Written by Slawomir (“Swavak”) Gromadzki, MPH
An anal fissure is a tear in the lining of the rectum (anus). It is a common condition that causes pain especially during bowel movements.
Anal fissures are caused by excessive stretching of the anus triggered by chronic constipation or diarrhoea (repeatedly straining the anus), childbirth, anal intercourse, and insertion of any foreign bodies into the anus.
However, not all people who suffer from constipation develop anal fissures. It is so because there are other factors that greatly contribute to the development of this condition.
One of them is excessive tension in the anal muscle sphincters. A fissure may develop if the anal sphincter’s resting pressure becomes too high, causing spasm and reducing blood flow to the anus. When anal muscle (sphincter) is unable to relax properly during bowel movements it can lead to the damage of the anus.
The anal muscle sphincter usually does not relax as a result of chronic emotional stress and deficiency of magnesium, which is very common today due to severe soil depletion, refined diet, use of stimulants and other causes.
If anal sphincter is chronically tense, blood flow to this region is reduced causing the lining of your anus to become more susceptible to tearing. Reduced blood flow to anus also makes it harder for a fissure to heal. This is the reason why some individuals tear more easily when they try to pass hard stools, while others don’t even when chronically constipated. It is so because the tone of anal sphincter largely determines if an anal fissure will develop when the anal canal is excessively stretched.
Also high blood pressure, sluggish blood circulation in anus, and poor quality of anal blood vessels greatly contribute to anal fissures.
All these factor are triggered by sedentary and unhealthy lifestyle as well as lack of nutrients and antioxidants caused by bad refined (low-fibre) diet.
Fissures can also develop when a person has syphilis, tuberculosis, a weak immune system, anal cancer, and inflammatory bowel conditions, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.
Anal fissures that are caused by excessive stretching and a tight internal anal sphincter almost always occur at the north or south poles of the anal sphincter.
Most anal fissures heal with home treatment after a few days or weeks. chronic anal fissure may take more than 6 weeks to heal.
– Please read carefully and implement principles included in the Health Recovery Plan.
– Apply a hot compress to the anus or soaking it in a shallow tub of hot water several times a day. Find out more about HYDROTHERAPY >
– The pain caused by a fissure may make you anxious about having bowel movements, but avoiding or delaying them will only increase constipation and create a cycle that will prevent healing.
– Apply ointments and creams such as bee propolis cream, zinc oxide, or clay pulp to anus as often as possible.
– If a fissure is chronic (lasts long), you may need a prescription medication such as high blood pressure medications for a few weeks that will lower the resting pressure of the internal anal sphincter, thus allowing the edges of the fissure to come together and heal.
– Avoid using of soap on your anus as it can cause the lining of the anal canal to become dry, predisposing it to tears when stretched excessively. Wash anus with hot water mixed with some raw coconut oil but without the use of soap.
– Use raw coconut oil to moisturise the anus as often as possible. In addition, coconut oil also has healing properties for wounds. Some health practitioners use coconut oil to effectively treat skin lesions.
– Every day try visualizing increased blood flow to your anus because we know that the mind and imagination can have tremendous influence on the physiology of the body. For the same reason never be afraid of using suggested here treatments but always believe they are very effective and safe. To make visualization even more effective and to increase the blood flow to your anus, place a hot compress on the anus.
– Improve venous (vein) tone and elasticity by increasing consumption of unrefined plant foods high in rutin (buckwheat), bioflavonoids (citrus fruits). Often eat also blackberries, cherries, and blueberries (bilberries) as they are also rich in other flavonoid compounds including anthocyanosides, proanthocyanidins, or leukocyanidins.
– Rutin at least 2 times a day 500mg or more for better results (see link to a study on rutin below). I suggested rutin to many of my customers and some of them told me nothing helped them better than supplement.
– Go on plant-based unrefined (high in fibre) 50-85% raw diet. Hallelujah diet is the best example of a most healthy and effective diet. >
– Avoid: standing or sitting for a long time.
– Avoid overeating, lifting heavy objects, smoking, caffeine (coffee, cola, black and green teas, etc.), and decaffeinated coffee, chocolate (extremely acidic), alcohol, meat, dairy, sugar, glucose, fructose syrup, refined foods, white flour products, white rice, hot spices, antibiotics, refined salt.
– Bee propolis cream – externally. It gives excellent results by reducing swelling and inflammation and immediately brings relief to itching an pain.
