Psoriasis is a common autoimmune condition in which the skin develops red, itchy patches.
Small patches of thick skin on the elbow, knees or back.
There are five main types of psoriasis, each of which has specific symptoms:
– Plaque (the most common form of psoriasis): red patches of skin covered with silvery white skin
– Erythrodermic: red, peeling rash covering a large area of the body
– Inverse: smooth patches of redness on the skin of the armpits and groin
– Guttate: small, red spots on the arms, legs, trunk, or scalp
– Pustular: blisters surrounded by irritated skin; may also cause fever, chills and fatigue.
Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder in which the body’s immune attacks skin cells. In psoriasis, the growth rate of new cells is sped up, resulting in dead skin cells building up on the surface of the skin.
The exact cause of psoriasis is still unclear, but there are reasons to believe it is a combination of genetic factors and unhealthy lifestyle and diet including lack of exercise, vitamin D deficiency (insufficient exposure to the sun), stress, stimulants (smoking, alcohol consumption, caffeine, etc.), and diet high in animal foods, refined and processed foods, bad fats, toxins, etc. Also certain medications, such as beta blockers, lithium, or anti-malarial drugs can contribute to psoriasis.
It is believed that autoimmune diseases usually start from the lack of probiotic bacteria in the gut due to bad refined diet, antibiotics, consumption of meat and dairy products, sugar, stimulants, overgrowth of harmful bacteria and candida (yeasts), toxins, stress, lack of dietary fibre, etc. All those factors damage the intestinal walls causing increased intestinal permeability and condition called Leaky gut syndrome. As a result toxins instead of being removed from the colon are reabsorbed back into the blood through damaged walls.
Also deficiency of vitamin D may contribute to the development of autoimmune diseases as it is not only the most important immune system booster but also regulator which means it helps to prevent immune system from attacking own body.
Gluten and heated animal protein (found especially in dairy) may also trigger an autoimmune reaction in the body.
– Vitamin D3 (20,000 IU a day). Without adequate vitamin D, your body cannot control infection, in your skin or elsewhere. Exposing large areas of your skin to appropriate amounts of sunshine is the best way to optimize your vitamin D levels, or use a safe tanning bed. You should expose your skin until you just barely begin turning pink, which indicates you’ve generated the optimal amount of vitamin D for the day. Vitamin D modulates (balances) immune response, it prevents an overreaction in the form of inflammation, which can lead to autoimmune disorders like Crohn’s disease. Take at least 20,000 IU a day. The more vitamin D you take the more magnesium you need as it leads to its deficiency.
Remember to take magnesium whenever you use vitamin D supplements as it leads to magnesium deficiency!
How Vitamin D Beats Psoriasis >
35,000 IU vitamin D daily for 6 months helped ALL psoriasis suffers (106 ng) – Brazil March 2013 >
(source >)
– Magnesium citrate – 400-800mg a day. Remember to take magnesium whenever you use vitamin D supplements as it leads to magnesium deficiency!
– Pau d’Arco is another excellent herbal remedy to treat psoriasis. Nashville Zephania: “Take 6 heaps teaspoon of Pau D’arco, boil it in 5 glasses of water to make 3 glasses. Take every six hours one glass three times a day. It takes time but you will be cured. Pau d’Arco cures my psoriasis.”
– Clean greens powder (Pukka) is my favourite and one of the most powerful natural remedies I know. Take 1 teaspoon of the powder 30 min before breakfast with vegetable juice or water and 1 teaspoon 30 min before lunch. Many of our customers told me how effective this formula was in dealing with skin conditions, inflammations, back pains, chronic fatigue, diabetes, cancer, gastrointestinal problems, liver and kidneys problems, weak immune system, etc. It consists of organic blend of very potent 11 super-rich mostly freeze-dried green super foods including Wheat Grass Juice (30 times stronger than regular juice!), Nettle, Chlorella, Spirulina, Kale Sprouts, Sea-greens, freshwater plants and digestive herbs. Made with some of nature’s finest herbs, grown in fertile organic soils it captures the incredible essence of nature’s bounty.
