Best Water to Drink?

Best Water to Drink?

“I have been drinking a half gallon of distilled water per day for 7 plus yrs. Before that my knees were so arthritic, I had to wear braces, when I played tournament softball. I had an MRI on both knees, and was told by the sports doctor, he would scrape both meniscus for $7000.00. Instead I started drinking 80 ozs of distilled water daily, and in two and a half months I was pain free. Much cheaper than $7000.00.” Barry, January 8th, 2014 (Source >)

distilled water cured arthritis“Dr Norman Walker explains the difference between distilled and other types of water. Distilled is the best and it does not leach minerals. I am 70 my spouse 72 and we have absolutely no signs of arthritis, osteoarthritis or osteopenia. We are both very active, energetic and can out work most 20 year olds.” Helen, May 24, 2010

distilled water cured arthritis

You are supposed to drink 2 to 3 litres of water a day or 3 times a day 2 or 3 glasses of water about 30 to 60 minutes before each meal or about 2 hours after. During hot days you need even more. The amount also depend on how much fresh vegetables or fruit you eat as they are high in water. Your urine should be transparent, if it is yellow it means you don’t drink enough.

However, many people are still not sure, which water is the best and healthiest to drink, tap or bottled, hard or soft, ionised, alkaline, distilled or treated with the reverse osmosis filter? Well, let me try to address those important questions.


Unfortunately, tap water is polluted with chlorine, fluoride, estradiol, antybiotics,  haevy meatals and all sort of other harmful contaminants. To prove it let me  share with you a short quote from an article which recently appeared in the Daily Mail:

“A powerful form of oestrogen called oestradiol (100 times more powerful than natural oestrogens) is causing half the male fish in our (UK) rivers to change sex, research shows! Experts believe the hormone can get into drinking water and affect men’s hormones.” (Daily Mail, April 27th, 2015)

oestradiol - male firsh change sex in UK

In men estradiol can contribute to prostate caner, erectile disfunction, boobs, etc., and in women to breast cancer, strokes, heart attacks and other problems.

The bottled water, on the other hand, is contaminated with diffrent sphenols and tens of thousands of other dangerous chemicals found in plastic.

For example, BPA and BPS and all the rest of bisphenols (there are about 15 of them) contribute to hormonal imbalance, cancer and many other health problems. Please keep in mind that it’s not only bottled water which is contaminated with bisphenols but also canned foods as they are often lined with BPA-contained plastic. Apart from that, toilet paper and thermally printed receipts contain the same chemical. When we touch receipts and eat food with unwashed fingers the traces of bisphenols get into our body too.


har water vs soft water - distilled water - calcium carbonate

People today eat refined junk food and as a result they are deficient in magnesium or calcium but instead of improving their diet they try to get these minerals by drinking hard water. The problem, however, is that water is not supposed to nourish our body but cleanse it. It is the healthy unrefined diet which is to provide us with all essential nutrients, including minerals. These minerals found in healthy foods are organic and therefore well tolerated by the body and absorbed.Unfortunately, the minerals such as calcium carbonate, found in hard water, can’t nurish us as they are not organic and foreign to our bdoy.

For this reason, the water you drink shouldn’t be hard (high in inorganic minerals) but as soft as possible (the lower in harmful inorganic minerals the better). The minerals your body need must be organic and they are found in unrefined healthy foods such as fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, whole greins, pulses, nuts and seeds. It means that water you drink every day must be as low in minerals as possible (soft water) because minerals in water are inorganic and are not beneficial but harmful. Especially dangerous is calcium carbonate as it contributes to kidney stones, hardening of arteries and heart attacks or strokes, arthritis and constipation. For this reason the best water to drink is distilled water as destilation not only removes all contaminants, such as heavy metals, hormones, antibiotica, dioxines, etc. but it is the only method which gets rid of inorganic minerals including harmful calcium carbonate.

water you drink should be soft (low in minerals) not hard (high in harmful inorganic calcium)

