Written by Slawomir Gromadzki, MPH

Prostate Cancer


This manual contains the best and most relevant information about natural ways to prevent and treat prostate cancer whether it is benign or malignant. If you manage to carefully follow all the recommendations presented here and also in the Health Recovery Plan, the complete recovery will be possible. And this bold statement is not only a wish or a theory but it is based on my own long experience as I personally know individuals who permanently recovered from prostate cancer after implementing the principles listed in the Health Recovery Plan and as a result of using the remedies and recommendations I have included in this article.

But even if, in spite of your sincere efforts, you fail to recover, which sometimes may happen, and you will have to face death, it won’t be a scary and hopeless experience anymore after you become familiar and fully accept the wonderful truth included in the spiritual aspect of this therapy. Instead of being afraid of death you will be able to say, “For to me to die is gain” (Phil. 1:21) as your heart will be filled with God-given assurance of much better future, assurance of facing true – not only spiritual but also physical reality of new wonderful and never-ending life without sickness, suffering or death.

However, although it is true that in case of the advanced stage of malignant cancer, even the best therapy can’t guarantee recovery, yet even in this situation you shouldn’t despair and lose hope as there are many who overcame cancer even though they were sentenced to death. During my long experience, I recommended the same excellent recovery plan to many people suffering from different types of cancer and those who managed to implement its principles often permanently recovered including even some who were told their disease was terminal and were given a few months to live.


In most of the developed countries, the risk of developing prostate cancer is very high. In the UK, prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer in men. In America, prostate cancer is outnumbered only by carcinoma. Prostate Cancer is the second most common cancer affecting men in the United States over the age 50. It is outnumbered only by carcinoma. According to the American Cancer Society, over 32,000 men in the United States die from prostate cancer each year. The older men get the higher their chances of developing prostate cancer. For this reason, this condition mainly affects men over 60, although men over 50 are also at risk. For unknown reasons, the risk is also significantly higher among black men of Afro-Caribbean origin.


The symptoms of prostate cancer are the same as those of benign prostate hypertrophy (prostate enlargement). The common symptoms usually include especially different problems with urination such as frequent urination (also at night) with weak flow and feeling that the bladder isn’t fully empty.

Because of its small size (of a walnut), it is easy to disregard the prostate gland. In the male body, it is located just below the bladder and against the rectum. Because of the very fact, it can be easily checked by nothing more sophisticated than the examining finger of a doctor. The prostate gland surrounds the urethra through which the urine flows from the bladder to the penis and outside of the body.

Swelling is the most common manifestation of a malfunctioning prostate. And since the prostate gland surrounds the urethra and because it is found below the bladder its enlargement (caused by hyperplasia, cancer, or inflammation) imposes pressure on the bladder and urethra causing urination problems and discomfort in the rectum.


After wasting millions of dollars on research the American Cancer Society says, “We do not know exactly what causes prostate cancer”.

Also, the UK NHS website follows the same lie and states that “The causes of prostate cancer are largely unknown.” And in order to avoid the impression of being useless they only repeat the same already known information: “However, certain things can increase the risk of developing the condition. The chances of developing prostate cancer increase as you get older. Most cases develop in men aged 50 or older. For reasons not yet understood, prostate cancer is more common in men of African-Caribbean or African descent, and less common in men of Asian descent.”

Wow! Although the true causes of cancer, including prostate cancer, are obvious and well known they dare to say they don’t know (after decades of wasting horrendous amounts of public money). Even more mindboggling is the fact that somehow also governments don’t seem to bother about the wasted money and time and keep on funding them!