– Go on HALLELUJAH DIET for 6 months. >
MY PSORIASIS HAS ALMOST TOTALLY FADED: “I have chronic fatigue, as well as several other related problems, such as psoriasis. Since I began The Hallelujah Diet several months ago, I have had more energy than ever before, my psoriasis has almost totally faded, and I have had continual weight loss — at least 30 pounds in five months. God really did mean man to live the Genesis lifestyle! A note about my psoriasis: Many doctors have had theories about what causes psoriasis. It is my firm belief that it is a condition brought on by the suppression of the immune system when processed sugar is consumed. For example, I mentioned that my psoriasis had almost totally faded. That is not altogether true. The month of October contains birthdays for four in my family. During that month, I was not too faithful to the diet. I didn’t have hardly any meat or cheese, but did consume a large amount of processed sugar in various forms, and the psoriasis started to reappear! When I backed off on the sugar, the psoriasis started to fade again. I think, at least in my case, I have established a link between some skin diseases and the immune system, prominently, the processed sugar connection. I thank God and His Son for Hallelujah Acres, and everything you folks have done!” (source >)
COMPLETELY CURED OF PSORIASIS WITHIN 2 WEEKS: “Dear Dr. Malkmus, Thank you for the first order of the dehydrated barley juice powder and the other items, they have been a blessing. My husband was completely cured of psoriasis within 2 weeks after starting the dehydrated barley juice powder. May God Bless you in your ministry.” (source >)
– Go on an anti-inflammatory diet: Get plenty of fresh raw vegetable juices and raw vegetables (especially those rich in carotenoids such as carrots, as well as green leafy vegetables) and fresh fruits. Drink fresh vegetable juices with 1 teaspoon of ground organic turmeric.
– Take Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) extract of – two capsules or tablets twice a day for at least three months.
– Avoid pro-inflammatory oils and margarines and containing them junk food. Use only raw organic Coconut oil.
– Consume foods high in omega 3 fatty acids: Ground flax seed, flax oil, soaked in water for at least 30 minutes chia seeds. In addition take 2000mg a day of good quality omega 3 fish oil. Viridian makes excellent organic omega 3 fish oil with added antioxidant to prevent oxidation.
– Avoid sugar, gluten, dairy, stimulants including coffee and tea, alcohol, etc.
– Take 1000mg of evening primrose oil or star flower oil (borage oil).
– Learn to control stress.
– Everyday take chlorella (Pukka).
– Zinc (50 to 100mg after meal).
– Raw Reserve has similar benefits as Clean Greens but it has more ingredients. It is a complete raw food with powerful antioxidants, herbs, super grasses, vitamins and minerals. It is a blend of raw and high-quality, nutrient dense ingredients from the land, fresh water, and the sea with 25 billion probiotics per serving and digestive enzymes to aid digestion and absorption.
– Include good probiotic formula to boost good bacteria in your colon.
– Externally try to use raw organic coconut oil, castor oil and vitamin E oil. Avoid cosmetics with harmful chemicals. Many of today’s skin care products, soaps, shampoos, and cosmetics are nothing more than a toxic mixture of chemicals which cause more skin problems than they solve.
Stephen: “I decided to try Coconut Oil to see if it would help me lose some weight. It didn’t, but it has almost completely healed up my severe case of Psoriasis. I started off with two tablespoons of extra virgin coconut oil, one in morning one late afternoon. After the short break that proved it was the coconut oil having an effect on my skin, I started using coconut oil capsules 1000mg twice a day, but had to up the dose to 2000mg twice a day. I have not experienced any flare ups yet and it has been more than a few months almost completely clear now.”
Christine: “I take extra virgin coconut oil every day, internally and topically, I swear by it, my psoriasis has all but cleared up, and my skin has improved, I just feel better when I take it.”
– Use only soaps (such as Dr. Bronner’s Pure-Castile Soap), shampoos, cosmetics, deodorant or detergents with harmless natural ingredients.
– Agnus castus is the best herbal remedy I know to treat PMS and regulate one of the female sex hormones – progesterone. However, not too many people realise that men produce some progesterone too. In our bodies it used to prevent testosterone (male sex hormone) from converting into an inflammatory type of testosterone which may cause inflammatory acne in teenage boys. So if you know any young man with acne encourage him to take Agnus castus capsules (Natures aid) or tincture (Natures answer) for a couple of months as it will help if the condition is related to the progesterone imbalance.
– No gluten, low or no grain diet (stimulate igf-1).
– Low-glycaemic diet, no simple sugars (fructose, white flour, corn syrup, etc.), no chocolate & cheese, low fruit diet (fructose), more raw vegetable juices and raw vegetables.
– Avoid or at least reduce consumption of dairy and meat products.
– Exercise. Getting plenty of high-intensity exercise helps your body flush out toxins, including those in your skin’s pores. Plus, exercise is vitally important to all other aspects of your health. If you happen to have access to an infrared sauna, this can be helpful, because the more you sweat, the more you flush unwanted debris and contaminants out of your pores.
– Did you know that a good night’s sleep can decrease your stress and lead to clearer skin? Your body’s time for healing and rebuilding is at night while you sleep, and this applies to your skin. Sleep is also required for good energy and mood.
– Learn to control stress.
– Evening primrose oil or Star flower oil (1000 mg a day). Both are best sources of GLA (gamma-linolenic acid) – a fatty acid which promotes healthy skin, hair and nails.
– Avoid pro-inflammatory oils. Use only raw organic Coconut oil.
– 5 HTP Typtophan.
– It is very important to avoid DAIRY, EGGS, and MEAT!