– Butcher’s broom (Ruscus aculeatus) has anti-inflammatory properties, and reduces bleeding and pain.
– Wholistic Gotu kola (Pukka). Ingredients: Gotu kola 80mg, turmeric 80mg, manjishta 80mg, horse chestnut 80mg, arjuna 60mg, ginger 20mg. Benefits: Improved circulation, anal fissures, varicose veins, spider veins, haemorrhoids, tendency to bruise easily. This formula is traditionally used to assist the flow of blood or the tendency to bruise easily. This remedy may also help bring blood to wounds and ulcers which can hasten healing.
– Chlorella (requires drinking more water in between meals). It is very effective in lowering acidity, detoxifying the body, feeding probiotic bacteria in the gut, boosting energy and regenerating damaged tissue. Read more >
– Good probiotic formula to increase number of beneficial bacteria in your intestines.
– Slippery Elm is another very effective remedy. It protects the mucus membranes of the oesophagus against inflammation caused by acid. In addition slippery elm also reduces acidity by stimulating mucus production.
– Drink 1-2 glasses of fresh and raw vegetable juices (carrot, beetroot, kale, etc.) 2-3 times a day before meals.
– MaYingLong Musk Haemorrhoids Chinese Ointment Cream. I used to recommand it to many of my clients back in Poland and most of them believed it was one of the best herbal remedies they used to treat piles and anal fissures. Ma Ying Long Haemorrhoids Ointment is the most commonly used piles medicine in China as a topical treatment to reduce burning and itching caused by haemorrhoids and anal fissures. The cream helps to remove toxic materials from inflamed veins and promote their regeneration. The ointment is also used. In addition, users of this ointment also reported it was helpful in getting rid of dark circles and bags under the eyes.
Ingredients: Pearl – In powdered form, pearl could promote healing to different skin conditions; Calamine – This helps to relieve irritation, itching, pain and discomfort brought by haemorrhoids. It can also shrink blood vessels hence abolishing the root cause; Synthetic Bezoar – This is a kind of stone that is usually found in the digestive system of mammals known for its anti-inflammatory properties; Vaseline – It moisturises rough, dry, itchy and scaly skin; Borneol – It is used as a skin tonic, local anaesthetic, antispasmodic and sedative; Lanolin – It is a greasy substance known for its moisturising effects; Synthetic Musk; Amber.
Ma Ying Long Haemorrhoids Ointment is manufactured by Ma Ying Long Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd, China in its GMP certified facility.
Read customer reviews >
– Silica supplements.
– Witch hazel helped many to get rid of haemorrhoids. It reduces, pain, itching and bleeding. Apply a little amount of witch hazel regularly in the inflamed area.
– Avoid using a dry tissue to wipe the affected area as it may irritate the anus. Instead use a non-perfumed wet tissue to wipe off without drying out your skin.
– You may also place vitamin E capsules in the opening of the anus.
Avoid constipation and keep the stools soft implementing the following principles and using listed below remedies:
– An unrefined (high in fibre) plant-based diet is the most effective way to avoid constipation and achieve regular, frequent and ease of bowel movements. This diet is most effective way to deal with constipation because it is high in fibre and water and has very beneficial effect on boosting the growth of probiotic bacteria in the gut. As a result the gut is clean and healthy and will reward you by making more serotonin and PABA (Para Amino Butyric Acid) that improve the movement of the colon and make you happier.
– Avoid any constipating foods such as all refined products, sugar, white flour products, white bread, white rice, desserts, and eliminate or at least reduce meat, fish, poultry, eggs and dairy, as they contain no fibre.
– Increase consumption of plant-based (vegan) unrefined foods eliminating or significantly reducing the intake of all animal-based foods (dairy, meat products, and fish) because they don’t contain fibre. According to Professor Colin Campbell the author of the famous China Study, “The more you substitute plant foods for animal foods, the healthier you are likely to be.”
– Chew your food thoroughly. For best results, fibre from vegetables, fruits, and legumes needs to be broken down by thorough chewing (or blending) before it reaches the stomach and intestines. One way to think of it is to remember to chew each bite of food until it is liquid in your mouth.
– Stay active as moving the body helps get the smooth muscle in the colon moving as well. In this way exercise helps to improve the peristalsis of the colon and prevent dehydration of the stool. As a result the “job” is done much easier as the stool contains more water. The more regular your exercise is, the better it works.