Prostate Cancer animal protein


Apart from the usually mentioned genetic abnormalities or age, there are many obvious (but mysteriously unknown to the NHS and ACS) lifestyle and dietary factors which greatly contribute to prostate cancer. There is enough scientific data available to maintain that there are three most important dietary causes:

  1. Meat and poultry (especially when consumed with skin);
  2. Eggs;
  3. Milk and dairy.

animal potein causes Prostate Cancer

On the third of March 2016 Daily Mail published a very interesting and based on scientific research article by Dr Michael Greger in which he clearly exposes three key causes of prostate cancer: 1. POULTRY (especially with skin); 2. EGGS; and 3. MILK & DAIRY! In the article Dr Greger states that, “A report in 2010 out of Harvard University, the Cancer of the Prostate Strategic Urologic Research Endeavor, showed men with prostate cancer who consumed a large amount of chicken quadrupled the chance of their disease progressing! The scientists thought it might be the high levels of heterocyclic amines, carcinogens that build up when meat is cooked at a high temperature, which are present more in poultry than in other meats. Another explanation could come from the fact the researchers noticed cancer developed far more quickly in those men who ate chicken with skin on as opposed to those who ate their chicken without skin.”

milk and dairy cause Prostate Cancer

Strangely, on the NHS website scared and looking for help men suffering from prostate cancer can’t find the information according to which, eating poultry is associated with a four times higher risk of prostate cancer!!!

casein causes Prostate Cancer

Dr Greger also reveals the truth about the link between eggs and prostate cancer: “The same Harvard study observed that men with prostate cancer who averaged just under an egg per day had a two-fold increased risk of prostate cancer progression compared to men who didn’t eat eggs. What’s more, these findings were supported by a follow-up study in 2011, which determined that even healthy men may be at an increased risk of developing a lethal form of prostate cancer by eating over 2.5 eggs per week compared with men who don’t eat eggs! Some researchers and doctors think it may be the high levels of choline present in eggs. A study in 2012, also out of Harvard University, determined that among a group of 47,896 men, those with the highest levels of choline intake had a 70% increased risk of getting lethal prostate cancer. But choline is good for you, right? Absolutely, and we do need to include choline as part of our diets. But what these researchers found is that it’s not the choline intake necessarily, but the trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) that choline is converted to (first to trymethylamine by gut bacteria and then to TMAO in our liver) that could increase inflammation and promote cancer progression along with cardiovascular risk. Gut bacteria also produce this same toxic chemical when they metabolize L-carnitine in red meat as discovered in a landmark study from the Cleveland Clinic published this past May. What’s most interesting about their findings is they discovered that in contrast to the omnivorous human subjects studied, those consuming a plant-based diet produced a negligible amount of TMAO even when consuming L-carnitine. So what does this mean and what are the possible implications with regards to choline intake? Since the intestinal microbiota of those consuming a predominantly plant-based diet are different from omnivores, and since plant-based eaters don’t convert L-carnitine into TMAO as much as omnivores, could the same thing be true for choline? It’s possible. It’s worth noting that there are plenty of excellent plant-based sources of choline, including broccoli, cauliflower, collard greens, and other cruciferous vegetables. Studies have associated choline consumption not just with getting cancer and spreading cancer, but also with significantly increased risk of dying from it. Those who ate the most had a 70% increased risk of lethal prostate cancer. Another recent study found that men who consumed two and a half or more eggs per week — that’s just like one egg every three days — had an 81 percent increased risk of lethal prostate cancer. In the New England Journal of Medicine, the same Cleveland Clinic research team that did the famous study on carnitine repeated the study, but instead of feeding people a steak, they fed people some hard-boiled eggs. Just as they suspected, a similar spike in that toxic TMAO. So it’s not just red meat. And the link between TMAO levels in the blood and strokes, heart attacks, and death was seen even in low-risk groups like those with low-risk cholesterol levels. Thus, because of the choline, eating eggs may increase our risk regardless of what our cholesterol is. It’s ironic that the choline content of eggs is something the egg industry actually boasts about. And the industry is aware of the cancer data.”