– Avoid hot spices, fried foods, and salt.
– Drink DISTILLED WATER (free from contaminants, irritants and harmful inorganic minerals) between meals.
– TURMERIC is very helpful in coping with inflammation.
– Stop smoking. Smokers are two times more likely to develop Crohn’s disease than non-smokers.
– Most important aspect of the treatment is implementing principles included in the HEALTH RECOVERY PLAN >
– Read about SKIN CARE OPTIONS >
According to Dr Pagano’s the most important aspect of psoriasis treatment is avoidance of the following factors:
- Saturated fats.
- Plant foods from the nightshade family.
- Refined sugar and all product which contain sugar or high glucose/fructose syrup.
- Stimulants such as smoking, alcohol, caffeine, etc.
- Junk food and fried food.
The same author also suggests the list of foods which should be included in the diet of those who suffer from psoriasis:
- Green leafy vegetables.
- Fresh fruit.
- Cold pressed olive oil.
- Plenty of water.
Wendy had read on various ‘official’ psoriasis websites that diet had nothing to do with psoriasis, but completely disillusioned with the conventional medical approach, she decided to give Pagano’s programme a go.
“My diet wasn’t too bad to begin with,” said Wendy, “and I didn’t smoke, so I focused on avoiding alcohol, red meat and nightshades like tomatoes and white potatoes.”
Alcohol was the hardest thing to give up, Wendy found. “I wasn’t a big drinker, but at weddings and birthdays, it was hard work trying to explain why I wasn’t drinking.”
On one occasion, Wendy had to refuse a glass of champagne to toast her friend’s 60th birthday. “The book says it’s all about priorities,” said Wendy. “And my top priority was getting better.”
Not long after starting Pagano’s programme, Wendy began to notice a difference. But it wasn’t a good one. “My psoriasis was worse than ever. I had it in places I’d never had it before, like around my eyes and in my belly button. There was orange pus coming out of my skin in places.”
Still, Wendy persisted with the plan, as the book explained that this was all part of the process. “It’s the body clearing the toxins,” said Wendy. “Things have to get worse before they can get better.”
Fortunately, the old adage held true in Wendy’s case. After about three months of following the programme, her skin started to improve and, by the six-month mark, it was completely clear. “I almost didn’t notice it,” said Wendy. “It was such a gradual improvement.”
People in her village certainly noticed, though. “My local butcher, the health shop owner, the girls in the clothes store—they all said how amazing the change in me was.”
Today, nearly two years after starting Pagano’s alternative approach, Wendy is still free of the painful, scaly lesions that plagued her for more than a decade. She does have a small patch of dry skin on her face, but it’s so tiny it doesn’t concern her. “I don’t like to say I’m cured,” says Wendy. “It could come back at any point. But I feel this is something that works for me.”
Wendy still follows Pagano’s principles, but has gradually introduced small quantities of certain foods back into her diet, like white potatoes and red meat, with no detrimental effects. It’s fine to try so long as your skin has completely cleared, Pagano says, but if a reaction occurs, he recommends reverting back to the original diet immediately.
Wendy is still sticking to the no-alcohol rule, although with her 30th wedding anniversary coming up, she’s tempted to have a drink to celebrate. “It would be nice . . . but I’ve more or less decided it’s not worth the risk. I’d rather enjoy some non-alcoholic wine and be psoriasis-free.”
Wendy Hope’s anti-psoriasis action plan
– Dr Pagano’s elimination diet (no red or processed meat; sugary, fried or junk food; nightshades; or alcohol)
– Plenty of leafy green vegetables, fresh fruit and filtered water
– A natural, aloe-vera-based face and body moisturizer, used twice a day
– Omega-3 fish oils every day
– Flaxseed oil daily
– Slippery elm bark powder (taken as a tea or tincture, or as capsules or lozenges)
Conventional vs alternative
Exactly what causes psoriasis remains a mystery, but the conventional view is that it’s an immune-system malfunction as a result of a combination of genetic and environmental factors.
Treatments focus on managing symptoms, but many of them actually make things worse. Topical steroids, for example, can cause wrinkling and thinning of the skin, delayed wound-healing, stretch marks, acne, spider veins and ulcerations.
PUVA therapy (a combination of UVA light and the chemical psoralen) comes with an increased risk of skin cancer, while the systemic drug methotrexate can damage the liver, lungs and bone marrow.
Although the mainstream view is that diet has little impact on psoriasis, promising evidence suggests the opposite. Low-calorie diets, vegetarian diets and diets rich in omega-3 fatty acids (found in fatty fish like salmon and mackerel, as well as in flaxseed oil, chia seeds and walnuts) can significantly improve psoriasis symptoms, as can a gluten-free diet and regular fasting.
In a study of five psoriasis sufferers following a diet in line with the one that Wendy used (outlined in Dr John Pagano’s book), all showed improvement after six months.
