through various practices, such as yoga, acupuncture, qigong, and reiki. The energy flows through the body along pathways calls meridians. There are fourteen primary channels that are (allegedly) manipulated with acupuncture (Jeffrey Singer, “Acupuncture: A Brief Introduction,” The acupuncture points are supposed locations where the meridians come to the surface of the skin.
It is also based on the occultic concepts of yin and yang, which are the two opposite forces of the Qi energy. If the yin and yang are out of balance, ill health results, and they must be brought into balance through the various occultic techniques. There are said to be between 360 and 2,000 acupuncture points. Acupuncture diagnosis is often done by examining the tongue and teeth, listening to the breath, smelling body odour, inquiring about fever, perspiration, appetite, defecation and urination, pain and sleep, and feeling the body for “palpation” in the mystical “ashi” points.  Other forms of acupuncture are electro-acupuncture (the use of weak electrical impulses to stimulate the needles), auriculotherapy or auricular acupuncture (performing acupuncture on the ear), acupressure (applying pressure to the meridian energy points), moxibustion (applying heat to acupuncture points), and cupping (stimulating the points by suction).

Though some modern practitioners in the West are trying to divorce acupuncture from its occultic origins, it is not possible. It is occultic and mystical rather than medical. Felix Mann, first president of the British Medical Acupuncture Society, admitted, “The traditional acupuncture points are no more real than the black spots a drunkard sees in front of his eyes” (Acupuncture: The Ancient Chinese Art of Healing, p. 14).



“Radiesthesia (Cleidomancy, Rhabdomancy) refers to similar practices in which the seeker employs a swinging pendulum or some other mediums to find a lost or hidden object, to foretell the future or to request guidance from the spirit world. Some hold that the action of the pendulum or dowsing rod is driven by spirits. Others say the pendulum responds to energy fields emitted by all living things. And still others insist the pendulum responds to subtle, involuntary muscle movements and therefore reflects the subconscious will” (source >)

It is very common among the new age medicine proponents such as homeopaths to contact spiritualists in their search for cures or to use pendulums to detect and analyse the mysterious energy fields or to use it as a form of medium able to put correct diagnosis and point to an effective homeopathic remedy.



Radionics, also called electromagnetic therapy (EMT), is a form of alternative medicine that claims disease can be diagnosed and treated by applying electromagnetic radiation (EMR), such as radio waves, to the body from an electrically powered device. It is similar to magnet therapy which also applies EMR to the body, but using a magnet that generates a static electromagnetic field. The concept behind radionics originated in the early 1900s with Albert Abrams (1864–1924), who became a millionaire by leasing radionic machines which he designed himself.


Basic to radionic theory and practice is the concept that man and all other life forms share a common ground in that they are submerged in the electro-magnetic energy field of the earth; and further, that each life form has its own electromagnetic field which, if sufficiently distorted, will automatically cause a disease. Accepting that “all is energy”, Radionics sees organs, diseases and remedies as having their own particular frequency or vibration.


Radionics is generally known as a system of vibrational healing generated by radionics instruments that are believed to broadcast healing vibrations to a single subject. They can be used to detect specific elements in mineral samples, or even to test for mineral veins using an aerial photograph or map. Their potential makes them appear magical when considered from the viewpoint of modern science. Their electronic structure makes no sense to the engineer.


Overstressed Americans are increasingly turning to various forms of Eastern meditation, particularly yoga, in search of relaxation and spirituality. Unfortunately, although these meditative techniques are in conflict with biblical spirituality many Christians are practising them.

Many Eastern religions teach that the source of salvation is found within, and that the fundamental human problem is not sin against a holy God but ignorance of our true condition. These world-views advocate meditation and “higher forms of consciousness” as a way to discover a secret inner divinity.

Yoga, deeply rooted in Hinduism, essentially means to be “yoked” with the divine. Yogic postures, breathing, and chanting were originally designed not to bring better physical health and well-being (Western marketing to the contrary), but a sense of oneness with Brahman—the Hindu word for the absolute being that pervades all things. This is pantheism (all is divine), not Christianity.

Transcendental Meditation is a veiled form of Hindu yoga, though it claims to be a religiously neutral method of relaxation and rejuvenation. Initiates to TM receive a mantra (Hindu holy word) to repeat while sitting in yogic postures and engaging in yogic breathing. The goal is to find God within their own beings, since God (Brahman) and the self (Atman) are really one.

Differences in various forms of Eastern meditation aside, they all aim at a supposedly “higher” or “altered” state of consciousness. Meditation guides claim that normal consciousness obscures sacred realities. Therefore, meditation is practised in order to suspend rational patterns of thought.

This helps explain why so many Eastern mystics claim that divine realities are utterly beyond words, thought, and personality. In order to find “enlightenment,” one must extinguish one’s critical capacities—something the Bible never calls us to do (Rom. 12:1-2). In fact, suspending our critical capacities through meditation opens the soul to deception and even to spiritual bondage.

The biblical world-view is completely at odds with the pantheistic concepts driving Eastern meditation. We are not one with an impersonal absolute being that is called “God.” Rather, we are estranged from the true personal God because of our “true moral guilt,” as Francis Schaeffer says.

No amount of chanting, breathing, visualizing, or physical contortions will melt away the sin that separates us from the Lord of the cosmos—however “peaceful” these practices may feel. Moreover, Paul warns that “Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light” (2 Cor. 11:14). “Pleasant” experiences may be portals to peril. Even yoga teachers warn that yoga may open one up to spiritual and physical maladies.