Prostate Cancer in US china japan soy

The third key factor which may greatly increase the risk of prostate cancer, according to Dr Greger, is milk and dairy products: “Milk contains growth hormones designed to put a few hundred pounds on a baby calf within a few months. Leading Harvard University nutrition experts have warned that the hormones in dairy products could stimulate the growth of hormone-sensitive tumours — such as prostate cancer (or breast cancer). Not only that, but experimental evidence suggests that dairy may also promote the conversion of pre-cancerous lesions or mutated cells into invasive cancers. To date, there have been 14 studies in which organic cow’s milk was dripped onto human prostate cancer cells in a laboratory petri dish. In each experiment, the milk stimulated the growth of human prostate cancer cells, producing an average increase in cancer growth rate of more than 30 per cent. In contrast, almond milk suppressed the growth of the cancer cells by more than 30 per cent!”

Wow! The American Cancer Society and the UK NHS completely ignore those based on scientific research extremely important recommendations, which implemented could save lives and bring relief to many suffering patients and their families! Well, it looks like not only big pharma, but also dairy, egg and meat industry must be very influential indeed…

Animal foods also increase the blood levels of the insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) associated with increased risk of prostate cancer. Researchers have discovered that men with high levels of IGF-1, are more prone to develop prostate cancer. Although IGF-1 is similar to insulin, it doesn’t deal with sugar metabolism but stimulates cell growth and division thus contributing to cancer.

There is also enough evidence that inflammation of the prostate may be another factor contributing to prostate cancer as inflammation may cause DNA damage in prostate cells.

Watch excellent video on this subject by Dr Greger:


A very interesting title of an article published in the Canadian Press in November 14, 2011 suggests that estradiol – a powerful female synthetic sex hormone present in tap water may greatly increase the risk of prostate cancer in men: “Estrogen In Drinking Water & Prostate Cancer Deaths Linked In New Study.” The article states that “According to a study by Dr David Margel and his team from Researchers at Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto, estrogen in birth-control pills is excreted in the urine and gets into water, and scientific evidence suggests that low levels may cause cancer, including prostate cancer.”

Also Dr. John Lee seems to agree with the role of estrogen in increasing the risk of prostate cancer. In his book Hormone Balance for Men, he stated that apart from dihydrotestosterone (DHT), it is estrogen dominance that leads to both prostate enlargement and prostate cancer. He disagrees with the common idea according to which testosterone contributes to prostate cancer. He explains that men tend to develop prostate problems when estrogen levels are rising and testosterone levels are dropping.

Prostate Cancer estrogen estradiol water

Testosterone is a male sex hormone produced by testicles and the prostate gland needs testosterone to function properly. It was very common to believe that higher blood testosterone levels increase the risk of prostate cancer. But, in 2008 a group of researchers carefully analysed 18 separate studies and found no link between prostate cancer risk and higher levels of testosterone.

After careful analysis of hundreds of studies, Dr Morgentaler was surprised when he discovered that there was no convincing evidence that high testosterone levels increased the risk of prostate cancer. As a matter of fact, the very opposite was true. He found out that the more severely testosterone-deficient men were the greater was the risk of developing prostate cancer! The androgen hypothesis was commonly accepted before the role of PSA (prostate-specific antigen) was understood.  The PSA is a protein biomarker detected in the blood and tissue biopsies which indicates increased probability that cancer is present in the prostate. Besides, if high testosterone does contribute to the prostate cancer growth, it should be more common among younger men whose testosterone levels are much higher. But the cancer is prevalent among older men with low testosterone. On the other hand, some suggest that even if Dr. Morgentaler’s conclusion is right it is not a good idea to boost testosterone levels in men who are already diagnosed as prostate cancer cells have much higher number of receptors that healthy cells and they use testosterone it to increase the growth rate.


Apart from the above-mentioned causes, there are many other following factors which contribute to any type of cancer by triggering inflammations, poisoning the body, weakening the immune system or depriving the body of life-supporting nutrients:

– Also prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate) and higher blood levels of the insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) may increase the risk of prostate cancer.

– Refined sugar, high fructose/glucose syrup.