What’s the difference between organic and inorganic calcium? It has to do with the natural life circle. The earth’s crust contains inorganic calcium, found in rocks. This inorganic calcium, magnesium and other minerals are absorbed by plants which are able to do what we can’t, they convert those inorganic minerals into organic ones our cells are able to absorb and use. For this reason in order to get beneficial organic calcium we are not supposed to drink water with inorganic calcium or consume chalk, limestone, oyster shell, egg shell, bone meal as it is dangerous and harmful. According to the statement by Greenmedinfo (based on scientific studies), „Growing evidence suggests that inorganic calcium ingestion in the form of Calcium Carbonate (chalk, limestone, oyster shell, egg shell, bone meal) is not a biologically appropriate form of calcium for human metabolism and is associated with calcification of soft tissue, osteoarthritis, constipation, kidney stones, hypertension and various other side effects of poorly utilized calcium.”

calsium carbonate contributes to arthritis, calcification, constipation, kidney stones, arteriosclerosis

For the same reason we are to avoid water with inorganic minerals. And a simple conclusion is that since distilled water is completely free from harmful inorganic material it should be regarded as the best option. We can’t be benefited by calcium from rocks because the cells don’t recognize it as a viable life-giving element. If you feel you need calcium supplements try taking chelated calcium. Chelation makes calcium more organic by bounding calcium molecule to an amino-acid. As a result our cells can use it because they recognize it as a food. Calcium citrate seems to be the best example of chelated (organic) form of calcium supplement: „Calcium as found in chelated form, e.g. calcium citrate, or in its natural state as food, is much more readily absorbed and utilized in the body, and is safe.”

calcium citrate is a good organic calcium

Apart from that, also calcium gluconate, aspartate or malate are regarded as good supplements. But please stay away from supplements containing inorganic calcium carbonate.

calcium carbonate causes heart attacks

The best natural and organic form of calcium is of course the one found in food, especially in green leafy vegetables.

There is no doubt that the softer the water (the lower in inorganic harmful minerals) the better. Long time ago it was known that hard water was dangerous. For example, let me share with you a very interesting statement about soft and hard water written in 1866 by Ellen G White:

Ellen G White encouraged drinking soft water and not hard water (high in harmful inorganic calcium carbonate)

„Thousands have died for want of pure water and pure air. If they would accustom themselves to outdoor exercise, and to air in their houses, summer and winter, and use soft water for drinking and bathing purposes, they would be well and happy… On no single point is there need of enlightenment more than  on  this, of the superior quality of soft  over  hard  water  as  a  hygienic  agent. Not  only  is hard water  productive in many instances of diseased kidneys, irritation of the  bladder, mucous dyspepsia, and scrofulous  development,  but  as  I  have  said  before, its effects on the skin are to leave it rough, causing it to put on a dry, scaly appearance, making it to crack – and its effects on the mucous membrane are even worse, creating an irritation of that texture, serving to introduce dyspeptic conditions, sore throat, nasal catarrh, inactivity of the liver, costiveness, piles,  and  headache.  Persons  using  it  as  a  daily  drink,  never  mingling  it  with  anything  else,  would  be  marked  over  whole  districts  of  country  by  habitual  constipation,  by  dry  skin,  by  shrivelled  muscle,  and  are  therefore,  as  if  by  instinct,  led  to  avoid  its  use.  I have known persons taking hygienic treatment for constipation of the bowels,  whom  physicians  had  utterly  failed  to  cure  by  any  hydropathic  appliance,  and  have  been  compelled to resort to medicines, immediately relieved on the use of pure soft water as a drink.  But this is only half its value.  Its power as a solvent, as well as a tonic, its gentle and invigorating effect on free mucous  surfaces,  thus  indirectly  securing  the  health  of  all  the  senses,  whose  niceties  of  action depend on the health of the mucous tissue, are evidences of its advantage as a hygienic agent. The animals might teach us on this point.  Horsemen, who study the natural conditions of their horses, and seek to preserve their health, are very particular in procuring soft water for them to drink,  they  having  been  taught  that  the  taste  of  the  horse  is  so  perfect  and  nice  in  this  matter,  as  to  cause  him  even  when  thirsty,  to  refuse  to  drink  at  hard-water  springs,  and  go  for  miles  till  he  can  find  soft  water. Besides, horsemen  say  that  the  remote  effects  of  hard  water  as  a  drink  for  the  horse,  are,  that  instead  of  a  glossy,  sleek  appearance  of  the  hair  which  the  horse  shows  when  in  the  habit  of  drinking soft water, there arises a staring, dry, and apparently half-deadened  condition  of  the  hair  and  skin, making the grooming of the animal doubly difficult. I should advise every family who may read this lecture, and who use hard water either for drink or for culinary purposes, to take measures immediately to supply themselves with soft water in abundant quantities; and if it can only be obtained by being caught in reservoirs as it falls  from  the  clouds,  to  filter  it  before  it  is  used.  Filtered  rain-water  is  perfectly  unobjectionable  as  a  drink; and an expenditure of from five to twenty dollars in the purchase of a filter, would secure to any family  in  this  land  the  means  of  purifying  all  the  water  they  might  need  for  drink  and  for  cooking  purposes.”

