Written by Slawomir Gromadzki, MPH
Energy low (Fatigue & Tiredness) – SHORT DESCRIPTION
CAUSES: Various health conditions, (diabetes, cancer, fibromyalgia, etc.); Lack of mitochondria (cellular power stations) due to sedentary lifestyle, lack of cellular oxygen; Deficiency of antioxidants; Poor circulation; Deficiency of B12, folate, iron, B complex, magnesium; Refined diet high in sugar and white flour products; Use of stimulants (including caffeine); Hormonal imbalance, etc.
KEY REMEDIES: Chlorella (1-2 tablespoons or 10-20 tablets every day 30 minutes before meals), Daily Essentials (Phoenix Nutrition), Ashwagandha, Methylcobalamin B12 (must be sublingual) 2000mcg under the tongue after breakfast, Magnesium citrate powder: 200mg 2-3 x daily, Vitamin D3: 5000 IU daily (requires Magnesium).
ADDITONAL REMEDIES: Spirulina, Super Greens, Alpha Lipoic Acid 500mg 2-3 x daily, NAC, Acetyl L-carnitine, D-Ribose, Beetroot, Moringa, Vitamin B Complex, Coenzyme Q10, Ginseng.
LIFESTYLE: Energetic exercise 1-2 times daily 30-60 minutes; Consume more leafy green juices, raw green salads and smoothies, sprouts, raw coconut oil, soaked chia seeds, water. Address listed above causes.
Without any doubt fatigue is today the most common complaint. The main symptom of chronic fatigue is a constant feeling of tiredness or exhaustion.
Fatigue is not a disease but a symptom pointing to other health problems such as: Any vitamin B deficiency (especially vitamin B12 or folate), hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar level, which is a common problem), iron deficiency (often caused by refined diet and heavy menstruation), candidiasis, depression, IBS, allergy, anaemia, poor blood circulation, hypothyroidism, fibromyalgia, Epstein Barr virus, cancer, diabetes, etc.
Chronic fatigue can be also caused by inadequate sleep, sedentary lifestyle, chronic inflammation, high-fat diet, malnutrition or malabsorption of nutrients, eating foods rich in sugar and refined carbohydrates, high glucose / fructose syrup, prescribed medication, and use of stimulants such as caffeine products (coffee, black tea, cola drinks, etc.), chocolate (high in theobromine), drugs, or alcohol.
According to Dr. Agatha Thrash, “Since caffeine first stimulates the nerves than causes depression, presence of fatigue in those who use caffeinated drinks is common. It is a fact that the commonest complaint in physicians’ offices today is that of fatigue. Yet, many people mistakenly believe that coffee helps them get through a difficult day. In addition to fatigue, mental confusion and depression also result from the use of caffeinated drinks. While caffeine drinks cause an immediate increase in the learning ability, the overall result is a decrease in learning; the physical fatigue resulting from pharinacologic depression of the nervous system produces emotional depression, leading to a reduction of interest in and retention of new material. Headaches are common among caffeine users, and often clear up after only a short period of caffeine abstinence–a week or two. Headaches may occur as a caffeine-withdrawal symptom; some people are so sensitive that they get a headache soon after drinking their last cup.”
Dr Lawrence Wilson blames artificial sweeteners, MSG, caffeine, and other dangerous chemicals for causing fatigue: “Nutrasweet (also labelled as Equal, Canderel, Spoonful, aspartame, aspartic acid, neotame or phenylalanine) is notorious for causing brain fog, fatigue, dizziness, depression and panic attacks, to name just a few of its symptoms. It is found in over 5000 products and affects some 25% of Americans who use it. It is often hidden in prescription medication, vitamins, toothpaste, breath mints and all types of diet products. Everyone should avoid this food chemical. Other food chemicals that affect sensitive people include excitotoxins such as MSG (monosodium glutamate), caffeine, pesticide residues, bacterial and fungal toxins, fluoride, chlorine and hundreds of other substances that either contaminate or are added to drinking water and food. Caffeine and other stimulants can give one a boost, but eventually contribute to adrenal exhaustion.” >
In the book Natural Way to Overcome Depression, Obesity, and Insomnia, Dr. Michael Murray says that serotonin deficiency should also be blamed for causing fatigue: “Bad diet, lack of exercise, use of harmful substances such as caffeine or alcohol can rob your brain of the ability to make enough serotonin. This produces a range of significant complications: depression, obesity, insomnia, migraine headache, chronic fatigue.”
