Written by Slawomir Gromadzki, MPH
Cough is a reaction of the respiratory system trying to expel harmful microbes, irritants or dust. As mucus, phlegm, sputum or other substances accumulate in the airways, this reflexive action tries to get rid of them. Cough can be a symptom of an underlying illness such as cold, flu, pneumonia, bronchitis, candida overgrowth, tuberculosis, heartburn, asthma or lung cancer.
An irritating cough following a cold or flu is triggered by inflammation and mucus draining down the back of the throat. Even if a cold or flu is long gone, we can be left with a persistent cough that is worse at night and keeps everyone awake. Research says that the average time for a cough to last after a viral infection is overcome lasts 18 days. Anything still existing after three weeks needs investigating as prolonged coughs could be a symptom of anything from heartburn and asthma to more serious lung disease including cancer.
Postnasal drip refers to mucus dripping down your throat. Unlike normal (healthy) mucus, this mucus is watery and runny, so it drips easily down the back of your throat tickling the nerves in the back of your throat and triggering a cough. Treatment for postnasal drip depends on what’s causing it. It’s usually the result of a viral or bacterial infection or allergy.
Regardless of the underlying cause, steam from a hot shower or teapot can help to clear out your sinuses. A saline nasal spray or neti pot can also help to flush out extra mucus.
Most cold symptoms go away after a few days, but cough may hang around for weeks because viruses make airways swollen and oversensitive long after the virus is gone.
Whooping cough is triggered by Bordetella pertussis bacteria leading to uncontrollable coughing fits, which may produce a ‘whoop’ sound.
90% of cases aren’t bacterial but viral infections, so antibiotics won’t help. The only exception is whooping cough as it is caused by bacterial infection. Sometimes doctors may prescribe antibiotics if a secondary bacterial infection is suspected.
To address cough properly you must treat its cause. Learn how to recover from a cough caused by:
– During the day drink plenty of hot water and hot herbal teas, as it will promote secretions in the airways, and soothe irritation. Sometimes drinking very hot water is the only thing that may stop persistent cough.
– Hot steam inhalations for relieving congestion in the nose, sinuses and throat.
– Frequent gargling with hot or warm salt water helps reduce cough and sore throat.
– Add 1 teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide to an ounce of warm water and gargle for 1 minute and spit out. Repeating it every two hours. 35% hydrogen peroxide and is way too strong and it must be diluted first. But because of the risk of burning the skin when you are mixing it with water to get a weaker solution, it’s better to buy and use a 3% hydrogen peroxide. Buy a 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide, dilute it with twice as much water (1 part of hydrogen peroxide and 2 parts of water) and use as a mouth wash and nasal spray.
Another excellent way to kill the virus causing cough is Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method by Bill Munro > Testimonial on hydrogen peroxide: “I have been suffering from an acute cough after the flue, being researching how what including various cough mixtures and still up to day by sheer determination discovered this amazing web portal. Well, I took the advice and bought the oxygen peroxide. Ist time took 2 squirts into the mouth and within 20 minutes felt amazing relief.”
– If you want to give it a go, Povidone iodine mouthwash is not sold commercially in the UK. Instead, look for solutions of 10 per cent povidone-iodine specifically designed to be taken orally. In both cases, Challacombe says the test-tube evidence shows that the most effective dilution against any bacteria or virus (including Covid-19 variants) is 1:200 or 0.5 per cent. So if you get your hands on an iodine mouthwash, which is made of 1 per cent povidone-iodine, you dilute it 50:50 with water. Or if you use a 10 per cent solution of oral iodine, you dilute it 1:20 with water (1 part of PI mixed with 20 parts of water). Gargle for 30 seconds or so, or use it as a nasal and mouth spray.
STUDY ABSTRACT: “SARS- CoV-2 or novel coronavirus enters in human body through nose and mouth, stays there for a while. Then binds with ACE2 receptor, enters inside cell, multiply there and manifests. Again, Polyvinyl Pyrrolidone or Povidone Iodine (PVP-I) is a strong microbicidal agent having 99.99% virucidal efficacy in its only 0.23% concentration, irrespective of all known viruses, even in SARS- CoV-2 (in vitro). An oro-nasal spray is designed to apply the PVP-I in nose and oral cavity to gain a protective layer or coating over nasal and oral mucosa, so that SARS-CoV-2 can’t bind with the ACE-2 receptor and prevent their entry inside. So, it will be effective for prevention of COVID-19.” (>)
– Hyssop and Coltsfoot are very beneficial to loosen phlegm and fight inflammation.
– Licorice can reduce coughing and enhance immune system function. It should not be used by people with high blood pressure.
– Suck Charcoal tablets many times during the day. Drink 3 times a day at least 2-3 glasses of very warm water (including herbal teas) between meals.
– N-acetyl cysteine (300-500 mg 2 x daily) is good for the chronic cough to help reduce the viscosity of phlegm.
– Sage tea is one of the very best sore throat and cough remedies.
– Astragalus (500-1000 mg 2-3x daily) helps strengthen weak lungs and fight off any underlying infection.
– Researchers suggest that zinc lozenges containing at least 10 milligrams of elemental zinc can be effectively used every 2 hours, especially when cold and cough symptoms first appear.
– Vitamin D3: Recently researchers investigated and compared data from 25 studies on vitamin D that involved 10,000 people to explore the effect of vitamin D in preventing cold, flu, bronchitis and pneumonia. Their conclusion suggests vitamin D supplementation was very beneficial in preventing respiratory tract infections. According to the NHS new guidelines on vitamin D, everyone should consider taking vitamin D supplements during the winter months: “…The advice is to consider taking vitamin D supplements because it is difficult to get enough from food alone.”
– Vitamin C (must be L-ascorbic acid, not Ascorbic acid): 3 x 1000mg with meals.
– Goldenseal tincture or Propolis: 3 x 1 teaspoon between meals with water.
– The only oil to use is raw coconut oil as it can kill viruses and bacteria.
– Siberian mixture of fermented garlic and lemon juice: I was given this recipe by my Polish colleague who spent some time in Siberia. Apart from being effective in treating cough it also lowers bad cholesterol and triglycerides, regulates blood sugar level and blood pressure, boosts the immune system, and kills bacteria, viruses, fungus, candida, or cancer cells. In order to make this mixture, you need two ingredients: fresh juice from 24 lemons and 400 grams of squeezed fresh raw garlic. Place both ingredients in a glass jar and mix them together. Cover the opening of the jar with a clean cloth and live it in a dark cool place for 14 days until the content ferments. After two weeks strain the fermented mixture pouring the liquid into smaller glass jars. Close them with lids and keep the jars in the fridge. Always shake before use and for insomnia take one teaspoon with a half glass of warm water about one hour before going to sleep. After one month of using the mixture take a 7 days break and after that you can start using it again. After using it for 3 months you will need a whole month’s break. In this way, it shouldn’t lose its effectiveness. Allicin, a compound found in garlic, is known for its ability to kill both bacteria and viruses.
– Drinking ginger tea when you have a cough will help boost the immune system and fight the infection that causes cough. In addition, ginger root itself has powerful antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties.
– Avoid foods with refined sugar as it makes leukocytes behave like drunken soldiers. Also, white flour products weaken the immune system because they are quickly converted to sugar.
– Avoid or significantly reduce consumption of cheese & dairy. They weaken the immune system and are mucus-producing making symptoms worse.
– Eat more raw vegetables, cabbage family vegetables, carrots, etc.
– It is very important to control stress and think positive.
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