Ellen G White encouraged drinking soft water and not hard water (high in harmful inorganic calcium carbonate)

Ellen G White promoted drinking soft water because hard water is high in harmful inorganic calcium carbonate - Dr Balch


Since water is so contaminated today make sure you filter both tap and bottled water using at least inexpensive carbon (charcoal) water filters. Unfortunately, cheap carbon filters can remove only about 5 to may be 20 % of contaminants from water. So, if possible do your best to buy water distiller and drink distilled water (which is the best and most economical way to filter water) or if you still prefer filtered water you can install (under sink) a very effective reverse osmosis filter which includes carbon filter, reverse osmosis filter, alkaline filter and other elements which greatly improve the quality of tap water removing as much as 95 to 99% of contaminants found in water.

Make sure that the reverse osmosis filter is at least 6-stage and that it also includes the carbon (charcoal) and alkaline filters.

A good example can be not so expensive Puricom Proline Plus 6-Stage Pumped Reverse Osmosis System with Alkaline Filter. But in order to find best filter which you can afford I would recommend spending more time to investigate this subject.


The best, however, way to obtain safe drinking water is distillation. I believe this method is even better than reverse osmosis because it not only removes all contaminants but also all dangerous inorganic minerals from water. In addition, water distillers are not expensive (on ebay you can find one for only about £50), easier to use and more economic. Distillation is most effective because it removes the water from the contaminants, rather than trying to remove the contaminants from the water.

Water Distiller makes most healthy waterDuring distillation process water is boiled and evaporates (turns to steam). The boiling kills all bacteria, virus, parasite, and pathogens, and as the steam rises, it leaves behind waste material, useless and harmful inorganic minerals such as calcium, oestradiol, heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, organic and inorganic chemicals, radioactive chemicals and other heavier contaminants. The steam is then cooled and becomes water again.

See examples of inexpensive water distillers >

In addition you only need to buy a set of cheap small carbon filters > as they need to be replaced every two months.

According to Dr. Allen Banik, “Distilled water is the greatest solvent on earth. It is the only water that can be taken into the body without damage to the tissues. What we as scientists and the public have never realized is that minerals collected in the body from water are all inorganic minerals, which cannot be assimilated by the body. The only minerals that the body can utilize are the organic minerals (from fruits and vegetables). All other types of minerals are foreign substances to the body and must be disposed of or eliminated. Today, many progressive doctors prescribe distilled water to their patients. All kidney machines operate on distilled water.” – Allen E. Banik, M.D., “The Choice is Clear”

Dr. Paul Bragg: “The greatest damage done by inorganic minerals (hard water)—plus waxy cholesterol and salt—is to the small arteries and other blood vessels of the brain (75% water). Hardening of the arteries and calcification of blood vessels starts on the day you start taking inorganic chemicals and minerals from tap water into our bodies. When distilled water enters the body, it leaves no residue of any kind. It is free of salts and sodium. It is the most perfect water for the healthy functioning of the kidneys (83% water). It is the perfect liquid for the blood (83% water), the ideal liquid for the efficient functioning of the lungs (86% water), stomach, liver (85% water) and other vital organs. Why? Because it is free of all inorganic minerals. It is so pure that all liquid drug prescriptions are formulated with distilled water.” Dr. Paul Bragg, N.D. Ph.T., “The Shocking Truth About Water”

Water Distiller makes most healthy water

Here is what Dr. James Balch: “There is only one water, and that is clean, steam distilled water. No other substance on our planet does so much to keep us healthy and get us well as water does.”