The answer to our plight is not found in some “higher level of consciousness” (really a deceptive state of mind), but in placing our faith in the unmatched achievements of Jesus Christ on our behalf. If it were possible to find enlightenment within, God would not have sent “his one and only Son” (John 3:16) to die on the Cross for our sins in order to give us new life and hope for eternity through Christ’s resurrection. We cannot raise ourselves from the dead.

The biblical concept of prayer assumes that rational and meaningful communication between God and humans is possible. There is no summons to suspend rational judgment even when prayer through the Holy Spirit is “with groans that words cannot express” (Rom. 8:26). Nor should we repeat words meaninglessly to induce a trance (Matt. 6:7).

In the Bible, meditation always means pondering God’s revealed truths and reflecting on how they pertain to us. David revels in the richness of God’s law throughout Psalm 119. He encourages us to meditate on it: “I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways. I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word” (Ps. 119:15-16). Since all Scripture is God-breathed (2 Tim. 3:16), all of it is profitable for meditation in the biblical sense. (source >)


Reiki is often described as a hands-on healing technique that transfers universal (Rei) life force (ki) energy to a client (or yourself) in order to promote healing and restoration. To undiscerning folk, this description makes Reiki appear to be just a step away from common, acceptable forms of physical therapy. However, what is not widely known is that Reiki students and practitioners have to undergo initiations, called ‘attunements’ or so-called sacred rites, as they move up the Reiki ladder towards becoming a Reiki Master (my initiation took place in a storage room of The Reiki Centre-cum-bookstore). As you can plainly see, Reiki incorporates secret or hidden knowledge–the very definition of occult. In addition, we initiates were taught secret hand movements and symbols that are used to give power to the healing energy. This universal energy is referred to as ‘thoughtforms’–something that allowed us to have the psychic impressions. Whenever I laid hands on a client, noticeable heat and warmth would flow from the energy that was streaming through me; and many times, as I touched clients’ shoulders, their shirts would become soaking wet. (read more >)

Testimony from an ex-Reiki master 

Although Reiki can initially provide healing and a sense of peace, it didn’t seem to work for many Reikians I’ve met over the years. I saw one after the other get into personal difficulties after several years being active with Reiki and the New Age and seeing many short-term healing. It took me some time to realise I had become one of them. Then I met Jesus Christ and I was set free and baptised, and after 12 years of being an active Reiki master, I became a new creation, praise the Lord.

In 2006 there were about 60 million Reikians, 19 million websites about various forms of Reiki. Today, in 2013, a Google search for “Reiki” returns 55 million results. Reiki ‘masters’ invite people “to be like Jesus, by also becoming a Reiki master”. Deceived Christians testify that Reiki worked and brought them closer to God.

Many go into Reiki believing they will learn the same healing method as Jesus used by the laying on of hands. Unfortunately people do not realise that there is no biblical basis for Reiki. By practising it, they take themselves away from the Cross and the healing blood of Jesus, and put themselves under sin, and more Old Testament demonic bondages than they bargained for, which results more and more in disobedience to God and legal grounds for the demonic.

Yes, Reiki works – it ‘heals’ – but you will end up with a whole heap of trouble

Reiki is a healing system purportedly using Reiki energy; “spiritual life force energy” known as “the Usui method of natural Reiki healing”. As most people are told that Jesus used Reiki to heal, many Christians think nothing of using Reiki.

There are various different competing Reiki denominations, but in general it is said that Reiki energy is activated by the laying on of hands, channelling the Reiki energy to yourself or others.

This is made possible because someone took a Reiki seminar, paid for it and got opened spiritually through the Reiki rituals of the Reiki master. After that the Reiki energy starts flowing automatically whenever you place your hands on somebody, thus channelling the Reiki energy through oneself to the other person, always receiving Reiki whilst giving Reiki to others, for protection and as a blessing. Following daily self-treatments with Reiki, “further ‘spiritual growth”, and an increasing addiction to Reiki is guaranteed.

When a healing occurs they give the glory to Reiki, “Oh no, I can’t heal you, Reiki did, and if you want to learn this as well….” Often through a Reiki healing testimony people are drawn to the first Reiki level. Around 65% of these are women, who frequently take interested friends with them.

In the second level of Reiki, sending Reiki over a distance and increasing power is aimed for. The sending of Reiki willingly to a distant person is done by writing a Reiki symbol and calling the name of the spirit of this symbol three times, and the person’s name to whom you want to send the Reiki energy, and then concentrating on the Reiki energy flow.

This can take 5 to 30 minutes and will give the sender a revelation, to which more Reiki can be sent and the receptor, when sensitive enough, will feel warm and sleepy. This can really work and apparent healings or short-term improvements are an undeniable fact. One can be sending Reiki to past or present situations, to heal or even to ask forgiveness, but this is not done in the name of Jesus.

The highest Reiki level is a Reiki master, who dedicates his life to healing and passing Reiki on through Reiki seminars. Through many years of practice in Reiki, along with combinations of occult and New Age beliefs and practices, their Reiki power is much greater. (read more >)


Laws of health

Fortunately, we don’t have to use homeopathy or any of those mystical healing methodes to treat our health problems because we are given numerous very effective and safe natural remedies such as unrefined plant-based diet, regular exercise, sunshine, beneficial herbal remedies, organic nutritional supplements, super grasses, activated charcoal, therapeutic clay, hydrotherapy, and the most important of them all – trust in divine power.

Unlike the therapies which are empowered by the evil energy, all these methods treat not only symptoms but also the causes of the health problems, they don’t cause side effects (if properly used), and we can scientifically prove how they effect and benefit our health. Plus when we use these safe and given us by our Creator methods asking for His blessing, we can greatly speed up the whole recovery process.