I remember certain extremely obese lady who had an unbelievable habit of drinking 16 bottles of cola drink every day! And it’s hard to believe but she told me I was the first person who explained to her how dangerous effect that amount of cola imposed on her health. As a result she was addicted to both caffeine and sugar. In addition, she was also unable to control her huge appetite as caffeine in cola caused serotonin deficiency while sugar robed her body of chromium, potassium, magnesium, vitamin B complex and other nutrients also making her constantly hungry and tired. But as she started to ask God for strength, she managed to make slow progress in implementing the principles found in the Health Recovery Plan and as a result she finally overcome her addictions and started losing weight.
In order to recover from fatigue try first to find the underlying cause such as specific health condition. Find the description of the problem in the DISEASES section and implement the recommendations. In addition, read carefully and do your best to implement all the principles and recommendations included in the HEALTH RECOVERY PLAN.
In case of fatigue almost always the combination of Chlorella, Methylcobalamin and good quality multivitamin-mineral formula gives excellent results. I have recommended it to many people suffering from fatigue due to different causes and it effectively increased their energy, detoxified their bodies, improved memory, concentration and quality of sleep.
– Chlorella is the best natural energy booster I know. Please read the article about this amazing super food and get strong motivation to use it on a regular basis. >
Since Chlorella is a powerful detoxifies and energy booster it is better if you start with a smaller dose such as 1 teaspoon or 3 tablets 30 minutes before breakfast and the same amount 30 minutes before lunch with 2 glasses of water, vegetable juice or smoothie. Then gradually increase the intake every day (by approximately 1 tablet) until reaching the maximum dose of 2 heaped tablespoons or 10 – 20 tablets (500mg) 30 min before breakfast and the same amount 30 min before lunch. Altogether you can take 2-6 round tablespoons or about 20-40 tablets (500mg per tablet) of chlorella a day. The dose of course also depends on age and body weight.
The younger the children the smaller dose should be used. In case of small children I would start from half a teaspoon mixed with breakfast and slowly increase to 1 teaspoon 2 times a day. Older children can start from 1 flat teaspoon and gradually increase to 1 tablespoon with breakfast and lunch.
If you don’t like the taste of Chlorella powder take tablets.
Since Chlorella is a form of highly nutritious food it is advisable and more beneficial to chew or at least break the tablets in mouth before swallowing them as it will make easier for the digestive system to process it later.
While taking chlorella remember to increase your water intake to 3 times a day 2-3 glasses between meals.
If you experience sleeping problems due to the fact that chlorella boosts energy I would suggest to take it only before breakfast.
Keep in mind that there are many sources and types of Chlorella available so make sure you buy one with attestation and from a reliable local health food store.
– Ashwagandha: There are people who maintain that after few weeks of taking high enough doses of Ashwagandha (or Ashwagandha combined with Rhodiola) they managed to increase energy, improve mental health and sleep quality.
Ashwagandha increases athletic endurance, muscle mass, muscle strength & regeneration. 57 resistance trainers were given either a placebo or 300mg of Ashwagandha extract twice a day for 2 months. As a result, muscle strength & endurance improved in the Ashwagandha group by 30 to 50%; Arm muscles were 5cm larger in the placebo group and 9cm larger in Ashwagandha group; Chest muscles were 1.5cm larger in the placebo group and 3.5cm larger in Ashwagandha group. Ashwagandha also improved muscle recovery time & reduced muscle damage, significantly increased testosterone levels compared to placebo group, and produced significantly greater loss of body fat (>, >, >).