Dr. Teofilio de la Torre: “Instead of drinking the hard water of springs or the chlorinated water of the cities, it will be to our advantage to drink distilled water to prevent calcification of the body.”

Dr. Charles McFerrin: “Distilled water is ’empty’ water – a hungry water, a water capable of absorbing body poisons. You have had the experience of trying to use an old post office blotter on the desk. Everybody had used it and it is so full of ink that it will not suck up any more. So it is with a ‘full’ water, a water full of chlorine, aluminium, etc. Such water does not have the capacity of absorbing body impurities.” —Dr. Charles McFerrin, July 1955 issue of Nature’s Path.  sourcess of harmful inorganic calcium carbonate vs calcium citrateI believe that the best way to obtain safe and clean drinking water is through distillation. This method seems to be even better than best filters or other methods because it not only removes all contaminants but also all dangerous inorganic minerals from water.

In addition, water distillers are not expensive, easier to use and more economic. Distillation is most effective because it removes the water from the contaminants, rather than trying to remove the contaminants from the water.

During distillation process water is boiled and evaporates (turns to steam). The boiling kills all bacteria, virus, parasite, and pathogens, and as the steam rises, it leaves behind waste material, useless and harmful inorganic minerals such as calcium, oestradiol, heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, organic and inorganic chemicals, radioactive chemicals and other heavier contaminants. The steam is then cooled and becomes water again.water distiller - how it distill water?

Here is what Russell Blaylock, M.D. says about distilled water in his article “Best Water to Drink” (27 Aug 2014): “Based on my studies, the best way to purify water is to distill it. Distilled water is prepared by boiling the water and then condensing the steam. This removes all contaminants but the volatile gases, which need to be removed by carbon filtration. Minerals can be added back to the water. Some will say that distilling water removes the beneficial minerals, but these can either be taken as separate supplements or can be added to water later. And that, in fact, is what many manufacturers of bottled water do. Distilling creates water with a neutral pH, kills all microorganisms even viruses, and removes fluoride as well as other harmful metals. The one problem is the volatile chemicals, which are condensed in the final water container. The better distillers have a carbon filter to remove these volatile gases during the condensation process. Other ways to filter water include reverse osmosis, ceramic filtration, silver impregnated filters, and multilayered filter systems, all of which have their advantages. The big problem with most filters is that they do not remove fluoride. The reverse osmosis filters remove fluoride but they have to be changed every three months because the fluoride burns holes in the filter. There are people, mostly from the American Dental Association, who are campaigning to have fluoride added to all bottled water, despite clear evidence that fluoridating drinking water not only fails to prevent cavities but actually ruins the teeth, a condition called dental fluorosis.” (Source >)

The next quote comes from the article by Michael Donaldson, PhD., Research Director at Hallelujah Acres and Rev. George Malkmus (Hallelujah Diet):  “Rain water is naturally distilled water! Distillation is a system put in place by God at creation to keep water pure: Water rises from the earth in the form of water vapors, leaving all minerals and contaminants behind. It then comes back down to earth from the clouds in a naturally distilled form as rain, frozen rain, or snow. When naturally distilled water strikes the earth, this naturally distilled water percolates through the soil dissolving some of the minerals that comprise the soil. Minerals and nutrients from the soil are then picked up by the roots of the plant, and with the assistance of the sun’s energy, the plant produces the fruits and vegetables that grow in the garden and that we eat.

