The Deadly Consequences of Unforgivingness

The Deadly Consequences of Unforgiveness

Inability or unwillingness to forgive is classified in medical books as a real health condition or disease. Dr. Steven Standiford, chief of surgery at the Cancer Treatment Centers of America, claims that untreated emotional wounds and unforgivingness is one of the true hidden causes of many serious health problems including cancer or numerous autoimmune diseases. For this reason, a professional forgiveness therapies are now offered to improve treatments of different health problems, such as cancer. According to the book Forgiveness Project, written by to Dr. Michael Barry, majority of cancer patients have forgiveness issues which trigger different negative emotions such as hatred or anger. Those bad feelings lead to chronic anxiety and increased levels of stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol, which suppress the immune system especially the killer T-cells responsible for fighting cancer. The best way to learn true forgiveness and get rid of anger and negative feelings is to realize how much we have been forgiven by God. However, only when people are able to forgive from the heart they can feel true peace and relief.

Dr. Barry wrote about five patients who claimed they overcame cancer because they managed to forgive from the heart as a result of following the steps described in his book “The Forgiveness Project”. Although Dr. Barry does not claim that forgiveness alone cures cancer yet there is no doubt that through generating positive feelings and removing negative emotions such as anger, bitterness and unforgivingness it strengthens the immune system and generates good hormones. In this way it helps the body to prevent and treat different health problems including cancer.

I can guarantee you will get rid of the negative feelings and gain the ability to forgive from the heart if you carefully and patiently listen to the most beautiful book “Desire of Ages” >

The Deadly Consequences of Unforgiveness