– Prescribed medication, antibiotics, hormones, etc.

– Estradiol present in tap water and Bisphenols found in water and food stored in plastic containers or cans (lined up with plastic) >

– Nutritional deficiencies.

– Zinc deficiency.

Prostate Cancer zinc deficiency masturbation

– Overstimulation of the prostate gland as a result of excessive sexual practices. Frequent ejaculation may contribute to all prostate problems including enlargement and cancer as a result of overstimulation of the prostate gland. In addition, since semen is very high in zinc, frequent masturbation and other excessive sexual practices lead to a dangerous zinc deficiency. For this reason, even a single ejaculation may deprive men of the entire zinc they provide the body with food in a single day. And unless they take supplements the deficiency of zinc may contribute to different health problems including conditions associated with prostate.

Prostate Cancer zinc ejaculation

– Vitamin D deficiency > According to the Journal of Clinical Cancer Research prostate tumors in particular can become highly aggressive as a result of low levels of vitamin D. The research also indicates that the lower the vitamin D level, the more aggressive the prostate cancer can be. >

– Sun block screens lotions or creams as they contain dangerous chemicals, hold in your sweat and do not allow sun to make vitamin D under your skin (vitamin D is one of the most important factor protecting you against cancer).

– Stimulants: smoking, alcohol, caffeine (coffee, tea, cola drinks, etc.), theobromine (chocolate), illegal drugs, etc.

– Contraceptives.

– Bad fats: margarine, most plant oils, animal fats.

Stress, Anxiety, depression, negative thinking. The team ­ led by professor of medicine David Feldman, MD ­ found that, because of a mutation, the stress hormones cortisone and cortisol can trigger the growth of later-stage prostate cancer cells. The results explain why prostate cancer eventually becomes impervious to a commonly used treatment (>).

– Lack of exercise.

– Overweight and obesity.

– Environmental toxins, preservatives, harmful radiation.

– Free radicals and a diet low in antioxidants.

– Inherited and acquired (through unhealthy lifestyle and environmental toxins) genetic abnormalities.


Prostate Cancer treatment list

– Eliminate animal-based foods and instead go on the plant-based unrefined 50 % raw diet (Hallelujah Diet is the most effective one).

Fascinating research was done by Nobel Prize winners Elizabeth Blackburn and Dr Dean Ornish. They were studying the effects of the healthy vegan diet on human genes and found that the plant-based unrefined diet caused certain genes to go through a series of positive transformations in only three months! The vegan diet managed to activate genes responsible for preventing diseases and deactivate genes which cause different health conditions such as prostate cancer, breast cancer, heart disease, and other diseases (read more >). This very important discovery proves again that although we may inherit some faulty genes or damage them through our unhealthy lifestyle yet we don’t have to be helpless victims of those genes. We still can repair or regenerate them through healthy lifestyles and especially unrefined plant-based and mostly raw diet.

food for Prostate Cancer

In the summary of his article, Dr Greger suggests a simple and obvious solution to the problem of prostate cancer: “Eating a varied plant-based diet and avoiding all meat, fish, chicken and dairy products – could cut the risk of cancer progression! Forget wonder drugs, you need broccoli and spinach to protect against deadly diseases!”

If meat (especially red), poultry, eggs, milk and dairy so greatly contribute to prostate cancer then if you want to prevent or treat this condition you simply need to go on the totally plant-based unrefined and mostly raw diet. However, if you love these products and are unable to eliminate them completely from your diet try at least to significantly reduce their intake and make sure meat and dairy come from grass-fed animals and eggs from barn free-range chickens.