water cycle - distilled water the best

Did you know that the purest and best water a person can consume is the water found in the fruits and vegetables growing in the garden? The water found in raw fruits and vegetables originated in the naturally distilled water that came from the clouds with the addition of the minerals and nutrients the fruit or vegetable plant added. The liquid in the plants, is the very best liquid we can replace the body’s lost liquid with! That’s one of the reasons daily juicing of vegetables has been such an important part of my life for almost 40 years. Rhonda and I juice a 25-pound bag of organic carrots weekly, along with the juice of organic celery, cucumber, beets, leafy greens, etc. All raw fruits and vegetables are comprised of anywhere from 70% to 90% of this wonderful plant liquid. When we eat a diet that is comprised primarily of raw fruits and vegetables, we are providing our bodies with this wonderful, living, nutrient dense liquid. Sadly, the average person eats foods lacking these wonderful plant liquids. With regard to the kind of water Adam and Eve took into their bodies, there is a very good chance (though it cannot be proven) that all the liquid they took into their bodies came from the fruits and vegetables they ate in the Garden of Eden. I question whether they ever drank water at all… Some health advocates claim distilled water is dangerous to our health and discourage people from using distillers… You will quickly see that using a distiller is still the best, most consistent way of getting clean, pure water… The potential adverse effect of drinking distilled water is that it may pull a small amount of minerals from the body. For most people this will not be a problem.  For a person with marginal mineral intake, this could lead to long-term negative health effects. For those with a concern, the best solution is to add a concentrated solution that remineralizes, alkalizes, and lowers the surface tension of the water. This solution is called “HydroBoost” and is available from Hallelujah Acres. (One teaspoon of HydroBoost remineralizes and alkalizes a gallon of distilled water; one container of HydroBoost will treat 48 gallons.) The resulting water [with HydroBoost added] has ionic minerals in it that the body needs and can fully utilize, unlike the rock (inorganic) minerals that the water originally had in it before distillation. Another good solution is to squeeze some fresh lemon juice into a glass of distilled water.  This will remineralize the water and add some alkaline minerals to it as well, along with a great taste. Distillation Is Still The Best Solution. When all of the options for purifying water are considered, the best solution is to use a distiller in combination with an activated carbon filter.  To get truly pure water, several things must be removed: chlorine or chloramines, fluoride, arsenic, lead, industrial organic pollutants, drug residues, viruses, bacteria, and rock minerals. Activated carbon does an excellent job with organic contaminants, but doesn’t do much with mineral or metal contaminants.  Distillation does an excellent job with minerals, viruses, and bacteria…  I began drinking exclusively distilled water at the age of 42 and as I write this, almost 40 years later, I still drink it (in two months I will be 80 years of age). Has my personal experience with distilled water proven to be the hazard to my life and health that this popular health advocate claims? One of the claims made by this health advocate was this: ‘Long-term use can invite health problems, because its minerals are evaporated out. So to try to maintain mineral balance, it sucks minerals out of your body.’ This is a misleading statement! The minerals that distillation eliminates are not beneficial to the body, which this claim suggests! The minerals left behind after distillation are the ones that accumulate in joints and lead to painful arthritis, cause kidney and gall stones, and join with cholesterol to form plaque and hardening of the arteries. These are the type of minerals we do not want in our bodies. This statement seems to suggest that distilled water removes good minerals from the body, or as this health advocate claims ‘sucks minerals out of your body’, thus contributing to mineral loss from the bones, resulting in weak and porous bones that will easily fracture. This has not been my personal experience with distilled water, nor that of my wife, Rhonda. Several years ago, at the age of 75, after drinking exclusively distilled water for over 30 years, I fell from the top of a 6-foot ladder. From where my head was when I started the fall to where my head landed on a railroad tie on the ground was 16 feet. I did manage to break the fall somewhat with my arms as I was landing. Now if my bones had been demineralized and weakened by consuming all that distilled water over the previous 30 years, I should have had multiple fractures. My eye did swell shut for a few days, but I did not have a single broken bone. A few years ago, in front of Hallelujah Acres, a pick-up truck suddenly backed up as Rhonda was passing behind it, throwing her down hard to the concrete. The back of her head bounced on the concrete and her hip landed hard on the concrete curbing. She suffered contusions, some scratches, and slight bleeding, but not one broken bone. Rhonda is now 68 years old and has been drinking exclusively distilled water since we were married over 20 years ago. We are constantly hearing about older folks and their risk of hip fractures, yet Rhonda survived this terrible impact on her hip (and head) without a fracture. How do we explain this? Distilled Water Does Not Demineralize Bones. It’s not distilled water that demineralizes the bones and makes them subject to easy fracture, but rather it is because of the acidic diet most people consume. When we consume an acidic diet, the body in an effort to neutralize the acidity draws alkaline minerals (especially calcium) from the bones to neutralize the acidity. An acidic diet, not distilled water, is the cause of low bone density!” (Source 1 >) (Source 2 >)