In another study Ashwagandha doubled the swimming performance in rats and prevented decrease of adrenal cortisol & vitamin C (which occur due to swimming stress) (>).
Proper cognitive function of the brain, focus and response time are also important aspects of athletic and sport performance. In one controlled study, healthy men on a daily dose of 500mg of standardized Ashwagandha extract experienced significant improvement in their reaction time and task performance (>). According to a 2-month study 50 adult subjects on 300mg of Ashwagandha root extract twice daily significantly improved general memory, task performance and attention (>).
– Methylcobalamin (form of vitamin B12) is another very important remedy which helped many people to get rid of chronic fatigue as deficiency of this vitamin is regarded as “rampant” today. >
– Multivitamin-mineral formula: 1-2 tablets after breakfast. Please do not buy cheap formulas as their potency is very low and they contain only short list of inorganic ingredients. It must be a good quality formula such as Healthy Mega (HealthAid), VM75 (Solgar) or Special Two (NOW Foods). Take no more than 2 tablets of Special Two daily, preferably with meals. If your diet is very healthy and you stay away from refined foods, sugar and stimulants then take only 1 after breakfast.
– Make sure you provide your body with sufficient amounts of all vitamins and minerals as fatigue can be caused by deficiency of almost any single vitamin or mineral deficiency especially the following ones: Vitamin B complex, vitamin A (beta-carotene), C, D, and E, pantothenic acid, folic acid, iron, calcium, and magnesium. All of them are included in multivitamin-mineral formulas, but B12, D3, Folic acid, and Magnesium should be taken additionally as they require higher doses (especially B12 and D3).
– Chia seeds are very helpful too as it is regarded as the best source of Omega 3 fatty acids. Mix 1-2 tablespoons with fruit juice or plant-based milk every morning and eat it after at least 30 minutes with your breakfast.
– There are many other excellent energy boosters including Ginseng, Rhodiola, Beetroot (powder or fresh raw juice), CoQ10, Alpha lipoic acid, Acetyl l-carnitine, NAC, Maca, Moringa, Spirulina, Alfalfa, Wheat grass, Barley grass, etc.
In order to recover from chronic fatigue the following recommendations must be followed:
– Go to sleep as early as possible. Try to sleep at least seven or eight hours a day.
– Exercise every day for at least one hour trying to induce some perspiration. Fast walk outside is the best type of exercise. One of the key causes of fatigue is insufficient amount of mitochondria (energy producing power stations) in your cells. And the key cause of this shortage is lack of physical activity. Regular energetic exercise, therefore, is the best way to stimulate the body to make more mitochondria. No wonder marathon runners have the highest number of mitochondria in their cells!
– Switch to a well-balanced plant-based and unrefined diet.
– Avoid eating foods rich in refined sugar and other refined carbohydrates such as white flour products (body turn white flour into blood sugar).
– Don’t use stimulants such as caffeine products or alcohol.
– Learn to control stress and think positive.
– If you are on a prescribed medication check whether fatigue is one of its side effects.
– Also make sure you don’t have symptoms of hypoglycaemia, candidiasis, allergy, anaemia, hypothyroidism, Epstein Barr virus, cancer, or diabetes as all these health problems may lead to chronic fatigue.
– Alternative hot and cold showers will improve circulation, elimination of toxins and will stimulate the nervous and immune system. Start with hot shower, and after about 5 minutes when your body is warm enough take a short (3 min) cold shower slowly reducing the temperature. Then alternate the flow of water from hot to cold, back and forth 5-7 times in a row. Before using this treatment consult your physician first if you have any chronic health conditions especially if they are associated with heart.
Any information or product suggested on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any medical condition. Never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Consult your primary healthcare physician before using any supplements or making any changes to your regime.