Nutritional supplements, especially vitamins B6, B12 and D, and fish oils, can also help. Psoriasis patients taking high doses of fish oil (10 g/day) for two months saw significant improvements in symptoms and in the amount of skin surface affected, while another study found that 3.6 g/day of purified eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA; found in fish oil) reduced the severity of psoriasis after just two to three months.
“COCONUT OIL has worked wonders for me after I clubbed it with proper diet free from refined flour, fried items, alcohol, citrus fruits. Earlier I have used 777 oil (extract of the herb wrighitia tinctoria mixed with 50% coconut oil). Then it had no effect. With diet control, avoiding above items, there is total healing with only some scars on the legs. Otherwise it was like battledfield all over the body. It is now nearly three months and I am totally free, but I still continue to apply the same with higher coconut oil content so that the skin is smooth”.
Amber M. Raudabaugh: “I have found using Lever 200 soap on a daily basis is great…. I use a dandruff shampoo I use equal part of 2 kinds…. one containing zinc and one with the acid… it can be add to your soapy Lever 200 wash rag or just shampo with it… depending on where your psoriasis is located.. mine is from the waste down…. so 2 to 3 times a week for about a 1/2 hour I will soak in a tub of the following…. 1-2 cups Epson salt, handful of backing soap, handful of seasalt… It works…. then you wash as normal with the lever and or dandruff shampoo… Very few flare up since I have been doing this.”
Dr. Mercola
Eczema (atopic dermatitis), and the closely associated psoriasis, are two very common skin problems.
Both eczema and psoriasis are potentially allergic conditions that can be triggered by environmental factors and dozens of other external irritants like: Laundry detergent, Soaps, Household chemicals, Workplace chemicals.
While psoriasis is most often linked with external allergic triggers, eczema is often caused by food allergies. However, although they’re different diseases and have varying triggers, their treatments have many commonalities.
Eczema is “the itch that rashes,” meaning, there’s really no rash until you start scratching the itchy area. Hence, the first thing you need to do is to stop scratching!
Inexpensive way to relieve the itch: Simply put a saltwater compress over the itchy area. You’ll want to use a high quality natural salt, such as Himalayan salt. Simply make a solution with warm water, soak a compress, and apply the compress over the affected area. You’ll be amazed to find that the itching will virtually disappear!
Hydrate your skin from the inside out by consuming high quality, animal-based omega-3 fats in your diet.
Some gamma linoleic acid, typically in the form of primrose oil, as this works remarkably well for eczema.
PROBIOTICS: Taking care of your gut = Taking care of your skin.
Diet and skin quality – Food allergies play an enormous role in eczema. In my experience, the most common offending agent is wheat, or more specifically, gluten. Avoiding wheat and other gluten-containing grains is therefore a wise first step.
Avoiding grains will also reduce the amount of sugar in your system, which will normalize your insulin levels and reduce any and all inflammatory conditions you may have, including inflammation in your skin.
Other common allergens include milk and eggs. I recommend you do an elimination trial with these foods as well. You should see some improvement in about a week, sometimes less, after eliminating them from your diet if either of them is causing you trouble.
Basking in the sun – Vitamin D in the form of sun exposure is your best friend when dealing with either of these skin conditions, but it’s especially helpful for psoriasis.
Ideally, you’ll want to get your vitamin D from appropriate sunshine exposure because UVB radiation on your skin will not only metabolize vitamin D, but will also help restore ideal skin function. High amounts of UVB exposure directly on affected skin – but not so much to cause sunburn! –will greatly improve the quality of your skin.
You don’t have to use expensive, dangerous medicines to treat eczema or psoriasis!
Steroid creams especially, are clearly something you’ll want to avoid, because although they work initially, you will tend to rapidly develop tolerance to them. These creams contain synthetic steroids, which are absorbed into your skin, and can wreak serious havoc with your adrenal system.
Bright-light therapy outperforms Prozac for treating major depression
December 1st 2015 in Drugs, Light therapy, SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)
Bright-light therapy is almost twice as effective as Prozac (fluoxetine) in treating major depression.
Bright-light therapy is almost twice as effective as Prozac (fluoxetine) in treating major depression.
People who used a light box for 30 minutes every morning for eight weeks saw a reduction in their depression that was almost twice as great as that achieved by taking Prozac alone, a new study has found.
In the study, 120 people diagnosed with major depression were either given light therapy—which uses a 10,000-lux fluorescent white light—a placebo, or Prozac.
By the end of the eight-week trial, those who had light therapy only reported a 13.4-point reduction in their depression compared to an 8.8-point reduction with Prozac on a 60-point depression score.
Although the light-therapy was effective, none of the patients was suffering from seasonal affective disorder (SAD), where depression is linked to shorter daylight hours in the northern hemisphere.
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