calcium carbonate in hard water cloggs arteries

Opponents of drinking distilled water maintain that it is not healthy because it is acidic, deprived of minerals and as such it leaches minerals from our body if used for a longer period of time. There is no clear evidence that distilled water causes any of the above mentioned problems, but even if we assume that it does we can easily solve the problem by mixing it with small amount of Celtic salt or fresh lemon juice. Apart from that, minerals in water are inorganic and therefore can’t be absorbed by our body. Especially dangerous is the inorganic calcium in water. Since it can’t be absorbed by cells in our body it has to stay somewhere and unfortunately it may accumulate itself in kidneys contributing to kidney stones, together with cholesterol it causes hardening of arteries leading to heart attacks or strokes. This inorganic calcium in water also contributes to arthritis and constipation.

When distilled rain water comes in contact with rocks and soil it dissolves all those inorganic minerals and feed plants with the as they are beneficial for plants but not for us. For this reason the softer the water (lower in inorganic calcium) the better. Water was not created to provide us with nutrients or minerals but to cleanse our bodies from impurities. It is plant based unrefined foods we are to consume in order to get vitamins and minerals. Plants turn inorganic minerals into organic minerals which are beneficial and can be used by the cells in our body.

With regards to acidity of distilled water the fact that it seems to appear slightly acidic shouldn’t be a cause of concern because in the body it becomes alkaline. The best example can be a lemon juice which is acidic too but as soon as it gets into our body it is alkaline. The same is true with regards to distilled water.

Let me share with you numerous statements and quotes written by physicians, scientists and authors who explain why distilled water is the best water to drink:

Dr. James Balch: “There is only one water, and that is clean, steam distilled water. No other substance on our planet does so much to keep us healthy and get us well as water does.”

Dr. Teofilio de la Torre: “Instead of drinking the hard water of springs or the chlorinated water of the cities, it will be to our advantage to drink distilled water to prevent calcification of the body.”

According to Dr. Allen Banik, “Distilled water is the greatest solvent on earth. It is the only water that can be taken into the body without damage to the tissues. What we as scientists and the public have never realized is that minerals collected in the body from water are all inorganic minerals, which cannot be assimilated by the body. The only minerals that the body can utilize are the organic minerals (from fruits and vegetables). All other types of minerals are foreign substances to the body and must be disposed of or eliminated. Today, many progressive doctors prescribe distilled water to their patients. All kidney machines operate on distilled water.” – Allen E. Banik, M.D., “The Choice is Clear”

Dr. Paul Bragg: “The greatest damage done by inorganic minerals (hard water)—plus waxy cholesterol and salt—is to the small arteries and other blood vessels of the brain (75% water). Hardening of the arteries and calcification of blood vessels starts on the day you start taking inorganic chemicals and minerals from tap water into our bodies. When distilled water enters the body, it leaves no residue of any kind. It is free of salts and sodium. It is the most perfect water for the healthy functioning of the kidneys (83% water). It is the perfect liquid for the blood (83% water), the ideal liquid for the efficient functioning of the lungs (86% water), stomach, liver (85% water) and other vital organs. Why? Because it is free of all inorganic minerals. It is so pure that all liquid drug prescriptions are formulated with distilled water.” Dr. Paul Bragg, N.D. Ph.T., “The Shocking Truth About Water”

Dr. Charles McFerrin: “Distilled water is ’empty’ water – a hungry water, a water capable of absorbing body poisons. You have had the experience of trying to use an old post office blotter on the desk. Everybody had used it and it is so full of ink that it will not suck up any more. So it is with a ‘full’ water, a water full of chlorine, aluminium, etc. Such water does not have the capacity of absorbing body impurities.” —Dr. Charles McFerrin, July 1955 issue of Nature’s Path.

“DR. Norman Walker, who endorses distilled water past away around 106 years old. DR. Paavo O. Airola, who thinks distilled water is bad, died at 70 years old – this is the doctor who is referenced by Dr Mercola and Dr Zoltan P. Rona in their findings that distilled water will kill you. Just follow the doctors’ life span to know of his/her findings can be trusted and you will KNOW THE TRUTH!” Nyc, August 18th, 2014 (Source >)




HOW TO LIVE, By James & Ellen White and Others, Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Assoc. 1865