Prostate Cancer diet

At the same time increase consumption of raw vegetable juices, vegetable smoothies and salads, fresh fruits, pulses, and soaked overnight in distilled water pumpkin seeds and other soaked seeds and nuts. By only lowering the intake of animal foods you won’t achieve the same results as being on a totally plant-based diet but I believe you will still reduce the risk of dying from prostate cancer.

vegan diet cures Prostate Cancer

According to Dr Michael Greger, “A group of researchers at the University of Massachusetts did a study on prostate cancer patients who agreed to get only half their protein from plant sources. Happily, this half-vegan diet did, indeed, appear to slow down the growth of the cancer. Instead of doubling in size within 21 months, their tumours took 58 months to grow to the same dimensions. It means that half a serving a day of broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower or kale, for instance, can cut the risk of cancer progression by more than half! In one of the recent studies, one group wasn’t given any diet or lifestyle advice. The other was prescribed a strict diet centred on fruit, vegetables, whole grains and beans, and told to walk 30 minutes a day. Cancer progression was then tracked using PSA levels (a protein in the blood). So, what happened? In the people who did nothing, PSA levels increased by 6 per cent in a year. That’s what cancer tends to do: grow over time. But among the healthy-living group, PSA levels decreased by 4 per cent, suggesting their tumours were shrinking. A year after the study ended, the cancers in the control group patients had grown so much that 10 per cent of them needed to have surgery. Other research has shown that the blood of people on plant-based diets are able to fight cancer eight times better than the blood of people on a typical Western diet. But, hang on — what if the benefits are down to exercise? To find out, a research team compared three groups of men: a plant-based diet and exercise group, an exercise-only group and a group of sedentary people eating standard fare. Would people who exercise hard enough and for long enough develop cancer-fighting abilities that rival that of strolling plant-eaters? To find out, blood from each of the groups was dripped onto human prostate cancer cells growing in a petri dish. Well, the blood of the sedentary lot wasn’t completely defenceless. Even if you’re a chip-eating couch potato, your blood may still be able to kill off 1–2 per cent of cancer cells. But the blood of those who had exercised strenuously for 15 years killed 2,000 per cent more cancer cells than the blood of the couch potatoes — a fantastic result. Even better, though, was the blood of those in the plant-based diet and moderate exercise group, which wiped out an astounding 4,000 per cent more cancer cells than that of the blood of the couch potatoes. In other words, thousands of hours in the gym appeared to be no match for a plant-based diet.”

Watch a fascinating VIDEO in which Dr Greger explains how only two weeks on a plant-based diet significantly enhanced bodie’s ability to fight cancer cells and how the the blood of those eating a vegan diet for a year suppressed cancer cell growth nearly eight times better:

– Eat one tablespoon of ground gold flaxseed three times a day with meals.

flaxseed for Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is very common in America and UK and most of other high-income countries. However, in some places such as Japan and China the rates are much lower. It is also interesting that black men suffer from this type of cancer more often than white men. For instance, black men living in America are 120 times more likely to develop prostate cancer than Chinese men! The reason why Chinese men have so much lower risk is believed to be much lower intake of animal fat and protein as well as high intake of soya products which contain protective phytoestrogens (daidzein and genistein) which are very effective also in preventing breast cancer in women. Another super food which is high in similar protective phytoestrogens is flaxseeds, which is also popular in China. Inspired by this fact scientists decided to conduct a study and test if flax seed can reduce the risk of prostate cancer. The results were very surprising as within just a few weeks, the flaxseed managed to reduce the size of cancer and lower cancer cell proliferation rates.

Flaxseed Prostate Cancer

According to another experiment, a group of men with prostate cancer consumed a tablespoon of ground flaxseed every day for half a year. After six months all of them had a significant drop in cell proliferation rates and in PSA levels (a marker of prostate cancer growth). In two of the participants, the PSA levels even dropped back to normal! Taking those surprising results into consideration the researchers draw a conclusion that just regular eating one tablespoon of the humble ground flaxseeds with meals may not only prevent but even reverse the progression of prostate cancer! Remember to grind flaxseeds otherwise they won’t be properly processed and digested. Avoid mixing them with very hot food and grind the amount you will use in one week as omega 3 is a very fragile fatty acid and get oxidised quickly. After grinding keep flaxseed in the fridge in a closed container (not plastic).