– Drink 3 times a day about 3 glasses of filtered or even better distilled water between meals.
– Learn to control stress.
– Include uncooked carrots, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, cauliflowers and other vegetables in your diet as they are low in calories, but high in fibre and essential nutrients. In this way your body will stop craving for more food in between meals as it will have enough nutrients. Raw cabbage reduces the conversion of sugar and other carbohydrates into fat.
– Never fry your foods but cook or bake them without oil. If you have to fry with oil use only organic raw coconut oil.
– Take Magnesium citrate 2 times a day about 400mg between meals with water. Magnesium improves peristalsis and relaxes nervous system, intestines and colon (colon is a muscle). Many people have problems with bowel movements because they are deficient in magnesium. Millions suffer from magnesium deficiency without even knowing it. Magnesium deficiency is often misdiagnosed because it does not show up in blood tests as only 1% of the body’s magnesium is stored in the blood. Magnesium citrate is an osmotic laxative, which means it relaxes your bowels and pulls water into your intestines. The water helps soften and bulk up your stool, which makes it easier to pass. In addition, magnesium citrate is relatively gentle. It means it shouldn’t cause urgency or emergency bathroom trips, unless you take too much of it.
Instead of magnesium you can try Epsom salt. It is also an effective home remedy for constipation but you must test which one is better for you. It absorbs water from, softening up stool and making it easier to pass. In addition, the magnesium that is present in the Epsom salt promotes contractions and relaxation of the bowel muscles, which also helps to passing the stool easier. Take about two teaspoons of Epsom salt with at least one cup of water or vegetable juice about 30 minutes before meal one or two times a day.
– Psyllium husk is an excellent fibre to fight constipation. It and travels through the digestive tract without being digested but it absorbs water making stool bulkier and softer. In this way, like other fibres, it is very effective in coping with constipation. You can achieve similar results by using ground flax seed. Scientific research have shown that, “Supplementation with psyllium husk improves faecal incontinence.” In addition, “Psyllium fibre reduced the number of abdominal pain episodes in children with IBS.” Psyllium husk contains 70 per cent soluble fibre (8 times more than oat bran!) and for this reason, according to a 2009 study, “Psyllium fibre has been shown in studies to lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels while another common fibre, methylcellulose, has not shown these benefits.” WARNING: Powdered Psyllium husk should be taken with a full glass of water to avoid it swelling in the throat and causing choking. In addition, since like any fibre psyllium husks absorb water from intestines it requires more water intake in between meals as otherwise it may cause severe constipation!
– Make a raw sauerkraut > at home as it is very high in probiotic bacteria you desperately need. Take a good quality probiotic formula such as ColiProbio or UltraProbio. Researchers at King’s College in London reviewed 14 clinical trials involving participants with constipation who took either probiotics or a placebo. They found that on average, probiotics reduced gut transit time by 12 hours, increased the number of weekly bowel movements, and helped soften stools, making them easier to pass. Probiotics that contained Bifidobacterium appeared to be the most effective.
– Boost Serotonin levels by taking 5-HTP (Tryptophan), consuming Tofu (highest source of tryptophan), magnesium citrate, zinc citrate, B complex, daily exercise, sunlight. The neurotransmitter serotonin can actually modulate motility in the gut. When levels of serotonin are skewed, this can cause either constipation or diarrhoea.
– Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), Prunes, Prune juice, Castor oil, Senna leaf or Senna pods, Aloe vera, Dandelion tea.
– If constipation is resistant to above treatment you must do the Enema at least two times per week.
– Higgins PD, Johanson JF. Epidemiology of constipation in North America: a systematic review. Am J Gastroenterol 2004, 99:750-759.
– E Dimidi, S Christodoulides, KC Fragkos, et al (2014) The effect of probiotics on functional constipation in adults.
– D Z Bliss, H J Jung, K Savik, et al (2001) Nurs Res. 2001 Jul-Aug;50(4):203-13
– RJ Shulman, EB Hollister, et al (2016) Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. Epub 2016 Apr 11.
– Wei, Z. H., Wang, H., Chen, X. Y., et al (2009) Time- and dose-dependent effect of psyllium on serum lipids in mild-to-moderate hypercholesterolemia: a meta-analysis of controlled clinical trials. Eur.J.Clin.Nutr. 2009; 63(7): 821-827
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