Flaxseed Prostate Cancer

Try to reduce the estrogen levels using the following recommendations:

– Avoid bisphenols present in canned foods and water stored in plastic bottles.

– Avoid environmental sources of estrogens (xenoestrogens) found pesticides, shaving creams, fabric softeners, air fresheners, laundry soaps, etc.

– Avoid tap water (contaminated with estradiol, chlorine, fluoride, heavy metals, etc.) and drink only distilled water >.

– Avoid or significantly reducing consumption of animal foods (dairy, eggs and especially meat products) as animals are often treated with estrogens to increase weight.

– Build muscle tissue (without steroids) as increasing muscle tissue and exercise boost testosterone which opposes the effects of estrogen.

– Avoid antibiotics (metronidazole ketoconazole) and drugs such as Valium, Xanax, Tagamet, Zantac, Lanoxin, Norvasc, or any drugs that increase levels of estrogen or decrease levels of testosterone.

– Burn belly fat. It is important because testosterone is converted to estrogen in belly fat. This is the reason why men develop boobs along with increased belly fat.


In addition try to use as many of the following remedies as possible:

– Turmeric (by Solgar 1 caps a day or by Pukka 3 x 1 caps) with vegetable juices.

– Vitamin D3 – 50,000 IU a day for the first 2 months and 30,000 IU a day after that.

– Vitamin D must be taken with vitamin K2 MK7 (200mcg a day) and magnesium citrate or another good quality magnesium (2 x a day 800mg) with water.

– Cat’s claw: 5000 mg – 3 x a day 1 caps. Instead Cat’s claw you can use Essiac.

– Clean greens powder (Pukka) – 3 x a day 1 heaped teaspoon 30 min before meals or Chlorella (Pukka) – 2 x a day 10 tab. 30 min before breakfast and before lunch. Use them both alternately one after another.

– Good quality multivitamin-mineral formula (Earth Source or VM-75 by Solgar, Special Two by NOW Foods, etc.) – 1 after breakfast.

– Zinc: 20 – 30 mg after breakfast. Just as the thyroid requires iodine and the bones must be provided with organic calcium, the prostate cannot function properly without zinc. As a matter of fact, prostate contains more zinc than any other organ in the body. Taking into consideration the fact that soil today is depleted not only of magnesium, selenium or chromium but also zinc and remembering that most of the people consume refined products which are deprived of zinc you definitely need to take zinc in the form of a supplement (picolinate, citrate or gluconate). If your diet is unrefined and healthy you may need only 5 to 10 mg a day but otherwise take 30 to 50 mg a day only after breakfast or another meal. Many men suffering from different prostate problems reported improvement and even reduction of the size of the enlarged prostate after taking zinc supplements. Make sure you include the zinc-rich foods in your diet: pumpkin seeds, nuts, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, molasses, brewer’s yeast, garlic, onions, or pulses.

Onion and garlic cure Flaxseed Prostate Cancer

– Qian Lie Tong Pian. It is a well known Chinese herbal remedy used to treat prostatitis and inflammations of the prostate gland. It includes the following ingredients: Radix Astragali, Semen Plantaginis, Cortex Phellodendri Chinensis. In Poland, I recommended this formula to many customers with very good results. It is very helpful in reducing symptoms of prostatitis, benign prostate hyperplasia (enlarged prostate), frequent urination, etc. It improves blood circulation, decreases inflammation, supports the urinary system and helps maintain a healthy prostate. Dosage: 6 tablets 3 times per day for 30-45 days treatment course, chronic cases may require a longer course of treatment. After every month of treatment, it is good to have one week break. After 3 months one whole month beak. Manufacturer: Guangzhou ZhongYi Pharm Co.

– Standardized Saw palmetto berry (Serenoa repens) extract or Saw palmetto complex (includes also zinc and nettle). There are numerous studies demonstrating the effectiveness of this remedy.

– Other herbal products you may try include Nettle extract, Pau d’Arco, Essiac, etc.

– Apricot kernels (vitamin B17).


The most important part of the treatment is living according to the principles and recommendations I included in the HEALTH RECOVERY PLAN > and the EMPOWERMENT > as in this way you will deal with the causes of the prostate cancer.

– Every day eat at some fresh tomatoes and at least half a glass of tomatoes pure (from glass containers) as they are rich in lycopene. In one study, 32 patients with prostate cancer were given three-quarters of a cup of canned tomato sauce every day for 3 weeks. As a result, their PSA levels dropped by 17.5%. PSA (prostate-specific antigen) is a protein produced by prostate gland cells. PSA elevated blood levels are used to monitor the effectiveness of cancer treatment. It was surprising to find that, in just three weeks, a tomato sauce could significantly decrease PSA concentrations in men with prostate cancer. In addition, also the free radical damage of the DNA in their white blood cells dropped by 21%.

According to Dr Greger, “Back in the ‘80s, the Adventist Health Study found strong protective relationships against prostate cancer with increasing consumption of legumes, citrus dried fruit, nuts, and tomatoes. In the ‘90s, a Harvard study focused attention on tomatoes, which appeared to be especially beneficial. They suspected it might be the red pigment in tomatoes called lycopene, which has greater antioxidant power than some of the other pigments, like the orange beta-carotene pigment in carrots and cantaloupes. Lycopene dramatically kills prostate cancer cells in a Petri dish—even way down at the levels one would expect in one’s bloodstream after just eating some tomatoes.

– Cold-pressed vegetable juices (beets, carrot, broccoli, tomatoes, kale, etc.) – 1 glass every hour or 3 glasses 3 x a day. Read about amazing anticancer properties and other benefits of vegetable juices >

Glasses with fresh vegetable juices isolated on white. Detox diet.

– No milk, dairy or meat products. Cancer of the prostate is substantially reduced among members of the Seventh-day Adventists Church who avoid stimulants such as coffee, cigarettes or alcohol and consume little or no animal products.

In Japan, after World War II the consumption of animal foods (eggs, meat, and dairy) gradually increased by 5, 10, and eventually 20 times. At the same time, Japanese people didn’t increase the intake of other products.  The prevalence of prostate cancer increased by 25 times! Read more >

– Instead of cow’s milk (stimulates the growth of prostate cancer cells >) use almond milk which suppresses the growth of prostate cancer cells by 30% >

Plant diet and exercise for Prostate Cancer

– Plant-based unrefined diet (free from any animal foods). Hallelujah diet is the most effective among all plant-based unrefined diets. In case of malignant cancer you should practice this diet for at least 6 months or until recovery. Here you will find countless stories of recovery from cancer as a result of being on Hallelujah diet >

– No sugar or products that include sugar, glucose, fructose, artificial sweeteners.

– No stimulants (chocolate, cocoa powder, coffee, tea, cola, alcohol, smoking, etc.)

All nutritional and lifestyle principles are included in the Health Recovery Plan >


– Try to drink all your distilled water and vegetable juices by 6 pm to reduce the frequency of urination at night.


– To relax prostate gland and dilate the urethra sit in hot water for about 15 – 30 minutes before going to bed. Make very cold compress on forehead and neck during the bath and if you sweat drink water to avoid dehydration. End up the treatment with cold shower. This treatment should help you to reduce the need to visit toilet at night. Read about water treatments to avoid mistakes >

– Hot and cold applications on whole body. Hot and cold alternative showers every morning and evening! >

– A simple massage of the prostate in the morning and evening may be also very helpful in relieving symptoms and delaying or preventing surgery.

– You must always think positive and be free from fear as fear and anxiety make your immune system very weak and unable to fight with cancer. The only way to experience true peace and freedom from fear is through the gospel. Every day carefully read (or listen to) one chapter from the book Steps to Christ by Ellen White.

– To understand how important role mental health plays in preventing and treating cancer try to read a chapter 18 – “Mind Cure” from the book Ministry of Healing by Ellen White >.



There is also a growing interest of treating cancer using HYDROGEN PEROXIDE or BAKING SODA. Personally I wouldn’t use these methods as both of them may cause dangerous side effects especially when used improperly. Apart from that, no therapy is more effective than the one presented here. However, I understand that not everyone is able or willing to go on completely plant-base and mostly raw diet or use the remedies listed above. So in this case if you are interested in HYDROGEN PEROXIDE or BAKING SODA first read a lot, get acquainted with all cons and pros, and if you decide to try them be very careful as they may cause dangerous side effects if you use them in a wrong way.

If you are interested in other alternative methods below I included links to some popular websites dealing with cancer:


Richman EL, Stampfer MJ, Paciorek A, Broering JM, Carroll PR, Chan JM. 2010. “Intakes of meat, fish, poultry, and eggs and risk of prostate cancer progression.” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. March.

Richman EL, Kenfield SA, Stampfer MJ, Giovannucci EL, Chan JM. 2011. “Egg, red meat, and poultry intake and risk of lethal prostate cancer in the prostate-specific antigen-era: incidence and survival.” Cancer Prevention Research. December.

Richman EL, Kenfield SA, Stampfer MJ, Giovannucci EL, Zeisel SH, Willett WC, Chan JM. 2012. “Choline intake and risk of lethal prostate cancer: incidence and survival.” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. October.

Tang WH, Wang Z, Levison BS, Koeth RA, Britt EB, Fu X, Wu Y, Hazen SL. 2013. “Intestinal microbial metabolism of phosphatidylcholine and cardiovastcular risk.” The New England Journal of Medicine. April.

Koeth RA, Wang Z, Levison BS, Buffa JA, Org E, Sheehy BT, Britt EB, Fu X, Wu Y, Li L, Smith JD, DiDonato JA, Chen J, Li H, Wu GD, Lewis JD, Warrier M, Brown JM, Krauss RM, Tang WH, Bushman FD, Lusis AJ, Hazen SL. 2013. “Intestinal microbiota metabolism of L-carnitine, a nutrient in red meat, promotes atherosclerosis.” Nature Medicine. May.

Demark-Wahnefried W, Robertston CN, Walther PJ, Polascik TJ, Paulson DF, Vollmer RT. 2004. “Pilot study to explore effects of low-fat, flaxseed-supplemented diet on proliferation of benign prostatic epithelium and prostate-specific antigen.” Urology. May.

Demark-Wahnefried W, Price DT, Polascik TJ, Robertson CN, Anderson EE, Paulson DF, Walther PJ, Gannon M, Vollmer RT. 2001. “Pilot study of dietary fat restriction and flaxseed supplementation in men with prostate cancer before surgery: exploring the effects on hormonal levels, prostate-specific antigen, and histopathologic features.” Urology. July.

Hayes JD, Kelleher MO, Eggleston IM. 2008. “The cancer chemopreventive actions of phytochemicals derived from glucosinolates.” European Journal of Nutrition. May.

Morton MS, Chan PS, Cheng C, Blacklock N, Matos-Ferreira A, Abranches-Monteiro L, Correia R, Lloyd S, Griffiths K. 1997. “Lignans and isoflavonoids in plasma and prostatic fluid in men: samples from Portugal, Hong Kong, and the United Kingdom.” The Prostate. July

L. Tate, R. Bibb, L. L. Larcom. Milk stimulates growth of prostate cancer cells in culture. Nutr Cancer. 2011 63(8):1361 – 1366

Ganmaa, X.-M. Li, J. Wang, L.-Q. Qin, P.-Y. Wang, A. Sato. Incidence and mortality of testicular and prostatic cancers in relation to world dietary practices. Int. J. Cancer. 2002 98(2):262 – 267.

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